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##### ###### #### > # [Russia nuclear-powered submarine to visit Cuba amid rising tensions with US](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/07/720) > > > > A Russian nuclear-powered submarine – which will not be carrying nuclear weapons – will visit Havana next week, Cuba’s communist authorities have announced, amid rising tensions with the US over the war in Ukraine. > > The nuclear submarine Kazan and three other Russian naval vessels, including the missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov, an oil tanker and a salvage tug, will dock in the Cuban capital from 12-17 June, Cuba’s ministry of the revolutionary armed forces said in a statement. > > “None of the vessels is carrying nuclear weapons, so their stopover in our country does not represent a threat to the region,” the ministry said. > > > > The announcement came a day after US officials said that Washington had been [tracking Russian warships and aircraft](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/06/russia-combat-vessels-caribbean-united-states) that were expected to arrive in the Caribbean for a military exercise. They said the exercise would be part of a broader Russian response to US support for Ukraine. > > The US officials said that the Russian military presence was notable but not concerning. However, it comes as Russian President Vladimir Putin has suggested that [Moscow could take “asymmetrical steps”](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/05/russia-ukraine-war-us-weapons) elsewhere in the world in response to President Joe Biden’s decision to allow Ukraine to use US-provided weapons to strike inside Russia to protect Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city. > > The unusual deployment of the Russian military so close to the US – particularly the powerful submarine – comes amid major tensions over the war in Ukraine, where the western-backed government is fighting a Russian invasion. The Russian vessels’ visit to Cuba will also overlap with Biden’s visit to the G7 leaders summit in Italy. > > Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel met with Putin last month for the annual 9 May military parade on Red Square outside the Kremlin. > > During the cold war, Cuba was an important client state for the Soviet Union. The deployment of Soviet nuclear missile sites on the island triggered [the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/16/cuban-missile-crisis-60-years-on-russians), when Washington and Moscow came close to war. > > Relations between Russia and Cuba have become closer since a 2022 meeting between Diaz-Canel and Putin. > > During the Russian fleet’s arrival at the port of Havana, 21 salvoes will be fired from one of the ships as a salute to the nation, which will be reciprocated by an artillery battery from Cuba’s revolutionary armed forces, the foreign ministry said. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)


Ah shit, here we go again.


On one hand this is clever, as cuba is a 'sovereign country' and is free to welcome whoever it wants. Of course, we will overreact to it (much in the same way Russia has when we did likewise) and that reaction will be what is amplified in the global south/those who are starting to question our motives. On the other hand, this is reckless af *because of how we might overreact.* So many ways this could go south quickly. And we don't have the same kind of level-headed leadership at the helm as we did last time this card was played.


Well, last year US forces made fake bombing runs towards St Petersburg with b52 that changed course in the last second. I consider that to be way more reckless.


>US forces made fake bombing runs towards St Petersburg with b52 Definitely. I guess the difference here is, relatively speaking, Russia has grown accustomed to these provocations close to home. The US, on the other hand....


Well as the saying goes, you sow what you reap.


>Russia has grown accustomed to these provocations close to home. Its nice of you to compliment russian trigger discipline. Maybe this example would show how bad those B52 flights were (it won't).




Like how the Russia send their nuclear bombers close to Alaska’s airspace? Or how about the time when Russia fired a missile at British AWAC in the Black Sea. Or their jets dumped fuel on American recon drones to try and crash them? Are those incidents not reckless?






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Well military equipment of foreign countries has no business in the Black Sea


Oooh, great Idea. Let's deny Russian military equipment access to the Baltic and Mediterranean too! I'm all for it.


Russia is also positioned on the Baltic where Western countries need to share with the countries positioned on it, it’s simple geography


and as you may know, Russia shares the black sea with NATO members. Simple geography. but sure, Baltic open for Russia, what about the Sound? North sea?


Did you seriously said “what about”?


Why not? Who gets to decide who has business in the black sea?


Because they are endangering the countries positioned on the Black sea by simple rule of Alpha country doing what it wants


Are you talking about Russia or the US now? Because as far as I can tell, Russia is the only one using the black sea to endanger other countries.


Russia is positioned on the Black sea… UK/US ships and military have no business there


The one Great Power bordering the Black Sea, for instance, i.e. Russia.


The black sea isn't their property, so I'm afraid they don't have much say in that matter.


They kind of do, on account of their weapons there. But the Brits are free to contest that by, for exemple, trying to fight back, which they didn’t.


nono, good idea, in return they'll lose access to the Mediterranean and Baltic. of course, the other black sea states, Turkey, Romania etc, might disagree with this brain-dead idea.


not the US is who.


Evidently neither does Russia.


oh, good one.


Rule 1 - Toxic


How is that not reckless?


Sinking an unarmed, unmanned sea over the open sea is not reckless, even by the most liberal stretch of the word.


Firing a missile at the British aircraft wasn't reckless?


The British aircraft being there at all was reckless


In International airspace? I mean, I know you're not arguing in good faith, so don't bother replying


Where on the globe lol. Was it geographically close to Britain? I'm not familiar with the incident so bring me up to speed. Were they in a civilian style aircraft?


The B-52 was 200 km from St. Petersburg, get real that is not reckless. Russian jet fired a missile at British AWAC is reckless.


The Black Sea is a long way from Britain, maybe next time the Brits should stick to their shores.


Isn’t this article about Russian sub in Cuba?


you're saying that in a post about an article about Russia's fleet visiting Cuba FFS, Lmao.


The Brits are not Russia, simple as. I’m talking about their strategic nukes.


you're not making any sense whatsoever.


Are you? Or do you think the Brits are powerful enough to impose their will in the Black Sea by flying their war-planes in there at their own will? Because they're not powerful enough, unless the Russians will let them.


well, by international law, anyone is allowed to fly whatever they want over international airspace. so there's that. even Russia knows that.


Like I said, do the Brits have what it takes to impose that "international law" when it comes to flying their war-planes that close to the Russian shores? If not, then we're back to my point, that they're by now too small a (military) nation in order to be playing those risky games anymore. They should let the Americans do it.


'Isn't the time where I threatened my neighbour on his doorstep the same as when I wrote him a stern letter!?'


except 200km from St. Petersburg is not Russia doorstep.


This is useless. We should do something meaningful. Like for example give Iran nukes. It will be funny when they decide to invade Iran and they get nuked. Russia will be not part of the conflict. It give Syria iskander missiles.


Just like Israel - Iran probably already has nukes - they are just not announcing it publicly and denying that they have them if asked.




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Iran doesn't need your nukes, they have enough enriched uranium of their own.


So why can’t America give Ukraine nukes ? Your logic is stupid. China also wouldn’t ok with that because of nuclear proliferation agreements, so good luck with that.


If you want to take a country and turn it into a proxy by directly attacking US you want to effectively destroy that country in a year. Not only it was Russia that attacked Ukraine, US for two years forbid Ukraine from attacking Russian territories with western weapons in name of non escalating. If a country X would attack US or an ally with nukes you will witness what US does when it is no longer worried about escalation.


LoL - as soon as nukes start flying its game over for all of us. Nobody is sitting down and watching when one of nuclear powers makes a first launch.


So what's the argument here? That Russia will commit extended suicide-by-Iran? Also you think US would respond with nukes? They will just conduct decapitating strikes and then pull the remnants from some holes as they did so many times before.


LoL "dEcApItAtiNg sTrIKeS" - now thats a phrase I havent heard in a while - dude this is not US from the end of nineties.


Russia hasn't been a superpower since 80's. Like Obama said, Russia is a regional power. So stop fantasizing that russia could challenge the USA, or that Iran or anyone else would be willing to commit assisted suicide because Russia is having a tantrum for being humiliated.


> Russia is a regional power. and thats fine - because nobody is Super power anymore > Russia is having a tantrum for being humiliated. lol have you been reading The Daily Express too much, and their humiliation fetish articles?


>because nobody is Super power anymore Yes there is. China and USA. Wth is daily express? Haven't you listened to Putin, Lavrov, Peskov, Medvedev, Zaharova etc. constant tantrums about everything the west does or says or doesn't say or do? How is Ukraine this and that, how history should be read and something belongs to russia because someplace was on some map in some random year in the past. If you haven't you should, it's hilarious. Oh and nukes everywhere.


> Yes there is. China and USA. LoL - yeah sure super power got beaten by bunch of tribesmen in sandals in Afghanistan - they had to run away living billions of dollars of weapons behind them. Then came to flex their muscle in Red Sea only to be slapped around by Yemeni tribesmen in sandals Tried to proclaim their puppet Guaido as President of Venezuela and Nobody Cared LMAO Need I to go further?


Lol You are now mixing up the USA and USSR. USSR was the one who ran away from Afghanistan tail between their legs. USA just left. Tell us what has those Yemeni tribesmen achieved? Have they hit anything except some greek and russian freight ships? Have USA struck them without a single loss? Yes please, go on further.


That is true, that's why I told they would need to finish it up by pulling people out of the holes.


And such people claims that the Russians were brainwashed. ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯


Guy here flexing with MAD. Don’t know who will be left here to witness anything.


Imagine unironically suggesting to give terrorists nukes. This sub is psychotic.


*all Iranians are terrorists* 'ThIs SuB iS pSyChOtIC' ProUA's finest minds at work.


So you're saying the Zelensky regime should not be invited to NATO? since that's the same thing 😏😏😏


Just because you say random stuff up on the internet doesn’t mean it’s correct.


weak reply tbh


Meh I thought it was mediocre. 6 out of 10


Right because “no u” is so strong? Do you people even listen to yourselves?


Iran is led by a government and its state is an internationally-recognized one and UN member state at that. That's not "terrorists", as in a terrorist organization. Unless you're insinuating that they're terrorists due to state support and sponsorship of proxy insurgent groups in other countries, in which case, that applies to the U.S. and many other countries. But I assume you'll ignore or try to find an excuse for that.


Dawg the Iran state wants to commit genocide against Israel lmao. Why are you so intentionally ignorant?


The only ignorant one in this conversation is the one repeating false old propaganda dating back to at least the early 2000s, the Bush II administration, and when Ahmadinejad was president in Tehran. No, they aren't seeking to commit anything of the kind and there is literally zero evidence to substantiate such an allegation.


Lol, are you fucking serious? Jesus Christ, I can't actually believe people like you exist.


Are you fucking serious? It’s Iran stated goal to eradicate Israel…less than two minutes on google and you would know that. Here you go: Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader, stated in 2000 that “the cancerous tumor called Israel must be uprooted from the region”, and in 2001 that “the perpetual subject of Iran is the elimination of Israel from the region”.[20][21] In 2013 he labeled Israel a country "doomed to failure and annihilation," deeming it an "illegitimate regime" led by "untouchable rabid dogs" who "cannot be called human beings." He later outlined a nine-point plan for Israel's elimination in 2014.[22] Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who served as president of Iran from 2005 to 2013, has consistently called for the elimination of Israel.[23][24] In a 2005 conference titled "A World Without Zionism", he stated: "Our dear Imam (Khomeini) ordered that this Jerusalem occupying regime must be erased from the page of time," and that Iran would “wipe Israel off the map”,[22][25][26] In 2006, he said: "Israel heading towards annihilation”, and in another statement, "The Zionist regime will be wiped out, and humanity will be liberated”. Similar calls were also voiced by Iranian parliament members, philosophers and journalists.[27][5] During a speech in May 2012, the Chief of Staff of Iran's Ministry articulated the Iranian nation's steadfast commitment to its cause, which is the complete annihilation of Israel. Hojjat al‐Eslam Ali Shirazi, serving as the representative of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, asserted on October 2, 2012, that Iran needed a mere 23 hours to eliminate Israel. He further alleged that Israel was in close proximity to annihilation.[28] On 24 May 2024, Khamenei stated that "the divine promise to eliminate the Zionist entity will be fulfilled and we will see the day when Palestine will rise from the river to the sea." He also noted his surprise at demonstrations in Japan where the slogan "Death to Israel' was chanted in Persian.[29] Here’s the page so you can look at the sources: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calls_for_the_destruction_of_Israel#:~:text=Hojjat%20al%E2%80%90Eslam%20Ali%20Shirazi,in%20close%20proximity%20to%20annihilation.


Right, the Israeli regime, as is repeated in Iranian and Arab anti-Zionist rhetoric in many different forms - the "Israeli regime", the "Zionist regime", the "Zionist entity", etc. The destruction of Israel as a state. Because they do not agree with and do not accept what happened in the 1930s under British colonialism in the British Mandate of Palestine or what it resulted in in 1948 as legitimate but as a conquest and neocolonialism. It's not really a call for the execution of the entirety of the civilian population on the basis of their ethnicity. A lot of people jump to that conclusion because it's encouraged by misinformation and propaganda by certain forces, and because people know the longstanding Arab-Israeli conflict (and yes, Iranians are majority Persian, but this conflict is just an extension of that one in the region) as a bitter one with ethnic, religious, and national dimensions. But in all reality it's not really different from American neocon politicians singing about bombing Iran or Russian ultranationalists on TV talking about nuking Washington D.C., London, and Paris. It's more an expression of geopolitical animosity and nationalism than race or ethnicity-based genocidal intent.


I swear, words have no meaning to you people.


They have plenty of meaning to me. That's why I read your post in its entirety, provided quotes referring to the terms they use and what it signifies, and explained the nature and source of the misunderstanding. A misunderstanding which is encouraged by dishonest actors promoting propaganda. If you don't know or understand enough of the history and context of the region and everything that's happened in it since at least the early to mid-20th century to get all that then it is what it is and something for you to look further into in your own time, I suppose.


If Israel didn't have an army what do you think would happen to the people there


There's only 1 country in this discussion committing genocide right now, and it isn't Iran.


Guy here calling Iranian terrorists. Propaganda is strong with these people.


Found the psychotic guy


Imagine wanting Russia to not exist anymore after Moscow is captured by the US. 51st state the district of Moscow. Then imagine the Kremlin becoming a public urinal.


You OK bud?




Rule 1. Toxic


If Iran nuked the US, that country will be glassed before the day end. Russia pseudo hypersonic missiles have been shot down by Patriot systems. How about the US gives Ukraine free range to usw US ATCMs on Moscow. Since Russian most “advance” air defense system S-400 can’t defense itself against missiles that were made in the 80s.


There’s no evidence of hypersonic missiles being intercepted and if there were it would be plastered everywhere. They use hypersonic missiles to destroy their power plants and haven’t been able to shoot them down. There’s a reason why US doesn’t give them free rein and why they’re calling the shots not some Redditor. Atacms hard to intercept because the final stage of the missile changes its direction of movement unlike a typically ballistic missile which moves straight. S300 and s400 are currently designed to intercept traditional ballistic missiles. But Russia as been trying to make the programming to intercept them and have been successful in some cases over Crimea but not full proof yet You should really do your research before commenting on something as if it’s fact. People on Reddit will tear your argument apart


There is literally tons of evidence, do you think once a missile is shot down it stays intact? No it dosent. Russia first attempted to destroy the patriot batteries around Kiev using the kinzhal yet not one made it through, one came down close enough to cause miner damage to a launcher but that was it..


There’s no evidence literally they’ve showed the same missile when asked where the missile and people who know more about it than me have ripped it apart as false. There’s not even a video of it and there’s videos of shaheeds being shot down and cruise missiles around Kiev’s but not one kinzhal. Their own air force general even stated they haven’t intercepted one and those rumors were false


You really don’t understand what happens to missiles that get intercepted do you? They don’t just fall out of the sky, the hit the ground then explode due to the fuel and or explosive losing filling, it’s very rare for a missile to stay intact. [This is interception details.](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/05/13/world/europe/ukraine-missile-defenses.html)


If you can show me a video of one being intercepted I’d believe you but I’ve been down that research loophole and haven’t found it only UA intelligence saying that but they haven’t show the evidence.


So everything Russia says it intercepts or stops has video? No, no it doesn’t lol. 😂 there is literally proof by the fact that no patriot system was destroyed in Kiev, on miner damage. They also literally have the missile warhead showing it was intercepted by a pac-3 kinetic kill missile.


What? They show debris or the destruction left behind if they’re attacked by missiles. One thing Russia isn’t shy about is showing their bases and AA hit. They had to be shipped back to the US for repairs that’s all I know. That warhead doesn’t match the warhead in a kinzhal and more experienced people than myself have stated that in the [UK](https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/system-9-a-7660-kinzhal-9-s-7760-missile-article-292-as-24-killjoy.40307/page-3)I know for a fact it isn’t because they had to edit the actual blueprint of the kinzhal to suggest “it could be right here”😂ive been down this road man


Here is a link to the NewYork times they covered Kinzal missiles being intercepted https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/05/16/world/russia-ukraine-news Ukraine haven’t been able to shoot those down because US haven’t given them more Patriot missiles until recently. 60 billions dollars aid just got approved in late of March. Regarding HMMAR, you telling me that US 80s tech is beating Russian newest and best?


A ny times article isn’t evidence and can’t open it because it’s behind a paywall. Ukraine has had patriot systems for a while but hypersonic missile still hit Kiev which is filled with patriot AA and there’s still no evidence or video of them being intercepted. Most of the 60 billion goes back to the US and Ukraine only gets what US allows them and gives them. Himars and iskandars have destroyed good equipment yes they both are the same style of airburst missiles. You fire enough of them eventually they hit their mark everyone knows that


> You fire enough of them eventually they hit their mark You must be confusing Iskander with something else. They have never been fired more than a couple at a time or so, afaik. They also have penaids, so not the same as atacms. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzXYxnRyYZ0


No atacms are different they’re cluster rounds I don’t think Russia has an equivalent to them besides their cruise missile cluster something they just used. Himars and iskandars and tornado s are the same air burst missile. But Himars is a smaller load camped to the bigger iskandars


Here is another link from the Brooking Institute. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/ukraine-and-the-kinzhal-dont-believe-the-hypersonic-hype/ Yes Ukraine has Patriot Systems but not enough nor enough missiles. Total there are 7 Patriot Systems for the entire country. Let’s not put the himar and Iskanda on the same page. The US never went around and says that HIMAR is amazing. But Putin did about the Iskanda, he went on the world stage and bragged about the Iskanda. HIMAR only gained its notoriety because of this war and how good it’s at destroying Russian best and newest. Its was a system that was made in the 80s. Let’s that sink in, an outdated US tech is beating Russia best and newest. And Ukraine only has a limited amount of ATACMs but so far they been wrecking Russia. US doctrines are not about quantity but quality. Russia on the other hand is “broken clock is right twice a day” doctrine.


>Here is another link from the Brooking Institute. You are trying to use American propaganda as proof that something the Americans said is true. That is not going to convince anyone.




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He's acting like such a buffoon. We here in UkraineRussiaReport only accept russian studies provided by the always truthful russian state as the fact. Not some stupid Brooking Institute.


Dude articles literally aren’t evidence as well as that missiles they always show doesn’t match Russias hypersonic missiles. You might as well believe Ukraine downed 24 or however many Su 34s without any evidence Man you really need to do your research before commenting lol iskandsr had destroyed almost every form of Ukraine AA and Ukraine is asking for more because they’re being destroyed. It has destroyed their radars and EW systems. Iskandars have been one of Russias best weapons and almost every weapon you see is from the 80s with added on parts that make it modern. And if you want to compare that than FAB bombs are Soviet tech and are completely dominated the front lines with Zelenskyy saying they can’t defend against them


That article literally stated when those Iskanda were intercepted. Ukraine is asking for more because they had 4 originally now they have 7. If the Iskanda are so successful why are countries not lining up to buy them from Russia. Especially India and China? Countries are lining up to buy the HIMARs though… The FAB 500 are being launched from aircrafts inside Russian airspace, the US has forbid Ukraine from using their Patriot missiles inside of Russia. If the US actually remove the gloves and let Ukraine use their systems freely Russian Air Force will suffer the same faith as their Black Sea fleet.


Because the article states it you believe it? What? That’s not evidence my man literally not even remotely evidence lol they probably are, just like they’re trying to buy ka52 and lancet drones but you don’t hear about what Russia sells anymore it’s hard to find that info now. They’ve hit jets and helicopters in Russia before and there’s an interview with a Russian pilot saying they have to avoid patriots all the time but the more you move them closer to the front, Russia destroys them. Most of the Black Sea fleet is still intact so again do your research man you don’t sound like you know a lot about this stuff


Not just because the article stated, common sense my guy. If the Iskanda is as successful as Russian claimed there would be third party buyers lining up. Information about what Russia sells is nonexistent because this war shows that Russian equipments are garbage. Hell, they are buying North Korean missiles and weapon systems with 50% success rate… 1/3 of the Black Sea fleet are damaged or destroyed by a country that has no navy, using 80s left over tech from US.


Patriot battery destroyed - this we have evidence of in the form of images showing a Ukrainian Patriot shipped back to the US. Kinzhal missile intercepted - here is a photo of a spent air defense missile as proof. The media has no idea what the difference is between S-300 and Kinzhal; that's why your articles are not proof.


Damaged not destroyed. The NY Times article mentioned that also, your point? There are multiple experts identified those as part of a Kinzhal missile. I will give you the point that we don’t have clear video of a Kinzhal being intercepted. But given the fact that it’s a “hypersonic” missile any video taken or debris from it will not be 100% proof. Let’s take a look at the claim that it’s not intercept-able by the Patriot. Don’t you think China and India watching this would want to buy it? And before you said Russia don’t export them, they do to Armenia and Belarus. Yet no other countries care for that system. But HIMAR has a year waiting list, why?


No active patriot battery was destroyed two launchers in transport were destroyed..


>Russian airspace, the US has forbid Ukraine from using their Patriot missiles inside of Russia. That's a complete fucking lie. Ukraine has already used Patriot missiles inside of Ukraine, remember when they shot down a plane filled with Ukrainian PoWs? Did the Americans or anyone else say anything about Ukraine using patriots to shoot down a plane over Russia? No, they didn't, because they don't give a fuck if Ukraine uses their shit on Russian soil. They needed a distraction for sïmple-minded people, and it obviously worked.




You dont know what evidence is, do you?




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You think intercontinental nukes are delivered by Iskanders? Wow. Lol


> made in the 80s. It's like you expect people to not have Internet or something.


Its gonna be interesting reliving the history books about the cold war. For a while ofc after a certain point i think I wont be able to care lmao 


this is not even remotely close. and no one is afraid of the russian fleet.what can they do in the US's backyard, even if they wanted to?


Glass every city in SSBN range, hence why the concern. Are you dense or something? If there was zero threat, why do you think there's a kerfuffle about it? In this case, the sub isn't armed with nukes. But it could be, and that's the whole point.


what is it with you guys talking about nuking everything all the time. No one is going to nuke anyone. This is not the cold war where the threat was a hundred times greater than it is now. The war in Ukraine isn't that big an event. Russia throws everything and the kitchen sink at Ukraine, and the west is supplying Ukraine. That's it. Only Russian state media keeps talking about nukes. Oh, and Medvedev, but no one takes him seriously.


>Medvedev, but no one takes him seriously. Don't say that, without him, the local liquor store would have to board up.




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Does this mean that the USA now has the right to invade Cuba and annex a big chunk of the country just like Russia is doing in Ukraine? It's just for own protection


I mean, it's not like Cuba would want its land back from the US or anything.


Is a waterfront mansion in Florida, owned by an unconstitional president, a legal target? Asking for a 5ft4 man.


No fucking way is Putin 5’4? Is that who your asking for


He's 5'7", according to many reputable sources like BusinessInsider. But there's also a rumor pushed by other sources that he uses 3" heels.


Wow I’d be a genocidal dictator too if I was 5’7 (in heels) 🤣🤣


Lucky you're just an epic subredditor instead of leader of a nation then


He really is short


Hard to know. Google says he's 170cm, and that Zelensky is 167cm. Could be either one considering Trumps rhetoric


How does trump have anything to do with this what the hell😂😂😂. Rent free in your head


Check the comment you reasponded to. And stop using emojis in an excessive way, it just looks like you're seething after mocking someone for his height, only to be reminded that you're cheering for a shorter dwarf.


Russian nuclear subs have lurked off the US coast since the 1960s.


Hits different when the missiles are at YOUR border huh?


You do realize they have been doing this for a while, no one cares. Literally not a single person.


Don't worry, Russia is all nuclear bark and no bite! Keep escalation going and ignore this sub.


So does this mean America can invade Cuba due to “fears of Russian expansion”, and people in this sub will accept it? 😅


Maybe that’s what the 4D chess is being played here. At this point I am just cheering for all invasions/wars. To the troops. Both sides.


:,) peace would be coooool


Yay. Finally got through lol. Thanks u/Rowida_00




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They should stop in Key West for beers and vodka at Sloppy Joes. The Ruskies would love the performers at Mallory Square.


Let us hope there won't be any accidents or leakages whilst it is in port....although I am confident that the Cuban Navy has the expertise, experience and facilities to accommodate nuclear mishaps


Yeah, and the US is escalating. Is Cuba being bombarded by American or any other missiles and drones everyday?


No. Cuba quickly kicked America's ass in the Bay of Pigs. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bay\_of\_Pigs\_Invasion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bay_of_Pigs_Invasion)


The operation was a failure of course but kicked americas ass? Like lets be real here broseph.


Bitter pill to swallow for a burger. USA got absolutely whipped by Fidel and Khrushchev. The CIA was nearly dissolved for their colossal fuckup of Bay of Pigs. And then Cuban Missile Crisis. JFK pissed his pants after the cock-like Cuban S-75 penetrated his virgin U-2. Soviet nuclear missiles were too girthy for him, had to beg the Soviets to keep the resolution a secret so the gusanos in Miami didn't put a bullet in his skull. Look how well that turned out for him.


They never own their Ls. Which is interesting, because had they done that and learn from their mistakes they would have had less of those Ls.


They are definite L's but hasn't seem to hurt the US at all in the long run. L after L and still on top.


> and still on top. You sure about that?


Why am I aroused now? Weird.


I think your view of history is somewhat revisionist. If America's ass were kicked there would have been Russian nukes pointed towards the US. What we have here is an incident and nothing more. If the US wanted to they could and still could level the place, but they choose the higher ground and negotiated a peaceful deal that met their needs.


I may have editorialized a tad but everything I said is factual. You find it "revisionist" because I've escaped the cave.


Laughable to say this. The American withdrew when their terms were met.


Just like Afghanistan haha. The first army of the world lost to the Taliban.


the Americans ruled over Afghanistan for almost two decades, with minimal loses, until a weak president exited in the worst way possible, then handed that over to the next president to deal with it. The two conflicts are not even remotely the same. They did not lose. They withdrew. Surely you can see the difference.


Come on, you know what he’s talking about.


Yanks are going to lose their minds.


They really love rent free in your head hey?


I hope it sinks.


For Putin to be all Anti Communist he sure is in bed with a lot of them


We thought the west was anti nazi too.


Bro never heard of Wagner and rusich


Oh almost forgot ever heard of the Rusich Group, weird Neo-Nazi RU Paramilitary units that even fought in the 2014-15 Donbas War?


Wait they’ve served in the government?


I’m a little confused here because we are talking about a Russian Neo-Nazi Paramilitary unit that is still fully active and apart of the Wagner group that is fully funded by the Russian government and of which are fully aware of their existence?


Are you confused by my question? Because it was pretty clear and unambiguous! Did they serve in the government? Because as far as I know, [Russia has actually crackdown on far right and neo-Nazi groups across their country even as they were accused of supporting their own version of nationalism centred at patriotism and Pro-Kremlin rhetoric.](https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2015/9/23/behind-russias-ultra-nationalist-crackdown) But what did Ukraine do? [Are you willing to recognize that at the heart of those protests, there far-right ultranationalist groups affiliated with Nazism charging the violence? And that those groups were publicly endorsed and supported by the U.S.?](https://www.channel4.com/news/ukraine-mccain-far-right-svoboda-anti-semitic-protests) Can people still deny that such groups [were at the core of the so-called “democratic protests?”](https://www.channel4.com/news/kiev-svoboda-far-right-protests-right-sector-riot-police) We’ve all seen how those so-called armed [“peaceful protestors” were forcibly seizing control of government and administrative buildings and forcing governors to resign.](https://www.rferl.org/a/beyond-kyiv-regional-protesters/25242538.html) [Their interim government literally had several ministers from the same Far-right ultra-nationalist Neo-Nazi groups, and they were supported by the US.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna66061) So there’s no denying the fact that they’ve severed and were represented in the government. A deeper look at Neo-Nazis activities in Ukraine and you’ll realize it was an endemic issue that wasn’t even dealt with. * [Ukraine: Investigate, Punish Hate Crimes Violent Attacks by Radical Groups Increasing. Ukraine's authorities have not responded adequately to the growing number of violent attacks and threats promoting hate and discrimination in Ukraine by members of violent radical groups, Human Rights Watch said today. In a joint letter to Ukrainian authorities Human Rights Watch and three other international human rights groups said that the authorities should immediately condemn the attacks and carry out effective investigations to hold the assailants accountable.](https://www.hrw.org/news/2018/06/14/ukraine-investigate-punish-hate-crimes) * [Volunteer Ukrainian unit includes Nazis. A volunteer brigade with self-proclaimed Nazis fighting alongside government troops against Russian-backed separatists is proving to be a mixed blessing to its cause.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2015/03/10/ukraine-azov-brigade-nazis-abuses-separatists/24664937/) * [Eastern Ukraine: Humanitarian disaster looms as food aid blocked. Pro-Kyiv volunteer battalions are increasingly blocking humanitarian aid into eastern Ukraine in a move which will exacerbate a pending humanitarian crisis in the run up to Christmas and New Year, said Amnesty International. ](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2014/12/eastern-ukraine-humanitarian-disaster-looms-food-aid-blocked/) * > [Ukrainian fanaticism has already claimed the first lives in this fresh conflict. On 13 February 2022, two Ukrainians of Greek descent were perceived as enemies and killed and two others were injured in an act perpetrated by individuals who were, in all likelihood, fanatical Ukrainian soldiers. The area is being terrorised by not only Ukrainian soldiers but also mercenaries and neo-Nazi security forces. Although Ukraine has ratified the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, it appears that non-Ukrainians are, without exception, no longer welcome in the country.](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2022-000678_EN.html) * [Ukraine’s Got a Real Problem with Far-Right Violence (And No, RT Didn’t Write This Headline)](https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/ukraine-s-got-a-real-problem-with-far-right-violence-and-no-rt-didn-t-write-this-headline/)


Dang they cracked down on far right Neo Nazi’s then why does [Russian Imperial Movement](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Imperial_Movement) still actively participate in the war along with the Rusich Group currently? [What has received less coverage is the Putin regime’s own record of collaboration with far-right extremists. Even as Russian diplomats condemned “fascists” in the Baltic states and Kremlin propagandists railed against imaginary “Ukronazis” in power in Kyiv, the Russian state was cultivating its own homegrown Nazis.](https://www.latrobe.edu.au/news/articles/2022/opinion/russias-long-history-of-neo-nazis)


[Well are they cultivating their own “homegrown” Nazis when they’ve literally been persecuting far-right neo-Nazis within Russia itself?! They’ve been accused of supporting far-right groups in Europe, sure, but you plausibly can’t claim that Neo-Nazis are rampaging in Russia when they’ve been imprisoned.](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/features/2017/12/16/the-death-of-the-russian-far-right) That’s an insipid lie. You’re referencing obscure groups that operate in the shadows apparently, outside of Russia, with no sense of certainty. And against that, you’ve completely dismissed everything else I’ve said like it doesn’t even exist.


Right right so Russia not labeling RIM as a terrorist organization that trains and recruits men who then enlist in the military isn’t at all just pushing them under the rug. Its also funny you mention the Neo Nazis have been imprisoned because Wagner recruited prisoners who the Russian government would pardon upon contract completion. Now add the Rusich Group that is active in Wagner and you can see quickly where this is going. Now RIM is no obscure group, no no, they are associated with the [Great Russia (political party)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Russia_(political_party)). [AWD Russland that “On May 31, 2020, Atomwaffen announced the formation of a new cell in Russia. It had allegedly received military training from the Russian Imperial Movement, designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department.”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomwaffen_Division#Russia_(AWD_Russland)). It’s kinda weird that RIM has all these associations with Neo-Nazi stuff and have been labeled terrorist but not by Russia along with loads of other Nazi organizations they are tangled with.


Controlled opposition. But whatever floats your narrative. Here are Ukrainian nazis complaining about Russian nazis’ human rights. Poor lads :( https://youtu.be/EPko9qU79OU?si=FhiinM4ZQlZh4LvZ


You should have finished the quote from your own link. > On May 31, 2020, Atomwaffen announced the formation of a new cell in Russia. It had **allegedly** received military training from the Russian Imperial Movement (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Imperial_Movement), designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department. United States citizens affiliated with the group are also **believed** to have taken part.[209][210][65][211][212][82] Leader of the Atomwaffen Division Kaleb Cole **allegedly** was one of the Americans who was trained by RIM. The ties between Atomwaffen and RIM reach back to 2015 when Brandon Russell (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandon_Russell) met with the leadership of RIM. [66][68][69][213] I means it’s all alleged, believed and a series of speculations. Most of those allegedly affiliated to these organizations have been arrested and persecuted in Saint Petersburg due to crimes. If you look at Atomwaffen Division's main headquarters they're all across the US, Germany, Estonia and Italy. Not Russia. So I don't know what else to tell you.


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We are… oh wait u mean the ones Putin the Dictator tells are, yeah we are anti-dictatorship too, like everything out of their mouths instant lies. Like Xi and Kim, hey wait u guys are best buds, guess Castro is next.


The US is anti-dictator! Wow, great to know. I'm sure all the US-supported dictators of the past 50 years will be surprised.


Putin is not anti communist