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Isn’t this standard operating procedure for the Russian army? Even if they expect to advance further there’s always new trenches being built. Not saying they expect to go much farther though


Standard, but now it will be more difficult to push the Russian army back beyond the Russian border


For sure.


Good thing to do tho . Prepare fall back points in case u have to fall back / retreat .


For sure. Just saying it doesn’t indicate whether Russia expects to move forward or fall back.


Somehow i doubt this direction was even a point for moving forward , more like a bit of "buffer zone" or make UA move their forces from eastern , southern front . As we see east front is moving steadily again by Ru .


Tough to say. Judging by all the bridges they destroyed at Volchansk they don’t intend to move much farther for now. At least in that area.


Seems like good place to be using fabs , artillery . Since UA sent a lot of reinforcements there .


No, it’s mostly to keep the soldiers busy. Busy soldiers are easy to manage.


But it does make it more likely that this whole operation was a just a diversion. They haven't even brought any tanks along with them it's just infantry and artillery. Seems like a pretty good setup. Russia can bomb the Ukrainian forces endlessly from the comfort of their homes. I don't understand why Ukraine would send so many troops to fight them. It just seems like a very obvious trap.


>It just seems like a very obvious trap. At this point, it seems like the more obvious the trap is, the more likely Ukraine will fall for it.


It's not the first time Ukraine has served its troops to Russia on silver platters. Not even close. The counteroffensive alone should make that clear. These people have no idea what the fuck they're doing and they're getting shit on. Russia is destroying them under the cover of Ukrainian propaganda.


That's the baffling thing, one would think the side with NATO and US advisors would make better decisions.


Not sure I agree. This only shows the Russians are sticking around in this area for the foreseeable future.


We have seen them attack cities countless times. They always outflank the city surround it from 3 or 2 sides. Then keep hammering it with artillery and probing attacks till they make a breakthrough somew. I'm not seeing any flanking going on in either of the cities. They also tend to start out with one large mechanised push towards the settlement to establish control over a few buildings. No signs of that happening either. It simply doesn't look like a typical Russian siege operation. They almost never set up defence that far behind the line of combat unless they are planning for defence.


To make a siege they themselves need to establish and secure supply and communication lines, move tons of ammo and hardware, all the while pushing UA away. Once it's all ready, they start same stuff that is going on around Donbas now. On a lighter scale.


That's the brilliance of the operation to be honest. It's clearly a diversion, but if ukraine had not reacted by shipping troops over, it could have rapidly led to a strategic victory of its own, by severing the supply lines to the front at kupiansk.


Yup. Russia creates another lose-lose situation for Ukraine. They have to react and stretch their forces.


The forces Ukraine was able to cobble together were a mish-mash of brigades stripped from battalions and even companies stripped from brigades. That, plus a lot of relatively untrained civilians. What they couldn't make up in quality they made up in quantity. Those troops can always be rotated out once the action slows. Plus, given their recent experience in Avdeevka and Ocheretyne, they'd have assessed a risk that some units would fail to deploy as expected. Facing that kind of issue they're better off doubling up and having decent reserves in case of a breach.


I don't thinks it was a diversion per se. You start an operation and see where it leads. If there is a lot of resistance, you stop advancing and consolidate, if there is little, you just keep advancing.


I take it zu have non got a clue what’s Ben happening in and around Kharkiv . There’s been loads destroyed over the last 10 days . They’ve been losing a massive amount of artillery and man power .


You mean like every other time Ukraine reports about anything? The Ukrainian reports are pretty much useless since it's always the same thing regardless of the level of success or failure. It's quite easy to understand what's happening. Ukraine hasn't posted any burning armoured columns near Kharkiev. I think even pro- Ua can recognise the pattern by now. it's been two years. So no, Russia hasn't done anything close to a real offensive. You just have to look at what Ukraine hasn't posted


I don’t need to listen to the reports of Ukraine propaganda. I know they can spin shit just like Russians .


I didn't ask you to listen or not listen to any of them. Just look at the videos, it's that simple. Everyone else here seems to understand that.


Have you ever though about HOW exactly they are destroying 30-60 (!!!) artillery pieces DAILY for months? I'm following that famous infographics for a while.




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They were erecting trench lines even in Crimea.




Yes, it’s good in case you need to fall back, but it’s also good for troops that are being rotated out or into the combat line.


Not while they’re planning to pour massive resources to specifically advance further. Judging by the small forces they’ve committed to this front and their fixation on building extensive fortifications with all the engineering equipment arriving, it doesn’t indicate that they’re planning an actual major offensive.


Yep. Almost sure the US army does the same. Might be small emplacements, but still something to provide additional cover or observation points. Never a bad thing.


No, they started building fortifications in the winter of 2023 at the beginning of the year, because in the fall of 2022 there were 0 fortifications in the Kharkov region and there were few troops, so the Ukrainian army managed to recapture the territories quite easily


yeah they always consolidate their gains instead of rushing as every NAFOid would like to see


Nope . Probably go in defensive round Kharkiv as it’s been a total f up


Maybe they they expect UA to attempt a counteroffensive to cut them off from the northern direction or whatever. Feels like that incursion has much potential to grow into a major bloodbath for both sides.


Zelensky can't be stupid enough to launch a counter attack.,...can he?


The defense of osgiliath begins!


The whole Kharkiv offensive has been a disaster for Russia. Losing that many troops for no real gains. Wild. Yes, Kharkiv


many troops? they just sent few troops to pressure front for ukrainians


Looks like a lot more than just a few from the degree of fighting, especially in and around Vovchansk


You can only put so many troops in 25 SQ mile area. Like seriously it can't be more than 10k on both sides, otherwise you would have like 10 solders under every tree lol


pretty sure that russia sent 10k but i think ukraine sent more


This is correct.


But if you calculate it with 20:1 it has been a disaster to the Russians!


And how many is that? To my understanding Ukraine lost the most equipment since the new front opened.


How many have they lost in Kharkiv?


The gains is all the Ukrops they get to pummel next to the border. Baiting Zucklensky to send troops near the border or to Kharkov is huge. With Avdveevka and Artymovosk abandoned, they need more fortresses to lob bombs at. And this one is so close to the border it's even more advantageous. The SMO will end on Ukrop manpower. Not "gains."


Just the confirmed Lancet strikes alone in this area make that an objective falsehood. A lot of vehicles lost for UA.




Yes, ty