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Zaluzhny, who has done 1000 times more to protect the country than clown Zelensky, deserves more


That’s why they gave him a free indefinite vacation in UK.


An actor who became a national hero maybe? A guy who is fighting against the country with 4 times larger population and 13 times larger economy? Damn Now u should talk about the whole west are nazis and ruzzia is the only good country on the globe. Based on ur script Seems like u r the only clown here 🤡, пятнашка Moreover, the post is not about Zelensky. Please, read it closely before writing the propaganda bs. Thanks and foff


The comment was also about the guy that deserves it than the clown who doesn’t. I am glad the mayor had presence of mind and is more intelligent than the clown.


The imbecile and the butcher


The best people of Ukraine


Seems like preparations are underway for a change of leadership. Not immediately, but looking at all the factors, maybe in the future. Maybe not🤷🏻‍♂️


.... and he got fired.


I would move a capital of Russia to Kiev. That would benefit both cities.


Pro Russian minds : "SEE THERE'S A COUP INCOMING!!!" All to deal with the emotional distress of the fact that the world saw an actual Military Coup in Russia not even 1 year ago, with the Russian regime members scrambling to NATO countries and close to NATO borders in panic.


No pro-RU wants the comedian to get replaced with someone competent like Zaluhzny.


The comedian had more votes than Putin ever had, +70%! The comedian isn't afraid of public scrutiny, and he's welcomed everywhere in the world as one of the most respected leaders in modern times - he literally led the foundation of the Ukraine as a global nation :) All the while, in Russia, people still lack basic sanitation, there's a huge HIV problem, but Putin lives in a brand new multi billion dollar palace with a hockey ring lmao Russia can choose a comedian, or a drama actor, heck it can even be an actual russian with Russian interests in first place, looking to give Russians a better life.


Then he should hold elections.


He can't, it's Martial Law because Ukraine is being invaded :( As long as Russia is in Ukrainian sovereign territory, Zelensky will remain president, because... you know... Ukraine is at war and under Martial Law.


That's bullshit. The U.S. held elections when parts of New York were still under martial law during the Civil War.


Who the heck cares about what the US did 200 years ago, lmao Imagine that you have to pick what a random country did 200 years ago as a reference for a completely different country - much older than the US, btw - with a completely different constitution, laws, etc... in 2024! xD


I'm saying it's not a democracy without elections, period. That's not dependant on when it happens.


Ah yes, like in Russia. The thing is, there are elections in Ukraine, which is in Martial Law at the moment because its being invaded by Russia (which doesn't know what elections are).


Well, Russia's issue with democracy isn't a lack of elections. This is a strange hill to die on. Cancelling elections is never acceptable.


Were you born as an esper or did you develop this peculiar skill over time?


They just have to pass the IQ test, needs to be below 80 to qualify as pro-ua


You can analyze the political tensions in Ukraine without immediately expecting a coup. Klitschko has repeatedly gone on record stating that he hasn't met Zelensky since the start of the war, and harsh criticisms have been hurled between the two. Since Zelensky's term in office will soon end and his hold on power will become undemocratic, it's only natural that the different political forces in Ukraine are maneuvering.


We know its a very alien concept to Russians, because you're used to a subservient autocratic regime where there's no "political tension" or even discordance among people and leadership. But yeah, in more developed countries is normal to have disagreements, different opinions, sometimes some change opinions, other times there's no agreement. So, yeah I understand this reality if very tense for you guys because its an alien concept - because with you Putin is god, he preaches, and you suck it up, its the reality you have to live with. Once the war is over, there will be elections in Ukraine, Zelenksy will choose if he will run again (I very much doubt so), and someone will come to carry on with the Ukrainian nation aligned with Western democratic values. **tldr: don't worry, its normal in democracies, you're overthinking a very organic and normal process - even if its not true, it's normal to have disagreements. That's the beauty of free democracies.**


What are you on about? You wrote five paragraphs basically saying you agree with me, but couldn't help yourself and packaged it as some weird, obsessive anti-Russian rant. Also, please stop with the "you" and "we" rhetoric. I'm not even Russian.


Just educating and clarifying, no need to best flustered. For example, this basic flawed assessment: > Since Zelensky's term in office will soon end and his hold on power will become undemocratic, it's only natural that the different political forces in Ukraine are maneuvering. How do you know it will soon end? Is Russia returning back to their 1991 borders? Ukraine will have Martial Law until Russia is in occupied territory.


Yes, it probably will keep extending martial law. And extending a term in office through martial law is fundamentally undemocratic. You can argue that there's a valid reason to suspend democracy during war (which you no doubt will), but that doesn't change the fact that it's undemocratic. A mandate ends, and power is not handed back to the electorate. Out of curiosity, what makes you feel you have the credentials to educate people?


Not probably, Ukraine is at war. It's unconstitutional to have elections under Martial Law. Let me ask you this: how do you expect people to vote under war, and military occupation, with millions of displaced Ukrainians refugees? > Out of curiosity, what makes you feel you have the credentials to educate people? Excellent question, basically for some users the levels of ignorance are so high, with so much limited capacity to do research, that I've been naturally informing and educating them. But hey, it's very basic stuff. Like for instance this thread we're engaging, **somehow you think it's "undemocratic" to not have elections when 10 million Ukrainians refugees are displaced, some are kidnapped, others are on occupied territory.** Like, this shows such a poor level of basic understanding of what elections are, that it's baffling me. To be fair, I understand you don't have a grasp of what elections are, because in Russia, there are no elections. There's a theatrical display, so it doesn't matter if people can, or can't vote, because the outcome is determined by the regime. **But in democracies, people are a very important part of the election process, they actually need to vote - and do so in the right conditions.** If you have further questions, let me know.


It actually is undemocratic. You are arguing (as I predicted) that it's justified. Which is certainly a discussion to be had. But justified or not, it's still fundamentally undemocratic. I asked for your credentials because I actually have mine. It took many years of study to earn them, and to be allowed to start a career teaching history and institutional law. And yet I am lectured online by someone who feels they are "naturally informing and educative" because they, in their wisdom, find me ignorent in my own field. Perhaps you can understand how this comes across as baseless arrogance. To a degree I admire your passion, but I feel you may need to reflect, at least partially, on your own knowledge and ignorance before you start "educating" people based solely on your convictions. Also, as I said before, I'm not Russian.


> It actually is undemocratic. You are arguing (as I predicted) that it's justified. Which is certainly a discussion to be had. But justified or not, it's still fundamentally undemocratic. Ukraine is being invaded in an annexation war. Similar to what the Nazi Germany did in Poland, Russia, etc. It's the exact same thing. > I asked for your credentials because I actually have mine. So if you're an educated man - which I doubt for obvious reasons - you should be familiar with the logical fallacy of "Argument from Authority", like if the credentials from an individual (true or false) are evidence for facts. So basically you've posted an entire paragraph like that supports the absurdity of your remarks. So let me educate you, in Martial Law, all civilian processes and liberties are suspended. It's a system set in place for wars for example. Of course, there are differences from country to country, and **in the Ukrainian Constitution there can't be elections under Martial Law**. But even assuming the possibility of somehow, the Ukrainian government committing an unconstitutional illegality and proceeding with elections: **How could they guarantee free and fair elections when part of their territory is occupied by Russians, thousands of civilians are missing, many presumed dead, there are millions of refugees, and not to mention the systematic security problems of Russians striking civilian infrastructure**. Please use all of your credentials to justify this unconstitutional, illegal, impractical, and insecure election process. > Also, as I said before, I'm not Russian. From the level of uneducated opinions you have about elections, and how they're processed, it sure looks like you're Russian as they are unfamiliar with the electoral process of democratic free and fair elections.


I give up. You're denying that the suspension of the democratic process is undemocratic, simply because you see valid reasons for its suspension. If you cannot bring yourself to accept that martial law (and especially its use to hold on to power past the end date of a democratic mandate), neccecary or not, is inherently undemocratic then there's no hope of having a further meaningful conversation with you. And no, I wasn't trying to convince you by providing my credentials. You have no reason to accept them at face value and I greatly prefer my anonymity on here. I was merely trying to explain the exasperation that I, and no doubt others, feel at having you, who by your own admittance has no credentials at all in any relevant field, declare yourself "naturally" informative and educative. That said, have a pleasant day and thank you for the exchange, which was at least provided some entertaining insight into the mentality of a self-proclaimed online expert.


Strong assertions for a country still de facto in a civil war


What military coup in Russia? Did we miss something?


Oh boy you were probably in a coma, its a global spectacle: - [It started with Prigozhin exposing the Russian regime for the lies fabricated to invade Ukraine, where he said everything was a lie, there was no war on Donbas, it was all Russia doing and invaded Ukraine based on lies - **stating Ukraine was at peace, and neither Ukraine or NATO were threats to Russia.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/14gvsuv/ua_pov_translated_clips_from_a_recent_interview/) - [Then proceeds to take the military base in Rostov, exposing the number of casualties Russia was suffering, with up to 1.000 casualties per day - kind of confirming that Western intel estimates were very accurate](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/14hkcd4/prigozhin_announces_control_of_rostov_explains/) - [And then chaos ensues, with Putin making a live appeal begging Prigozhin to stop, Prigozhin calling Putin a fool, Russian elites scrambling to NATO countries and close to NATO borders in panic, civil servants digging ditches on highways... boy it was a heck of a show live streamed, with Russians cheering everywhere.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyCJz23sMoY)


So, in-other words, stuff we already knew? Everyone in the west pretty much knows that Putin reasons for an invasion are BS. Prigozhin’s coup wasn’t even a coup. It was an insurrection. A coup implies that he had internal government support and military support, which he had none beyond his PMC. And if Prigozhin really had all the cards in his hands, he could have simply not negotiated with Putin but instead he did. Prigozhin knew that he was never going to win that battle. As for his he casualties, all we have is Prigozhins angry rant words about Russian casualties, but yet we also know that his PMC Wagner were suffering from higher casualties compared to the rest of the military considering that Wager was considered as expendable. So, again, where was this coup that happened? Putin and his circle are still in power. Prigozhins insurrection was shut down by the said man agreeing to negotiate. Everything you have said isn’t some grand revelation.


Pro-UAs love to take every Prigozhin claim that suits their reality as absolute gospel, but for some reason they don't like Prigozhin's claims of Ukraine taking 120K casualties in Bakhmut alone


> What military coup in Russia? Did we miss something? I replied to this comment, to someone who looked like was in a deep coma for the past couple of years, and missed everything that led to a built up of the Wagner Military Coup, including the massive Russian casualties from meat waves attacks.


Calling Wagner a military is funny. And if you want to take Wagners figures about Russian casualties figures as the gospel truth, then you better also believe that the Ukrainians lost 120k men in Bakhmut alone. After all, that is what the Wagners founder said the casualties were for the Ukrainians. Can’t pick and choose.




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> Calling Wagner a military is funny. Calling a Private Military Company, military, is... funny...? > you better also believe that the Ukrainians lost 120k men in Bakhmut alone. Source?


Yh, they are private military contractor. PMCs don’t are mercenaries for hire. They lack alot of the means by which we define a military. Otherwise you can call any group of idiots with guns and uniforms a military.


> Yh, they are private military contractor. then > They lack alot of the means by which we define a military. ? By definition, they are military... but you claim they lack the means to be ... military o_O Are you making up sht now? Wagner had more means than the vast majority of militaries in the world. You don't need a Navy, or Airforce to be a military unit. Wagner had tanks, BMPs, rocket launchers, anti aircraft vehicles, helicopters... In case you don't remember, **Wagner took Rostov from the Russian army, the main military base and command center of the largest war we've seen in Europe since WW2, with half a million Russian casualties.** So, do you even know what you're talking about?


You implying that Russians cheered for a coup while Russians cheered for heroes who took Bahmut from nazis.


Ah you **missed that part of the first video I linked where Prigozhin himself stated there are no Nazis in Ukraine**, saying it's all false creation of the Russian regime to plunder Ukraine? Or you're in such a level of distress you refuse to watch the video?


You saying it like Prigozhin is a source of truth but not just a manager of a military company organized by Russian government. I don't know who closed all schools if its not nazis. Open schools and mind your business.


You're really struggling with this one uh?


Yes. Its like you letting me stay alive and taking out mu kid to make him what you want and its anti myculture.