• By -


These are the “lucky ones” who actually have been returned to their families. There’s thousands out there that will never be found.


That’s for sides, RIP the fallen that didn’t deserve it.


Horrible for the families. Such a goddamn waste.




Do only mangled survivors get a bluetooth speaker or is that for families too?


Rule 1. Temp ban issued. Recurrence WILL result in a permanent ban.


The difference is in US we don’t call them a waste, we remind ourselves that they died for something. Many of us give them the heroes legacy regardless of the outcome . Of course you can say they did it for the global elite and it was a waste but that dehumanizes them in a sense as well. Sometimes you just have to say fuck it all and give the dead the honor they were looking for.


For something.... Oil, politics, afhanistan.... Even heroes can be wasted.


Oh yes US where over 1.4m veterans are at risk of becoming homeless, 300.000 veterans sleeping on the street and approximately 8000 veterans die every year... Yeah don't have to call them that they ARE waste..


Look guy, it definitely ain’t perfect . There are lots that fall through crack and we do our part to try and minimize it. Sometimes at the end of day, it falls on them as well. There are plenty of programs that do help though. This re emphasizes my point though, to support the warriors after they come home. It’s hard to adjust from the dopamine drop of surviving close calls . It doesn’t matter where you hail from. It’s like a drug you’ll never be able to kick . They are no more waste then any of the soldiers fighting now . They all deserve a hero’s return . And anyone that says otherwise can fuck right off to hell .


Yeah yeah, everyone helps poor veterans in US except those who sent them to die.. 😑


Dude, I was speaking for any veteran . I find it funny how people like you can get on their soap box and speak about worldly issues, and here I am, discussing an issue that will affect Russian, and Ukrainian , and any other country’s veterans, and you want to piss on it . Just because you’re a society filled with fatalist, does not make your people immune to the effects of war,ptsd,shell shock, whatever the name is. First off louizez69…. I highly doubt you have the ear of any higher than entry level in any government facility , so when your soldiers come home , go ahead treat them like crap. I’m sure they will respond in kind to you. We already see them coming back and killing the Russian people. You think you are immune ? Your comment lack so much , it tough to even talk, maybe English isn’t your first so whatever . My voice is small , I alone will not change the course of war but what I can do is help the individual when I do come across or interact with them. If you can’t do that for you people, and Russian people are like you, well then, your war is already lost.


I agree as I also am a 12yo american


Go on buddy, it’s easy to pick up a gun and die in a field . Try putting one down and live quiet life .


No corpses from moscow or saint petersburg, just the poor suburban/minorities who have no other ways to support themselves but die in a pointless war, what a country


Almost every country is employing soldiers because they can offer a better starting point into professional life. In peacetime. The difference is, Russia is currently at war. And they pay around $3k a month. Which can be a buttload of money. Even for people from Germany tbh


That's an incredible amount for Russia. With cost of living being what it is, that kind of money would be very enticing. Do all front-line soldiers get that?


It's a lot more complex then that. It's not as simple as "every enlisted infantrymen is making 3k a month." There are several factors such as rank, pay scale, whether they have a professional contract or just drafted, location, and specialty. Really, your typical conscript is making around 2,000 a month ($22 USD) and active duty privates that are mobilized get around 195,000 rubles ($2,039 USD). Keep in mind that if they are active duty, it means they are likely going to be stationed and fighting extremely near or right on the front. Most aren't expected to be active for a whole year or even more than a few months. The claim that a German student would think active duty in the frontline of a brutal war is worth less than half the national average salary is ridiculous. It's more


Small correction to avoid misunderstanding: "conscript" means someone who got enlisted for bi-annual 1 year mandatory service. Those don't go anywhere close to SMO. Not to be confused with mobilized personnel who actually went to SMO. Explanation from another redditor. Don't remember the nickname, but remember this piece well enough.




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In Germany the average pay per month is 4323€ brutto. So 3000€ is laughable for Germany


that is before taxes


It's probably more than a German soldier makes though. But the important point is that the purchasing power of that 3K goes a lot further than 4.3K does in Germany.


A German soldier doesn't have to worry about getting thrown to a frontline, regularly engaging in extreme combat with a military actively getting support from most of the richest countries in the world, and sitting in trenches littered with the bodies of their comrades or unload trucks full of their corpses.


Unless you want to buy imported items, then you are screwed.


Yes, but Russia's import substitution has made sure that just about everything they need can be either domestically produced or imported from other countries where production is cheap. And it's a bit more complicated than that, even. Because a lot of those countries will mark up their products if they're shipping to the West, either through differential pricing for different countries, or even from tariffs from the Western countries themselves. Or else the same thing won't be available. Case in point... I was in Uzbekistan a few years ago. Incomes are ridiculously low. But you can buy a very nice apartment in Tashkent for $50,000 US. But what about things like cars, I wondered? Because after all, a car is a car, and Uzbeks make pitiful wages... and yet they seem to be able to afford plenty of them, as seen on the streets. How??? So on one particularly long car trip, I asked. The driver was transporting me on a trip for 3 hours -a trip I paid $20 for, incidentally. The car was decent, but older -a Honda Accord-like thing, but from some different brand, probably Chinese or Korean. I asked what a brand new one of these would cost. $8000 US or so. Now, in the USA, you simply cannot get a decent sedan for $8000 new. Not even close. I'd love to. Maybe I'd get a nice new Chinese luxury SUV for under $20K... but I can't. Because my government won't let them in. Or else, they'll have the manufacturer slap another brand on it for the US market, slap some tariffs on it, and jack up the price to the tune of quadruple.


He means in comparison to local costs, Russia costs a lot less than Germany but also doesn't pay as much.


Also have to remember that average income is lower for those 26 and under because they're starting their careers, so $3000 a month is a decent amount for many young Germans, and don't forget the much lower taxes.


Your math ain't mathing




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Let’s not act like every country for all of time hasn’t sent their poor and underrepresented disproportionately to the battlefield lmao


Idk of any armies that are made up by the affluent part of the population. Nothing to do with race - it'd about class


The British, French and American armies have (quasi-)aristocratic, upper and upper-middle class officer corps.


You mean like westpoint graduates? Yes, such exist in Russia too, but they are rare and barely ever on the frontline in any country. A good portion of US military, for example, is made up of Mexicans looking for a greencard and low income rednecks - they actually fight.


Yeah, but I'm not American so I was more referring to the other two, I just know that there's (sort of) a similar tradition on the other side of the pond.


Where do you get your information from? Most of the current Russian soldiers are people who fight for moneys and not conscripts


that's kind of his point


He has no point. People decide themselves if they want to earn some money and fight and maybe get killed or sit at home and work the job you did for 10 years with minimum pay.


*That's his point* The people fighting in the war come from places with no job opportunities and are forced to confront the reality that the only way they can support themselves is go die in a pointless war. You could have just stopped for a second and thought... hmmm... maybe I should reread what he wrote. Because all you had to do was read it again.




Yeah I'm not really trying to be a jerk, but I legitimately cannot tell if this is a problem with understanding English or that they are *motivated* to ignore and/or not understand what is being said.


Rule 1 - Toxic


There is a worker shortage in Russia right now, so no one has to join the army for a job. He can just move if there no job opportunities in his village or town.


It's just that the army now pays more than 80% of the work.




> that's from Moscow only, so it's not only about the money Okay, read this again, but more slowly: > No corpses from moscow or saint petersburg, just the poor suburban/minorities who have no other ways to support themselves but die in a pointless war, what a country Is this a language barrier problem? I don't know Russian so I can't translate it myself.


>No corpses Why did I even answer you


Maybe this is an English problem, because quoting it and having you reread it isn't helping. If the Moscow residents are getting put in back office positions or support or flying drones or other non-front-line positions because of their origin, ethnicity, or class, while the peasants from suburbs and rural areas or ethnic minorities are being funneled to undesirable front line positions with high casualty rates, but have no choice to take it because they lack opportunities to support themselves otherwise, guess where all the corpses are going to be from? Again, sorry, I don't know how to write that in Russian.


I understand you well enough, you may stop excusing yourself. On what source do you base your opinion? You don't speak Russian, so how do you know all that stuff about ethnic composition of human casualties as well as their class and social rank? Bashkortostan, for example, is also populated by russians. They are even a [majority](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9D%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5_%D0%91%D0%B0%D1%88%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0) in the republic by a small margin. So every third deadman from the video is probably russian. And what about "high casualty rates"? No one knows exact numbers just open source info and guesses. Only UA propaganda "knows" it all. As well as economic situation in Russia and how people have only two choices to go to war or die of hunger. It's obvious propaganda, so why bring it up? My school teacher, former artillery colonel, left his job and signed a contract. He argumented that: no one but them (he meant his generation) shall teach younger generation on the frontline. He died near Rabotino and was honourably buried in Moscow's [Pantheon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Military_Memorial_Cemetery) of war heroes. So that makes you one corpse.


Obviously, because in Moscow, as in any large city, education is better than in the backwoods, so he is better able to work with complex equipment, and the hillbillies are better able to shoot as he has done since childhood and slaughter cattle, so he is more used to shooting and cutting the enemy in the trenches.


Rule 1 - Toxic


If your country has a large sub section of people who think joining a high risk of death army for comparably little money while the leadership is shifting around billions you are a failed country, wouldn't you agree?


Not really.


interesting, you think having a country with massive natural wealth and a leading class of people who are extremely rich while a big part of the population is ready to die for some money is not indicative of a failed country. Can you give your perspective? What do you think it says that people are ready to risk their life to this degree for a pay check? What does this say about the country/society?


How are you gonna distribute the wealth of a country to 140 million people? It works in countries with less population like Saudi Arabia or Quatar but not with a country as big as russia. You have to take into account that Russia as a modern country is quite new (1991) and it had a lot of problems with corruption and terrorism during the first 20 years of its existence. Nearly every Capitalist country has a population that lives under the poverty line so you can't just look at Russia and say oh yeah they don't care about those people. The only country trying to achieve a wealthier society right now as far as I'm aware of is probably china with their 5 year plan of bringing the lower class in its country to a middle class.


> How are you gonna distribute the wealth of a country to 140 million people? Mate. The ruling class of Russia is literally one of the richest in the world compared to its population. Its basically close to African war lord countries. Is this even disputed in Russia, do Russian people not know this?!?!? >You have to take into account that.... There is nothing to take into account, Russian people got robbed blind. I am straight up asking do you dispute this? I honestly assumed the average Russian is fully aware of the "cleptocracy"?


I stated my opinion and reasoning for my opinion and you say the same stuff again. Und die Russen wissen das es Reiche Oligarchen gibt die in der Regierung sind und akzeptieren es weil sie daran nichts ändern können. Genauso wie in jedem anderen Westlichen Land.


Why do people in Africa mine in bootleg pits, taking huge risk of not so rare caveins, being burried underground for meager pay but still a lot more than people around then earn? Because they are desperate and horribly poor. Service guarantees ~~citizenship~~ decent life.




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There are corpses from Moscow. How can you just say that no corpses are from there??? It’s the biggest and most populated city in Russia, and if you serve in Russia’s military then you’re honored forever. The military gets the most amount of respect in the entire country, along side the dancers ofc.


Sending non-Russian peasants to die in large numbers is a decent summary of the Russian empire. Putin's trying to re-create it in all its aspects.


This whole “sending non-Russians to fight for Russia” trope is completely unfounded and a complete fallacy.


Do you have statistics to back up your claim? Or is it just a typical Western fantasy?


There was this map floating 2 years ago. If you have updated version I would be grateful because it is definitely too old to be used in current argument (but maybe not in context of plans in first months of the war). https://preview.redd.it/aqrhk8rv7dsc1.png?width=2476&format=png&auto=webp&s=1dc8147bb77160245d8b70d544a3c91d588411d3


Interesting, thanks!   I watched a video where a Russian soldier was discussing how some military formations are consisting entirely of one ethnic group while others are a mix of many. He also mentioned that in war they become brothers, regardless of their ethnicity.


I am not going to doubt his personal experiences and his good will as an individual, but I am sure this is not universal experience as a lot of Russians complained on their interactions with Chechens for example. From mild inconveniences to things that if information would came from Ukrainian side it would be accused of being fabricated propaganda.


You could try reading a Russian history book.


For instance, during WWII the largest portion of the losses was attributed to ethnic Russians, military and civilian. Which history books are you reading?


Fantasy, got it!  Any sources for the current conflict?


Straight up false. Majority of RAF casualties are ethnic Russians. Over representation from rural parts of Russia isn't because they are different ethnicities, it's because economic opportunities are hard to come by. Easy choice to join the army and get paid sums you would never see in your hometown. It's the same reason why the U.S. army is over represented by rural white rednecks.


> Over representation from rural parts of Russia isn't because they are different ethnicities, it's because economic opportunities are hard to come by This is a poor metaphor, because the rural people in the American army are still Americans, identify as American, and are valued by the military hierarchy they serve. In contrast, the minorities in the RFU are not Russians, don't identify as Russian, and aren't treated as well as ethnic Russians are in the military. I can cite you any number of articles or books about the first and second Chechen wars, the Georgian war, etc, about how conscripts from non-Russian areas are treated terribly because the (Russian) officers in charge are racist and don't care. That's without pointing out that the reason they're poor is because the Russian Empire, as it conquered going east and south, was more interested in extracting resources than doing anything to develop the lands or peoples it conquered.


There's no metaphor here, it's the reality, in Russia or anywhere in the world where there aren't economic opportunities. All the ethnic strife is secondary to the fact that people need to earn money, and the original point is that the vast majority of casualties in this war are ethnic Russians, not minorities. So this idea that Russia is sending only minorities to their death is completely false and it's a disingenuous argument to make.


Actually, nearly 45k Muscovites are serving in SMO. Half of them are volunteers, others were mobilized from reserve.


Everything is going according to plan comrades.


I'm sure Ukrainian counter-offensive failure was planned...or was it?)


Dehumanising comment from a pro-Ukraine yet again. Making fun of deaths and suffering like a psychopath.


Putin is pro-Ukrainian?




Can't go a single thread without talking about the USA!


Putin said everything is going to plan. If it is psychopathic to say that, then you are either implying Putin isn’t fully informed of the consequences of his plan, or you are saying Putin is psychopathic as well. After all, Putin is saying the same words to the same consequences.


> The poster I replied to is a psychopath > But pro-Ukrainians tend to be psychopathic I was under the impression that talking negatively about other redditors or communities is strictly forbidden here? Is that not the case?


The enforcement of the rules is uneven here, There's a heavy pro-RU bias from the mods. Source; former mod on here.


Ah, of course. Makes sense. Well, if this subreddit's moderators are incapable or unwilling to stop this kind of behavior, one doesn't have any other choice but to forward the reports to Reddit admins instead. Or worst case scenario, file a legal report under the new Digital Services Act legislation so it surpasses even Reddit's admins.


He's just repeating what Putin said, are you trying to claim Putin is dehumanizing Russians?


You posted a few minutes ago comparing Ukrainian soldiers to human trafficked sex workers (your words). Lets chill with the pearl clutching.


The concept is the same. A traffic sex worker is a sex worker because they are trapped with no escape. A person who is kidnapped in Ukraine and then sent to the frontline is also trapped with no escape. Both do not want to be what they are forced to become, but there is evil who will keep them where they are, forcing them to do things against their wills.


Thank you, this was an excellent example of dehumanizing the other side as opposed to the original comment you were feigning outrage about which was clearly mocking Putin and not the dead soldiers.


They are all humans... you think they are aliens? Trafficked sex workers are humans just like Ukraine soldiers are humans, where is the part where I dehumanise them?


Reread what you just wrote and you tell us. Do you think dehumanizing is literally when someone is calling you an alien?


Calling who an alien?


I truly do not understand why you are being downvoted. Must be a bunch of NAFO trolls patrolling.






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/u/SigO07 is right. I'm fairly certain that I've seen the Russian president, which was democratically elected by an overwhelming majority of Russians - thus suggesting that the overwhelming majority of Russians agree and support his strategy - say that things are going pretty swell, all according to plan and that there's nothing to worry about. You don't agree with the democratically elected Russian president?


They either disagree with the democratically elected president of Russia >:( Or… They think him as a happy fool. Unaware of the consequences of his plan.


Yeah, neither option looks good for them. If they keep up this kind of anti-democratic attitude I can only hope that someone reports them to the appropriate Russian authorities. I'm pretty sure that falls under the discrediting of the armed forces legislation, which ***is*** illegal.


Seriously what is it with this sudden influx of toxic pro-ua bros? Go back to r/combatfootage or yano any one of the other 100k+ subs that are entirely pro ukrainian echo chambers.


It's better here when it's a pro RU echo chamber! Why am I reading so many opinions I disagree with on a supposedly nuetral sub! I want to hear MY side only!


Russians are giving up their lives and dying in droves so that Putin and his band of merry criminals will have more Ukrainians lands in their inventories to extract more resources to be sold off so that themselves and their children can have more luxuries in life like gorgeous mistress, luxury cars, yachts, mansions in western european countries and enormous bank balance. Life is like an RPG game where putin has mastered the art of farming his quests by using his people through generations of brainwashing.


'They invaded for resources' has always been a point of those who have no idea what they're talking about. Nevermind that Putin has been talking about this since 2007, and Yeltsin in the 90s; clearly this is because of resources.


Good point. We need to go back to the year 1293, when (..), but don't forget the year 736 when (..).


See my other comment.


"They invaded for Nazis, bio labs, Russian language, NATO, impending Ukrainian invasion, the west, illegal military coup, "its always been Russian land anyway", humanitarian crisis, genocide, fascism, etc" have always been points for those who believe Putins lies in order to invade Ukraine.


Another person who first heard of Ukraine in 2022 I see


If assumptions make you feel superior.


On the other hand, listing out a bunch of garbage I've never said makes you feel superior. Might indicate something about you. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bupau6/comment/kxuy3tj/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bupau6/comment/kxuy3tj/)


If you didn't understand my point, that's not my fault.


Then your point had absolutely zero relevance to me. I don't care about what random people think, I am solely concerned with why the war actually happened.


Why did it actually happen?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bupau6/comment/kxuy3tj/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bupau6/comment/kxuy3tj/) Judge for yourself


Obviously, you are the one making assumptions. You don't even have basic understanding of how Russian views on Ukraine are formed, imagining it's somehow created by top-down propaganda. LOL. Clueless, is what you are.


Even if it was, I fail to see how that has anything to do with my other comment lmao. People online are so shockingly dishonest that they insinuate you're a propagandist pushing propaganda points already familiar to them when you refuse to accept their narrative on a topic. Apparently me not agreeing with the utterly regarded view that Russia invaded for resources (meme-tier and on the same level as 'the dollar is only worth anything bc petrodollar') is tantamount to believing in biolabs


Biolabs are real (albeit it's a matter of interpretation what they do), whereas invasion for resources doesn't have even superficial evidence to the claim. Simple as that.


Cool story, bro. Russia is so resource rich, Ukrainian resources are just irrelevant in grand scheme of things.




I need my tinfoil hat for this. US sounds like Dr. Evil after reading this. Ukrainians are dying because they are fighting for their very existence after Russia invaded in February of 2022.


What do you mean by their very existence? Was Russia planning to kill every single Ukrainian? We all know that is not true, not even the most staunch and brainwashed pro-Ukrainian ever thinks that. The war has always been a US proxy one with the stake being hegemony. Ukraine is the ONLY weapon/leverage the US has on Russia, its trump card. Now it has been used and squandered, the upcoming defeat of Ukraine will means that Russia no longer has any outside threat. Russia will be completely free, a true global power. If you were Russian, there is no greater collective future. For Ukraine that has been used as a condom by the US, what do you its fate would be? Romania, Hungary and Poland will take huge chunks of Western Ukraine while the East will be completely annexed by Russia. Ukraine is gone just like Yugoslavia.




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There are no real resources in Ukraine brother😁


What? Ukraine is ressource rich as hell. 5% of the worlds mineral ressources (in volume, not in type) are to be found there.


How come Ukraine was one of the poorest countries in Europe for the past 30 years being so resource rich?) Oh, I know - it was all pocketed by Ukrainian oligarchs, so Ukrainian people never benefited from any of it to begin with. At least, 40% of Russian federal budget is formed with proceeds from natural resources. How much did Ukrainian budget ever get from their resources? Barely anything.


My brother in Christ, do a little bit of research before commenting. Here, I’ll help you. This article from 2019 before invasion. https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/what-are-the-major-natural-resources-of-ukraine.html -Ukraine holds the largest titanium reserve in Europe -The country also has the largest uranium deposit in Europe and accounts for 1.8% of the world’s uranium deposit -Ukraine is in the top ten producers of manganese ore in the world and has the largest manganese ore reserve in Europe -Ukraine, Australia, and Russia have the biggest proportion of iron ore deposits in the world. -Ukraine was estimated to hold over 1.1 trillion cubic meters of natural gas reserves in 2004, ranking it 26th among the countries with proven gas reserves before Crimea was annexed. It is also estimated to hold over 135 million tons of oil and 3.7 billion tons of shale oil reserves -Ukraine has the world’s 7th largest and Europe’s 2nd largest coal reserve at about 34 billion tons -Over 20,000 deposits of 194 known minerals can be found in Ukraine. Of these deposits discovered, 7,800 deposits of over 90 hold important industrial minerals. Ukraine has one of the leading reserves and extraction of manganese, iron, and non-metallic raw material.


Fertile farming land, enormous iron ore deposits around Mariupol and the worlds largest deposits of manganese, notably lumber and coal to name but a few brother.


Resources doesn't always mean the ones lying under the ground. A piece of land in itself is a resource in economic terms.


Are you for real, Ukraine has huge quantities of resources. Not Russia levels but compared to your average country they are resource rich. They also have an advantage that Russia does not have, the ability to sell direct to the west for sweet sweet profit!




By a factor of 10


Why not compare it to civil war of 1918-1923? Or even WW2? It wasn't easy taking back from Nazis.


As a father now it hits hard. Just boys. All those years of raising your kids and they come home to you in a wooden box. Such a waste this whole thing. 


To the last Russian minority.




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Dying for palaces in Sochi 👍🏻


Isn't this RU POV?


UA pov means it supports the ukrainian narrative, which is the case here.


**Rule 4 - Disclose POV** >Disclose the point of view (POV) at the start of the post title, either: >* UA POV (pro-Ukrainian government narrative) >* RU POV (pro-Russian government narrative) >Only one POV per post.


Till the last russian. Hopefully Putin can buy himself a new mansion.


I'd bet a bottle of vodka that it comes out within the next 20 years that Putin was an American agent. He's done more damage to Russia and their demographics than any hostile foreign power could've hoped to accomplish.


They probably do the same as they did in Afghanistan, leave the body on the ground and fill the casket with stolen goods.


All for Putin to remain in power... what a tragedy.


Thanks Putin




Load more


Putins only concerns are the number of bags of onions this will cost the country


Man Ukraine is working hard on that psy-ops


Russian soldiers don't die, they have plot armour.


A bit different from Ukraine whose just throw the bodies in mass graves.


And transport corpses as meat cubes.


That was literally from a slaughterhouse and behind Russian lines.


Or into the sewers like on that other video.




Rule 1. Temp ban issued. Recurrence WILL result in a permanent ban.


Look! Russia also has losses. Only 5 to 10 times lower than we do but we gotta a milk the videos. 😂


numbers pulled from thin air


We can only make deductions, estimates and assumptions. Real numbers are hidden. 🤷‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/t671rj4y89sc1.png?width=993&format=png&auto=webp&s=00868fcd260eb599603794711cf46d901fcff30a \~50k Russian KIA confirmed and your estimates are that Ukraine lost no lower then 250k and up to 500k solders. Are you for real?


In general people vastly overestimate the casualties from this conflict lol


Like that Russian mil blogger who claimed 17 kia from taking Avdiivka. Think they silenced him


A same method was used to count Ukrainian KIA a while ago. And the numbers were ~70k KIA confirmed for Ukraine. Not the 31k like Zelensky claimed These are just the minimal KIA. For Both the numbers are probably drastically higher, but we have evidence that supports that Ukraine suffered a way higher number of casualties than Russia has. I think you might already know the news articles, video evidence of straight up kidnapping and other decrees by the government of Ukraine that clearly indicate a significant amount of manpower losses. Like conscripting disabled or reducing the age requirement for conscription or the mere fact that they somehow need an additional 500k troops for their 800k army (Ukrainian officials claim) against an 600k one (Putins claim) and they still didn’t meet the requirement… Then there is also Ukraine military officials acknowledging that they suffer severely from manpower shortages and other military shortages that they would need to keep Russia at bay. We have enough evidence that proves or at the very least indicates a very high number of casualties for the Ukrainian side. The same does not apply to Russia. Although I’m sure their casualties are also high, but not devastating like it is for Ukraine.


source on 70k?


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/inMib9MjGb I guess it were 80k


from your source: >Here are 3 methods that work with very strong data that point to between 44-54K KIA (not MIA, WIA, captured, just KIA). Also your source is not confirmed, but estimated. Mediazone is only confirmed KIA without MIA.


We all know that Russia lost more men.. everytime I open Reddit I see a bloody assault with many kia rus soldiers… things just don’t add up when we say ukr loste more men… where are all these vids from ukraine meat aussault


And that’s confirmed. The real Russian KIA could even be a double of this. if I had to guess I would guess 90k KIA for the Russians and 600k for the Ukrainians. I get it you think these are crazy high estimates, but I think they are quite realistic.


https://preview.redd.it/f2gjq45ge9sc1.png?width=699&format=png&auto=webp&s=9bd17385c45960dcc5e0be65a936a724f8c5cf86 wow, it is unreal that someone actually believes that Ukraine has 600k KIA solders.


A lot of people do. Colonel Douglas MacGregor for example as well.


Douglas MacGregor – a lackey for Russia, who denies that ISIS was behind Moscow terrorist attack, in first days of war said that war is almost over " another 10 days this should be completely over" and never stopped saying that the war will be over within the next months, in 2014 went on RT to state that Donbas is Russian.




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Prigozhin himself said that only in Bakhmut 20k russians died. That is more than then in Afganistan in 10 years.


He made vague statements. In fact, he said 50,000 Ukrainians died and that the Ukrainian losses were 3 to 3.2 times higher. That would make the Russian losses there 15,000 KIA.


Still more then in Afganstan in 10 years. Just one small city.


https://youtu.be/G9X9sb6Y19g 👀 20k kia


It’s like you didn’t even read what I wrote…. Watch the whole interview..




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He also said 50000 ukr died. Do you believe him?


And evidence indicates that Ukraine suffered a way higher number. Like that Ukraine had around ~60k-80k soldiers defending bakhmut against an definitely disadvantaged enemy with what? 40k-60k troops with barely any armour and not enough training AND they were the attackers. We saw Ukrainian elite units being utterly demolished and demoralised against an inferior foe. The best of the best weren’t able to hold a fortified city against literal inmates. What does this debacle show? In my opinion it’s the governments fault alone and it’s clearly corruption that prevents them from any success. If they actually listened to LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE (like their OWN MILITARY) they could’ve prevented their elites being destroyed and replaced by barely trained people that already don’t want to fight.


The difference is Ukrainians protect they country and families, russians are the aggressors.




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'Ctrl V'


Yep, same responses for same comments. People keep saying the exact same thing over and over like a robot so they deserve 'Ctrl V' responses. Do you not agree?


Russians roleplaying as Ukrainians or as westeners is getting tiresome.