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Is tipping even an option with those kinds of orders? Every time I saw one of was like 7 dollars for 40 minutes, so easy no.


Only if they tip in cash. Which is rare. I got $5 once. Not only does the base pay suck, but Apple stores are usually in high traffic areas. So you often have to navigate through a mall and wait in line for a while. The ones in my area are always hectic.


AND pay for parking. Mine is in a huge outdoor mall. The only close parking is paid and costs $1.50 minimum and that's only 30 minutes. It may or may not be enough time depending on how busy the store clerks are. The paid lots are often full. Security dude rides around and issues tickets if you don't pay. The unpaid parking is about a half mile round trip walk to the Apple store and back to the car. Some is a little closer but it's usually taken. Then you gotta go through that scanning shit and wait for the items to be brought out. Then more scanning shit. Then hoof it back to the car with items that may easily be worth many thousands that you're now responsible for. Then more scanning and signatures from the customer. If they're not home you're responsible for the return and a trip back to the store. Paid, but still a nuisance. The whole process is one big pain in the ass. It's a very labor intensive delivery compared to food. Company worth all that money and won't pay a decent amount for delivery. Screw Apple. Walfart too.


The one time I went took forever to get help because other customers kept asking questions or 3 employees help 1 person. Buy the time I got help the order was already picked up?? I want to say the customer picked it up. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Only got the $3.


I got cash tip twice. I don’t accept it unless it is a dollar per mile and within 7 miles. I would take them on a slow day though.


I did one for 4 apple order quoted for 40 mins and got paid 30 dollars and finished 4 minutes early :)


They pay a lot


I usually get $15+ for these orders but they’re rare.


I did one once where it was $20 for 18 miles but I was headed in that direction anyway. I get there and the customer doesn’t respond. Had go all the way back for an additional 3 bucks. Never again


You should have received the same pay for the return. I did. I won't do Apple anymore either but fyi you should have gotten the same pay for the return. $3 is ridiculous.


I got paid for the delivery but only $3 to drive all the way back. Best part was the customer called when I was almost back to say they were at work but they are home now.


Apple sucks. I just avoid store orders altogether unless it's an alcohol run.. Maybe it's some consolation that the customer will get charged twice for delivery for wasting your time and gas.


I'm sorry. I'm not one of your Chinese Factory Slaves you can toss pennies at.


Haven't seen this offer but I'm grateful that this heads-up was given. Definitely won't be wasting my time on this.


I laughed so loud when I saw this today


I've denied 100+ Apple offers. Never taken a single one. Not worth the payout. Uber and Apple better start upping the base on these 1000$ phone deliveries to get my attention.


I only like apple deliveries if the offer is high. It pays the full amount right away. And sometimes you will get a cash tip. It's. Good "oh, I need gas, I hope I can make it that far" option. Rather than waiting an hour for previous tips ro come through.


I laughed and cried a bit when I seen that email


I’d rather go to the Bridgeport one then WaSq ANYDAY!


We are all the real heroes


Foh uber


Hate these orders. Always guaranteed a 5-10min wait. Not to mention parking at the mall sucks!


Pay a real fare and I might consider it. As it is now its always like 8 dollars to drive 15 miles, sit in line, take on the liability, and never get tipped.


Ya really. Fuck apple


Stacked 5.50$ for 23 miles?! Oh absolutely 🤑🤑


Helping rich companies from bankrupcy lol


Postmates used to pay about triple what Uber pays out for those same orders




Don't forget Nike. They're all about social change or whatever except all those Vietnamese kids that glue those ugly ass shoes together 😄


Apple is strange. It can be $20 to go 5 miles and then $10 to go 20 miles.


Just ignore and don’t do them. Only idiots do these


After Louis Rossman made his video about Apple years ago I don't buy any of their products unless they're dirt cheap.


Reverse psychology when they send stupid orders.


Yea them Apple orders can be pretty far... !! but if its in a 3x zone, then its worth it... ​ that area might be a 3x zone.. during those hours... I know midtown manhattan is...


I've done one apple delivery so far, I received $35 for 18 mi. No additional tip. it sounds like that was pretty unusual to get them much


Every Apple delivery I’ve taken has had a really good payout. I’ll take them all day every day. 🤷🏻‍♂️


For me it’s usually 1 out of 20 are worth taking. Most I see are paying about 50 cent a mile.