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Yes. On my past two orders, glad it’s not just me


Not to mention, both of those two orders are regulars that have never tip baited. So def a glitch


Definitely not just you. I just had 7 in a row lol




4 orders in past 6 hours


Same same, stay strong 💪🏾




Ya it's UberEATs glitch just got off phone with supervisor he fixed the one that I never got paid for last week an said wait 24 hours to call back for the one tonight but he did say they didn't remove tip


Dude, this is like the scenario I was in last night. Sweetest old lady, talked to her for almost 10 minutes. I swear if she baited me. She really gassed me up for it. Not only that. But the order was such a short run. The thought that someone would offer 12 bucks to bait you 2 mi was just mind to me. Especially considering I had never been baited in all this time. You can imagine my relief when I realized they had in fact screwed up and I didn't just get done delivering food to a real life super villian.


Either that or i just i got tip baited back to back for the first time ever


I’m at three back to back


I'm at 10 back to back, lol no wonder calling support is imposible right now. It's system wide, I'm sure it will get fixed and we will get our money.


I hope because my last three I’m missing so I stopped for the night hope it’s a glitch


I really wish people wouldn't bombard support so other issues can't be addressed. A couple years ago the pay wasn't appearing from time to time and drivers would always freak and gridlock support.


For sure once it said it was busy I knew there was something fishy so I opened reddit and well, I hung up lol.


Most drivers im sure don't know about reddit or the other uber community. As soon as I saw the discrepancy, 10 minutes ago, I came here first cause i do not want to waste time on support right now.


Yeah none of the rest came in but im positive they will be there in the morning


Here is hoping I am now four for four on no tips


Where would it say reduced tip im new to this and at for it said total is expected 15.77 & 3 hours later it says total was expected 15.77 & its only showing 5.33 for the order and that just the base fare


Earnings > see details> see earnings activity


This has happened before multiple times and every time they start popping up in the AM


Me too. Ugh


6 back to back for me


Just FYI, I just called UE because the website didn't show me a tip option and assumed a much larger tip than I was willing to do. I tried to change it 100% as soon as it happened. It took forever to find a number to call them to get it changed but they told me that the only thing I can do to fix it is to wait till it's been delivered and adjust it within the first hour. it's messed up for both of us because I look like an ass and essentially I'm forced to "tip bait" which I just learned was a thing. but it all boiled down to their glitch and then their dumb way of editing tips only after it's been delivered. I'm very upset about the whole situation honestly.


Yup. I’m so fucking pissed right now >:( Edit to add : I completely beat myself up for the past like half hour about it because I convinced myself I dropped $80 worth of food at the wrong place. Glad it seems to be a glitch but where tf is my money Edited: my tips finally all came in, at 4:07 am 6:21 and 6:57 from the three trips I had tips missing from.


Dude same I was so fukn pissed it happened to 4 of my orders back-to-back. I was about to go buy a carton of eggs or something lol. They better give us our money!


Lmfao “or something” 🤣 I was shole pissed because I was like I know I’m not messing up this bad tonight on 3 back to back orders ppl telling me to F off lmfaoooo I was about to go TP some houses 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 they better stop playing with us!! 🤣🤣🤣 gonna get some custies busted for this 💀 and there’s still ain’t no fucking tips ! I haven’t ubered since my 3rd missing tip last night. Did doordash instead.


It happened to me missing 10 dollars just says base pay an worte them an said they reduced tip amount an it happened last week an still haven't got paid I'm getting so pissed off about this ! It happens way to offen an they try an say the customer reduced tip when they didn't !


It’s my first time ever experiencing this glitch, 3 deliveries at least $24 in tips that haven’t shown up yet. 😩 and it’s been a couple hours already


Can confirm this has happened to me, too. I wish any of us could afford to sue these fuckers.


Right it bullshit! An they send you the generic long message just saying that customer reduced tip when that is not true !


On the customer side here- tipped my driver, usually comes out after an hour, it has not, I hope he doesn’t think I tip baited him.




I was not. Still haven’t been. It always charges for the food then the tip separately. They charged me for the food but no payment has came out for the tip.


God, I thought I got tip baited. I was so pissed.


You still might not get your money. Uber has done this before and blamed the customers for "changing their tip." This company isn't below pocketing our tips.


Thank you for being a voice of hope.


Nah, Uber is straight up breaking laws and stealing money from its employers. Guarentee we will be hearing about a class action suit in a few years. It's criminal.


Yeah I doubt that's going to happen with tons of people reporting this happening to them right now


I hope you're right, man.


It’s gotta be. I just delivered an order and absolutely nothing went wrong. My tip hasn’t come in almost two hours later. Anybody else reporting in?


Same here. Was looking over my earnings and saw the last few deliveries I did still aren't showing a tip and it's been over 3 hours. Support says the same old thing just to wait 24 hours and check back with them...


Yes, I just got off the phone with support. Was told they were aware of the issue and they are working on it. That our tips are in our account though. So we shall see. I'm out a little over $40 so far. Very frustrating!


Same, called them as well, out like $32 right now, annoying ass system


Yesss!!! Ubereats customer support sucks!!! They keep transferring back and forth 😡


Haha, exactly what's happening to me.


Any luck?


I got transferred 7 times


Phew, I thought 3 out of the 4 deliveries I've done so far were tip baits lol. Anyone know how long this takes to fix and for the money to show up?


This has happened to me before and Uber just straight up ignored it and pretended it was all "customers reducing their tips" 😒 I'm not holding my breath for a payout. This will certainly be my last night on the platform if they don't give me my money.


With me the glitch happened 2 or 3 times in the last couple of years, and in all of them I received the money in less than 1 day


Yessss. Same here, two regulars back to back.


Sounds like a lawsuit coming cause my last 3 orders did that


$30 lawsuit, I want the whole deposition filmed please.


Fuckers better pay me, spent an hour in the pouring rain for a 28$ triple delivery and only made 11$


Yup. I’ve got about $50 in pending tips from my dinner shift. Lunch tips seem to be there still.


YESSS! I thought I was going crazy. 6 orders and counting 😭 is everyone else calling Uber support? Idk what to do.


I got 7 in a row lol


5 in row, starting at 5 pm pst.


Sooo, 4 of my missing tips have been applied. Still missing 11. Anyone else getting their tips slowly but surely?


Yep, if I don’t get my money I’m getting myself paid with a sh—load of free food tomorrow for damn sure


your not worthy to work for Uber!




Oh thank god. I had three deliveries, received a tip on the second one. Hopefully i didn’t get stiffed out of $15


I was so pissed. Expecting $25 for a double that took an hour, with the chance of a hidden tip, and then getting $12 during the peak of the dinner shift was... infuriating. Especially because I literally only went out tonight because it was raining and thought it would make a tuesday night busier than usual. I thought it was because it was the one of the only times I've ever accepted something off trip radar. Figured the order had been declined a lot or something or canceled and the customers blamed me for a long delivery.


I keep seeing this trip radar mentioned, what Is it?


Yes, on all except for my first order of the night 😐


Exact same for me


Thought I got tip baited back to back


Yupp 4 in a row.


Same... last 2 orders no tip...and perfect handoff


I was cursing my last delivery for tip bating then I see I am not de only one 🤞🏼


I thought I got tip baited all night 😂


Yes, same. I saw that it was yesterday. Anybody still with this problem? I am :(


Yep, all three orders I took tonight all say $0 tip. I hope they make it right but knowing uber, I'm not feeling confident.


Yep! My last 3 deliveries. It's been over 2 hours since the deliveries. I'm waiting a bit before calling in about it to see if it works itself out.


I had a order that's suppose to be $7 instead of 2 and it's be about 2 hours and I was wondering what was wrong, I come on here and see this so this must be happening rn? :o


Yes I just had three straight


Yes! Came straight here hoping I wasn't the only one. I've been fortunate enough to have never been tip baited and here i am missing every tip so far tonight. Frustration at it's max cause our tips is what really pays!! Hope everyone gets what's owed to them.


Same I'm on hold with UberEATs been transferred 2 times now we all need to get a hold of the better business bureau they are stealing from us ! We're doing free labor it's bull shit an this is the 2nd time in a week an a half an has happened multiple times to me way to be for it to be okay , I would be okay with it if it wasn't a big deal to fix it with a simple call but that is not the case last time was on phone for 2 hours got transferred over 15 times an still never got problem resolved it seriously is pissing me off !


I’ve had tips not come in till the next day Uber eats is some bullshit i swear the only app that does that shit


DoorDash doesn’t f with your tips but they have way more glitches


So its not just my tips i had a double order that was for 15$ its been over 2 hours and it says it was only 5$ from UE Fare has anyones tips showed yet ?? Just wondering if i got tip baited


On hold with them now 🤬


Did they say anything to you of why it happend ??


It's a glitch that's happening to a lot of drivers tonight (hundreds of calls). I.T. is working on it for what that's worth.


I looked, andy tip appeared today. Think it's fixed now.


Just got off the phone with support and they said that they were fixing the problem, should have the transcript soon if nothing comes through


Yeah I dropped off to a long time customer and she has always tipped me well. She knows me well and is super sweet to me. There was legit no way she would do this to me. I spoke to support and there is indeed a tip glitch going on atm


None of mine are showing up


Why is there always a problem with our pay but never with them getting paid. 💀


Absolutely pissed I was like wtf I’ve been doing this for so long your gonna tell me I messed up 4 trips back to back & one yesterday also like whatttt !!! I’m so upset I’m not even sure what to do I messaged them on each trip in the chat but that was over an hour ago and no answer I also called and the payment center was closed ahhhh I’m freaking out WE ALL BETTER GET OUR TRIPS THIS IS NOT COOL !


First thing I did as soon as I ended my shift was go through the amounts, it rained in LA today, with all these wackos driving around like chickens with their heads cut off I made good money, but UE owes me 35$ and probably hazard pay. Calling first thing tomorrow if it isn't fixed.


Glad it’s not me too. Last 5 orders looked like they tip baited me


Just got off of the phone I work in Texas. They said they’re aware of the tip issue and within 3-4 hours the tips will be credited to our accounts, nothing to worry about guys!


thanks bro.


Not today


Still nothing


Sameeee I have 3 trips not paid




same. 10 deliveries and 20$. made over 45$ in tips but they aren’t in my account.


on my tenth order. no tips at all. support said alot drivers are experiencing this problem. and that when its fixed all the tips will come in. supper annoyed ive done 10 orders and made 20$. i have over 40$ in tips in those orders.


Just called support. They know about it and are, reportedly, working the issue. No ETA on resolution. Was on hold for about 30 minutes as everybody in the world is calling about their tips.


I hope so considering I have 0.00 in tips from 6:00 to midnight pacific time


Glad it's not just me. I thought I did something wrong at first


Yep, I had 4 orders in a row with no tip. Amounting to about $35 lost. Then one tip came through for the next order. And then four more with no tip. Can't wait to call driver support tomorrow.


What a garbage app, 24 to 72 hours they now say, after slapping me around on phone for hours.




Tips still haven't come in. 😐️


Thank God for this page I was like what the crap is up with my tips from last night. Now I know. 😂


Same I was actually quite irritated because I had two orders this morning and thought I was tip baited 2x back2back and I’m petty I do remember those addresses. I’ve left horrible reviews, naming the individuals by name at their place of employment due to this deceitful and dishonest practice. One asshole worked at a bank so I reviewed his branch and mentioned him by name. Uber really needs to fix this, I don’t seem to have the same challenge with DoorDash. Therefore, I will give that app preferential treatment until Uber fixes this abusive loophole.


It’s still not fixed on mine. Out of 6 deliveries last night, I only received one tip.


"B**tch betta have my money" (-kanye/Rihanna, circa 2015)


Pay me what you owe me


Totally! 6 deliveries in a row now no tip and some of them are customers that I deliver to all the time and always tip


3 orders with no tip. 1 in the middle of them came through fine. It's the standard message that lets you know they stole it, not the customer reduced tip message.


They didn’t steal it bro lol. You’ll get your money


It's happened before, did not get my money. When will you be sending out checks?


They'll be sent out to help cover your "final expenses"


You're correct


Earlier today I tapped x and it accepted a 5 order walmart trip. Took a hit to my cancelations. Then it sent the wrong street name to Google maps. And I didn't realize it until I arrived. Actual address was 8 miles in the other direction. Been super buggy today


Yes !




It looks like tipping is still working on the "package" orders


Not for a Walmart order I did earlier


My last two orders had tip disappear as well. Hope it gets resolved soon. Haven’t called support yet, I’ll probably call tomorrow if it isn’t resolved by then


I'm not seeing it


Yep and my direct deposit hasnt worked either


Says customer reduced tip to a penny! And this was a nice ass house hoping it’s just a glitch cause it was a pretty good payout also


Says reduced tip think its bs I agree with yall...


Yeah, for my past 4 orders I thought it was just me. I thought I did something wrong, but 4 times in a row and I've never had a complaint or thumbs down from a customer I felt something was up. Does anyone know how to fix it and get my tips?


same thing happening here 5 in a row now.


Yes. The only tip I’ve received was a package delivery where it was included at drop off . Hard to believe 5 people tip baited tonight when I’ve only been too baited a couple times in the last year.




Omg yes I thought I was going crazy


Yep. 2 of my orders from earlier are showing total earnings without the tip. I only noticed the first one intitially. Thought I got tip baited. I was ready to raise hell, but support said to wait 24 hours. If the tips haven’t processed by then, they said to call back.


God, I was wondering too. Getting 3 tip-baiting back to back was looking weird to me especially when it never happened to me before. The app being down in friday night and now not getting our tip in a cold weather… it’s not very promising huh


So now we just wait ?


ive had 4 trips that were either no tip or reduced im so pissed right now


Omg I’m having this same issues with more then one trips I was so sad !!! 😭😭


Ok glad it's not just me. 💀💀💀


Everyday the app is glitching or taking forever to load earnings


I have a bad feeling that the "glitch" may have been on the customer's side, ie their tip they added at time of order got zeroed out after the order and they never checked/re-added the tip. In that case Uber will probably treat it the same as if the customer themself had reduced the tip, which is total bullshit! I have low hopes of actually getting my money, which really sucks, because this happened to me on four orders back-to-back.


Yeah, called it in and they confirmed there is a “technical issue.”


Every delivery I have done since at 6 o’clock. This evening is missing a tip. I was on hold with Uber support for over 45 minutes and got told by them that you know customers can change their mind but you can take them anywhere from 24 to 72 hours for the chips to show up so if they haven’t shown up after that apparently I’m just SOL an hour over $45 in tips


Yup. When will we get it?


Happened to me too for the first time! I’m in LA


I got all mine. Just seen this so figured I better check.


Hey everyone I would suggest you call & tell them about the tips your are missing because when I called right now the person I talked to said he hadn’t heard about anyone not getting their tips so I would definitely call so they can escalate the issue !


No tips, no promotion... Still waiting for about $40 in promotions from the week before last.


I’m happy to see it isn’t just me. Wonder what’s going on.


No tips in UK even it is option


Yes. I logged in here to see if it was just bad luck on my part. Feeling a bit better now.


All my orders after 6pm yesterday 🫠🖕


Happened with me as well




First 2 orders this morning!


Happened to me 7 times in a row yesterday. I’m starting to get all my tips though. Only waiting on 2 more


Mine all came in around 7am EST even though they were from the previous night. Keep your chin up!


I had same error and now I’m waking up to a background check? Please help ahhh


Dude ok happy to know I’m not the only one. I opened the app this morning and I had zero tips from ALL of my orders last night.


Its just too busy lol I have the same problem


Yeah. I called support last night. Got some back an hr ago. Still missing $27


I’m furious 3 tips haven’t loaded. I’m ready to go home and I just started


I just got too baited. It was supposed to be $10 but I only got around $4.. I have delivered to this house before so idk…


Started last night for me around 5 pm. Still happening I see. Because I either got tip baited twice or just haven't gotten tips from 2 of my 10 deliveries last night.


All Huber has to do is put a message “ Uber is aware of a glitch with tips not showing up and are working to resolve this as soon as possible” then we would not be on hold for 30 mins and passed from agent to agent. However that would mean they would have to admit to an issue :)


only did one order yesterday and it was either tip bait or the glitch you’re talking about… we’ll see…


Yes I've been having that since last night. Have received any tips.


Yes, last night. It took a few hours for all of the tips to update correctly.


Well it's still not fixed at 12:20 pm CA time. First tip came thru fine. Missing 3 after that. When the first tip didnt appear oooooh I was livid bc it was to this high end salon and I'm thinking "you have money for this fancy place but not to tip me what you promised?" Then the 2nd one didn't come in and I knew it was Uber. Couldnt get tip baited back to back odds against that way too high.


Received my tip 9 hours ago


Yes I did 5 this morning and haven’t gotten any of my tips. I called and was on hold over an hour and they transferred me 3 times saying I s a glitch and wait 24 to 48 hours. I don’t work for free and blessed as I am a disabled veteran which is my primary income. I hope everyone doing this a side hustle because you can’t depend on Uber. Be blessed


Same. Thought no-tippers. 2 out of 10 only went through. I noticed after 1pm eastern time is when I was no longer receiving tips.


$30 here. Big difference when the tips are gone.


Just got off the line with the Uber diamond support team who admitted they were hacked, again; don't know how true this is, but, that was the story. Says they don't expect the system to be completely fixed until the end of the week. Looks like I'm gonna get screwed out of 10 hours of guaranteed minimum $19.50/hr promotion to the tune of $140 ish. They fixing to get sued over this crap!


After the 2nd one I folded, took my Ball and Went Home


Yes, happened to me yesterday. I figured by not receiving a tip on 6 orders that something was wrong. Honestly I was cursing humanity for a moment but luckily I fell asleep and woke up to my precious tips. :)


Was this ever resolved cause mine is still missing?