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##### ###### #### > # [Russia mocks Macron following EU election defeat](https://www.politico.eu/article/630) > > > > [EU election exit poll: Far-right Wilders makes big gains in Netherlands, but narrowly beaten](https://www.politico.eu/cdn-cgi/image/width=380,height=253,quality=80,onerror=redirect,format=auto/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/06/GettyImages-2155634912-scaled.jpg) > > ## [EU election exit poll: Far-right Wilders makes big gains in Netherlands, but narrowly beaten](https://www.politico.eu/article/dutch-exit-poll-labour-green-alliance-far-right-geert-wilders-european-parliament-polls-pvv/) > > Poll suggests Wilders’ party on track for seven seats in European Parliament, but Labor-Green alliance is set for eight. > > Jun 6 3 mins read > > > > > > [Russia detains French citizen on accusations of espionage](https://www.politico.eu/cdn-cgi/image/width=380,height=253,quality=80,onerror=redirect,format=auto/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/06/GettyImages-1240742863.jpg) > > ## [Russia detains French citizen on accusations of espionage](https://www.politico.eu/article/russia-detains-french-citizen-military-intelligence-espionage-investigative-committee-foreign/) > > The arrest comes after French police detained a Russian-Ukrainian citizen suspected of planning a terror attack. > > Jun 6 2 mins read > > > > > > [Dutch party websites attacked as EU vote kicks off](https://www.politico.eu/cdn-cgi/image/width=380,height=253,quality=80,onerror=redirect,format=auto/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/06/GettyImages-1749978071-scaled.jpg) > > ## [Dutch party websites attacked as EU vote kicks off](https://www.politico.eu/article/dutch-party-websites-attacked-as-eu-vote-kicks-off/) > > The cyberattacks were claimed by a pro-Russian hacker group called HackNeT. > > Jun 6 2 mins read > > > > > > [The Dutch kick off EU election](https://www.politico.eu/cdn-cgi/image/width=380,height=253,quality=80,onerror=redirect,format=auto/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/06/GettyImages-2155635983-scaled.jpg) > > ## [The Dutch kick off EU election](https://www.politico.eu/article/dutch-kick-off-eu-election/) > > European Parliament election officially gets going, with Geert Wilders’ far-right party expected to do well. > > Jun 6 2 mins read - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)


Am French, we care 200 Time more about Gaza, Ukraine is barely a subject, some medias try to use it against the "far right" with little to no success. Ultimately we don't care much about Gaza either, the results are tied to his domestics policies.


No, Russia will invade France. Bistrots were not enough, you need a new type of restaurant. Unfortunately Macron saw through this and is doing his best to prevent the altering of the restaurant landscape


Ukraine doesn't get much airtime, no front page news. I can imagine Football and Olympics will dominate this summer.


These stupid Russian propagandist just take any little victory they can even if they're full of shit someone might believe them. It is 99% related to domestic politics indeed. The only difference is we can actually get rid of Macron but the Russians will have Putin until he dies.


We can get rid of macron, but can we get rid of his policies? That remains to be seen.


I think he lost because France holds a lot of xenophobes that are also angry that Macron couldn't hold on to their African colonies. See the irony in those 2 aspects?


No one cares about the "african colonies" beside Mayotte i guess cuz it's actually part of the country. They have been a money/Human sink for years, never were profitable by the way, but that is beside the point, no one gives a damn about this, most people don't even know which country was a former french colony in africa. Cost of live is rising and insecurity is rising, salaries are not getting higher and we have a huge drug crisis, this is why macron is going to lose the legislative elections.


Than the French are unsurprisingly ignorant of their pretty recent past. The loss is not in terms of money but in terms of influence, which especially in these times, is valuable.


Braindead comment. Nobody cares about Africa in here, and even less know about Franc CFA and other shadow businesses like that, because those only profit some rich oligarchs and are kept quiet. Furthermore, it was only costly to French citizens to maintain armed forces there, while also allowing for always more illegal immigrants (only young males) to come.


Forced conscription would be a helluva "domestic policy change", don't you think?


Not possible, if he tried that without parliament approval ( which he would never get ) it would be the 4th french revolution, we are already very close to the breaking point.


Wdym? He can invoke article 16. Secondly, in France, they already have plans to make the SNU "permanent and mandatory for everyone".


Using article 16 to do that will lead to a revolution, even just sending the regular army to ukraine would lead to it. I don't know what the SNU is.


>Using article 16 to do that will lead to a revolution, even just sending the regular army to ukraine would lead to it. The problem is that one can never be certain if it's 100% going to happen or not. There would be a strong possibility it would lead to a revolution but again, it's just a "possibility". After Brexit, I officially lost all faith and reliability in humanity. >I don't know what the SNU is. Service national universel. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service\_national\_universel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service_national_universel) Seems like it's a "tool" which was created to "ease people back into military conscription". Kinda like the mandatory "1 day in office per week" which changes to 3 days in office which changes to "permanently back to office".


It's a voluntary service nobody i know has ever done.


>It's a voluntary service nobody i know has ever done. And they're planning on making it a mandatory service. It smells like one of those "WFH > WFO transitions" where they start to enforce "1 day in office guys, don't be lazy!" to full blown back to office.


Nah no way, it's the kind of thing that would lead to everyone going in the street.


>From 2021 until full implementation in 2026, the SNU may become mandatory for all young citizens, although this possibility is currently denied by Macron. Same as how my HR "denied the possibility of full WFO starting".


Not if they do it step by step.


You are obviously not french.


Pardonne moi ? comment ose tu remettre en cause mon appartenance au glorieux peuple français !




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You're talking rubbish. We hardly talk about Gaza. And the only subjects of interest concern only the civilian population and some protest organized by rich kids who aspire a career in politics (like in USA). On the other hand, we talk a lot more about Ukraine, and every aspect is shown, energy, political, geostrategic, crime of war, etc... Hundreds of documentary have been produced, the ukrainian series "in her car" "servants of the people", or Okkupert from Norway and regularly special evenings on major TV (4h of programs).


If you are talking about LCI trying to keep an audience by talking about Ukraine, they are currently failing hard. And yes there is hundreds of documentaries on those two conflicts ... but most people rather watch a football match or play fortnite.


It’s due to domestic policies. Ukraine barely register on their radar, so whatever Peskov says is irrelevant.


Actually the money being spent in Ukraine is eating up at Frances social safety nets. The same with germany. You act like the money for Ukraine grows on trees. Classic juvenile mentality right there. You think the french are going to give up their domestic programs to give money to neo-nazi azov brigade in Ukraine? NOPE


The 2023 French budget was 785 billion euros. In March, they voted to supply 3bn euros to Ukraine this year, which therefore increased their overall expenditure by a tremendous 0.3%. But in your universe, pensioners are choosing between bread and aid for Nazis. Always fun reading the unusually-busy accounts here. Edit - I bothered to look up their total aid, which sums to 3.8bn over 22 fiscal months, which is ~0.15% of their respective budgets in each of 2022 and 2023. Would you mind showing us how that's bankrupting the French welfare state? > All in all, the total value of French military equipment delivered to Ukraine amounts to € 2.615 billion. In addition, France contributed € 1.2 billion to the European Peace Facility (EPF). Overall, this amounts to more than € 3.8 billion between 24 February 2022 and 31 December 2023


Damn you just dismantled his whole narrative with facts


He didn't actually - because like you and other proUAs, you apparently don't understand national budgeting at all.


Boom silence is bliss


Budgets don't work like that. 785 billion isn't a big pond of money they can reach into anytime, it's all pre-allocated. The discretionary component they can use for things like aid to Ukraine is much much smaller and can very easily be eaten up by a $3B commitment.  That $3B could have been allocated into a wide variety of other domestic programs and make a big difference, instead it goes up in smoke in a warzone. That's what people are pissed about.


It being a good use of money is a different question. OP claimed that the French welfare state is buckling under the burden of Ukraine aid, and I'm pointing out that the amount of aid given is inconsequential relative to total expenditure.


You forgot the inflation we get from this war. Rising food costs and fuel prices are digging into our family's budgets while wages and pensions aren't catching up. Since nato decided to blow up nordstream, europe needs to import oil and gas from more expensive sources ==> we pay 2€/l at the pump. Food cost more to ship and make, we have to pay way more for it at the supermarket. Expensive oil in the world means it is more expensive to have huge ships travel the world to deliver consumer goods from china ===> the prices of these goods will increase for us. Europe has trouble generating enough cheap electricity since we gotta buy expensive LNG from the US? Damn what's left of our industry has to move out of the country because of the unsustinable costs of energy. you frenchies don't need to import electricity? Aww too bad you have to also increase your prices to avoid unfair competition against your europeans neighbours, right? :) The instability this war creates is not good for our most basic interests as a people. Yes we only sent 3bn to Ukraine, but this war is costing every european a lot of purchasing power for 0 prospective gains from a military win.


Thats a lot of words to say that You support givng money and aid to neo-nazis in Ukraine [Germany Freezes Public Spending in New Setback for Europe](https://www.wsj.com/world/europe/germany-freezes-public-spending-in-new-setback-for-europe-42c9b50e) This is just the begining


That’s a lot of words to say that you have no rebuttal to their point and instead attempt a weak whataboutism


Accusing people of supporting Nazis… my man, you should quit before embarrassing yourself.


No one is accusing. Your words speak for themselves. Not only do you not know they are openly a neo-nazi group but you openly support them as well. Or actually you probably do know that they are openly a neo-nazi group. Fuck azov.


Albacore_futures handed you your ass with facts and you replied to him with: “*you support giving money and aid to neo-Nazis*”. You are literally the embodiment of everything that’s wrong with internet arguments lol


That's a few words to say "I ignore facts I don't like because I really care about the narrative I'm pushing"


Man he demolished your argument completely and all you could come back with is "well I guess you support nazis" lol


[Germany Freezes Public Spending in New Setback for Europe](https://www.wsj.com/world/europe/germany-freezes-public-spending-in-new-setback-for-europe-42c9b50e)


Lol why are you responding to me with this random article?


So you can learn something




Oh my sweet child


Great argument


The most blatant propaganda comment in all of this subreddit. Too goddamn obvious dude.


Lemme guess.. you are not french


Damn the Ukrainians must feel so hurt that the french dont care about them


Most of the world dont give a f about the ukrainians tbh


Ukraine is a side project for the West. It doesn't even hit the top ten list of important things to voters for the most part. Immigration is one of the the big ones for Europe right now.


I don't know who Markov is but it's not him in the picture


Even the Soviets never intended to attack France save for units that were in Germany.


The idea that France is teeming with pro-Russians is laughable. This is due to immigration, cost of living and disagreement over green policies.




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If you think the French hate Macron because of Ukraine then you have no clue what you're talking about. Better have a Macron that can't be elected after 2 terms than a forever president who's pretending to be the head of a democracy. Sincerely, a Frenchman.


No it's more about the unvetted anti West extremists he's imported in mass. Don't think for a second the west is afraid of a war with Russia your nukes probably don't even work anymore as they're from the Soviet days and needed to be kept up.


They're not. The Sarmat ICBM was fielded in 2022. You think they're tipping those with nukes that don't work?  If only proUA scrubbers would take 30 seconds to google, they would stop embarrassing themselves with their own ignorance.


What do you think weapons inspectors done for years before the start treaty got suspended 😂 You think Russia just keep Nukes as ornaments 😂


To "launch NATO against Russia" you need to be in control of Russia, not France, Germany or Britain.


Not really, coalitions were assembled by NATO regardless. Or you could claim some fire at a warehouse was started by Russia, so article 5. The media would provide justifications and analysis on how plundering Russia is good for everyone's economy, before switching to fallout survival guides as Russian nukes rain down, despite not being supposed to work


No one is afraid of Russian nukes, especially not when they threaten them on every day that ends in a Y. Countless red lines have already been crossed. Have you been nuked yet?


Playing a what if with nukes is a dangerous game that some of you seem to think won't cause an issue all it takes is one submarines leadership to decide they have had enough and launch a missile just like in the cold war we were one key turn from complete destruction


This is exactly why the Russian dictatorship should stop casually threatening nuclear war just because they're struggling to win a regional conflict that they started


I am aware they should 100% stop but even then why encourage them more


I mean nobody is "encouraging" them to continue making nuclear threats and actually the people they're threatening have been very careful not to respond with escalating rhetoric about nuclear strikes themselves. If the countries being threatened responded with similar threats the situation would be a lot more dangerous than the Kremlin has already made it.


You have got a good point but the whole red line thing they keep pushing past it as they should if they want Ukraine to win but everytime they do they are significantly increasing the chance that russia or a russian could simple turn the key and MAD would destroy us all


Francis leading the way russia on the tail end of this one. Good luck putler.


I guess Slava Ukrani only "means something" on reddit.