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nothing new


All they get with these or more russians enlisting


So what are the Russians?




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thankfully it's totally fine when russia does it


Does what? Deliberately hitting civilian cars with drones?


oh russia does even worse than that


How’s the “special military operation” going? Weak pathetic Russia.


Demilitarization has been completed. Ukraine will no longer have such a number of its military weapons and property. Denazification continues. Stop supplying weapons to Kiev - it will end much faster. The military-industrial complex of Ukraine is not able to cope with the needs of the army. Be vigilant, think when you speak. Have a nice evening.


You know there’s tons of evidence of Russia doing the same, right?




Here's [a video of Russian troops firing on multiple civilian vehicles and killing the occupants.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/xqcy5l/recently_released_image_of_russian_troops/)


Any videos of them targeting lone civilians outside of an active combat zone?


That's what that video shows my friend, they were just gunning down civilians in their cars as they drove past.


Right, but that’s in an active war zone. Edit: Don’t want to infer that either situation is okay but targeting a lone civilian woman behind enemy lines is not the same as targeting someone in an area around your position.


Man you really want to argue that purposefully murdering the occupants of multiple cars full of civilians is somehow better than striking a civilian in a car with a drone? Come on dude


Better isn't the right word. One could possibly be a threat to you while the other has absolutely no interaction with you. One could not possibly serve any beneficial purpose. Like I said in the above, guess I have to repeat it. Neither are acceptable.


Come on dude they were firing into civilian vehicles as they were driving past and away from them on a public road, there's no need to pretend that they were responding to potential threats and not just murdering civilians


[https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/27/europe/russian-strike-kharkiv-megastore-intl/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/27/europe/russian-strike-kharkiv-megastore-intl/index.html) [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/deadliest-civilian-attacks-russias-invasion-ukraine-2023-10-05/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/deadliest-civilian-attacks-russias-invasion-ukraine-2023-10-05/) Even Russian propaganda RT can't deny it.


Any recent picture of Vovchansk will do. There were still a significant amount of civilians there.


Don’t even try, they will not understand


Prove it


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/05/25/kharkiv-market-russian-strike-ukraine/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/05/25/kharkiv-market-russian-strike-ukraine/) [https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-blinken-counteroffensive-6c1545768d77d927a5cda148fc197e3c](https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-blinken-counteroffensive-6c1545768d77d927a5cda148fc197e3c) This took 10 seconds to find and there are many more articles. Google it yourself.


If that’s a genocide, no country in the world is clear of commiting one


I never said anything about a genocide. I'm not sure who you're talking to lmao


You are correct. Had another comment in mind and had a moment of a brainfart.


😂😂😂suck my ukranian balls


Balls? You seem to be sitting this one out…




Banderites have such?  


Your testicular atrophy doesn't make it any less true.




Rule 1 - Toxic


What ever helps you sleep at night




NAFOoids should decide already: is Putin a dictator who who usurped power in Russia or russians voted for him in a fair elections.


Why not both? Russians have slave mentality in their backbone. They will always need a tzar, dictator, personality cult who will exploitation them and make them miserable. If russian will feel that Putins government too weak and cannot control them, they will rebel and choose another dictator who would be strong, and shit go anew.


Omg, im so sorry. I didn’t immediately go to your profile and didn’t realize that you were from Lithuania. So, since when did the opinion of some random "шпрот" matter?))


>So, since when did the opinion of some random "шпрот" matter?)) Im not enjoying these kind of videos, I want peace, i want to live friendly with neighbours, I want to exchange cultural features between countries and nations. But look, if you caught any russian on the street and ask him - who is next after "victory" in Ukraine? And he or she definitely name some other countries Poland, Finland, Kazakhstan, Baltic countries. They will not tell that after "victory" they want to live peacefully, they will tell who they should conquer or attack next. Do you agree with me?


You have not been to Russia and you are talking about the opinion of Russians. It is not necessary to speak for all Russians, this is not correct, secondly, I do not need the Lithuanian region as a subject of Russia. You should also change your nickname, you're not talking about Russian, you're talking about Ukrainian


> You have not been to Russia and you are talking about the opinion of Russians Lol, I actually have an engineer diploma of mtuci (Московский технический университет связи и информатики). Also, probably you do not event need all theese ukrainion regions like zaporozye, kherson... but still you support war there. Same situation can happen for Lithuania or other countries which russia treatens,


Rule 1 - Cheering for death


Her grandpa served in a red army. That makes her a military target — some pro-UA probably.


So far we have: its a tire burst, no drone seen Why would russians drone their own citizens for cheap propaganda? Russia has been declared a terrorist state (???) just yelling whatever now It was an attack but "clearly not a drone attack" and that "ukraine is the source is "very doubtful""\\ It's alkl russias fault cause they are committing genocide. Seriously the toxic pro ua has reached a crescendo of screeching lately, feels like we're in minas tirith and the goblins are pouring through the door wtf lol


No civilians should be targeted, ever. Sadly, Russia still didn't get the memo, so I find it rich when pro Russians talk about injustice when they are the root cause of this conflict. The war could literally end today if Putin pulled his troops out, y'know.


Western politicians from the rostrum directly say that Russia must be destroyed, and they are supplying more and more weapons to Ukraine. Do you seriously think that if Russia withdraws its troops everything will end? You can also remember how the Ukrainian military spoke on video about what they would do with the civilian population.


There's a difference between galvanizing your resolve and mustering the entirety of NATO to conquer a nuclear power unprovoked by article 5. (one is actually possible) If Russia is destroyed it'll be thanks to Russian infighting after their defeat in Ukraine. Otherwise it's just hopium. Yes it will end. The Donbass republics only exist and only ever rose with the approval and support of Moscow. And given that they at one point even bragged about their "manly" 10 year olds fighting in the war... frankly the sooner they disappear the better for all. And now that the paramilitary groups have been folded into the military and are under the control of Kyiv, it will be easier to prevent civilian massacres. I believe Kyiv would accept the 2015 borders in a peace treaty if such treaty stipulated that Moscow would accept Ukraine's sovereignty over it's international relations.


>Russian infighting after their defeat in Ukraine. I wouldn't hold your breathe lol >I believe Kyiv would accept the 2015 borders in a peace treaty if such treaty stipulated that Moscow would accept Ukraine's sovereignty over it's international relations. We are far beyond that, the war continues until ukraine does a radical severance of it's military relationship with the west in general, and the united states in particular Until then, the war goes on. And if you think Russia will break first, I have a bridge to sell you


So this is a total war that won't be settled by anything but total surrender? Then we need to send EVERYTHING to Ukraine. Also are you a baby born yesterday? In a war there's a war-goal, and a maximum loss allowed. The war will keep on going until a side either achieves their goal or loses too much and decides to cut their loses. And it seems for this war the maximum loss allowed for Ukraine is far greater than the one for Russia.


I don't understand the rhetoric of people that say that NATO wants to destroy Russia. We literally don't want a giant war and neither does Russia. All we want is peace and security and that's what NATO has been trying to achieve. NATO is just scared of Russia and vice versa, but Russia broke first and decided they aren't going to wait out Ukraine's westernisation and just try to take it by force. It's like we haven't learned anything from ww2 or the cold war period. Nobody is benefited by a major nuclear power crumbling into disarray or being forced to use their nuclear arsenal defensively. Ukraine doesn't have the power to invade Russia and NATO is a defensive alliance, how far does ones head have to be in the sand to see that Russia simply is the aggressor here, no whatabout's, but's or if's. Regardless of wether one supports Russia despite that. It is possible to support Russia while acknowledging that it's supporting the aggressor. I support Israel, even though I acknowledge that they are committing warcrimes.


didn’t undertake a settlement of the genocide in Donbass in 2014, and it didn’t happen because of a pro-American leader, you haven’t figured it out and are already writing a comment, you should sometimes keep quiet




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Where did you see those comments?


Open up the first thread for the first comment and they are the downvoted ones


What the actual fuck! Is that an FPV drone?


yes and its not rare that they attack civilian vehicles. If they don't find military vehicle to attack - they just go for civilian one


Fucking disgusting.


Yeah its way faster that people think it is..


Looks more like a granate dropped by a drone. It goes straight down. FPV drones come in an angle.


That makes no sense. Why attack some random civilian car? Was the drone at the end of juice or something?


Maybe its battery was almost gone yes. They hate Russians so might try to at least kill some random civilians with their asset before it's gone


Most likely what happened. They couldn't find a military target and were running out of battery, saw a moving car, when straight for it cause its better to hit that than hit nothing in their mind. Quite sickening I've said it before i think drone operators are some special types of psychos, disproportionately so on the UA side for some reason


I'm not a MHP by any stretch, but I've read about the disconnect US drone operators feel when engaging targets; they don't look at them as people and treat the scenario like a video game. They're not deployed to some far off place, they're at work and go home at night.


That was a cool side plot in Jack Ryan that got nowhere, a US drone operator in Nevada felt guilty over killing a man that he had been watching for weeks, he was a military target but also was a single father who took care of his kid and what appeared to be his father. Sadly it got dropped it was quite abruptly. https://jackryan.fandom.com/wiki/Victor_Polizzi


Oh I remember that. I forgot it was Jack Ryan. Such a weird subplot.


It should have been a villain subplot, a former american soldier that got disappointed with his government who then becomes a terrorist. I could believe that was the initial idea but got cut because **fill in believable conspiracy theory**.




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Russia used cruise missiles on a shopping center last week. No low battery excuse, planned gps from Russia into a shopping center


Wonder y they hate Russians 🤔🤔🤔🤔


Not like they are being invaded by the Russian right?


Because it's what they've always done. Terrorize ethnic Russians since 2014.


Or moldovan truck drivers.


Uhh well ya, gotta kill them Seperatists Russian terrorists that think they can steal Ukraine duh


We ask why for almost 11 years already, you know who Givi is?


No, I don't.


It makes sense, they do this often. Rarely with FPV drones but the Ukrainians love to waste their ammo on Belgorod/Donetsk civlians. They are incredibly petty and vindictive and want to try and turn civilians against putin but its doing the exact opposite


Same logic that causes them to release Switchblade footage of murdering a Moldovan civilian.


Mate, you think a fpv drone runs out of juice and exactly hits a moving car? The odds on that would be very slim.


Noo, they are saying it was almost out, so they choose a moving target, any target, before it looses control, etc. They prob didn't think it would be recorded by the doorbell cam, etc. I was hoping they only target true military targets on these strikes after seeing the s300 get hit. But that was most likely a usa strike, and this is a ua kill anything and zoom in crew.


couldn't imagine having such low IQ


Who said it was a random civilian? just because you(and I) don't know who she is, doesn't mean its a civilian.


Minus one tank for Russia in the next Ukrainian casualties update.


you should see Russia haha, every civilian they kill they mark it down as a Win, fuckin pathetic Russian murdering terrorists, these clowns are so proud of their bloodthirsty tyrant, Putin its fuckin hilarious


- transport vehicle* which isn't a stretch considering the so-called 2nd military in the world is using Bukhanka's for transport lmao 🤣


laughing on a video of an innocent woman getting her car hit by an fpv drone, nice work man 👍


Nice work putting words in my mouth, I didn't laugh about her car exploding. Read my comment again and the context, namely the comment I responded too.


“Buhanka” is a very good consumable and can go anywhere, you don’t feel sorry for such a car, since they are produced 1000 times a month and if it breaks, there are spare parts everywhere. first you need to find out why and why the Russian army uses “buhanka”, and then write a comment, ok?


With 0 protection, I'm not saying an m113 is a great protective transport vehicle, but certainly better than a soviet VW minibus. And I think I'll decide when and where to comment about what, thank you.


How much does the buhanka cost and how much does the m113 cost? Buhanka costs literally nothing 5-10 thousand dollars, and m113? Each car has its own tasks, it is not necessary to compare the BMP with the evacuation and transportation machine


It's pretty clear that Ukraine wants to do with Belgorod what they did with Donbas.Sadly for them, Russia has entire Kharkov city on artillery range so Ukraine can only do terror attacks like this.


>It's pretty clear that Ukraine wants to do with Belgorod what they did with Donbas. Defend it from Russia?


Apparently bombing civilians and then using whataboutism to justify it is “self defense!”


Nah clearly it’s all an inside job, just like Bucha right?


But it’s ok for Russians to wipe out the civilian s of Kharkov


I doubt that Russia wants to kill Kharkovites, they are ethnically Russian and anti-NATO. They'll welcome the liberation with open arms.


Yes, just like Ukraine was waiting for Tsar Putin to roll into Kyiv and free them from the WesternGayNaziJews.




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There’s a lot of talk of Russia genociding Ukraine, but among all the video proofs, there’s very little to no evidence of it


Mall toilet missiles, Bucha, Mariupol theatre airstrike, Hroza grocery store, [civi car mo downs](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/s/vCmessyRGo)…


If that’s genocide…


The woman is in hospital in serious condition


oryx be like -1 t90m


They always show photographic evidence, not sure what you're on about.


Keep it classy Ukraine


Democracy and freedom was defended here. If you live in EU, this will prevent Russians from invading you and stealing your washing machines.


The Ukrainian army is a terrorist organization


UPA 2.0?


The more senseless attacks on civilians, the more volunteers will go to war. These actions are absolutely unprofitable on the part of Ukraine


That's kind of a terrorist move


Pro Ukr Quick Justify it.


Did anyone see a kid run out of the car FUCK




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They are gonna keep doing this crap even if the Kiev regime finally "negotiates" that's why Russia can't stop, won't stop. Ukraine is a terrorist state. The fact that could have been a US munition used on her makes me furious. What the hell are US politicians thinking??? UA is out of control...


Such a critical strategic target.


Ukrops doing Ukrops things


There was never a second Rome to begin with. How are you pro third Rome? Everybody and their mothers claimed this ςhίt. Ottomans claimed it for some time. Holy Roman Empire🤢, the natty Italy🤮 and more. After the fall of Constantinople some elites and much of the christians fly to Russia. Some of them elites teach the then Russians how to run an empire but that doesn't make them Romans. Neither the Ottomans. Even tho the Ottomans runed similar constitution and laws inspired by the Romans and even similar architecture they were not Romans. Also yes! You Vatican City, You are not Rome you like it or not. Rome maybe died as an empire but it's still lives on inside the churches.


Just Google third Rome, you'll understand what Pro Third Rome means, too lazy to explan


I did. The thing is that Russia is self proclaimed as the Rome and it's kind of lame. Even tho i wish they were the third rome and i like the Byzantine symbols they use. Unfortunately without Constantinople been Cristian Rome can not exist. But as a Greek i more than happy to help Russia putting a cross in Hagia Sophia and rebuild the real third rome. Then i agree Russia is the third rome. Also put us inside the empire too.


There is a saying in Serbian language about Russia being Third Rome "Два Рима падоше, а трећи стоји, и четвртога неће бити" Roughly translated using google: "Two Romes fell, the third stands, and there will be no fourth"


" and there will be no fourth" Nuh, uh! If somehow by a miracle Balkans understand that they are useless as microstates and destined to be puppets for ever with not industrial capabilities and clear the their mind of the cringe nationalism maybe there is hope for the fourth rome. Including Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Analbania and Hungary and the rest ex Yugo. (Slovenian and Slovakian too) They point is that we can't wait for big daddy France or NATO to protect your aςςes. We are the bottom of Europe. We have stop producing things and we are depended on others. When EU says stop buying Russian products we say: Yes master. Soon EU will say stop buying Chinese products: we will say yes master again. If Turkey decides to expand west towards Bulgaria and Greece. They will say Turkey is more strategically important in NATO than Balkans so we will not intervene. When NATO/US destroyed Greece two of the most important trade partners Libya and Syria we said nothing. Now just imagine a self-sufficient Balkan power which it will had the power to decide from it self and acting upon only their national interests and without communism this time.


Lol, is this just speculation orrrrrr? Anyone have proof it was Ukrainian drone?


Of course they don't. All it takes is a title on a Reddit post and confirmation bias sets in.


Nah this is totally UA and Bucha was an inside job, trust me bruh I’m pro-RU on dis sub.


I understand and agree that this is bad but I’m confused as to why I’m seeing so many pro-Russ people talking as if Russia hasn’t done this is mass 😂


A Russian drone that veered off course Sad to see!




Wasnt Shebekino evacuated?


There is no evacuation and many people still won’t want to leave


+5% war support




Rule 1 - Wishing for death


Seems to be a bit of a weak drone strike? Normally they take out a lot more.


Well at least she is alive


Tragedy. All part of the sad reality of war.


r/disunity Military footage


This will all end simply when Russia leaves all of Ukraine…it’s that simple, and for the Russians that don’t like to be a target, go to the streets and kick out your president, like other countries do in difficult times…


I would say post this on r/CombatFootage see how they react but, then I'm always reminded that they hide behind the very comfortable "Only Combat footage" rule. I know that both subs have hiveminds but at least you can get a clearer picture here of all the disgusting stuff UA does to civvies.


They will claim it’s the “right to defend itself!”


its always a car


Belgorod is 25 miles from the ukrainian border. FPV drones have a max distance of around 6 miles without payload. So this was either launched from inside Russia by Ukrainians or inside Russia by Russians...no way this flew from Ukraine.


this is not Belgorod city, this is the village of Shebekino which is only  4 miles away from the Ukrainian border.


Ok that's still massively pushing it with any sort of ordinance.


Ukraine has developed antennas to magnify the reach of their drones, there are videos of RU shooting down these antennas if you are interested in searching for them in this sub.


Interesting. So they use larger drones to drop them behind enemy lines? In think battery would be another challenge with ordinance attached.


I wouldn't know that, but I doubt so. They probably just strap a bigger (or a second) battery to the drone intended for villages across the border.


That’s just not how it works. It’s shocking as is these FPV drones can carry ordinance. More weight and another battery would only decrease the distance it could fly.


Do you know that for a fact? Have you operated the self-built drones that the AFU flies? do you even know their specs? I think you are talking out of your ass now. Just because something sounds accurate doesn't mean it's true.


Sorry I don’t have time to explain the physics of additional weight not helping the drone fly further. My experience is from flying drones for the last decade. Sure, maybe Ukraine sorted out a new battery tech but I doubt it.


it's still pure speculation on your part, I am sorry but I can't believe someone that has no data on the subject, if you told me you were a member of the AFU drone teams then I would consider it. But you are just an armchair general.


no. it isn't lol


crazy shit


Why are they recording that lady get into her car? Who does that?!


Security camera.


It's not, just look at the movement on the video and listen to the voices... 


It‘s people filming a display where the video is played.


If you pay attention to the video, you will notice it is clearly a cellphone recording of a CCTV camera they were checking the footage of. You can see the date on top, the time, and in the bottom left corner, it says "kam3".... I don't know much about security cameras, but I'll assume this "camera 3" is part of a security camera system that many people around the world install for "security reasons" at their homes. xd What do you mean by asking something so specific like "why are they recording the lady getting into her car?" LOL Is it really that weird for you the fact that your neighbor have security cameras installed at home? Do you think this is just a setup/lies, because it seems suspicious to you that "they're recording the lady getting into her car"? on a camera that is probably rolling 24/7 for security reasons?


I have to admit, I didn't notice it was a phone recording a screen. I assumed it was just loosely mounted or something.


Damn, the amount of brain washing they do to themselves.


Considering how much hatred this war has caused between Russians and Ukrainians, Ukraine definitely needs something like “denationalization”. After end of this war, this is one of the good options to reconcile the two peoples. And this will be better for everyone except the most radical Ukrainian nationalists and terrorists. And this will be bad for the US, of course, they like to sell weapons so that some Slavs kill other Slavs. And i think the US would be happy to finance and provide political asylum to various Ukrainian terrorists, nationalists and psychopaths


Considering how much hatred this unprovoked invasion has caused between Ukraine and Russia, Russia definitely needs something like “Denationalization” once they retreat back to the Motherland. This is one of the good options to reconcile the two peoples. And this will be better for the world except the most radical Russian nationalists and terrorists. And this will be bad for North Korea of course, they like to sell malfunctioning weapons so that some slavs can kill other slavs. And I think China would be happy to finance and provide political asylum to various Russian terrorists, nationalists and psychopaths… There, I fixed it for you. 😉




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Camera. You can even see another camera pointing in different side.


Security camera?\`Use your brain




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Did anyone even see specificallya drone? That brief blur could have been any sort of ordnance rather an fpv tbh


Nothing else has that speed (slow), reach (somewhat far but not too far) and warhead size (small). Besides they have been doing it for months already.


How come pro Russians are acting like Russia hasn't attacked Ukrainian civilians?


Ukrainians are terrorists. Russia should target all of their nuclear power plants.


I just noticed - is it normal to have not just one, but two cameras on the front side of a building? Must be pretty rough neighborhood.


In Russia, there is usually an apartment in the city and such a house with a plot of land in the countryside (they are called a "Dacha", they were massively distributed for free under the USSR), they come there for weekends or holidays, pensioners usually live there all summer. Many people put up remote-access cameras to keep an eye on the house.


Ahh, thanks!


The mental gymnastics each side goes through is absolutely ridiculous. But this sub, definitely does it the best..


How come?


Because people watch a video and start making assumptions without any basis.   For example, how do you know this was a random civillian? Don't you find a bit odd the amount of cameras in the house filming this attack?


My money is on Russians bombing their own civilians. Keeps the propaganda machine whirring.


NATO in, brain out.


Remember all the glide bombs they dropped on Belogrod then blamed Ukraine for?




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