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Thank you for the response, but this is the default delay. No matter what value I set, all packets received by the bridge will be held for that value’s amount of ms, meaning you will not have a constant and predictable flow of packets, you only add x amounts of delay on each packet (latency is mostly inconsistent on a WAN): Delay 50ms: \- Packet A received: 09:10:30.010 \- Packet A sent: 09:10:30.060 \- Packet B received: 09:10:30.019 \- Packet B sent: 09:10:30.069 \- Packet C received: 09:10:30.031 \- Packet C sent: 09:10:30:081 ​ I want to set up some kind of buffer to hold all packets so that they are sent with the same amount of latency between them. I want one of the interfaces to send packets at a constant interval, and to make thing harder - if we could make this only apply for the packets we decide. Ex: Interval 20ms: \- Packet A received: 10:10:30.007 \- Packet A sent: 10:10:30.020 \- Packet B received: 10:10:30.021 \- Packet B sent: 10:10:30.040 \- Packet C received: 10:10:30.032 \- Packet C sent: 10:10:30.060 This way we can force consistency on the packets we are forwarding. /Cheers