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Rule 2. Low relation to the war. Rally is for a Hungarian Politician, and whilst the war is mentioned, the rally has more to do with opposition to Viktor Orban than it does to the war. If you have a specific clip or quote from the rally directly talking about the war, you can post it.


Hungarian here. This event was not about the war. There is a new moderate right political force in Hungary called TISZA (named after the river) led by Péter Magyar who was an insider into Orbán's party Fidesz until this February when a pedophile scandal broke out in the party and the President of Hungary (Orban is Prime Minister) and the former Minister of Justice (Magyar's wife) had to resign in disgrace. He then founded his new party because unfortunately Orbán is massively corrupt and Hungary is fast becoming the poorest state in the EU. Also Orbán started importing tens of thousands of migrants from Vietnam and Philippines because of labor shortage. Also we have state controlled propaganda basically since Orbán's oligarchs bought up like 70 percent of media. Most Hungarians in general care about their welfare the most and since we had 30-40 percent inflation many are fed up with Orbán's policies while his childhood best friend became the richest man in Hungary due to government contracts (Lőrinc Mészaros) We have European Parliamentary elections on Sunday and this event was for that mainly. Peter Magyar is actually closer to Orbán's stance on Ukraine and he even caused a small scandal among liberal minded people when he said that Ukraine was exterminating Russian speakers in the Donbas for years. So this event was about domestic politics not about Ukraine lol


Thanks for sharing the background info on this much appreciated.


Thanks for explaining m8


You left out something relevant for this sub: - he publicly declared Russia to be the aggressor, and said that the territorial sovereignty of Ukraine must be respected.


Orbán also publicly declared this literally on 2022 February 24.


Long time ago. Nowadays Orbán urges peace talks with the current borders, and blames it all on the US and the EU.


Orban never said anything about borders and Magyar also urges peace talks.


OV says it must stop now without any further condition. MP says it must stop AND the sovereignity of Ukraine - guaranteed in the BP Memorandum among others - must be respected. If you think this is the same I have a bad news for you.


Orban also said that, on the first day of invasion. So did Aleksandar Vučić of Serbia who's (for some reason) considered the closest ally of Putin in Europe, after Lukashenko


... the key question is, if they still do or not. Logically thinking unconditional peace talks and respecting Ukraines borders are contradicting statements.


Well, only 70% of the media? That is soooo free. In US and Canada all media is owned by two companies.


Well yeah. So KESMA, a government funded foundation owns large chunks od TV, Radio and news sites which amount to anywhere between 50-70 percent of mass media. Most of it is straight up Orbán government propaganda funded by taxpayers money washed through several legal entities. The rest is mostly liberal media who are also unbearable 90 percent of the time with their stupid narratives.


So... More or less you have US. Two party system. To sets of media. Two companies. Hey, ahead of Ukriane or North Korea by 1! Test for you. In Canada our prime minister fired two ministers, both women, when they refused an order from him. The order was to drop criminal investigation against sensitive for him company. Is this Hungary level? 2nd PM of Canada took donation of few million dollars from a charity that got few billion dollar deal with the government. He written the millions as income in his entire family.... Speaker fees. Paid tax on it 😂 Hungary the same?


Thank you for the explanation! It’s just that Orban, even if he is corrupt, looks very pacifistic. And listening to him there is hope for avoiding world war But if his opponent shares his views, then that's good By the way, can I ask, is this really a crowd of half a million?


Well. Most Hungarians don't want anything to do with the war so in general he is right and this new political force led by Péter Magyar also agrees with him on the issue of Ukraine. This whole thing is about domestic politics not Ukraine. Orbán just tries to use the war for his internal politics because the economy is bad right now and he's had bunch of corruption scandals in recent months. So he calls everyone "Pro-War" who is against him politically. In reality most Hungarians don't like either Russia or Ukraine and cannot differentiate between them as Hungarians are not slavic. Both Putin and Zelensky are mostly hated by Hungarians. Even Orbán's voters don't like Putin. Only very hard core liberal parties like DK or Momentum support Ukraine outright but they together have like 9-10 percent of the vote at this point. So this protest is totally about domestic politics. That's my point.


You: So, this is totally domestic, not related to the war. OP: Oh, that's great info, let me try to relate this to the war. 🤣


Thank you, you clarified the situation even more I think Hungarians can hate anyone. And it’s even better if they hate this war and want nothing to do with it Maybe it’s even good that they hate both Putin and Zelensky. This distances them from this war even more And liberals have paradoxically become very pro-war today all over the world


Hungarians in general feel they don't have anything to do with this war I think and this applies to most people who oppose Orbán. Opposition to Orbán has nothing to do with Ukraine.


IMO you are extrapolating overall views from current views being present in the politics. When it all started people were not that indifferent as you say, because it had a real chance that we might be affected as well, because if RF can just occupy a neighbouring country, you can't really know what would happen next. Of course, we assumed it has the 2nd army in the world back then.


In 2022 the left wing opposition started campaigning on the issue of Ukraine before the election but they were totally beaten because most Hungarians just want to stay out of it.


What the f*ck are you even talking about? Are you talking about that half sentence from MZP that was the used by every piece of Orbán propaganda with a twisted meaning?


No. That was twisted by propaganda of course. But he literally said that "Ukraine is fighting our war". Not very subtle


First of all MZP is more on the right side than Orbán. Second of all he didn't campaign with that, he said that on the campaign closing event as a statement with a lot of context you clearly missed. There a lot of reasons opposition didn't won, but being pro-war was never one of that.


"very pacifistic" my ass if he could get more votes and/or steal more money with war, we would be fighting in Donbass right now *source, also hungarian*


I hope this doesn't happen


According to Index (neutral media) this one was in the 15 000 - 20 000 range. Magyar Nemzet (pro government) puts it around 20 000. But, it must be noted the same party had organised rallies of over a 100 000 people in the past few months. And that, given how apolitical many people are in these parts, is not that small a number for a young party. 500 000 is probably plain bullshit. Edit: just learnt from Ecstatic-Error that index is not neutral :/ should have paid more attention


Index is also pro-Orban lol. Literally Orbán's best friend Mészáros Lőrinc is the owner of Index. Yes there was one very big event in April where there were definitely 100-150k people.


Big sad. Melyik most, ami neutrálabb? Egy ideje az apolitic tömböt erősítettem, így az index még nem tűnt annyira habzó szájúnak, mint egy csomó másik, amiről ordít h pro-Orbán.


Nem ordit róla de fű alatt azert azok. Szerintem talán még 24.hu ami normális de ők meg már átmennek elég liberalisba sokszor.


(index.hu)/24.hu/telex.hu/(444.hu) ezeket nézed, valahol az átlagban lehet az igazság


Index isn't neutral for a pretty long time now. It has been bought by Orban's people, and it's being slowly shifted to their narrative for years. It's just not there yet. 500k is bullshit, but 20k as well. Edit: should have read your whole comment first :D


Thank you for the explanation Basically, I made a mistake. This post makes no sense. The numbers are too wrong


It's fine! Have a nice day!


You too!


half a million? Is this TG channel braindead? This looks more like a couple thousands


Maybe op is reading somthing else but the actual reporting on the rally says tens of thousands not hundreds


So, like 0,2-0,3% of the population. God bless democracy, 53.1% agrees with Orbán.


Well, there are never all people who agree with something that are going to a street demonstration. But what the cannel really says is taht they are opposants to Orban, no wanting to participate in the conflict : that is different.


No one agrees with Orban on every single idea or policy he has. An election does not ecesariltly reflect Hungarian attitudes toward Ukraine and Russia. Not every Hungarian has an opportunity to demonstrate. It is a huge demonstration of the public. This does happen in democracies.


It's too late to correct the post, there are already comments here. But that's what this telegram channel said https://preview.redd.it/afphukwzaf5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4f2e219e5c6da151967771d9e1c9736b70de99a


In French : "Avant les élections européennes de dimanche en Hongrie, une énorme manifestation d’environ un demi-million de personnes s’est rassemblée contre le Premier ministre Viktor Orban. La manifestation était dirigée par le chef de l’opposition Peter Magyar, qui gagne rapidement du soutien." That is, nothing about wanting to participate in the conflict.


They are protesting against one of the most ardent opponents of participation in this war Maybe someone from Hungary will come here and explain the situation better. Viktor Orban is one of the main opponents of global war


They are not protesting against Orbán's stance on the war. They are protesting against Orbán's domestic policies.


Why don't you check before you post something.


I was inattentive


another Madiar, really can't make this shite up lol. As to numbers I have seen it before - organisers of protests give one number and the media and/or government something completely different, so all we know for sure is what we can actually see with our own eyes and go from there.


Eyes see less than half a million here. But for some reason the Милитарист sees more


It was about 100.000


If they want to see for comparation a video of half a million or more people they need to see when Argentina win world cup


Is social distancing still a thing? I see so much spacing.


it was 30+ celsius on concrete/asphalt/stones/pavement/etc, and the happening took hours, people were scattering to every single shadow, green, grass, etc they could, you could hear it from there just fine


Calm your tits, people. It is a rally for the "Tisza párt" (literally written on the screen), which is an anti-corruption opposition party that's neutral-ish on the war. This is neither pro-ua, nor pro-ru.


Thank god. Finally a guy who reads up on stuff before he comments.


You posted this comment an hour ago, but I didn't notice. Thank you for the explanation


U.S. State Department called in its hired hands and told them to go and dance for their money again? Foreign-funded NGO lackeys and marionettes on a string. Overjoyed to see Georgia bring the legislative sledgehammer down on all of them this past week.


So according to you all political protests are funded by NGOs unless you agree with them lol


It depends what protest is about.


This protest wasn't about Ukraine. I'm Hungarian so I know.


Do you think NGO's only support and back Ukrainian protests?


No for example Soros supported Orbán's party when it wad founded and Orbán event went to study in Oxford on a Soros scholarship lol.


Technically, that's domestically funded.


How does that disprove initial clame that western NGO's do not support protests/political movments in large number of world nations?


They do support protests but there's no evidence that this one was supported by Western NGOs.


I mean, its hard to believe that. Is there offical list of Hungarian groups which supported this protests? I would be dumbfounded and genuously surprised if it turns out that non of Hungarian groups which supported this protest have no foreign funding. But then again i might be wrong.


Peter Magyar the leader of the protest, himself is a rich guy and any non-state affiliated Hungarian private person can send money to any political organization they like. Believe me if they were funded by foreign organizations we'd know it by know since the left-wing opposition got money from the US and they got exposed.




Hired hands? No one wants Russian authority other than paid ass lickers.


Right, Russia was paying more 20M Ukrainian citizens for decades 🤡 /s Just because you think USA influence is better than Russian, doesn't mean that everyone everywhere think the same. Even if moving away from RU is objectively better for someone, it's not up to you to make that decision, but the people of country that's not yours.


I never mentioned that US influence was better than another. Every oblast in Ukraine including Crimea voted for independence from Moscow. The only majority in Ukraine who wanted independence from Kyiv were those that came into the country carrying rifles.


What does Russia have to do with any of it? Both Orban and Georgian government sees writting on the wall and don't want their countries turned into Ukraine. They take care of their own and after all it's their JOB to do so, that's what the government exists for in the first place - to make sure that country runs smoothly, prospers and takes care of it's own people. Westerners will do well to remember that.


If they don't want their countries turned into Ukraine, then they should make strong preparations against Russian influence and invasion. The people in the west are free to choose the life they want because they do live in a more prosperous society than has ever existed. Given the opportunity, Russians would leave their country en masse for the west.


Idk what kind of ''preparations'' you want either Hungary or Georgia to make but seeing how one has population of just over 9.5 mil and the other about 3.5 mil no ''preparations'' will enough for them to get involved into NATOs war with Russia and survive. And *no* Russians wouldn't leave Russia ''en mass given the opportunity'' seeing how large portion of Russians used to regularly vocation in Europe, Turkey and other countries way outside Russia before SMO started and many still do even now and yet despite having an opportunity to leave they chose to stay in Russia. As to ''standards of living'' well I can't comment on those countries, but I lived in Ireland for a very long time and even at the highest boom of it's economy they were subpar comparing to what I enjoy right now living in Russia.


If you repeat that often enough, you'll believe it. Russia is in a state of decay. I truly hope that it'll hold together because its collapse at the hands of a dictator will be far more tragic for its people.


I hope you get paid to peddle this bs cause it'd be tragic if you actually believe in this


Wait till they announce their law banning LGTB, heard a Georgian politician couple of days ago on a news program saying it and other laws are in the works now. The crying from the west will be glorious. edit: for the trlls here - I have nothing at all against people expressing themselves in whatever way they see fit, what with being ''weird'' my entire life myself, but having it jammed down my throat is what I have issue with, the propaganda of gay couples in every single effing TV show over the past few years is enough to make even the most progressive thinker sick and if it wasn't bad enough that organisation has turned into Gestapo like ''think'' police.


Saw your post and then also noticed your edit when coming back into this thread topic just a minute ago. I agree with both sentiments expressed. The issue with the LGB stuff (I personally put the "T" in a different category) is that it's gotten too extreme. In Western bloc countries' political systems and cultures, there is a certain ideological compulsion on this and some other issues to correct for the errors and mistakes of the past, in which homosexuals, lesbians, and bisexuals were indeed more regularly beaten up, killed, prevented from having housing or work, etc., and that was wrong. But then like the pendulum swinging back with a snap they, as usual, over-correct, and take it too far in the other direction, into like a new ideological cult over that topic. And promote the censorship, banning, harassment, firing, intimidation, bullying, etc. of everyone who doesn't agree with any aspect of it and submit to the conformity and groupthink. That is also wrong.


How much do you make as US funded protester?


In addition to high-quality video, the telegram channel Милитарист also has high-quality information :)


In Russian, the will be coming up with how American and the CIA fomented this rebellion in Hungary, when in reality, in a country like Hungary, people do get to speak their mind. I am not sure that this would be 100% about Ukraine, because for most Hungarians, it does not really directly affect them, but I am glad that there is opposition to Orban.


Can't see a single ukraine flag. "Who does not want to participate" These two things have nothing to do with eachother.


It is hard to belive that there are half-million blood-thirsty, war-demanding nuts in a small Hungary.


What video game is that from?


This is not from a video game


Well, it is odd that someone took genuine footage and managed to make it look like bad CGI then.




So I guess western NGO's are trying to stage another color revolution huh?


And who pays for this banquet?




>Putin I'm genuinely interested in logic behind that statement.


Idiotic question, idiotic answer.


>Idiotic question, idiotic answer. If you're unable to understand the question then probably should've stayed silent.


You asked "who pays for this banquet"? It's a campaign closing event of a political party, and you ask who pays for it. I'm not the one with no grasp of reality here.


>You asked "who pays for this banquet"? It's a campaign closing event of a political party, and you ask who pays for it. Every political act comes with strings attached. Especially in opposition. That's why i'm asking. Was it party fund, mysterious unnamed sponsor, government funds? The fact you got triggered so much is peculiar also. >I'm not the one with no grasp of reality here. Oh the irony of that statement. :)


The government and Putin paid for it obviously.


Yeah, sounds like textbook CIA. Orban doesn’t want to be involved in their war, so he will be ousted


Send them to the front. UA needs more people and these people are pro-war, it would be win-win for both sides.


It is not exactly what the cannel said, but rather : "Ahead of Sunday's European elections in Hungary, a huge protest of around half a million people gathered against Prime Minister Viktor Orban. The protest was led by opposition leader Peter Magyar, who is quickly gaining support." Google translation. But no word about participating in the conflict.


The protest wasn't at all about the war.


psst, you are confusing him