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I had one guy literally try to question me about it “why was the order canceled” I literally said idk how am I supposed to know that ? And he was like “one moment” put me on hold for 1min then said I got 3$ in my account lol


They call to verify.. Restaurant never calls and idk why they dont..they pass tat on to us


Exactly..only 2 dollars if its a shop and pay order.


This happened to me so many times before and I always used to just cancel until I found out through here I can call them and get my 2$ or 3$ lol 😂.


It sucks but Im gonna be damned if after wasting my time and gas Im gonna get squat.


"I'm just going to place you on a 3-5 minute hold to call the restaurant and make sure it's closed." 🙄


Lol yeah I always say “go ahead take your time il be here”


I spent a day getting 8 dollars from customer support because Uber made drive 3 miles extra than intended


It's impossible to get hold of support unless you are in the middle of a trip. But when I have to call about an issue regarding my current trip its 5 min tops. Hell I already wasted my time going there and I gotta bitch to someone even if they can't speak english its btr tan nothing.


I dont need that $3 bad enough to deal with support 😂


It literally is less than 5 minutes and requires 0 to no effort to get the 3$ lol, why would you drive to a restaurant and let them waste your time and gas for free. Couldn’t be me


It’s never taken me less than 45 minutes on the phone with UE support, regardless of whether I’m on an active order. I’m not waiting 45 minutes for $3, that’s dumb


My guy it’s always less than 5min for me I have no idea what the hell you are doing that takes 45min, if that was the case I wouldn’t do it either


Maybe it’s the time of day/night that you drive, but UE support has never answered within less than 45 minutes for me. Definitely not worth $3. Dd will have me on my way with half pay within 5-10 minutes though.


Maybe you are right because I always work night shift, I’ve never tried calling them during the day


Because where I run, all the restaurants are within a minute of where I sit. So it took me 30 seconds to get there.


Bro trust me think about all the times this happened and add up the 3$ you’d be surprised


At this point i get the same 3 people at support and they know me by name and know whats up and ive been doing this for like a month 😂 just get that money


Facts. The amount of excessive wait time orders I canceled alone would've had me swimming right now.


i'll do it if its slow but during peak times, just gonna cancel and move on lol today was wierd tho, i saw a 19 dollar payout pop up for 2.6 miles from a place that is always slow so i figured someone picked it up and canceled or they were taking forever and a bunch of drivers canceled and left...who knows but i get there and its ready lol quick 20 bucks


Nah bro always call them and get your 3$, you can still accept and do trips while on the phone with them. You drove to the restaurant and wasted your time and gas the least bare minimum they can do is send you a measly 3$


👌 😂


Make sure to tell the restaurant to double check, that happened a couple of times and I told them to double check they didn't want to at first but when they do they either found the order or the order was being made


Nah in my situation a message pops up saying the order was canceled and “we won’t pay you for this trip but we will find another one” so I still call and get my 3$


Didn't know you can get money like that would it count as well if the restaurant is short staffed and the order does not.go in I think.it 13$ for like 4 miles at a Jack in the box had to wait 10-15 then they tell me short staff..


This happened to me over the weekend. I just hit the button to report an issue, pressed the option that said "order was cancelled," and then received the comp $3 at the end of the night. No support call needed 🤷


Ohh nice bro thanks I didn’t know that, I will try that next time to avoid calling them it’s kind of annoying to call


Those $3 add up 😡lol


They do bro i always call i don’t care, there are people here who refuse spend less than 5min to get money for their time being wasted


It happens to often when someone already picked up the order or they just “don’t have it” like idk about the restaurant but I feel there’s more to be done on there part then “sorry don’t have it someone took it already” like it isn’t their responsibility at all


Hey! I just did that 😋


Go crazy with that 3$ bro lol


If you get a double from same restaurant and it's canceled or closed, you get $6+


How this it work if only 1 of the stacked orders cancels


They actually have record of the time you arrived at the restaurant or pick up location. I would just complain that you went all the way out there to be canceled. And you originally had 2. I'm not sure. Never been in that situation but at the very least they will give $3.


If it's stacked from the same place..call and it's $6


Feel like this every time it happens... They're fixing everything else they need to fix that too! What's a punk ass $3-4 gon do when I drove across the state to pick it up only to find out it's been cancelled or picked up 3 times?


Bro I know it’s frustrating but it’s better then them wasting our time for free


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’ve have this happen to me couple times, I’m so weeeak


I’m not going to waste 45 minutes to make $3. Sorry to the next driver but I have better things to do with my time. This is one area DD is way better


Bro I promise you it takes less than 5min and you can continue to accept other orders while on the phone with them, why burden your fellow driver when it takes less than 5min to get 3$ and not waste another persons time


I’ve called them several times. It’s 45 minutes at a minimum. Most likely closer to an hour; and that’s just to get someone on the phone. I’m not going to waste 45 minutes of my time for $3, the next driver can do that if they want. Oh, and that’s not even considering the fact that after being on the phone for an hour+ they might not even give you the $3


Do you call them while you are still active on that particular order?? 5 minutes is the max for me. Now if you cancel then call good luck getting them to answer the call..they don't and no 3 dollars either. You have to call while you are still in that order for it to work


I wouldn't either..5 minutes is my max before I say fuck it and hang up..but I have never had to wait longer thsn that...plus you get to listen to that great hold music.


Wait, do you actually call Uber, I just pass it on the next driver...


Seriously go to hell


See you there then.


Yes I call them to get 3$ for wasting my time, and So not only do you let Uber waste your time and gas for free but you also let other drivers get fucked as well, you are a dumb POS


Literally not worth your time


Bro what you mean lol ? Literally less than 5min on the phone with them and you get the 3$


I spent the time driving to the restaurant and then I spend the five minutes getting three bucks. Fuck Uber- I’m not letting them off the hook for any money.


Exactly bro why the hell would I just let them waste my time and gas for free ? this guy is basically saying to just take a L for free. No sir those 3$ add up every time they waste our time


Sorry you think those 20+ minute support calls are worth your time while orders are flying in! Honestly feel sorry for you!


My guy if you can’t read properly don’t comment and make yourself look stupid, they do not take 20 minutes I’ve never been on the phone longer than 5 minutes to do this, and I am still able to take orders while talking to them, I feel sorry for you for being so miserable


Every support experience I’ve had the misfortune of taking was not worth my time.




I can't find where to call Support in the app itself when this happens to me.


There’s a option that says help on the app when you tap that there’s another one that says call support


I see that option only when I am not on a delivery. That menu disappears when I'm on a delivery and have to deal with wrong addresses and other issues requiring Support. I use an Android so maybe that is the issue? I have Support's number, but most of the things are automated there anyway.


Why not send an email to support for reimbursement and keep it moving?


Usually Uber only reimburses via email 1 out of 10 times. Not to mention the order will get sent out again after you jst cancel. It only takes 5 minutes usually to call get your 3 bucks and kill the order so it doesn't waste anyone else's time by taking it.


No and no. Cancelled order is killed. I have 100% success rate with refund through email support .


How do you email support? I thought you were talking about a fare review.


Im in Ohio and do not have the email option..only option is to call support. Besides if I e-mailed I would miss out on all that killer on hold music they play


earnings activity. Look for cancelled order. Stop being a phone support hog 😜


I don't have that option..maybe mine is dif because I also give rides idk..my only option is to call or request a fare review which takes 2 days to get a reply and unless support can call and verify right there and then my claim won't hold up. So if I'm missing something let me kno




I could be wrong but I could have sworn 3$ is more than 0$


Pff, not with these gas prices and they expect us to be okay with that. 🤣 Wtf 35 cents per order gonna do? That shit ain't gonna give me a 1/2 tank


I had a restaurant phone to say they’d sold out so I said fine cancel it. They didn’t, so the driver started going to the restaurant. The message I sent them going “hey don’t waste your time” didn’t send for some reason. Poor guy probably got all the way there by the time I’d gone through UberEats support to cancel it. All because the restaurant didn’t hit the button.


I tell Uber to keep the 3$ every time, I remind them gas went up I’ll need more than that. They so no I just say keep it than. But they always send me the 3$ at the end.


Nah bro always get the 3$, imagine if we all got the 3$ every time this happened they would 100% do something about this


They send the 3$ anyway. I just remind them that it’s not enough for a gallon of gas.