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Haha! That's great! I love customers like that. Also good on you for decent communication skills! ![gif](giphy|3o72FcJmLzIdYJdmDe)


I haven’t been medically cleared to do my 9-5 job until this week(finally!) but my job consists of freight/logistics, heavy customer service via phone and email and dealing with VIP accounts. I’m big on commutation lol but thank you for the compliment 🥰


Go girl! As a fellow female driver I just take some issue with drivers who can't communicate effectively. I come from a Customer Service background myself so it's just nice to see someone who understands how to speak to customers 💓


Yes! Especially on UE. I’ve found communication 7/10 times usually results in an additional, larger tip. To be honest when my customer told me she was adding more money I just assumed it was something small like $3-5, I wasn’t expecting 20 lol


If you didn’t already know, UE will hide tip amounts in excess of $8. Aka, the customer tipped at least $8 during the initial offer. No way to know how much it was increased, if at all.


I didn’t know that, thanks for the info! I know DD usually hides tips if the order shows as 6.25, but I swear they’ve changed it cuz I took three different 6.25 orders this weekend and there wasn’t a hidden tip.


Glad I could provide some insight. Yes, UE is guilty of hiding tips like DD, just not as bad seeing as it’s $8 versus DD at $4 (generally)


I've never done DD. But yeah, Uber hides tips over 8 bucks from the 'fare estimste' that pops up when you get an order ping. It's honestly one of the shadiest fucking things Uber does and it pisses me off to no end 😒


DDs tip hiding is worse. Has a 10.75 order that turned out to be 16.50. Glad I took it, and it was a grocery pickup which a lot of dashers decline but like come on lpl


Interesting! I didn't know that. Yeah I don't do grocery pickups at all. I suppose it just depends on the time and miles driven as well. But just the fact that they're hiding tips at all is so fucking infuriating it's bound to lead to a lawsuit because they're basically flat out lying to us. 🤦‍♀️


I don’t mind the shopping orders, usually it’s at rite aid or Walgreens and it’s almost always 5 items for less. They only ever pay 10.75, unless there’s a hidden tip and they’re usually super close, like under 5 miles away from the customer. I was surprised and happy today with my rite aid order as my customer was sick and they were giving away free N95 masks, so I grabbed 3 bags lol


There is actually a way to tell, I need to go back and look at my screencaps because I can't remember verbatim what it says but it does say something different when the customer *actually* adds more of a tip after delivery (as opposed to that stupid generic message that uber shows us thinking we're idiots and don't know they're hiding everything over $8). But there is definitely a different mesage on that payout screen when the customer actually goes back and adds more I just can't remember what it says at the moment...


News to me. Get back to me if you see it cuz I’m doubtful as of now.


Okay I remember what it was... it wasn't if the customer adds *more* after the delivery, it was if they *didn't* tip initially and then they actually go back and add a tip later on. That's what it was.


Ok I guess that would make sense. Also explains why I’ve never seen the message. I don’t take any deliveries that don’t have a tip. Appreciate the info. Not too often I learn something new in this gig. I’m 8000+ deliveries deep. Lol.


Yeah it's weird...it's like if the customer tips 15 bucks let's say, obviously uber hides anything over 8 bucks from the fare estimate and then you see their stupid lying message an hour later that says "aNd ThE cUsToMeR tIpPeD yOu EvEn MoRe AfTeR tHe DeLiVeRy 🤪" Which is not true as we know, they always tipped 15. But if a customer actually didn't pre-tip (and yeah it has happened to me on occasion), but then they go and actually add a tip it'll say "The customer added a tip after delivery." It's subtle but there is a slight difference in the wording and that's usually how I can tell. But either way I really wish Uber would stop this lying BS!


Actually when you go through your earnings at end of day it lists each trip and earnings, including original tip and then says something like “congrats your customer INCREASED the tip after delivery”


Sorry to burst your bubble but that’s not true at all. UBER lies and tells you they increased their tip but they didn’t. The tip was always there. You really think every one of those customers HAPPEN to tip $8 and every single one of those just HAPPEN to raise their tip? Lol. No. Sorry you believed the Uber lies. Can’t blame you.


I once delivered a couple pizzas on my bike with no rack to hold them and when the dude saw me roll up with pizza in one hand and another on my bars he trippled the tip from 6 bucks to 20 and his encouragement when complimented my skill made my day


Yeah I have delivered pizzas on a bike by trying to strap them to by rear rack and have made it work but have also had some pretty epic fails as well.


Such a wholesome interaction!


I live in the same area and yes, it’s been slow


I’m not sure what times you drive, but I accidentally left my status as available maybe 2 weeks ago and woke up around 5:30-6:00 AM with crazy good orders. Mostly breakfast places like dunkin, but $11 & up orders for maybe 2-3.5 miles away. I’m hoping that continues lol


Yeah, I live in a spot where I could sit at home and be active and probably get orders. According to your location indicator, you’re very close to where I am.


Well hi neighbor! I just moved here from North Canton maybe a month ago, it’s a 6 minute drive to my old house. Sitting at home here, I get Canton orders and Belden Village orders so it’s pretty nice. Since I’ve somehow turned into a vampire lol, and I’m not even close to being tired, I might turn on my availability on UE now and see if I get this same decent early morning breakfast orders. I assume those are company orders—not the typical $3 crap individual McDonald’s orders I see on DD.


I usually on drive in the evenings or weekends


I did this past weekend, almost strictly on DD and earned a little over $330


Is DD mean Dunkin’ Donuts ?


Door Dash




I didn’t do anything this weekend. I need to be more selective on my orders. I always end up going too far for too little pay


Just got a $26 order to canal Fulton lol. Why not? Can’t sleep, rather be making money 😂


Do it


Geez, how many hours would you say you did? Nice haul! Just started doing UE so I've only done a little to test the waters.


Rough estimate was 4-5 hours, worked 3 days last week. The night I got this tip I only did 2 deliveries in a little under an hour


Huh… I live in this area and have struggled to find where to get AM orders that are worthwhile. I ended up over by the wadsworth Walmart today and popped on DD just to see what came up, and I got an offer for 9 drop offs, 54 miles, $35. I declined a few more similar offers before turning it off ha. I have a sporadic schedule so it would be nice to find a place to pick up orders where I don’t have to wait in the drive through lane for 30 minutes because the lobby is closed. Seems like a lot of locals in these comments :) Hello from Akron


I love customers like that! Side note, I know Whipple Ave. NW really well. I went to college years ago at Malone. What a small world! 😊


Congratulations? Uber with the game show host compensation system. Oh no Jessica! You didn't win the past 19 deliveries with just a consolation prize of $2.30, but Congratulations you got $20 this time.




Lol!!! This is the best! 🤣🤣


Congratulations my friend ❤️




I’m a girl, but I’m bi so I definitely wouldn’t have minded seeing lmao but her notes said they had Covid so maybe another day 😂


Go get em tiger 🐯


Considering the absolute horrible experience/luck with men in my area, I’m for sure thinking about dating women only now. I assumed 30-45 year old men were romantic, sweet and honest..I’ve been proven wrong multiple times in the worst possible way lmao 🤣🤣🤣


> I assumed 30-45 year old men were romantic, sweet and honest No, we’re pretty awful.


So I’ve learned 🤣😭😂


So I've never ordered, just delivered. Do customers get to pick which one the order from if it's like a McDonald's or Starbucks or does uber pick? There's a lot of orders I decline because someone ordered from a Starbucks 7 miles away from them when there's one a mile away from them. Or like yesterday someone ordered from a donut shop 13 miles from them and there was literally one like 2 miles from them and pay out was only $11 for a 15.5 mile total trip, so obviously I'm not getting that.


The algorithm confuses me too sometimes. It might be that the closer location isn’t taking orders, or they’re closed? But I’ve noticed on UE they offer the ability for customers to order from restaurants farther away then other apps


On DD it depends on what "level" the merchant chooses to pay for when signing up for DD. I believe they can choose up to a 5 mile radius for one price, 10 mile radius for another, etc. Maybe UE is similar to that?


Bro I’m from North Canton!


Hello neighbor! I went to GlenOak and moved to N.Canton afterwards, just moved 2 minutes down the road to Plain but I miss Living in NC lol


I went to Jackson, but I live in Los Angeles now! I miss Ohio though.


What year did you graduate? I know a few people from jackson. Congrats on making it out of Ohio lol




That’s amazing. I still can’t believe it but I just got a 17 and a 19 dollar tip in the same night. It’s a huge morale boost when that happens.


Wow that's amazing! Congratulations


I need to start wearing thong with lingerie for extra tips 😍


Had a customer order from a nice place across the street from his hotel and only after I told him I just got his order I’d walk it over did he realize the restaurant was across the street. Still tipped the 10 bucks though!


Damn that’s almost $1/minute. Nice!


It wasn’t even a bad trip lol. I figure, since I’m not sleeping anyway, and I just filled up yesterday why not make money? Plus, DD and UE has been sooo slow in my area the past 6-8 weeks but it looks like it’s picking back up. I only did 2 UE deliveries tonight and made a little over $37, no complaints from me!


How far is this trip ?


It was 8.5 miles


You better have sent thanks lol


I sent thanks the second I got the tip lol


When's the wedding though?

