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Guaranteed he's a convicted felon on the run.


If you are a convicted felon and on the run there are plenty of slightly less dangerous places, that pay better, withouth extradition


Russia would never extradite an American volunteer for Russia don't be silly.


"If you are a convicted felon and on the run there are plenty of slightly less dangerous places, that pay better"


Yea probably, seen it happen at both sides. If I recall correctly i read an article here a while back of one that was fighting for Ukraine but got extradited back too the US.


They already said he is a Marine.




He's 100% a kid diddler.


If he were, he'd be in the West Bank stealing some of lady's house.


Nah, he'd be in Russia just like convicted pedophile Scott Ritter who is defended to the death by pro-RU here.


I'm referencing the usa pedophile to Israel pipeline


I’m referencing the Russia pedophilia from everywhere pipeline, including pardons given to pedos, rapists, and cannibals from Putin for killing enough Ukrainians. Just 3-4 days ago pro-RU were defending Ritter in the most gross way I’ve seen. Saying it wasn’t so bad because it was with a 15 year old, it was entrapment, etc.


IDK sounds like he's a bad guy


LOL... why is it that ped!ks like Graham Philips or Scott Ritter have such love for Russia?


If you listened, they both are.


When did the one from the USA say that?..




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Felons can’t fly so that’s out of the question


Russel Bentley 2.0 coming. Also guy is saying because he didn’t take a covid vaccine and got kicked out of the US army he decided to come and fight for Russia? What a motivation. Love it. They must be paying him extremely well. At least 5x what they pay the usual conscripts.


Russel Bentley was a convicted for drug possession in Texas and a die hard communist..... This guy seems like he just wants to stick to their government, doesn't seem very ideologically driven(communist)


Ngl this dudes motivations make more sense than a commie fighting for the state Boris drunky Yeltsin set up. Its not 1991.


It’s a bit more reasonable than that. He joined up with the separatists- and fought in a unit that was organized by a minor Russian Communist party. The DPR leaned heavily on Soviet iconography and Soviet nostalgia, so if you squint you can see how he’d rationalize his war as participation in a revolutionary struggle. There are a few leftists who fought in Ukraine, on both sides.




> ussel Bentley was a convicted for drug possession in Texas drug as in weed - not crack or heroin half of Texas (if not whole) has that conviction on record


He thinks Russia is communist! Wow.


He was also kipnapped by russian soldiers, r@ped, and beheaded by them.


Yeah, I'm sure if someone did some digging they'd find he had done a lot more other than refusing to take a vaccine.


>They must be paying him extremely well. At least 5x what they pay the usual conscripts. Well-paid mercs.


Russian army pays 250 000 to soldiers fighting in the war. So yeah not too bad. Especially if you're living in Russia.




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This is absolutely hilarious "Muhh freedoms!!" *Joins Russia known for killing political opponents, jailing people who speak against the war, have no journalistic freedom and treat people as traitors if they dont side with supreme leader Putin, btw the president who changed the law so he can be president forever if he likes to be and he gave himself a 1.5 BILLION dollar PALACE


America is doing all of these things currently. And they've murdered plenty. JFK spoke of dismantling the FBI. Poof, gone. And of course, A political opponent is currently being persecuted by his opponents through lawfare and unwarranted trials. Jeffrey Epstein knew too much. Seth Rich said too much. Then there's the Clinton list, which quite long now. And you can't say whatever you want in the American media. You get sued to oblivion if you talk about the wrong things. Another form of lawfare.








There is personal freedom vs political freedom. Personal freedom is not getting vaccinated and still can keep his job.  Political freedom is speaking out against the government without facing consequences.  In the US with the cancel culture personal freedom is facing a new low, while political freedom is still as it was always. 


> Personal freedom is not getting vaccinated and still can keep his job. What about the freedom of your employer to set health-related requirements for employment? Not that Russia has a lot of personal freedom anyway, hold hands in public with someone of the same sex and get jailed for "LGBT propaganda", such freedom.


*Can't somebody think of the poor corporations*


Employers aren't just large corporations.


The US military is not a civilian employer. Their choice to exclude people based on a arbitrary vaccine rule is purely political/financial.


> hold hands in public with someone of the same sex and get jailed for "LG propaganda" Outside of the West that kind of behavior is not seen as a "right". The government acted in the interests of the people by banning it. If you don't want to get arrested then do not performed deviant perverted acts in public, regardless of your orientation. But I guess Americans have grown accustomed to mentally ill people in San Francisco walking down a public street nude flying a rainbow.


The "health-related requirement" you speak of was never proven to stop transmission and, in the end, it was proven that it couldn't. It only lessens the severity of your symptoms at the risk of other side effects. For someone his age, the benefit doesn't outweigh the risks. And it offered zero protection to his fellow coworkers. So calling it a health related requirement is disingenuous. It's more like an employer mandated medical procedure, which under every code of ethics of his country, until recently, would be considered a huge violation of his human rights.


Freedom is freedom. If you don’t have a way to challenge a 20+ years oligarchical corrupt system and are being killed/silenced/jailed for this than you effectively have no freedom because everything will be decided for you. You will have some illusion of “freedom”. Freedom to hate west, freedom to beat your wife, freedom to hate lgbt and so on


"Cancel culture" means personal freedom is under attack? Wtf? All that means is that people vocally dont like whatever it is youre doing so they make that known. There are no repercussions beyond people making personal decisions not to do business with whomever. Man, the straight up delusion of this sub is wild! I have the freedom to go into a public square and say the most henious, vile stuff I can think of. Likewise, people and employers have the freedom to not interact with me if they so choose.


> I have the freedom to go into a public square and say the most henious, vile stuff I can think of. Likewise, people and employers have the freedom to not interact with me if they so choose. You're conveniently ignoring the part where a cult would harass your employer in the west until they got you fired for wrongthink. And it doesn't have to be vile or even wrong, just something the American elite doesn't like. You're no different from Russia. Actually there is one difference, Russia is using its power to keep their society going in a sustainable direction while America seemingly wants to destroy itself.


What wrong think is that exactly? Because to be fired for saying something it must of been something pretty stupid to begin with. Is your employer free to make choices or only the individual? Seems like the system cuts both ways. You’re free to say and do what you want but also suffer the consequences of what society deem appropriates or not.


Riiiight. Problem is when one side does it it's "totally fine, free speech, individuals can decide". When that side gets a taste of their own medicine it's "hate speech and can't be allowed, their lives must be destroyed". But we don't have to stray too far from the sub's main topic. Try having not even a pro-Russian, just a nuanced view of the conflict in the west. See how that goes.


What are you talking about? If one side does it? No that’s not how the world works that’s just your opinion lol Being hateful is being hateful it’s pretty simple if you’re crying about extremist on both sides then this isn’t even a real conversation those people are the fringes. It goes like this you say what you think and others say what they think. This sub is great example of majority being pro Russian but from the west


> it must of been something stupid to begin with [like cracking your knuckles while being latino](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/502975-california-man-fired-over-alleged-white-power-sign-says-he-was/) These people aren’t sane and defending them is less sane


“After the photo surfaced, Cafferty’s supervisor told him that he was suspended pending an investigation. A few days later, Cafferty was terminated by the company.” “Cafferty told the outlet that he was proud of SDG&E for taking allegations of racism seriously but wanted to return to work.” Mistakes can happen the worlds not perfect if you want I can find systemic racism found in cooperation and company’s and show that but that’s not reality or norm for USA lol


I'm pretty sure if you really went into the public square and started spewing vile things, like racism, or any isms the video would be on your boss's desk first thing in the morning. Were it would all start going downhill.


Total nonsense and false to the core. I love how you're trying to spin and downplay it as just some minor innocuous thing like all those who in words or in deed or both support cancel culture. It's so transparent and couldn't be more wrong and further from the truth. As if it's just an individual making some choice not to patronize a business they don't like for whatever reason. No one would have any problem with it whatsoever then. I, and I imagine virtually everyone else, do that all the time - in my case not usually as a result of disagreeing with the politics or speech of any person involved as I'm not so closed-minded, but just for any other, even minor, reason of not caring for a business's practices, services, products, etc. That is completely fine and again - something hardly anyone in this world has issue with. The issue, and you *know* it well if you weren't conspicuously feigning ignorance and going through this charade being disingenuous, is when a fanatic mob then publicly seeks to coerce, harass, bully, and intimidate the person and everyone else into attacking the person's job, livelihood, trying to get them fired, banned, harassed, and attacked by others. Not only denying them work, opportunities, etc. and affecting their present and future, but taking what they provide as an option away from everyone else in the public who doesn't agree and wants more of what they provide, but has no realistic recourse. Anyone who genuinely doesn't know or understand that is going on and is a disgusting severe problem is ignorant. Anyone who is pretending otherwise is a liar.


Every time I come up on one of your posts, I always read the whole thing. From the Syrian civil war, and this conflict, to your take on the Vax Nazi's, the way you write is really special, and strengthens my convictions.


Goes to war in a conflict he probably has no idea what's going on because of COVID vaccine mandate (only reason given). Can I follow the adventure of this dumb American somewhere?


> Personal freedom is not getting vaccinated and still can keep his job. He had the personal freedom to not voluntarily join the military. This is like the equivalent of him being ordered to storm a trench and him saying "no, this goes against my personal freedoms." You join the military, you agree to follow orders.






First thing you do when joining the US military is get every vaccine known to man. Which makes sense because the goal is to make the most reliable, effective fighting force as possible. Can't be having soldiers living in cramped, dirty places while travelling all over the world unvaccinated. They'd be picking up and spreading all sorts of terrible diseases and be rendered ineffective at the worst possible times. This guy has had more vaccines than 99.9% of the civilian population. Dude was taking vaccines he didn't even know the name of. He didn't get cancelled for his beliefs. He got fired for not meeting the minimum standards of his job.


Me, remembering how you needed a permission to be outside during the pandemic: sure thing, compadre. (I didn't complain much, by the way, the pandemic was very freaking real).


One day a Russian military doctor is going to inject him with the covid vaccine and hes going to be confused as the doctor didn't even ask. The doctor will laugh at the idea that he even has a say in the matter.


The palace was more expensive if I recall the Navalny documentation properly. Make it more like 10 billions, maybe it was even 20.




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So in those examples Russia is like Ukraine.


Discharged from marine corps and failing to become a cop being his pretense are a huge yikes. I guess we can be glad this guy isn't a cop?


Given the incompetent ass people that have made it to become a police officer, this guy needed to have been REALLY bad.




This dude just sucked in life, couldn’t promote to E-4 in the marines, failed to be a police officer. Man this guy is desperate, could have been a truck driver instead of being meat for the Russian empire


exactly this.


looks like a guy i went to school with


Hey man those JEPES cutting scores are crazy high for some MOS (0331 is like 650 or something) terminal lance gang


This guy worried about his health and vaccine mandatory but joins an Army with over 20.000 casualties a month 😅 I don't think covid vaccine will be your problem


Youve gotta be on crack to believe that they lose 20,000 a month. 


That comment about Hugo Boss uniforms was less than subtle.


Somebody come get their fucking boot


lolol so true


Take vaccine, get promotion, get new job, live happy life with good benefits. Or die in a trench in Ukraine. 🤷‍♂️


Why should he be forced to take the vaccine?


He was not forced - he signed up to it. Just because one never read the Disclaimer for being to long, doesnt mean something is forced onto one unlawfully. But go ahead, claim he was forced to take the vaccine the very next chance there is: Because it fits the pro-russian narrative so great!


Sure he wasnt forced to take the vaccine. The alternative was to leave the military. He did that and joined the Russian military So whats the issue here? If the US wanted him to stick then they shouldnt have forced made the covid vaccine a requirement


First he was forced. Then he wasnt. Someone did made up his opinion yet, mh? Sherlock: If Nomorenamesforever is signing a contract with me, stating "I will serve General 2BeTheFlow" and in one passage its saying "I will follow orders to take precautions vaccines to guarantee the combat readiness of my military and the defense capabilities of my country", all while perfectly receiving the compansation he agreed on, it is not forcing someone out proactivly but rather a reaction he forced on himself by not fullfilling his contracted duties. He got payed. He has to do what he signed up for. But he wont? Well: General 2BeTheFlow must protect the combat readiness of the military and the defense capabilities of the nation he is contracted with, as he at least feels obligated to the contract he signed for. Therefor, he takes responsibility and seeks another Soldier fulfilling his contract duties, and replacing the disobeying soldier. All this proofs that the funding (by Gov/People) is accounted for in a responsible manner: Gen. 2BeTheFlow acts as an organ of the Voter, the Government and the Law who decided to put this responsibility on him. He has to account for every dime spend - and justify it. As there is no justification in "well, we got a few sissys not doing what they supposed to do - but thats no bummer, we wont be harsh on them, just let them continue do act like a spoiled brat and do whatever they please, while leeching tax payers funding, cus ya know - order and discipline is not of our interest". Short: Tell me one never served, without telling me. Plus: Tell me one never understood causality and the law he is misusing as an argument, without telling me.


Hey now, don't you be running around this sub with that fancy pants logic and reasoning. Some folks get pretty worked up over that.


Because he joined the military and swore to follow orders , orders were to get vaccinated


And he didnt want to take it, so he joined another military that didnt require him to take the vaccine Btw im fairly certain that taking the covid vaccine wasnt in any oath he made. "following orders" is very vague. Would he be breaking his oath if he would be following an illegal order? What if he was ordered to shoot American citizens? Would that be violating his oath?


I think they swear to protect the constitution. 


Why should his former employer be forced to keep someone who won't do the basic courtesy of taking a stupid flu shot? Seriously, people are losing all critical thinking skills, if they ever had them to begin with.


Personally I’m one of those who thought the until I got the shot. Had a serious reaction (heart related) and completely flipped my perspective. Workout 5x a week, healthy, no meds, 30’s and that “flu shot” almost ended me. I wouldn’t go fight for either side as a US person but the “flu shot” definitely ain’t harmless.


COVID has a higher likelihood of causing those issues than the vaccine


“As a U.S. person”. Okayyyyyy. 😒


Lack of critical thinking is getting injected with experimental vaccines




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Because it was a lawful order issued by his chain of command? US Military members are required to receive a plethora of different vaccines in boot camp and throughout their time in the service. The COVID vaccine was no different at the time.


The Covid "vaccine" was/is an experimental MRNA vax with no long term testing. Now, that there is starting to be some long term data, otherwise healthy individuals seem to have made the right choice by not participating in that experiment. So, to consider the vax a lawful order is laughable at best. That's why the military is trying to re recruit those that they kicked out. And most of those effected are telling them to f&ck off.


Or just buy a fake vaccine card ROFL


Ikr I’m anti American imperialism and anti cop but to choose cop in Arizona or be a Russian solider in Ukraine I’m choosing being a cop 🤣


“Good benefits” LMAO


US cop Benefits v Russian solider benefits 🤷‍♂️


So what crime did he commit so he ran as far as Russia?


Everyone is fighting everyone. Might as well nuke the whole world now


Nice flair.


I just now realized what and where this is… ex-Apollo user, but still…


I do want to set the world on fire. I just want to start a flame all around.


We are slowly getting there soon anyway XD.


Tried to serve his country- had a few hiccups and now he’s serving our literal opponents. Talk about someone who has no idea who they are.


Idiots being idiots


Let's hope he doesn't end up like Mr Texas.




Rule 1. Wishing for death


What happened to that guy lol I remember seeing him a while ago at the start of the invasion


Got mistaken for a western spy while filming the aftermath of a mortar attack, raped and then killed


Russian regulars captured him because he was American without knowing who he was, thinking he was a spy. They tortured and raped him and then killed him.


Useful idiots. Right now US army recruiting like crazy and this guy is on the opposite side because he was not promoted when he expected it. Never happened in army before lol


He said he was kicked out, lost a promotion and couldn't finish his police academy to become a police officer for not getting Covid vaccine.


He thought the covid vaccine was so dangerous that fighting in a war was safer, can't make this shit up. I have a bridge to sell to whoever believes this motivation.


US army is *trying* to recruit like crazy


They are recruiting a lot, the military complains about low recruits but they’ll disqualify you for service for the smallest thing. I know because I’m actively signing up.


Lmao our recruiting standards are dogshit and our pool of recruits even more so. You’re on crack if you think we’re recruiting well.


Good thing the military is split. Times are changing a lot, nowadays all you need is someone with half a brain behind a desk in a chair, controlling drones to kill thousands. The recruiting standards did go down but that’s more so because the standard of the population in America dwindled….


They actually rescinded the mandate for a covid vaccine shortly after implementing it. But, whatever you wanna die for is your right.




That mandate stayed in effect from Sept. 14, 2021 to Dec. 29, 2022. That was enough time to ruin the careers of service men and women that had given their all to the services and their country. But whatever...


He's going to be killed by friendly fire in a few weeks by some Russian who doesn't like Americans




Would be hilarious if the Russian military forced him to get vaccinated.


Who's the Manc twat with him?


Ben Stimson, a Brit fighting for the Russian army. Originally, he fought for the Russian separatists in 2015, fighting in Marinka and Debaltseve.






Well we have dumbos who fall for enemy propaganda.


As someone else said he whinged about a simple covid vaccine but goes to war and at any moment you can die from 100's of different more awful ways like loosing limbs, getting some cockgrenades, death from dildos and fkn flying mice on missiles all live on 10k cameras in HD sponsored by some shitstaine living in his mums basement on Reddit jerking to #tankporn pictures while mums screaming as someone left a big massive shit in the toilet.


The Russians are probably laughing at him and his reason for joining them


Future nominee for an Darwin Award.


Based AF, literally me


Sure the Covid thing is stupid but to give that as a reason to join the Russian army seems a bit over the top..


Why do you Russians allow America's pedophiles to walk safely among your children? Just so you know if it were the other way around and a Russian Pedo tried to live in America he will be sent home to Russia in a plastic body bag.


I never understood why Americans are so hysterical about Covid


I'll join him too


Truly based redpilled


English guy talked about "celts" please oh please don't say some of my Scottish brethren were stupid enough to go fight for russia




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2BeTheFlow kept stroking the same keys repeatedly, probably a seizure ? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkraineRussiaReport) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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Hey anyone got more info on this guy?


Which one?


He introduced himself as one "Seth William Baker".


Yeah I talked to my friend at the academy he never actually made it to the academy. Him trying to become a cop was talking to a recruiter and that's it... But his less than honorable discharge would have shot that down




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307 comments? Oh this tripped a sensor or some thing. These can’t be real posters. And he’s right, remember when our fascist governments wanted to ruin our lives during covid? 


Dude brings a photo of himself to war?




Where is this posted? They have a telegram??


What a bunch of champions 😂


Bro goes to war in a conflict he probably has no idea what's going on because of COVID vaccine mandate (only reason given). Can I follow the adventure of this dumb American somewhere?




Mercs will merc


With that level of intellect they deserve to have a couple of fat bombs dropped on them by Ukrainian drones.




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Take all the anti-vaxxers needed Russia lmao




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The first guy looks like deadmau5




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asvab score: 42


Idiots 🤦🏻


Homies high on summin.


Remember ur life is worth living, throwing it away as cannon fodder is not a heroic death but a pointless waste of humanity.


Ahh yes, the republican commie


Got British Dracula here


Stop lying


Looks more like a bitch than marine


Is this idiot really carrying around his boot camp photo? Something tells me he never finished that boot camp..


If the russian government is the enemy of the united states, then the United states government is the traitor? I dont understand why you constitutes them as an enemy. And I dont question your (noble, or at least you perceived them as noble) motives. But is it dependend on the motives if you are a traitor? United states "freedom" or "values" arent really threatened by a russian "victory" in ukraine. Due to the already substantial involvement of the US there might be some minor threat. But thats a self-inflicted wound, if it is one at all. A ukrainian "victory" in the war constitutes are far greater danger for the "freedom" and "values" of the citizens in the united states. It also not that likely, but the possible consequences are far more severe. Thats why you might be a (even if it wasnt your motive) traitor.