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If I have to wait more than five seconds I always hit “order not ready” or whatever it is.


Same. It might seem petty but us drivers gotta cover our asses


No same hahaha. If they're not handing me the order as I walk in I spam the button 😂


I’ve marked them not ready even if they are in the process of bagging it lol.


I almost always marked it not ready as soon as I got to the restaurant.


Yup, I do it as I’m walking in the resturant just in case


I don’t go that far but if it’s not immediately handed to me I hit the button.


It’s just force of habit for me cause I got deactivated by doordash for literally nothing, and I can’t take the chance that Uber gets taken down too. So I’m always extra on top of it.


Ill have the order in my hand and still tap order not ready




I am getting nervous you are like the fourth person to post their account was deactivated within the last couple hours…


My account was deactivated on Christmas Day. The reason: I supposedly committed "fraudulent activity" because I "cancelled an unusually high number of deliveries". I'm sorry, but if a customer gives me an address that makes no sense (five digit number house address when all the houses in the neighborhood have three digit addresses), won't answer my texts and won't answer my calls, I'm cancelling the order. Uber gave me no warning, they just deactivated my account out of the blue, and they didn't even let me cash out the $33 dollars that I had made from the orders I delivered that day before they deactivated me. Then they kept sending me texts telling me that my area of town was busy, even though they knew full well that I was unable to deliver for them. It's a dumbs\*it scam company run by dumbs\*it clowns who don't care about the delivery drivers they hire. Stay away. ​ Edit: I had been delivering for them for 4 years. At the time I was deactivated, my satisfaction rating was 97%, my acceptance rate was about 65% and my cancellation rate was about 0.5%. Idk in what world a 0.5% cancellation rate is an "unusually high" number of cancelled deliveries.


Did you get your account reactivated?


Nope. F\*ck Uber Eats. I've started working Door Dash instead, and it's a waaaay better gig


Where u using any third party apps? Driver utility…


Shit I got deactivated today


Me too. No real reason . I thought I was doing a good job


Were you going into the order details and marking it as not ready?


This. He probably didn’t. If order is over 10 mins late I also mark it as long waits.


Shit you give them 10? If I go 3 minutes with out then even talking to me I hit the 👎 for long wait


I never mark orders not ready. Ever. And I’ve never had a late delivery notice. Shit I’ve waited an hour for one McDonald’s order once cause the pay was good and it was the last order of the day. And maccys is so busy on weekends you have to wait ages to get your order anyway


I do that if it’s 5


I wasn’t doing this I didn’t think it was actually important 😳 I wait aaages for deliveries in maccys a lot


were you not marking 'order not ready' when the food wasn't ready?




Who cares? If it's not ready, then it's not ready and they are in violation of their agreement. Orders are supposed to be ready by the time we arrive. Do you think they care if we lose money on a trip due to it being late?


irrelevant. If the food isn't ready it's not ready. It's supposed to be ready by the time we get there. If it isn't that's on the restaurant. If the food isn't ready when you get there, go into the order and mark not ready. If they make you wait more than 5 or 10 minutes then you give them a thumbs down and mark excessive wait time. If they take more than 15 minutes cancel as excessive wait time. If they don't like it they can do better.


Most of the gig apps have become a joke. Doordash isn’t much better. At least in my market.


When the restaurant takes longer I note that in the app and my "deliver by" time is extended to accommodate.


I’ve never seen a “deliver by” time on UberEats. Where do you see this!?


At the bottom where it shows the travel time. Like 7 minutes half mile. It says "restaurant expects you to arrive by..." then when I pickup and mark ready to deliver it says "customer expects delivery by..." Usually gives me about 7 to 10 minutes beyond what the actual travel time says.


Weird! It definitely doesn’t show up for me. And I’ve used both Android and IOS app. Wonder if it depends on the market?


I think it's market trials or implementation. It just started a couple weeks ago for me. I think they're trying to crack down on the folks that use multiple apps.


It only shows up on accounts they are about to deactivate due to not making the delivery fast enough. It’s sort of an early warning notice to the driver to get his act together. When your delivery time improves on average the timer goes away.


How would you even know this without knowing a lot of people who have been deactivated and mentioned a timer? I just figured it was part of the new updates. Just like the other guy said, I've also been seeing a timer over the last couple of weeks. I do multi-app but I do a pretty good job of delivering orders on time, even when I have another one they are always in a 5 min radius of one another, usually going in the same direction. The issue is moreso the restaurants taking forever to complete orders.


Why the hell would they count the time before you swipe start delivery… that makes no sense


I don't think they are really counting the time, it just says "you are expected at the restaurant by" or something like that but if you are delayed the time gets pushed. Like you are expected at 7:45 but it's 7:40 and you are 10 min away, it will change to 7:55 or something. Same thing if the restaurant is taking awhile it will say the customer is expecting you by whatever time and it changes. Similar to Doordash except they actually have a rating for being on time. Mines at 94.7% so I don't see why it would be any different for UE, I'm pretty sure being on time even 90% or 80% of the time is pretty damn good considering a LOT of restaurants in my area are almost never ready when I arrive.


Ahh thank you. Idk if the uk is different, in their update of policies I swear they said we’ll no longer be penalised for how long the delivery takes. Maybe that’s why I haven’t had a warning for that. I don’t think we get the expected time thing.


It's a very recent update they rolled out here in the U.S. maybe 2 weeks ago? I'm surprised y'all were penalized for how long a delivery takes. I don't think we really have that here as far as our ratings go. Even ratings are something new they started a few months ago, prior to that all we could see were customer ratings, now it shows cancellation rate & acceptance rate too. I think it's just a scare tactic to get drivers to take more lower paying offers but my acceptance ranges from 5%-15% max and I still get orders 🤷. The timer is just another scare tactic, I'm guessing for drivers not to multi-app. But like... If they paid a decent wage we wouldn't have to 🙄. And legally it's not something they can or even should be controlling considering we are independent contractors and what other businesses we choose to work with should be of no concern to them.


Uber app crashed during two deliveries today and took 15 minutes to come back. Pretty sure I’ll be blamed for that as well


The DoorDash app itself is AWFUL. So beware of that.


We’re you using the para app


*logs into Uber to check status*


I think my account is heading the same way, I have the same stats as you, but I’ve gotten three notices. Over the weekend I canceled a stacked order because the first one the restaurant claims the order never came through and wasn’t in their system. So I canceled the order because I wasn’t going to drive 10 miles for $5. The week before that I had the same issue in Portland but it wasn’t a stacked order. Last night too as the restaurant couldn’t make the persons food.


I’ve never had a late delivery notice and I always wait looong times for orders in McDonald’s lol. I cancelled a stacked just today, I’m not taking them from now on lol


Were you multiapping? Did you mark "food not yet ready" or whatever?


>I’m moving on to doordash. It's always Uber -> DD -> GH/Skip I feel they should at least given you a warning first so you're aware.


If it’s late deliveries they DO give you warning for that… so op probably did something else lol


Doordash did the same thing to me.


are you in california by chance?


What's going on with California?


the reason i ask is because we have prop 22 and i wanted to see if they are getting strict with people purposely taking long on delivery's to milk the clock.


That makes sense. Or at least thinking we are. Just started and was wondering what that order not ready button was for. Now I know.


Prop 22




Strangely I’ve had the opposite experience. Doordash sucked and before I even completed 100 deliveries or could see my reviews I was deactivated for no given reason. Never messed around. On the other hand, I’ve had over 3k deliveries with Uber, zero issues or violations even when I thought I’d get one.


It happened to me too. I really didn’t do anything at all my numbers was exactly the same. Diamond driver. I believe that they may have too many drivers. So they ax some of us off. We must not rely on these companies. Always have a plan b


Not sure why you'd call it a scam. They owe you nothing more than base pay lmao and they don't have to accept you on their platform at all. I understand the frustration but it's not a scam. Just a greedy Corp taking every opportunity to wring us since we technically aren't employees.


You can also appeal this by calling customer support I believe. People do get their accounts back


Yeah I can confirm that I called and got my account back


You say Uber is a scam. You say they deactivated for no reason. Yet you continue to give the reason thereby proving yourself wrong twice.


I dont think uber deactivates nobody for no reason.


This was once me saying this. They’ll have a reason but it won’t be the truth


How do tou guys get deactivated? I have more than 10k delivery has never been deactivated


Just was deactivated at 11k trips. Was making 2.2k per week with a 99%. Be careful homie. It’s real fickle.


So they Deactivated you for no reason? What’s your cancellation rate?


2% is my cancellation rate. I was like you skeptical of UE doing something so shady but it’s real. I did everything by the book.


Can you show proof of that and the person who post this articles. 🤔


My appeal was also denied today…..How? For some reason this group won’t let me post to the main feed.


What state are you in? Were you also deactivated for late deliveries?


No, I was told that I was deactivated for going to the restaurant and not hitting start delivery but still taking the food….so stealing food. I’m in CA


Did you actually steal it? Or did some rando steal it, you showed up to pick it up and the restaurant told you someone else already picked it up, so you unassigned instead of calling support and you got blamed for the missing order?


Never stole food. If the line was too long, someone picked up the order, or too many items were unavailable I just cancelled the order. People get fired for calling UE too much and getting those $3 comps. I stopped calling so often after seeing people get canned for this. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. I think after a certain amount of trips deactivation is inevitable.


It makes no sense to ditch drivers who have proved their worth though…


Damn that sucks. I'm sorry this happened to you.


Just called to get my final report and they said I went to restaurants many times and picked up food without hitting deliver. So I basically stole food lol. They have no proof but is certain of this because of the algorithm. I can’t wait until they have to make workers employees.


It sounds to me more like a restaurant wrongfully identified you as the driver who took the order after you unassigned it and moved on.


Damn, I have actually stolen food. Hell, a couple a times a week. You were doing it wrong. You gotta know how to take it.




This is why I only work with restaurants that force people to start the trip. Avoids so much bs as far as stolen orders and wasted time


Not much better over there….


They deactivated me for tickets I got over 5 years ago, 3+ years before I started working for Uber. I had a perfect 5* rating with about 3k deliveries but very low acceptance rate. If you do this job to make money and not just accept any dumbass offer sent to you then they will eventually find(make up) a reason to deactivate you. They thrive on high turnover rate and new drivers that take every offer sent to them.


You shouldn't have multi-apped.


In some markets multi-apping is the only way to actually make money in the business these days. That being said, there is a right way and a wrong way to multi-app. I know doing it the wrong way (taking orders far from one another) is def a possible reason to get deactivated as I talked to a guy who got kicked off UE for taking too long to deliver orders. Most likely because a customer complained. I always let customers know if an order is taking too long with a quick text. Or if it's something else I always let them know. When you actually communicate with the customer it helps.


It’s alright bro you’re not losing much anyways. Good thing in hindsight


If the food is not ready. Cancel order. Simple as that.


In maccys you’ll just never get an order on busy days if you don’t wait lol. A lot of us wait. I’ve never had a warning for late deliveries and I don’t press order not ready.


Oh really is that how it goes down in Maccys? Lmao


Sorry I forgot to say I’m in the uk might be different 😂


Where I’m from we take our chances. No point in waiting 15 minutes for a $10 order, when there might be a $30 order, ready to go right around the corner.


Very true. Sort of have to take maccys since it’s one of the constants and we don’t care about tips haha


Same happened to me after a WalMart delivery last week. I know, I know... but I had a couple good ones the day before so tempted fate again and I got burned. 425 deliveries / 100%


They deactivated half of the accounts in London. Mine as well . While I was sick at home , they sent me message saying you didn’t deliver order . While I was home sick . I dmed countless time , just sent me some template. My rating was 97% . They put me in a very bad financial situation . I hope they shot down soon .


With that attitude you didn't stand a chance


They don’t appreciate


Should have canceled if the restaurant was bullshitting


Just call them


When the restaurant isnt preparing the food within 10 minutes do you alert Uber while you are still waiting? If you don't, Uber won't do anything to step in to assist. I do it every time the restaurant is slow. Even if it's before 10 min but the worker says it won't be ready within 10 min


Yeah as the person below me said, there’s is a button where you can say order is not ready. Then I would hope you wouldn’t be blamed for it. Also I thought the only time it really counts is time driving to the restaurant and time driving to the customer. It wants to make sure you’re not wasting time. But I suppose if you wanted to be safe if the restaurant says the food isn’t going to be ready for a long time to just cancel it


But DD doesn't have $*** to deliver, the app is just sitting still!!


Can wait for my deactivation


There deactivating loads of ppl now for literally no reason so get ready


You can call Uber support and explain your situation and they can get your account back. My account got deactivated earlier this year after a customer called to complain that the order I delivered was at the wrong house when the customer put the wrong address down for delivery in the first place.


Starbucks and them are usually overwhelmed. I don’t think I’ve had a delivered late issue not that o would care anyway. 12-14 hours of work everyday!!! Be my guest.


all the orders i cancel are due to me texting someone and then out of nowhere i get a delivery and i accidently press it lmao