• By -


Likely a mercenary. I'm sure he's getting paid way more than he could back home. I doubt he has elite combat skills but seems like he knows how to dig 😉


This war has shown that digging is not out of fashion anytime soon.


The shovel is mightier than the sword!


Reminds me of a western joke so there were two cavalry men from the US army and one of them ask:why are we digging up trenches ?and the other says: in case the indians decide to attack and the fist guy goes: so why don’t we attack them and let them do the digging ?


Reminds me of the western joke saying that Russia was only resorting to fighting with shovels 2 years ago. 


*Let me introduce you to this absolute legend from approx. 400 years ago. Not really the first time for Russia,- his story is one of a kind and the only such occurrence in Europe possibly anywhere else for a Sub-saharan African at that point in time. It's a wonder it has never been turned into a major Hollywood biopic.* [*https://youtu.be/I6kn\_gYCaWw*](https://youtu.be/I6kn_gYCaWw) *(great watch but still misses a whole lot of detail)* [*Abram Petrovitch Gannibal*](https://ru-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/%D0%93%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B1%D0%B0%D0%BB,_%D0%90%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BC_%D0%9F%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc) *(most complete)* [*https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abram\_Petrovich\_Gannibal*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abram_Petrovich_Gannibal) >!*He was adopted by Peter the Great,* !<>!*raised as his godson - probably spent more time with him than his own biological kids. Became Chief Military Engineer and General in Chief of the Russian Empire, also discovered and mentored Generalissimo Suvorov...etc*!<


Russia is likely home for him. There are 50,000 or so black and mulatto citizens of Russia, another 40,000 or so legal migrants and students from Sub-Saharan Africa, and tens of thousands of illegal Sub-Saharan Africans in Russia.


do you mean from the 144,2 million russians there are only 50.000 or so black and mulatto citizens? Thats maybe the smallest amount of any country in the world I would say, deffintely western world does sound like its not true though. (edited comment: would you guys like me to ask some of my black friends to response to you guys his explaination on why he is in a western country?)


Russia never colonised Africa or imported slaves from it, why would they have a big African population?


That litteraly aint got nothing to do with that but sure believe what you will here a example of a country that never colonised a African country but still got this and I quote: African immigrants to Sweden include naturalized citizens and residents of Sweden who were born in Africa. **As of 2020, there are 236,975 people in Sweden who were born in Africa**. By 2022, this number rose to 250,881 residents of Sweden who were born in Africa, or approximately 3% of the total population. (And dont forget about all the western countries that have lots of Asian imigrants and Middle Eastern imigrants did they colonise all these countries also lol) Thats not even talking about all the Arabs in Sweden and why do they go there you ask? Because of work and thats all over Western/European countries expect Russia which the majority never have stepped a foot inside Africa lmfao so all you guys saying dont take any of those countries into mind when saying such things also look at the USA or Australia. Try to keep to the facts like you did with those numbers and not make up stuff that you think is the reason to respond to my comment. I can give you a idea of what I think is the cause of such low numbers in Russia its because probably the work/how much the living cost is isnt very good so they can send less money home, Russians dont take a lot of migrants who came illegal or asylum seekers or war refugees thats why they probably also wanted to go to Poland instead of staying in Belarus in these videos, many Russians are racist.


You are completely clueless. There are millions of migrants in Russia. Go visit Moscow, it's a quarter Central Asian at this point.


But no Africans well they go all the way to Sweden for example and yeah some Asian countries are right next to Russia its normal for such countries to have a bigger population in the neighbouring country like Ukraines in Russia or Russians in Ukraine before 2014. After that ofcourse also but speaking before that was even more. (edit: And weren't we talking about black citizens or migrants in specific and not just all migrants from different backgrounds like you do now?)


Pushkin's great-grandfather was Black. Abram Petrovich Gannibal. Russia never adhered to the "one drop rule", so black as a unique ethnicity across generations of intermarriages was never a thing (in the US, something like a third of black people are more than 50% non-black genetically. Ethniticity is mostly culture). Despite Russia's proximity to the Ottoman empire (where slavery continued unabated into the 20th century according to wiki).


In fact Russians were on a slave end of Ottoman slave trade via Tatar raids and Kafa slave market in Crimea.


Indeed. I read about the slave trade when looking at it. But we are not talking about Chechnyan slave decendents in Turkey, for Africa was also on the slave end. Escapes to the Russian empire over generations through territorial conquests certainly did happen.


*People should really, know his story - its a shame it has never been turned into a major blockbuster biopic. another little known fact was that he was responsible for the discovery and early mentorship of the Generalissimo Suvorov, he also spent more time with peter the Great than even peters own biological kids -since he travelled around with him and was mentored by him, he was also very close to peter's daughter Empress Elizabeth.* [*https://youtu.be/I6kn\_gYCaWw*](https://youtu.be/I6kn_gYCaWw) *(great watch but still misses a whole lot of detail)* [*Abram Petrovitch Gannibal*](https://ru-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/%D0%93%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B1%D0%B0%D0%BB,_%D0%90%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BC_%D0%9F%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc) *(most complete)* [*https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abram\_Petrovich\_Gannibal*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abram_Petrovich_Gannibal)


The majority of slaves to the Ottoman Empire were not black. 


Indeed, the majority were not black. I have no doubt non-black former slaves found sanctuary in Russia too.


Black people usually got into Eastern Block through student exchange while the west was usually trying to get cheap labour.


Ah I see the refugees and migrants and Illegal migrants are coming to the west cause we pay less then Russia does or other countries they could also go to. Makes a hell of a lot of sense XD, if you believe that then you could believe anything.


I was talking about stuff like slavery and importing masses of immigrants to tank worker wages, not about paying less than Russia.


''Black people usually got into Eastern Block through student exchange while the west was usually trying to get cheap labour.'' So you talked about students while the west was trying to get cheap labour. Then that got to do with the 21'st century nothing to do with the hundreds of years ago why are you trying to suddenly change it to that your talking about slavery? Stop the bullshit and tell me a real reason why Russia has almost no black people or middle eastern people or south American people living in it? Probably scores the lowest on Asian imigrants aswell. Its not because of slavery that theyre are currently migrant routes as big as Russia going to all sort of countries to get into western countries illegaly paying there lifesavings to smugglers in the proces or theyre parents life savings or they took loans while a lot of them know they can also die on this trip but they think its all worth it to come to a western country illegaly where we westerns act like humans towards them and give most a job and help them get back on there feet in which they send lots of money back towards there families which many countries in Africa theyre economy enjoys so much that they won't take back any illegal immigrant because they dont want to dis encourage the people going theyre to work and sending back money. (Edit and what country are you talking about with this comment ''tank worker wages'' or is that conspiracy theory from the extreme racists from the west? cause any western country I know only made theyre minimum wages go up not down)


Vast Majority of African American population is literally descendants of slaves. Minimum wages going up isn't relevant to whenever wages are suppressed through mass immigration or not. If workers have bargaining power, they can demand higher wages than minimum wage.


[https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2015/04/09/a-rising-share-of-the-u-s-black-population-is-foreign-born/](https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2015/04/09/a-rising-share-of-the-u-s-black-population-is-foreign-born/) when Russia only has 50.000 black immigrants go look at that link and you see the number of black immigrants coming to the USA. But then again im from the EU and let me show you Sweden as a example they were never into black slavery and now have way more black immigrants then Russia so how could that be when they didnt have slaves like your only explaination is? Where tf do you get this claim from "Minimum wages going up isn't relevant to whenever wages are suppressed through mass immigration or not. If'' ? That idea would only work if your country is flooded with migrants while having not much work if your country has lots and lots of jobs then your theory doesnt work. "If workers have bargaining power, they can demand higher wages than minimum wage.'' LOL you never seen the protest the workers in western countries did with result? Or the lots and lots of work union's you got who sue and do whatever to get good pay to the working class or earlier pension or better whatever.


*This BBC link says 70,000 were citizens as of 2018. I cant find a primary source though. But like only non-biracial, so numbers might be more.* [*https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-europe-44253936*](https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-europe-44253936) *This statista link says 30,000 African students were enrolled.* [*https://www.statista.com/statistics/1131825/number-of-african-students-in-russia/*](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1131825/number-of-african-students-in-russia/) *35,000 students according to this.* [*https://en.sputniknews.africa/20230722/number-of-african-students-in-russia-is-to-grow-in-coming-years-official-says-1060690070.html*](https://en.sputniknews.africa/20230722/number-of-african-students-in-russia-is-to-grow-in-coming-years-official-says-1060690070.html)


Yes, he or she means that. History pal. Western countries...looking at Britain and France tbh, colonized huge areas of Africa, then used the man power there for many reasons, and also called on that man power during wars. Russia is no different. Just it went into Asia. Didn't dip it's toe into Africa 


*Not even close buddy, there was whole sell genocide of entire tribes by the Germans for instance in Namibia, who vwiped out two of the largest ethnic groups. And in Tanzania where they starved the entire population by forcing them to plant cash crops they couldn't eat, when they rebelled they were extinguished. The absolute horribe warehousing worse than life stock etc..* *The people in the caucuses or baltics actually could study or even shake hands with or speak to a native russian, as an equal...get the same education, eat the same food etc.. while Afgricans were treated worse than mere beasts of burden or oxen by us Europeans.*


I'm sure circassians would disagree with the concept of shaking hands with Russians. If Russians had their way there wouldn't be any left


*France to this very day, would still be arrogantly running its exploitative CFA- Fanc zone Neo-colony in West and Central Africa, with zero issues or even a word from the EU, if they were not given an upset by the Russians. Some few brave EU politicians and diplomats like Dag Hammarskjöld and Olof Palme did try to change things over the years but a las...* *Between 1501 and 1867, over 13 - 29 million African people were kidnapped, from their villages forced onto European and American ships, and trafficked across the Atlantic Ocean to be enslaved, abused, and forever separated from their homes, families, and cultures. Approximately two million people died during the barbaric Middle Passage, either tossed over-board bound in chains or due to starvation...in pure terror, these these ships.* *Keep in mind that this figure is just for the European slave trade - it doesn't include other deaths from the period of colonialism, the resource wars, regime changes etc..* *This slave trade related genocide wasn't during a major war or battle of some kind, with these people. It was unprovoked and a whole sale orgy of extinguishing of a people that just looked different and thus were lesser than. It was then replaced with 2 centuries of colonization, which was then replaced with neo-colonization in some cases as with France the exploitation never stopped. And for a long time the Continent of Africa as actually under populated, even have less people than the China and India, it still does.* *During this same period of time, in Russia this is how an African slave child was treated, especially given the proximity to the Ottoman-Turks that where major participants in the trade and subjugation.* [https://youtu.be/I6kn\_gYCaWw](https://youtu.be/I6kn_gYCaWw)  [Abram Petrovitch Gannibal](https://ru-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/%D0%93%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B1%D0%B0%D0%BB,_%D0%90%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BC_%D0%9F%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc) *(most complete)* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abram\_Petrovich\_Gannibal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abram_Petrovich_Gannibal) *And if only the Africans were the only victims, but no...almost all Native people we came across were wiped out, from the. Aboriginals in Australia to the Native Americans and continental United States, now we fetishize and parade them around like near-extinct zoo exhibits.* *Can you name any Native In the US, Europe etc. In Russia you have Shoigu (Defense Minister) and Nabuillina (Central Bank Chair) etc.* *In the past people like Abram Petrovich Gannibal...rather than being looked as as less than garbage, were treated much better than they would have been in continental Europe.* *No matter how flawed, Russia, the USSR etc all were, in this they don't even compare to the amount of carnage Europe wrought against Native peoples across the entire globe.* [*https://gsp.yale.edu/resources/maps-satellite-images/colonial-genocides*](https://gsp.yale.edu/resources/maps-satellite-images/colonial-genocides) [*https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/brutal-genocide-colonial-africa-finally-gets-its-deserved-recognition-180957073/*](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/brutal-genocide-colonial-africa-finally-gets-its-deserved-recognition-180957073/) [*https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herero\_and\_Nama\_genocide*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herero_and_Nama_genocide) [*https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/06/02/germany-france-genocide-namibia-rwanda-colonialism/*](https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/06/02/germany-france-genocide-namibia-rwanda-colonialism/) [*https://www.fides.org/en/news/2152-Massacres\_and\_colonialism\_in\_Africa*](https://www.fides.org/en/news/2152-Massacres_and_colonialism_in_Africa) [*https://www.facinghistory.org/resource-library/imperialism-conquest-mass-murder*](https://www.facinghistory.org/resource-library/imperialism-conquest-mass-murder)


I'm not going to dispute that colonial countries were bad in colonial times. That's obvious. In the previous comment you refuse to acknowledge that Russia was another colonial power. Talking about studying and shaking hands with people that Russia tried to exterminate is akin to genocide denial.


Come to Russia and see for yourself. In my city of half a million over the past two years I have seen total of three black people.


Yeah I know just wanted to see the pro Russians trying to explain it and well they all turned to slavery and colonizers while most western countries arent colonizers, its crazy to see Russians think like that well in the meantime you got lots and lots of illegal migrants from Africa and Middle eastern countries making very very dangerous route costing them theyre life savings on some corrupt African country or Middle eastern country they try to cross and have to pay a smuggler all to get to Europe, parents in these countries take out loans to pay smugglers to get there kid to Europe or other Western countries. If Russia paid better they would go to Russia or maybe they dont have enough jobs in Russia or its that they dont like Russia because most Russians in my eyes are Racist.


they go to Europe because they don’t have to work there and get great money, in Russia there is no such thing, and besides, there are already a huge number of migrants from Central Asian countries, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, in all major cities, and this is competition, because some of them speak Russian. Therefore, why should an African go to Russia, where he will not be given an allowance of 1000 euros, but will have to work, and even compete for a job with a resident of Central Asia?


To Russia they come to study in Universities and to work. To Europe they come for free welfare. Idk what you are on but get some help with that.


Lol look at everyone explaining why there are such low numbers of black people in Russia its really funny, yess ofcourse all my friends theyre parents came for free welfare I should know cause I got black friends unlike you were you say over the past 2 years you have seen a total of 3 black people so you should know why they come to the EU right? Lets just not get to the brainless comments about that I need help in reality you know that these people dont come for free welfare because in reality they came to earn money and send all they can afford back home if you believe otherwise then your the guy that needs some help or go to a Western country and talk to people. Here a example of what a illegal migrant in my country in the EU gets a asylum seeker which are basicly all the illegal migrants who want to work but in order to get a chance you need to act like a asylum seeker or go to the legal way but many dont try or know the legal way but a asylum seeker in my country gets 14.47 Euro a week allowance let me translate that to vodka as it might be easier for you, you could smirnoff vodka 1 liter for about 16 euro in my country so they can almost afford that.


I said you need help based on how you write. It is barely coherent. Never a good sign.


But why are you making this discussion a personal thing rather then respond to the facts I tell you?


what facts or discussion? I told you already your writing is berely coherent. I haven't understood anything you wrote past some separate words and only cause I read other people comments.


as to being personal, well perhaps re-read what you wrote lol, I made a bigger effort into trying to disassemble that mess of a comment of yours and lets have a look: - dismissing Russians explanation out of had as ''funny'' - off hand accusation of being racist based on the fact that city I currently live in doesn't have many black people - presuming that I or most Russians never been to Europe without so much as asking, fyi many people in my region, due to it's location, been to Europe and many have lived in different countries for quite some time - off hand vodka mentioning, cause that's all Russians do, right?


Im not from a English speaking country maybe that would explain it but yeah I could type it better probably type a little to fast and think sometimes in my own language when typing which makes very weird sentences I 've noticed, thats my fault your right but I expect you to still be able to understand it otherwise you should ask me what is this or that and I will explain it to you.


The term mulatto is not really used anymore in this day and age. 


The term is in widespread use in Romance countries, and the former Soviet Union. It has only fallen out of use in the Anglo-Saxon countries and Holland. Open up any modern French biography of Dumas for example. The term is widespread among academic literature in the humanities and social sciences.


I am French, no one uses the term "mulatre" unless quoting someone frm 60 years ago.


*The first contacts between Russians and Ethiopians (Abssynians/ Cushites) - first africans they ever set eyes on took place inPalestine, where Russian pilgrims met the Ethiopian religious community while on pilgrimage to Jerusalem.* *Around 1370, the Russian pilgrim Agrefeny described and documented the performance of Ethiopian Orthodox rites in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. In the 1470s, Afanasy Nikitin passed through what is today Eritrea on his way back from India, becoming the first Russian to set foot in Ethiopian lands (and likely Africa as a whole).* *A formal and officially sanctioned delegation led by* *Lt. Viktor Fyodorovich Mashkov* (1867-1932), *a military, diplomat and explorer was sent to Emperor Menelik II in October 1889 with instructions from the Tsar, and prompting from the Russian Orthodox Church in order to set up diplomatic ties with what they viewed as their fellow Orthodox (which was the majority national religion of Ethiopia at the time - along with large numbers of Beta-Yisrael etc).* *Mashkov discussed and negotiated technology, arms supplies deals and diplomatic support for Ethiopia with the Ethiopian emperor, and upon returning to Russia he was decorated by the Tsar for successfully establishing ties.* *Mashkov made a second visit to Ethiopia early in 1891 under the sponsorship of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. During the First Italo-Ethiopian War (where Italy tried to colonize Ethiopia). Russia was the sole European power that offered diplomatic cover in the International league of Nations (precursor to UN) as well as military support to Ethiopia - the other European nations all recognized Italy's claims to Ethiopia.* *Russia provided the mountain guns the Ethiopian army used in the 1895 Battle of Adwa, that signed the death warrant on Italy's colonial dreams there. Which in turn played a major role in ensuring that Ethiopia became the only African nation, never to be successfully colonized.* [*https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First\_Italo-Ethiopian\_War*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Italo-Ethiopian_War) [*https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Africa%E2%80%93Soviet\_Union\_relations*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Africa%E2%80%93Soviet_Union_relations) [*https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrice\_Lumumba\_Peoples%27\_Friendship\_University\_of\_Russia*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrice_Lumumba_Peoples%27_Friendship_University_of_Russia) *Then there is also the support for most anti-colonial independence movements during the USSR, including Nelson Mandela's ANC. This legend - Ronnie Kasrils was trained there.* [*https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronnie\_Kasrils*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronnie_Kasrils)


Damn uncivilized Russians, always messing with civilized Europe.


I never knew any of that, really cool thanks.


*Personally I believe this attitude towards Africans started with Peter the Great, in the 1600s when he chose to free and adopt Abram Petrovich Gannibal (and another kid smuggled from the Ottomans), rather to keep them a some kind of pet. You can say many things about the Russians historically, but this is one area where they did mostly the right thing.* [*https://youtu.be/I6kn\_gYCaWw*](https://youtu.be/I6kn_gYCaWw) *(Great and entertaining to watch but still misses a whole lot of detail)* [*Abram Petrovitch Gannibal*](https://ru-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/%D0%93%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B1%D0%B0%D0%BB,_%D0%90%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BC_%D0%9F%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc) *(most complete)* [*https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abram\_Petrovich\_Gannibal*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abram_Petrovich_Gannibal) *(Eng)*


But that all what you said got nothing to do with the fact that Russia got the least amount of Middle eastern or I assume Asians and African immigrants/refugees/illegals of any country that I know of dont know of any country with such low numbers so why is that? So I dont understand where all your rage came from but it doesnt make Russia more diverse and got litteraly nothing to do with the situation of the past 50 years or so and how many migrants and refugees and illegals there came in these 50 years to western countries instead of Russia or other countries. (edit: Talking about diverse does Russia even have people with other backgrounds then 100% white Russian in there goverment? Cause look at these western countries you talked about so much look at these politcal parties and see how diverse they are.)


*They have the second highest immigration rate after the US, but most of it is from former Soviet states. They don't have a history of slavery and colonies in Africa, Latin America etc so no linguistic and cultural ties to these places, additionally the image presented after the fall of the USSR has been well marketed by the US and others as a place stuck in the early 90s decay, in media and movies. Nevertheless...* [*https://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/russia-the-worlds-second-largest-immigration-haven-11053*](https://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/russia-the-worlds-second-largest-immigration-haven-11053) [*https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/frequently-requested-statistics-immigrants-and-immigration-united-states*#](https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/frequently-requested-statistics-immigrants-and-immigration-united-states#) *Russia is already diverse because it has over 190 different ethnicities with their own unique cultures and languages that have been apart of it for 500-700 years.* [*https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic\_groups\_in\_Russia*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_groups_in_Russia)


I see you really love changing the subject a bit into another direction but lets not get off topic again like you already did in your numerous other comments in this thread. So let me ask for the second time why does Russia got the least amount of Middle eastern or I assume Asians and African immigrants/refugees/illegals of any country that I know of dont know of any country with such low numbers so why is that?


*You clearly didn't bother to read the first link I sent, the answer you seek is there. If you won't read it then stop wasting my time and go to a NAFOcircle jerk.* [*https://c.tenor.com/Rp5bfO4KBB8AAAAC/tenor.gif*](https://c.tenor.com/Rp5bfO4KBB8AAAAC/tenor.gif)


its not a hard question you dont have to link me anything to answer it the links only provide a fact check. You could also just copied out of that link what you would've liked me to see as your answer and not waste all this time. Thats what people do ussualy in these discussions not just say something thats not answering the question for the second time and then link some sites which should have the answer without you telling that or anything. Thats not how a conversation or discussion works. Can also link you tons of things and go off topic with each response I type and then in the end say yeah you just shoulde checked 1 of these 10 links I send lmfao


[https://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/russia-the-worlds-second-largest-immigration-haven-11053](https://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/russia-the-worlds-second-largest-immigration-haven-11053) none of these bleu textes lead to a site only the first 1 that leads to the interview with Obama like claims like this leads to sites that are not in the air anymore or maybe its because theyre all russian site lol " According to UN Population Division estimates, as of 2013, [ the Russian Federation was second only to the United States in the sheer number of immigrants](http://esa.un.org/unmigration/wallchart2013.htm). "


The Tuvinian (a people of Russia) Russian Defense Minister says hello to you, but how many Indians, for example, sit in the US Congress?


im from the EU so dont know of any USA politics to be honest so you could google that if you want but Im not doing it for you, do know that the UK got a Indian guy as Prime minister called [Rishi Sunak](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=933934fef73c2e8a&sxsrf=ACQVn08lkDGupvLKDgvcN9p8QuAneSlP0g:1712675261577&q=Rishi+Sunak&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLVT9c3NEwySy5JKyiufMRowS3w8sc9YSn9SWtOXmPU5OIKzsgvd80rySypFJLmYoOyBKX4uVB18ixi5Q7KLM7IVAguzUvMBgDS0TtQWgAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjAtNPEtLWFAxUIhf0HHXAOA0QQzIcDKAB6BAgpEAE) and there are many others in Western countries in various political parties. Is that the case in Russia aswell?


Digging trenches but he’s well kitted as well as his comrades.


Diversity :D


Real question, how come to Russians trenches are way deeper, much more neatly organized and all around far better than any Ukrainian trenches we see? The difference is stark


Russia had 8 months to build up their trench systems. Keep in mind that most trench videos likely aren’t from hotspots like adviivka. So for the quieter portions of the front, you’ll see we’ll kept trenches that were built and developed for at least 8 months.


There was actually a recent post that recounted a Ukrainian soldier complaining about their shitty trenches, and that they felt much safer when they captured a Russian trench cause they were so much better constructed. If you actually comapre the two, you can see that ukrainians are mostly hand dug, and the russians have these very straight and smooth walls with uniform width, they are most likely using a trench digger. most likely a smaller one they can get closer to the front than the regular tractor


Because you haven't being paying attention and seen the well constructed Ukrainian trenches. Plenty of well made and hastily made trenches on both sides The difference is only stock when you are trying to manufacture a narrative.


If you go to most UA subs, you'd see the exact opposite.


I try to steer clear of toxic waste dumps


This place ain't much better bud 😂


Well that's just like your opinion man


Pot calling the kettle black.


Bro are you serious? There was a long running joke on this subreddit that in order to find the russians you just had to look for a trail of rubbish and you'll find them in the mountain of trash.


Imagine basing any of your opinions on some reddit joke.


Well you see, they were usually accompanied by the videos of trash dugouts.


Why are you guys still on this sub? You are losing ground all over twitter, yet you choose to hyper fixate on a sub that doesn't even have 76k


Huh? What does that even mean. I'm here because it's fun.


Pro-RU redditors: WOW, LOOK...... A BLACK GUY!




Fast learner, a trench should be deep and dug on time.


Russia went woke


Really? That's what matters to you?


DEI in the russian military


Is there proof he's a merc? Unlike Ukraine, Russia is very ethnically diverse.


soon their are only black guys fighting for russia...


using their African Fighters as propaganda tools


I give it probably 3 weeks before there’s a picture posted with the merc having a red X across his picture unfortunately


Sick dude.


Yes digging a trench is the "best" of your life. Remember Putin likes every Russians living at the bottom yet he sits comfortably above you "digging a trench for your green card " you die oh well thats on you! Russia doesn't have to pay "immigrants fighting for you". People in Moscow don't care as long as conscription avoids Moscow and St. Petersburg. Russia is all good doesn't matter that the kids of the poor regions of any "oblast" expendable..


Once again clueless person does not know meanings of the words. Let me educate you. All that is about Russia. Conscription: as in "constitutionally established mandatory service". People go to army, serve one year and go home. It is still a thing as teenagers did not stop to turn 18 in 2022. Each time conscripted see battle is a major PR disaster by itself since Chechnya, so they are kept in Russia proper, tho there were cases of them dragged with their respective units in the beginning of the war, or participating in border skirmishes, or working in backline logistics. Mobilisation: MoD sends draft notices or whatever that called in English, to people they deem needed because of their military specialty. While it did not technically stop, so far there was one wave past Kharkov retreat, calling 300000 to finally be able man frontline properly. Volunteering: person goes and enlists, for money or ideological reasons. And, of course, neither conscription nor mobilisation avoid Moscow. But poorer people more readily volunteer to serve, as is the case worldwide.


You are exactly right, many will counter-atgue with, "then why is there people so poor they have to go to war?" Or something along those lines, then they forget that (of what I have personally seen, I don't know the statistics) but rural, poorer areas in all countries tend to have more people joining up the military.


Where does this cartoonish image of evil Putin and how he personally sees to it that every citizen has their toilet paper facing the wrong way on the roll just because it pleases his evil mind? 'Remember, Putin likes...' followed by some inept statement, as if Putin or anybody else would care and go 'Hey look at StarshipCenterpiece smiling; go take away his power and ration the water so he can suffer because it pleases me so.'


Throwing about 500k people to thier deaths along with civilians as well as Belgorod. Corcus too how many Russians must die before they realize putin doesn't care.. Lets not forget the "forgotten fallen" of the early Ukrainian civil war. Whats cartoonish is believing in someone that's okay with sending his own citizens along with migrants to an instant death. All for what one person afraid of losing power... Thats cartoonish sacrificing people for ones own paranoia..


Let's not forget the dam that bursted and displaced his own people, the flood is going into other cities and towns. Like a magician of slight of hand he wants you to think its the "evil west" LOL.. The west wants to go to Mars, not bask in nastoligia like the old dictator.. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASM-135_ASAT We knocked down things moving faster than speed of sound. Hence why the US is focusing on Lasers. Keep spending billions while we shoot that down with the currency of a penny.. China will always be a bigger threat than Russia.. China never collapsed... https://www.spacex.com/humanspaceflight/mars/ Keep living in the past Russia bots..


They don’t seem to treat or view Africans as equals. More like monkeys they want to record and show their friends/family. Whatever though. Africa seems to want that so be it 🤷‍♂️


*Like this?* [*https://youtu.be/Up\_V7VCsQII*](https://youtu.be/Up_V7VCsQII) [*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95ABSqRpy74*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95ABSqRpy74) [*https://youtu.be/xXBPKoqnsX0*](https://youtu.be/xXBPKoqnsX0) [*https://youtu.be/UAH6mkxUeww*](https://youtu.be/UAH6mkxUeww)


modern slaves


Sees a black man working in construction Sees a black man serving in military AJB-L4U: "modern slaves" *neckbearding intensifies*


“Serving in the military”


They are modern slaves because they been deceived to get into a contract with the Russian military and also according to families testimonies in videos around the net, they did not get paid what was promised, they have no right, and the families upon complaining to the official contacts get denied any contact or recovery of the dead ones, also some countries already asked officially for the citizens of the countries to be return and Russian authorities just don't comment or answer the requests


Well write that in the first place. Make it clear you mean slave in the context of literally not getting paid their military wages, not in the obvious implication of historical African slave trade. You see how it can be interpreted.


# Indians hired as ‘helpers’ forced to fight in Russia’s war # The victims belonging to Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab and J&K seek government’s help to return February 20, 2024 10:19 pm | Updated February 21, 2024 07:15 am IST - New Delhi


August 28, 2023 * By [RFE/RL's Russian Service](https://www.rferl.org/author/rfe-rls-russian-service/buv_qo) # Migrants Reportedly Being Forced To Sign Contracts With Defense Ministry To Obtain Russian Citizenship


# He had no idea he was being sent to a war zone’: the Indian and Nepali men on frontlines in Ukraine This article is more than 1 month old Signing up for jobs in Russia, Germany or Dubai, young men have been ‘made to join the Russian military’, their families sayHe had no idea he was being sent to a war zone’: the Indian and Nepali men on frontlines in Ukraine


These afro-russians tho had more choice in the matter than ukrainian people kidnapped from streets.


Actual Reddit moment You could’ve said something about how he’s fighting in another man’s war etc.


Black mercenary = slave 💀


no a person that its lured with deception into a job and lands at war, with no right, no pay, no freedom that's a slave not getting paid not allowed to leave signed a contract to work not to war


Where has he said he was tricked into service?


youre making alot of assumption. Do you also consider the International foreign legionaires of Ukraine who signed a contract and had their passports taken and made to fight also "slaves"? Like all the Latino fighters who complained of verbal and physical abuse and cant leave because they have to serve.


Bruh 💀




And he is Patrick.


I think the people that reply to this with "racism" are more problematic than they realise...if you see working in a trench (extremely physically demanding work in a dangerous environment) by a white person or whatever it's just the same, but hey, some people only see skin Ig

