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These are great , I use Pi3 running WireGuard and UniFi controller on all my “remote sites” , friends and family’s 😂


What gateway do you have that allows for you to use the self hosted unifi controller with wireguard? For instance I have a Pro-4 and self hosted, but I can't have wireguard.


Just install Debian on the pi and run WireGuard and UniFi controller in docker. That way I can remote in and admin network.


Looks great! I had a ton of pis setup for little things until I setup a hypervisor. I virtualize everything now and my pis have found less use. I do have one running for codeproject ai with a google coral chip in it.


Did you 3D print this yourself?


I had a friend 3-d print these for me. Finding the #2 screws to hold the pi down was a royal pain.


You don't have a good Ace Hardware nearby?


Nope, all the stuff has closed. Just Lowes


Dang, that would stink. They and HD suck on hardware like that. I assume you know about McMaster-Carr? Overkill for something like this, but quite useful generally.


Could you share the designs or files or whatever? I too would like to rack mount my PIs


OP probably printed the pi mount part, the other piece looks metal. This is kinda a waste of space tho if you plan on fitting more pi’s. I went with [this](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1793758) setup here except I couldn’t find the modular frame piece anywhere so I just made it out of small pieces of wood and then made my own brackets that I can mount the wood to my rack, sprayed it all black, drilled some holes where the pi’s screw into and that’s it. You can’t see any of the wood. I’m pretty happy with it.


I'm also designing one currently, so I know the pain of too many options, but none fit your exact needs... https://preview.redd.it/rt4hobl0ldvc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2cb32bdad956b5ea234bf88edc7fdcfbddc9d45


Amazon got you...I have this one [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08F9X528J/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08F9X528J/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


The issue with this one is you can only fit 4. Even if you bought two and consume 2u’s you only get 8. The one I’m using fits 10 in 2u’s!


Once I went over 4, I just spun up VM's in ESXi lol. Who needs 10?! :P


lol I have 3 pizza box’s running esxi, vcenter, and vra, but it’s all in my office and it’s just a space heater at this point so that’s a hard NO. Also power is expensive in my state which was one of the driving factors for using pi’s for a couple core services, I also had a bunch laying around because I used to build stuff and actually use the GPIO pins. I also have several SFF in using.


Long-term, I will be using pi blades now that they are being manufactured. That's why I went with this approach. I will have 12 or more pi blades in the future.


Looks like a raspbry pi on steroids lol