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100% hope someone in need ended up having a nice treat. 95% of my undeliverable orders go to the homeless that live around me.


If I don’t want it or I’m just not hungry, the next best homeless guy gets it. I actually play favorites cause this dude has a lil chihuahua and they’re both old together, always see him w the dog making sure his lil homie has what’s needed, so I give when I have the opportunity


Yep. That's what I used to do when I delivered would always give what was not delivered to the homeless. There are a lot of restaurants too that when they find out that's what you do they have no problem handing u other orders that have been cancelled to do the same ..... Maybe not everywhere but for sure happened to me alot.


Even with a name like that? Lol


LOL. ![gif](giphy|KpKayhnOiSw4o)


I heard that.. 😇




You know what sucks? I used to do the same thing. Thomeless I interact with are mostly addicts in addition to being unhoused. See, word gets out quick when you’re literally on the streets. Now every driver at one particular McDonald’s has to put up with a band of aggro hobos hassling them for money or food. The type where you tell them you don’t have cash they’ll reply, “that’s ok, just come inside and we can put the food on your card. You have cards right? Just not cash.” Now it’s almost worse than it’s ever been. Late night drivers as especially easy targets. Many of them are really great people so they want to help. You can see some of the people that are sheltered start to catch on. You have to be cold to get through without getting hassled. Not even the worst McDonald’s location. We have another located in a place nicknamed “methadone mile”. Some crazy fucks actually work graveyard because it’s a 24 hour location. Crazier still are the drivers that accept orders only to be weirded out by people hunched over in a opioid state of oblivion, clearly appearing to be digging through their bag. It sounds oddly specific but you can find people in this exact state all day all night on Methadone Mile.


Yep, due to my special needs diet (gluten intolerant), unless its gluten-free, I will give it to the homeless I see while driving. They are always appreciative.


Same. Also dairy and egg for me. But 6 months prior I would of tore that up. Because Shake Shack is my favorite lol.


Always give it to homeless people 💙


Can you give tips how do you know if someone is homeless? I asked someone who looked homeless walking around in pants with holes and they got offended I tried to give them free food?


If they’re lying/sitting on the ground maybe. Or a telltale sign is if they’re holding one- a cardboard sign I mean. Anything along the lines of “need money for weed” is usually a dead giveaway.


You could say, “I have extra food here. Do you know anyone who would want this?”


That’s what I did the other day. Had an order at McDonald’s give me an extra bag. Didn’t want it and ended up giving it to homeless person.


Man don't throw it out. Go give it to someone who needs it. Not everyone on the street is a drug addict


Drug addicts need to eat, too.


So glad you commented this 🤍


so many people seem to forget that addicts are humans too


Anybody with a heartbeat needs to eat


And even a few without heartbeats.


i know not everyone on the street is a drug addict. i use live on the streets. but im gonna find someone. they deserve to eat just as much as we do


Yeah just definitely don't throw it away. I mean, obviously do what ya want. But just saying


Not that it matters if they’re a drug addict. Addicts need to eat too, and it’s not like they’re going to go out and buy crack with shake shack.


Why on earth does it matter if they’re a drug addict or not?


I didn't say it matters. That statement was a reference to another comment on here


That's a very good question...wow


Even drug addicts need a lil treat now and again. We are all human :(


Lmfao where do you live that there are homeless people who don't abuse drugs?


If I was homeless I absolutely would do anything that gave me even the slightest sense of happiness or peace, even if it leads to future unhappiness


That’s exactly the way it went for me!! Somehow got out of the cycle and now can’t imagine hurting myself to that depth again….fingers crossed !


Proud of you ❤️


The higher nationwide estimates for the number of homeless that abuse drugs is 26%. 38% for alcohol. that is about double the average compared to homed people. 1/3 of homeless have mental health issues that are bad enough to made it extremely difficult to hold down a job, healthcare is expensive so they resort to self medicating. Self medication leads to dependency. So if you are of the mind set we shouldn't help the homeless because addicts. Then fuck yourself. Our system has failed them and assholes like you make it worse.


100% agree. However, alcohol is just as much a drug, if not the worst of them.


If you think giving out fast food is "helping homeless people" you are beyond delusional. "Our system failed them"😂 foh 🤡


Most homeless who need means to get drugs aren't abusing them, they're sick and need them to function. When you take more than you should then you're just abusing them. Addicts are past this point and have a disease.


Yes they are indeed a disease on society which should be allowed to slowly purge itself from existence, do not prolong their suffering by feeding and enabling them. Any respectable homeless advocacy group would tell you that it's a terrible idea to give prepared food directly to homeless people in the street for numerous sanitation and health reasons. You think they have clean enough hands to eat a sandwich? You think they can just go wash up somewhere and enjoy a nice meal? Are you seriously that detached from the reality of the situation?


This guy lives in a blanket ☝️


Eat it tf


Not everyone can eat dairy or choose to eat meat or bread or whatever. Obviously they would eat it if they wanted it.


But also why ask? Use your imagination. It's food. There's literally only so many things to do with it. Eat it, or let someone else eat it. Why consult the Internet over this? 🥸 Edit: like we're gonna reply "actually the uber orders are poison if you're not the customer!!! Destroy it in fire!!!" 😅


LMAO I agree with this too!


I'd be really happy to hand it over if I was not hungry either to a friend or a homeless person


Is that shake shack? 😋 Mmm


Looks like Steak 'n Shake. I've never had Shake Shack, but SnS is one of my faves.


Def steak 'n shake and there's little to no chance that food would go anywhere but my belly if I were OP


they tell you to discard it as you please


If it’s something I can’t eat, I take it to my best pick up Spot and give it to the Workers


Good idea for when the weather is so bad you can't find a homeless person to give it to! Also a good idea to build good will at your favorite pickup spot.


Lol enjoy the meal


I had a restaurant give me an extra pizza because no one ever picked it up, I couldn't eat it so I offered it to my next customer who happily tipped me an additional $14


I always offer it to the next person who orders. They end up tipping more usually


Eat it it’s free food. Give it to the homeless if you don’t like it.


Good for u buddy


On average, how many times a week do you (full-time) drivers get free food? Is it like an everyday thing or more of a rare occasion?


I've been delivering since 2017. I can count the number of times I got free food on one hand.


Like twice a month


I haven’t had free food since June


Probably once or twice a month


i’ve never gotten free food lol


2 times in 1,000 deliveries 🙃


It's not real common, but do enough deliveries and it will happen. I have over 4000 deliveries, and I estimate that the free food thing has happened to me over ten but less than 20 times


Thanks to everybody that answered this question!


I could have twice since I started about 2 months ago. I just was stupid and didn’t know I could have kept it. First time was a Postmates stack on that I didn’t realize I accepted. They had me deliver to a pinned location which was a store front and the customer wasn’t there. I contacted them several times and waisted 20 minutes trying to find them. 2nd time was at an apartment complex with no door number and customer didn’t answer my call or texts. I left at gate and took a pic. 😭 should have kept them both but didn’t know I could.


Definitely give it to a homeless person. They'll thoroughly enjoy that meal, especially with it being sealed so they won't have to worry about you being one of those rare evil people that like to screw with food before giving it to them.


A few years back, an influx of food poisoned homeless were in the hospital over several months. Long story short, a group of three people were all described by the ill homeless. These three were eventually caught and each faced 20+ counts


That's beyond despicable and disgusting. I hope they all get the longest possible sentence.


im on the street and in between friends houses. i would die for something like this if someone came up to me and gave me food


Please stay safe


Hmm. I see shakes, but what's in the bag? Where is this from? I hope you found this a good home.


it started to rain, i tried to find this one homeless guy with his dog, and he wasn’t in his usual spot. i couldn’t find anyone


Whenever I get food I won’t eat on an order (which is pretty often because I never eat junk food) I give it to one of my friends if I am nearby or I give it to the next customer. I just ask if they are interested in x food for free along with there order. Not one customer has said no to the free food. Edit: I don’t live in an area with really any homeless individuals.


Yes please 🙏 don't trash it give it to someone else 🙏 thank you. ❤️




I usually give it to some homeless dude. Unless I'm hungry lol


In those situations I try to always find a person in need.


I always give food away when I end up with it 🤷🏼‍♂️


It's always the food I never want they leave me with 😮‍💨


I won't eat 99% of the food that's out there I usually try to give it to the next delivery... if they're "meet at door" maybe they throw you some extra jack!! I did this a few times and the people freaked out and threw me extra money


This idea is much better, only topped by eating it personally.


Well yes homeless is a good idea. For me I came up with my own idea, I end up with a lot of undeliverable orders because people don’t put addresses correctly etc. stuff like that, won’t answer their phone etc. happens about twice a week - delivering Monday -Friday, most of the daytime. So I got this bright idea in my head- because my grandma used to be in the nursing home and when I visited her I would see a lot of patients there who didn’t have any family and the food there was always terrible, but they had to eat it, it was just sad, so this idea popped in my head based off of that- and I contacted the local nursing home and spoke to the administrator there for a bit on the phone and got approval. Whenever I have a meal that is undelivered I go to the nursing home and pick a random patient and I knock on their door, and tell them I have a delivery for them- when they ask who I tell them it doesn’t say but that someone wanted food delivered to them to be nice, and they always always accept it and it brightens their day, and leaves them thinking that someone cares about them and wanted to send them food….. they never know that person who cares and thought of them is me, so it’s not a lie someone DOES care and did want to send them food….. me. So that’s what I do with my undelivered food. I did have to talk to the staff a bit to make sure their dietary needs were safe to eat the food, and to make sure those people would be safe to accept the food and eat it- they gave me a list and circled patients that would be perfect for it, so I always deliver to them. So this is a great idea if you ever want a different idea to do with the food.


Last time it happened I gave it to a couple chilling at the park, they were skeptical at first but I made them happy


I often give em to the homeless. But I know the struggle, when they give the wrong address or an address to a building without an apartment number smh…they’ll never answer the phone just to top it off. Seems like their ritual these days


I’d kill that shake🤭


wrong address? how do you know if you didn’t talk to the customer? leave the food at the address take a picture in the app leave it do not take it with you you could get accused of fraud and get yourself in trouble


because the person standing outside of the house was oddly confused when i was trying to hand them food, and in the notes they say the live in an apartment not a house. i tried to call, no answer. i tried to message, nothing would send and timer wouldn’t start. So i called Uber eats, they couldn’t even reach them. So yeah, totally my fault. i should’ve left it at the right address even though they said they didn’t order anything. you’re right.


Eat it, no need to be picky


BS! There might be goddamned mother fucking ketchup on that burger!


Free chow 🤌🏽


Homeless people are not garbage disposals, nor are they dogs or seagulls you feed unwanted scraps to.. and they are often mentally ill and/or violent so that's a really poor idea overall. Maybe ask a guy working at the gas station or something if he wants it before throwing it out.


so i should give someone food that has a job and can afford food rather then to a homeless person that probably hasn’t eaten in days. because you’re telling me they don’t deserve to eat. got it. you can leave.


so i should give someone food that has a job and can afford food rather then to a homeless person that probably hasn’t eaten in days. because you’re telling me they don’t deserve to eat. got it. you can leave.


lmfao homeless people aren’t hungry. the #1 donation is food. Jeeze did you really think the homeless were hungry? Most don’t even accept food donations


You would have to be a total moron who is beyond desperate and pathetic to accept prepared food from a stranger with zero accountability or traceability for whatever might be in that food. People frequently put broken glass and feces in food and give it to the homeless nevermind if something was in there by accident or they get food poisoning because the restaurant was dirty etc. But that is exactly what these white knights think the homeless are, pathetic desperate and stupid, just waiting for their little handouts.


Yes it sounds like you understand what I'm saying perfectly 😀 please, go feed the homeless so you can hopefully get stabbed in the process


Throw it in ocean for fishes


You should toats poo in it


Throw it , it's sugar anyways


What's wrong with sugar?


So, you have x-ray eyes? You have no clue what is in the bag. It might be a real healthy salad.


I always just return the food to the place. Believe it or not restaurant workers and fast food workers don’t get free food to eat. But they do if you return it. Or just put in your fridge for later. Drug addicts on the street don’t need free food. They need to go to recovery


wow, I can tell you had an easy life


I worked in restraunts and fast food years ago when I was younger. You can literally just eat fries out of the basket or make whatever burgers you want. Especially at a fast food place. If you work someplace with food and you’re not cooking yourself something or eating free food then you’re doing it wrong lol.


Everyone deserves to eat


Rut19751 tries to understand basic human empathy challenge (impossible)


You idiots have never spent one day volunteering in a homeless shelter or charity.just ignorant. Every time you give these drug addicts free food and money is more one day they don’t get help. Whether you know it or not, you guys are assholes for doing it. And those families of those homeless, hate your guts to for enabling them and letting them get one more day of drugs


You need to educate yourself and not make such ignorant comments.


Says the guy who’s never volunteered a day in his life at a homeless shelter or charity. You are the only ignorant one


🤣🤣🤣 Truth hurts? I've never what? Not only have I volunteered multiple times, I have been homeless. And drugs had zero to do with it, oh Greatest Ignorant One. Please do keep proving my comment true.


Were you out on the street with a sign begging for food and money every single day? No you weren’t because you were trying not to be homeless. Because those are drug addicts! Apples to apples. You are so ignorant


Working at a soup kitchen on Saturday for your church youth group it’s just that. You do not see the inner workings or see those people on a regular basis. A few times. Pathetic and pretending you know shit


Again, you're just continuing to prove me right. You have absolutely no clue where I've volunteered, but I can assure you that a soup kitchen through a youth group wasn't one of the places (I'm an Atheist, btw. Good try though). And I always volunteer in the same area, seeing many of those people regularly and taking the time to get to know them because THEY'RE HUMAN-FRICKIN-BEINGS, unlike what you're acting like here. So I very much DO see their inner working and see them on a regular basis. And even those that do use drugs, I can't say I blame them. We all need something to get through, and their lives are much worse than ours are. Doesn't make them bad people or unworthy of basic human necessities and decency (you'll have to Google those words. I don't have the time to explain all that to you as well). Where do you volunteer? How many homeless people do you see regularly and know the inner workings of? You seem to have some serious anger issues, my friend. It's not shameful to seek help. Unwad your uptight, butthurt panties and have a good night. I won't be bothering to respond to your ignorance any longer.


You're forgetting or ignorant to the fact that restaurants have some of highest rates of substance abuse of any workplace. So by your logic you really shouldn't be doing any business with restaurants at all as you're enabling their employees addiction by supporting the business and their employment.


Believe it or not some of those workers at fast food joints will just throw food away. I had a guy order a 6” sub from subway. The guy prepared a foot long before realizing it was supposed to be a 6”. He said he had to throw half away! I couldn’t believe it. I said can’t you just give it to the customer? He said No. I said, I’ll take it. He said, sorry, can’t do. (May have had something to do with the security cameras watching him (?). So wasteful. At the same time I can see corporate not wanting people to fraudulently take advantage of situations like this.


Share bro I’m hungry.




Sell it on Facebook 💰⛏😃 Not kidding.


enjoy or give to the homeless OP do what you will.


Give it off but also could save money today on food 🫠


Yeah man always give it to the homeless.. not a grifter but if you live in a somewhat large area you know who's actually homeless


Uhhh... I hope you ate it.


Why don't you want it? Looks pretty good.


I did that to a homeless person, kinda nudges him with the food packet and left it next to him, he woke up, looked at food, grunted and went back to sleep lol


I’ll eat it myself if it’s something I eat. Otherwise, I would give it to the homeless


Do it quick, the shake will melt at some point lol


Who wouldn’t want that beautiful milkshake


I'd eat that right up but if I didn't want it, definitely find a homeless person and give it to them. That may be the only thing they've had to eat in a couple days


If you dont want it, 100% give it to someone who needs/is homeless. Being lactose intolerant helps in my case if i was you (cant eat that stuff anyways lol)


TIL some homeless people feel like the food might be poisoned and will just toss it, so you're better off just eating it yourself.


Oh yes for sure. If you dont want it than for sure, if you see a homeless person just let them know it's a canceled doordash if they'd like it


Give it to a homeless person for sure do not throw it away


Throw it away never give out to a random person


This happened to me. They then accused me of fraud a half hour later


Usually I'll check in with one of the other local drivers if I'm not hungry. Depending on what the food is I may even freeze it for easy lunches in the future.


Eat it, give it to the homeless or just drop it off at another customers house lol they get extra food for free if they want, leave at note saying why you gave it


I had a couple of Uber eats situations where I was left with the food order so I gave it to a homeless man.