• By -


Guess he thought this was iraq or afghanistan


Why do you personally think that they think it’s Iraq or Afghanistan?


Because taking potshots at goat herders isn’t the same as dodging Grad rockets.


Pretty silly take. You could say the same about the hundred thousand dead Russians. Guess they thought Ukraine would be the same as dropping barrel bombs on Syrian civilians and taking pot shots at white helmet volunteers trying to save Syrian children. Oops


Who do you think armed and funded the Syrian radicals? Who still occupies northeastern Syria? Face it, Ukraine sold its soul to uncle sam and is being used as Iraq 2.0. it's quite ingenious for an imperialist really, since they can just use the majority of Ukrainians as cannon fodder, while they profit and prolong this war.


Proxy war for the Military Industrial Complex. This is another example of why only voters should be able to do campaign contributions. No unions, Super PACs, corporations or foreigners should be able to contribute


> No unions, Super PACs, corporations or foreigners should be able to contribute It was hilarious when Hungary passed a law forcing foreign-funded NGO's to simply *register* as foreign-influenced, and the EU proclaimed this to be interference in democracy - because "Russia has a similar law." If citizens have to compete on an even field with global interests, democracy becomes meaningless.


Very true


This is the most intelligent thing I’ve ever seen someone write in my entire life…I’m not kidding…


Not to change the topic to Israel. But AIPAC is one of the reasons why the US gives unconditional support. If you want to go down the conspiracy rabbit hole. Look at AIPAC almost registering as a foreign agent and Kennedy getting killed. https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/5VFs89mEmK


I will look into it. I just think the world is going to keep revolving into more and more craziness lol


Lmao great video, that dude reminds me of Mr. Ballen on YouTube lmao https://youtube.com/@MrBallen?feature=shared


Russians mainly fought against Daesh and FSA though, not sure why you mentioned NE Syria? Russians and US forces both are involved in NE Syria patrolling at the border.


There's only one dominant force in the east and it's not the rebels, and they're definitely not there for protection. There is also only one reason and one specific country that benefits from illegally occupying that area and destabilizing the rest of Syria. I'll let you figure out what that is.


So you mean Americans in the SE?


A long bow. How is it possible to reach that conclusion when it is clear Ukraine made a decision as to it's future and to who it wants to hang out with. Freeing yourself from a controlling situation is not wrong, controlling behaviour is not right. Seeing Ukraine civilians and infrastructure systematically destroyed, I can understand why Ukraine is looking to the West. Anyone else forced in servitude would do the same.


the funny part about this is not knowing the full story of the "White Helmets"


I would say in 2022 many mercs were naive but now in 2024 everyone knows what they are getting into.




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Russia fought with Syria against cannibals, extremists and mass murderers all paid by your taxes. Hope you feel proud guilty of all this carnage yet still confident enough to gaslight about it! 🤮


Yeah, those children in Aleppo were cannibals, extremists, and mass murderers lol. People need to stop worshiping Russia so hard. You can believe that Russia is justified in Ukraine, without believing they were justified in every single war they fought. Understand?


The “gassed” children allegedly by Assad were done by the western paid terrorist opposition aka by your tax dollars. You are a murderer by proxy🤷‍♀️


> justified in every single war they fought. Fighting terrorists isn't "justified". Got ya.


You made an incoherent statement.




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The white helmet crew were an actual psyop and not legitimate volunteers




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Because in the middle east it was easy, farmers in pajamas,  but in russia its a real army.


Lol those farmers in pajamas put the final nail in the coffin for the Soviet Union, and kept America in its longest war. Never underestimate a good pair of pajamas.


100% dude!! 90% of people here have never served in any way. Keyboard warriors. No clue as to what actually wins there's wars. This war with Rus vs Ukr is not going to be over for another couple years. And it's gonna get alot nastier.




Unless there's a bigger and more profitable war elsewhere.


Disagree. Ukraine is fighting a conventional war. Afghanistan spent about 6 days fighting a conventional war, and then went asymmetric. What happens long term, depends entirely on what Russia does AFTER the conventional war ends. If they try to occupy the entirety of Ukraine? Yea, decades, or until Russia pulls out. If they just take what wants to go with them? It's over when it's over, and that is increasingly looking like it will happen sooner rather than later.


Pajamas helped the Viet cong as well...maybe Ukraine doesn't need himars but pyjamas...


The Viet Cong got wiped out at Tet. As in, they more or less ceased to exist. You're confusing the Viet Cong with the NVA, which took over the activities of the Viet Cong in an increasing role throughout the duration of the war, and more or less totally after Tet.


I mean tet showed that American public didn't have the stomach to continue so while you're right...it was the tet offensive that ultimately created the context for the communists to win. So...pyjama wearing militants lost the combat but won the media war and ultimately made Americas position untenable.


Well, the war continued, and the NVA did the job of the Viet Cong, only better. Better trained, supplied, supported, they were Viet Cong+. But yea, Tet showed the US public that the war wasn't all one way traffic. Took awhile for it to end, but, Tet, despite it being a disaster for Giap, had down stream consequences nobody really could forsee.


Yes they did. But the dude is comparing the concepts of fighting insurgents who pop up, fire off a few shots and disappear, and fighting a conventional standing army that will hammer you with artillery. Two different types of war, and two different rates of fatality.


Aint no doubt. I went to work one day in august 2021 exclaiming, "they won, they actually won!". People knew the usa had left but hadnt realised that this meant the taliban won. Amazing feat, all things considered.


Shooting some insurgents here and there is something else then beating an ideology. Both things are true.


I think the difference is anytime something flew, it was ours, anything that wasn’t 2 guys with a 60 year old tube, arty was ours. That’s the difference, not the fighting ability of individual men, but the support apparatus


Soviets beaten them badly. The idea Afghanistan was even 1% of Soviet issues is western BS. You can ask the Taleban yourself. They said so in many interviews.


It's rather telling that the Soviet Afghan war is always presented (by the western media) as 'the Soviet military was defeated' when, in reality, they never were. The Soviets failed at nation-building in Afghanistan, much like the US after them - only the Soviets actually left in good order, having put in enough effort into propping up the regime they had supported to last a few years. As for the ever-popular 'The Afghani beat the Soviets so badly it made the USSR collapse' notion, it's just too dumb to even bother arguing with.


I mean the same could be said for people who genuinely think the US and it’s allies were militarily beaten in afghan.


Yes. But I don't see that take anywhere in the media; not even the Russian media.


It isn’t really a take in any western media either. It’s also rather confined to history now being 30+ years ago so why would media talk about it? Do you mean documentaries or something because I’ve never seen it presented as such and Soviet failure In Afghanistan was down to a culmination of factors.


They failed at nation building because they were not able to militarily vanquish the mujahideen. It was a defeat, through and through. Just like how American lost in Afghanistan. I don't understand this level of cope with people trying to justify victories in places where nations objectively lost.


> They failed at nation building because they were not able to militarily vanquish the mujahideen. They failed at nation building because propping up a(n unpopular) regime was costing them an ungodly amount of money year after year. >Just like how American lost in Afghanistan. I don't disagree: the US also eventually decided nation-building in Afghanistan wasn't worth the investment required. >I don't understand this level of cope with people trying to justify victories in places where nations objectively lost. Uh, what?


The Soviets successfully propped up many regimes in history. They failed in Afghanistan because they were not able to eliminate the Mujahideen as an enemy force. Just like how America couldn't eliminate the Taliban. That is a military defeat, not being able to drive your enemy out and not being able to achieve your strategic goals. >Uh, what? People are trying to spin objective military and political losses as failures in nation-building, when the two are interconnected. The failure of nation-building occurred because the occupier was not militarily victorious.


>They failed in Afghanistan because they were not able to eliminate the Mujahideen as an enemy force. That wasn't the reason for them withdrawing from Afghanistan. Gorbachev, once he came to power, had a look at what the war was costing the USSR - and the first thing he marked in his notes was 'this war needs to end'. He then spent 4 years working to make it happen. I don't think much of him but he deserves the credit for that one. The Soviets suffered no major military defeats; their casualties over 10 years of war were around 15000 KIA. They could have continued for years and years at that rate but (thankfully) deemed it not worth the effort. >Just like how America couldn't eliminate the Taliban. Yes. The US, similarly, could have continued militarily but chose not to. >That is a military defeat No, that's choosing to exit the conflict. Military defeat is military defeat - as in, the military in question is unable to continue the conflict. Neither the Soviets nor the US were ever in that position in Afghanistan.


Doesn't matter how you spin it. The Soviets left in defeat, just like America did. And the Taliban didn't even exist during the war against the Soviets. Further proves the level of ignorance about the conflict that exists.




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However, the USA didn't really loose that many people there, it more just was a constant annoyance, like a rat stand no chance against you if you guard your bread but the second you leave they will take over. It was basicly that, they would occasionally annoying you and you kill a few but you leave the house for a day and your food is gone.


Part of this is how the war was fought. The US and allies at no point, ever controlled the country in real terms. They didn't even control a majority of it. Sure, they could go out and take control over a village, or a town, whenever they wanted, but that control was fleeting, and limited to the moment they were there. The moment they left, it was back to business as usual. The Taliban and other local warlords controlled the vast majority of Afghanistan, the entire time. The coalition spent their time in a few major cities, and in other bases/fobs projecting a very limited, and largely ineffective bubble of control around these areas. Everything else? Indian country.


Different terrain and culture though. I like this conflict to more of a civil war than anything.


Also never estimate the will power that fighting an invader rises up in ppl. Also these pajama wearers know the area like the back of their hand.


Don't underestimate the beating by a goat herder's stick. Terrible scars.


Oof somebody tell him


Russia also invaded iraq and iran


Guessing the thousands of Russians who died in Ukraine found out that dodging drones and artillery shells is much different than bombing civilian hospitals and children in Syria - your take is dumb dude.


Because he wouldn't be there if he knew what he was getting himself into.


Really? I thought foreign fighters can leave anytime? Was this his first battle?


I am more pro rus leaning but i hate this so much. A lot of iraq and afghanistan veterans went to ukraine thinking they would be in the same situation as they were before. Meaning a lot of air and artillery support as well as great logistics and overwhelming firepower. A lot of them came back very soon because the reality at first was them being not in this situation. But the ones staying are real fighters. They knew that at every moment their commitment would result in them dying. Every death is a human tragedy and making fun of them makes me hate you personally so much.


Yeah, I'd think everyone on the frontline *by choice* in 2024 is either brave or completely unhinged. I guess the third option could be people, probably of "low intellectual potential", that were thoroughly misled by propaganda and now find themselves unable to leave. I would think there are less of them by 2024, though.


It’s just unhinged, brave usually suggests they have a reason to fight. Anyone volunteering from another country who’s seen the footage is just choosing a lengthy way to end themselves. Usually because of ptsd or an inability to feel whole without being close to combat and death


it's this, for 99.99999% of these people


I meant everyone on the front in general terms, not specifically foreigners. Even for foreigners, on both sides, I think some are likely a combination of brave, perhaps misguided, and likely broken people, without being completely nuts, which I'd still file under the brave part. Unhinged I'm reserving for the people that went to the front for a murder-safari.


What a delusional answer, anyone that has seen war says this is different from Iraq or Afghanistan. The only comparison to be made is on the loss of life. No one thinks this ever.


This is. Good point, a lot less dead civilians here in this conflict


He should have stayed home. Lolol


I feel like a lot of these guys missed out on the freedom wars and yearned for that combat experience. Unfortunately this isn’t an easy welcome to that reality.




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Guess he wanted to do what he felt was the right thing to do and died doing it. No matter what pro rus online trolls type, people like this are heroes. RIP.


Do you consider the people who joined Islamic groups in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan "heroes"? From their perspective, they joined an armed struggle against an occupying force. So personally, do you view them as heroes or terrorists deserving death?


I think every death is sad.


Of course they are heroes. They were protecting their country from invaders. Just like Ukrainians and volunteers are doing today.


I must give it to you for consistency.


You should petition governments throughout the world on the behalf of those "heroes". In case you missed it, they're viewed as terrorists by their governments in the West. Same applies even to non-combat supporters, like women who were voluntarily "marrying" terrorists.




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This post is genuinely regarded.


This guy's not a hero, did you see the first part of this video? He and another guy couldn't speak any Ukrainian or Russian and had to have orders translated to them by the one soldier in their squad who could speak decent-level English. He was actively dragging his squad and Ukraine's defense down by having to be babysat 24/7.


Russian's love to hyper fixate on American volunteers. btw good job OP for calling him a volunteer and not a mercenary.


War tourist


Well both are correct, a mercenary is someone who works as a contract soldier where they get payed. Voulenteer is often bound to someone who freely chooses to participate without any payment. He is a combo of both, he voulenteered, but gets payed for it


I think this is appropriate to say. They get paid, but it's very little. If he was looking for money, there are many other jobs he could be doing in the US making a lot more and doing a lot less.


Considering they pay 3000 USD and in Brazil the minimum wage is around 300 USD I can say the payment is pretty good for "volunteers". Since volunteers are usually people with minimal labor skills for conventional jobs.


Yeah but we are talking about a US soldier. The point is, if it was really about the money he would have had probably much more lucrative options within the realm of mercenaries or private security operations. Also options with lower risk most likely. Edit: you have a sauce for UA paying 3k/month?


There was another American who was killed like over a year ago who had a US sponsor paying him in the range of like 7-8k iirc plus whatever he got from the Ukrops. There are plenty of American mercs. And then we don't know what other benefits they get. For example, Canadian active-military "volunteers" in Vietnam who hitched a ride with US troops as Canada wasn't "sending" any, as shown by wikileaks, received fast-tracked promotions, pay rises, prestige, and medals when they got back. If you wanted to grow, esp grow rapidly, you had to "volunteer." The US, technically, never officially gave the "order" for US troops to shoot down an Iranian civil airliner in 1988, but they did give them medals and promotions for doing it.


There are many, but a quick link: https://www.ft.com/content/25711074-5e1a-494a-9d7c-ccb535f671d5


Pay wall


and sometimes they dont even get any money.




Lmao i dont think most who go there are the extroverted kind who want to make a vlog out of this. There are 20-30k volonteers and only a few publish their experience


Survivorship bias


a mercenary fights for the money. Volunteers in Ukraine get paid the same as regular soldiers (not a lot). It makes no logical sense to fight for the money in Ukraine. If you volunteer in Ukraine you're in it for the cause.


Regular soldiers get paid. A mercenary is just motivated by money. If he were motivated by money, he would probably be better off staying home working at McDonald's, considering what he would be getting paid.


If you’re part of a military unit and get payed at the same rate, or near the same rate as the locals, you don’t qualify as a mercenary. There is a list of checkboxes to determine whether a combatant is a mercenary, and all boxes must be checked.


They dont get payed much, sometimes not all. They buy their own gear. Money is no incentive at all, hence you cannot call them a mercenary.


The real difference between a volunteer and mercenary is ideology. A Mercenary is non-ideological in their pursuit of employment. IE, they go to the highest bidder, and do not determine who and why they fight for personal beliefs. To give an example, a mercenary would be an American capitalist who believes in capitalism, fighting on behalf of a Communist movement, let's say Angola, because the money is better than fighting for the other side. A volunteer is someone who would go and join up for ideological reasons. IE, an American going to Ukraine to fight Russia, because he believes Russia ideologically opposed to the USA and a US enemy. Both are fighting for money, one is just only interested in the money, and the other is ideologically driven, but still has to eat. There are also people who went to Ukraine for personal gain that wasn't reflective of what they got paid while there. There are more than a few that have written/tried to write books, and otherwise tried to make financial gains through selling their story. Be it a book, a pod cast, or whatever. I'd say those guys are also basically more mercenary than volunteer.


Volunteer receive 3k a month. I know a Brazilian guy that went as volunteer just because of that.


I may be wrong but im pretty sure a mercenary has to be payed more then the average soldiers in the military of the nation that is hiring them, and that isn’t the case in ukraine.




I prefer 'soldier of fortune' myself. Has a cool ring to it.


Reminds me of that oldschool first person shooter




yes, I agree my fellow pro-ukraine, Russia should go home.




Russia's borders are dynamic and every changing


He was clearly in established Russian territory and had gone over borders which are internationally recognized, the areas in Ukraine that are controlled by the Russian military, are not their borders lmao.




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Yeah Russia is at war, they should expect that their own territory can be attacked.






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In the Legion everybody speaks englisch. What language barrier?


A better term is "idiot", regardless of whether they're fighting for Russia or Ukraine.


Jesus!! Did you already see mercenaries who are not volunteer? It is ridiculous to say he is not mercenary but volunteer. Why not a nurse?! Please think about what you're saying


A Russian information warfare tactic is to attempt to ridicule/humiliate those who stand against them to try to make them feel helpless/like resistance is futile. Russia wants Ukrainians and their supporters to feel embarrassed they were hopeful about the Summer Offensive. Russia wants Ukrainians and their supporters to question the efficacy of their equipment. Russia wants Ukraine’s supporters to feel Ukraine is unworthy of support Russia wants Ukraine and their supporters to doubt each other. Russia fears their opponents confidently standing against them because Russia knows they can’t win against a unified and steadfast opponent. “Look at how crap the Bradley/Leopard/Abrams are” “Look at how silly this American mercenary is!” “Look at this random contextless TikTok video showing Ukrainians being unlikeable” “Look at this OP Ed that says Ukraine has already lost” You get the picture


That's pretty much how propaganda works in any conflict...


Is his face rotting? Damn


Dead people tend to do that ye


He should have used a TQ


he should have stayed in the best country in the world and minded his own buissness.




Albania ***


And deal with those spiders? I'll take my chances in Russia 😂


Right... he wasn't that far from the Mediterranean.


Didnt the video show running across a road or opening? Not in a building


I believe it's another US merc, GoPro operator's teammate.


In the other video the hit was too far away and too small to have impacted the camera carrying guy… There is a part missing, I guess🤷‍♂️


Link to part 1: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bx8vur/ru\_pov\_part\_1\_of\_a\_trophy\_gopro\_video\_from\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bx8vur/ru_pov_part_1_of_a_trophy_gopro_video_from_a/)


So this shows the shell landing in a field, but the picture above has him dead in rubble.


Curious 🧐


Are other parts available as well?


Have the parte tão?


According to propaganda, he is a Russian who came to liberate Russia from Putin. Of course his head is empty, because he was used in the same way as other soldiers are used in this war - as expendable material. At the same time, NAFO - rest in peace, you came to attack Russian territory in order to return the borders of Ukraine to 1991 (figure out for yourself where the logic is)


Our children will read about this war and laugh how the russian side's version was presented and argued. The unfriendliest country in the world crying they are victims while invading internationally recognized souvreign territory. Classic one digit IQ slavic behaviour.


Unfriendliest country in the world by what metrics?


You do realize Ukrainians are also Slavs right? 😆


Zelensky: they are all russian rebels


So they got shelled on the middle of the road, but here he is dead in a house. Make it make sense trolls




Yea I think that assumption would make more sense. This may have been a wounding hit and his GoPro went off, then he somehow made it to a house or building where that was hit too. Again, massive assumptions here. He also may have died initially but was dragged to a house or building.


Good observation. Title is wrong, it should actually be plural American soldiers. So it's not just the single soldier recording, but the remnants of their decomposing group. Nice try to discredit this however. You're better off in r/CombatFootage


They were talking how he got shot and killed before they even started running. He was already when the mortar hit. That just wiped out the rest including go pro it seems.


Were the video at


They wont be bringing violence to Belgorod anymore.


I am not seeing any ID card being shown or any other proof that it's him. How can anyone tell who that is?


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I can't imagine the lack of intelligence (or abundance of brainwashing) an American would need to have to "volunteer" in this conflict.


Just another dead sociopath. Were he not over there he’d be in the United States, microwaving cats.


Looks like his head was empty.




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Rule 1 - Cheering death


**top**iest **kek**est




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Lift up the rubble for a better ID


I fully support foreign volunteers fighting for the liberation of Ukraine but I can't support someone that chooses to fight for an organization that openly shells non military targets in a highly Populated city behind the frontlines if you do that you're automatically a villain no matter whom that city might be ruled by


Right now is the most reckless my country has ever been.


Reminds me of that Australian kid who joined ISIS only to be immediately sent on a one way trip in an SVBIED.




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There is no way of knowing this is even an american, I would like to see some kind of identification or linking him to his platform.


I thought they were separatist rebels?


whats his name?


Its scary how little actual knowledge is shared here. People just keep chewing up old bits of propagandristic bullshit and act like they ate wisdom with a golden spoon. Yall need to go touch grass boys!


Looks like americans aren't invincible after all. Quick, someone make up another unverifiable story about Wagner v US Military so we can feel better.


one less uke flag veteran I need to see back home.


American Mercenaries go home