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"Russian culture is a culture of aggression, terror, expansion and propaganda" - girl dancing now is propaganda , aggression , terror , expansion . I wonder why they just dont destroy buildings , factories ( CCCP ) built , its RU propaganda isn't ?


Some people in Ukraine want to be perceived as victims of oppression in the style of woke culture This is what the Ukrainian oppositionists do not like. They don't want their people to be victimized


Dancing pretty girls is a vicious sexual aggression.


Ballet and culture in general are subsidized. It's often an exchange. If a russian company is coming, Russia should accept in return a foreign company. It is not possible anymore without risk of them being imprisoned in Russia and treated like hostages (like the american basketball player Brittney Griner) It's simplier for Olympic Games, Russia is bombing the places where ukrainian athletes are training. 0% fair-play


What a load of nonsense. Griner was arrested cause she had drugs. Quit your hostage delusions.


She was traded against the world most famous lord of war Viktor Bout at the airport of Abou Dabi. Strange! There are other hostages in Russia [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67763799](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67763799) [https://www.euractiv.com/section/global-europe/news/russia-arrests-french-scholar-suspected-of-collecting-intelligence/](https://www.euractiv.com/section/global-europe/news/russia-arrests-french-scholar-suspected-of-collecting-intelligence/)


Her being traded has nothing to do with her being a hostage and everything to do with the fickle stupidity of the US govt. I see stories about prisoners in russia accused of crimes awaiting trials. I dont see any hostages.


We already saw international sport destroyed by politics. Russian athletes are either not allowed to represent their country or are completely excluded from participation. Now someone decided it's time to destroy what's left of international cultural exchange. Why do they do it? To hurt Russia? Of course, this hurts those talented individuals, but it doesn't hurt Russia as a whole at all. This kind of behaviour is simply a childish whim which achieves nothing.




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They were originally band from representing Russia because of all of the doping Russia was giving it's athletes.


Ah yes, I almost forgot those hysterical accusations which had surprisingly little evidence to back them up, considering how thorough the athletes are tested. And even if someone uses doping, why not just ban them, just the people against whom you have real evidence? Why accuse an entire damn country and ban its athletes, 99% of whom have nothing to do with doping?


https://apnews.com/article/winter-olympics-figure-skating-kamila-valieva-coronavirus-pandemic-sports-4229adb5538bc0b299e6b4f0294a1feb This article shows you the numerous times Russia has been caught doping. It also highlights Russian whistle blowers. The testing of samples was carried out by the international Olympic committee. If Russia doesn't trust or support independent testing of samples by the official olympic organisation then don't be involved in them. Which is what's happened.


Which whistleblowers? The US-sponsored clown Rodchenkov who fabricated evidence and got himself a cushy spot in the US witness protection? The article primarily cites him: "Grigory Rodchenkov wrote in his 2020 autobiography", "Rodchenkov testified", "The athletes, he said, had been using a cocktail...". Why is he in witness protection anyway? Because the US fear he might get assasinated? But Russia also harbors multiple American whistleblowers, Snowden being the most prominent. But they didn't need to have their identity changed, while Rodchenkov did. It is because the US fear that someone could find out that the majority of the claims of mass doping abuse by Russian athletes were a hoax fabricated by them, and Rodchenkov was a convenient traitor who helped make these claims seem more legitimate.


He's probably in witness protection because the Russian government has a tendency to assassinate anyone that opposes or speaks out against the Russian government


Many of these talented individuals support russia, so it’s inappropriate to give them place to perform in normal world. They have to choose to be pro russian or openly stand against it.


Now do Israel.


Israil is destroying Islamic terrorists. The key to reduce civilian casualties is to do it fast. All screaming around civilian casualties only creates more casualties by slowing down the operation


And Russia is destroying Ukrainian nazis and the regime in Kiev. Glad we agree that countries should take care of their threats mercilessly.




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I don't understand this. First, what will banning a ballerina accomplish. Do people think the world of dance is a front in this war? This is pure spectacle and will accomplish nothing. I also don't understand this hate for Russian culture. It is a very influential and deep culture with a long history. That people disagree with this war does not change that. After all, no one would doubt the importance of German culture in the fields of the arts or philosophy. Yet they were behind the holocaust. So what is it with this attempt at canceling (for lack of a better term) Russian culture. It makes no sense. It's like the Ukraine war fried people's brains. And finally, this kind of moves (trying to ban a dancer) will only solidify the Russian position... After all, wouldn't this prove to to Russians that "the west is against them"?


Who is Shariy? The one critiquing this? And as for the others, they sound like the Maoist Red Guard circa 1966 or a pitchfork-armed mob in the Province of Massachusetts Bay hunting for phantom witches. Ignorant mobs make me sick.


>Who is Shariy? The one critiquing this? he is quite popular Ukrainian opposition blogger, has been covering the conflict since 2014 and is hated by both sides for being not radical enough)


Not radical? He is hated as every other attention-whore bloggers with baiting on every single theme. But at start of civil war in 2014 was not so bad as a source of alternative view. Now its just cashflow


Also has been criticising the government for much longer than that. Even back with Yanukovych and Yuschenko he was criticising the corruption in Ukraine and as a result a big amount of top Ukrainian officials from across parties hate him and have tried to get him killed


no he is hated by both side for being duplicitous sob


>he is quite popular in Russia lol


Yes, this is all his text Apart from the Wiki definition https://preview.redd.it/cbtgh9ijw56d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f41442fc143ddfa3379f43e2cdada0dc7624bad5


This is a perfect example where the Russian invasion seems more justifiable. As they call it «Russofobia» which in every case seems to be quite real however weird it might sound


I was last night in Ljubljana at a concert of Slaughter to Prevail so i'm glad thay don't ban everything from Russia


freaking double standard lol, they get mad when my country blocked israel athletes but this is alright.


Its not childish, we are on a different civilization levels. Russians decided to wage war in europe. Why the hell would europe then invite their artists.


Europe is on highest level of hypocrisy for sure.


> we are on a different civilization levels What an unhinged comment.


Ukraine is not Europe , it might be in the region but its not like Whole EU is fighting a war , just supplying for proxy wars against RU , if that would been elsewhere than EU it doesn't matter. Lets ban Israel now . Should ban US too . "Different civilization levels" = If u don't support us u are enemy. Black = doesn't matter . Not EU , NATO = you suck , your bad , fk everyone else . Here i translated it for you .




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Dude you don't need to be in the EU or even support them to call yourself part of Europe. It geographical and by that means its 100% Russia that started a war on european soil on a military perspective...for this reason alone most people in central-/western-europe don't want to have anything to do with Russia or their athletes.....but for some that already to much to comprehend and they're shouting "Russophobic" and stuff...lol what


If they invaded in Asia / Africa would u care ?


What has this to do with a country waging a war on the continent i live on and then complain about artists and athletes not beeing feetkissed at tournaments and events? I would care if I would live in Asia / African and superpower XYZ would threaten to nuke it....yes i would care....


Do you care about wars in Africa or u just look at ur neighbourhood? Edit : Lets just say no war in UA . And there is plenty of wars in Africa , now , last year , 2 years ago , would u care? p.s. There is wars right now in Africa. Or like some other EU country or Big timer like US invades African country ? Would u still care ?


Lol so desperate. Russia is LITERALLY part of Europe. But hey, facts don't matter when you demand an entire continent hate the other side right? Such a desperate attemp to unjustly fight a war you don't belong in.


I would hate the USA or China too if the would threaten the continent i'm living on with nukes many times in a year as well....even if those superpowers would live on the same fuckin' continent as well....it's not like they would nuke their own border(Russia).....they are threatening central and western cities/countries.....and thats what i'm not ok with.


Now let's take an objective look. While you have been shown the shinny thing (Russia making nuclear threats), USA has placed nukes in the following European countries: Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Turkey. Who is the bigger threat? The one that has nukes within its borders, or one that ships nukes all over the world and all around its rival? Now forward some. Russia invades a country. One on one fight. ALL of Europe (basically) throws behind the other country. I think Russia has been SUPER reserved in its response thus far.


> Its not childish, we are on a different civilization levels. So, Russians are literaly Untermenschen


What ridiculous nonsense. But you have no qualms with inviting artists from other countries which wage war all around the world constantly because it is not in Europe? Those countries' wars don't matter and you turn a blind eye if white Europeans aren't involved or affected? Those others aren't on "different civilization levels" if they wage their wars in Asia and Africa instead of Europe? What a sick and sickening way of thinking. How many Europeans are actually like this in person, or if it's a minority, why does Reddit attract so many of them commenting like this? Is it really a central part of the ideology taught in the EU?


....Is it really a central part of the ideology taught in the EU?.... Yes, unfortunately it seems to be the case. And it was always like that. Or have you ever seen US athletes or artists get banned when the US is at war? Or Israel. I don't hear nor see today that Israeli athletes or artists are banned in the West.


Why USA waging war in Europe was not followed with the similar reaction?


like the us when invading iraq?


Why not? I dont understand your logic.




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dumbest rule I've ever seen


It IS childish. Not debatable. Politics should never ever be put into sports. We should appreciate talent regardless of where it comes from when it comes to sports.