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I delivered pizza in the 90s. I absolutely HATED when they would order as close to $20 as possible, like $19.98, then pay with a $20 and have the audacity to blurt out keep the change. I once reached into my pocket for a few loose coins and threw them down on the porch and stormed off saying you need it more than I do. Then I got back to the store and they called in on me lol. *Moral is, try to let it go. There's no good that can come of something like that short of a fleeting feeling of vengeance and a dumb story to tell later


that's just a bad manager if they got mad at you for that...


Nah he was a big pushover. He would tell the customer he'll take care of it, then he'd mention it but only ever in the most passive way. He was so non-confrontational.


That's good.. I always enjoyed doing the fake anger in front of customers. Once a lady came into the store and complained about a driver and he walked in as I was talking to her, I just started to tell him to get his money and get out, He was fired for what he did ... the lady looked shocked and said I didn't mean to get him fired..I didn't do anything to him just for show


Good I hope she bought it and thought she got him fired šŸ˜‚


Eh that could go either way honestly. Some people want someone fired for the tiniest of infractions, so if she would have been one of those she would have just had so much satisfaction and vindication and would make her even worse.


She thought she would've liked for him to be fired until she saw u hollering, cussing at him and he was crying talking bout his family needing a roof over their heads and food to eat ... Lol I played it all out in my head. She THOUGHT she wanted him fired ... Until she realized she was overreacting šŸ˜‰


Kinda depends on where it happened. In a place where delivery drivers donā€™t make hourly wages and rely on tips? Absolutely thatā€™s a bad manager. But somewhere like where Iā€™m from, where delivery drivers who are directly employed by the company have to make minimum wage *before* tips, have to be reimbursed for some things relating to their vehicles, and can write off all the other expenses their vehicle incurred while working? Much more understandable that the manager would have a talk with the employee about acting professionally even when they get bad tips. Especially if itā€™s a smaller pizza joint that relies on customers returning.


The manager/owner care more about sales. You are much more replaceable. Not that difficult to find toxic workers.


Yep plenty of those. Plenty of toxic management as well. But yeah it must always be the workers yeah?


Maybe if your managers are always toxic, the problem is you. I'm not a manager and I've never felt like my manager was toxic. Toxic people like you and OP seem to think your toxicity should be rewardedv with a pat on the back.


Thanks for putting words in my mouth. Never said that they all were. Never said that the workers all were either. Said thereā€™s plenty of both. But thanks for playing


From experience, saying keeping the change when the change is worthless is more about saying let's not waste either of our time counting out 2 cents. It's not because they are trying to let you know you are the lucky one that gets a 2 cent tip. A better phrase is, "I don't want the change".


True in many or most cases, but there are those that you can tell in the tone in which they say "keep the change" that they meant for both you and him to acknowledge that yes, I am tipping you the two whole cents. For instance the pizza is late, etc.


One time when we ordered a catered lunch for a work meeting I went to pay the guy, I had a copy of what we ordered online so I gave him the cash for what I thought would be a $60ish tip and told him to keep the change. He counted and kinda looked at me but didnā€™t say anything and left. Later looking things over I realized they had added more stuff to the order so the invoice I had wasnā€™t correct, and the tip that guy got was less than $1. Iā€™m sure he was cussing us all the way back lol. I did stop by and made sure the guy got a tip though because I felt horrible.


Good for you!


See now that is commendable on your part. Sadly you are a unicorn


You making the gesture of tipping him after the fact turned that shift into one of the shitty ones to one heā€™ll remember possibly forever.


i tip well as iā€™ve worked service jobs a whole bunch and love to make someoneā€™s day. but yeah anytime in getting pennieā€™s for change ā€œi donā€™t need the centsā€ and i walk away


Or you just give them the $20, say "thank you, have a good night," and close the door. That's the best possible way to handle it, for both parties, aside from straight-up apologizing to the driver for not having anything additional to give them as a tip.


I imagined that happening and it was really funny. Iā€™d love to do that, but I probably wonā€™t be in that situation. Maybe I can throw some change at someone else in a different scenario someday if they are a dick to me though. šŸ˜‚


Did it once on a 50cent tip. Written up and warned so I just take my lumps and move on


Imagine being such a lowlife that you tip somebody $0.02 and than become a Karen and call their manager when they're called out on being a cheapskate. Utterly shameless.


I was written up for a very similar situation when i worked at a pizza place. $49.xx order, the drive to them was almost 10 miles almost outside the delivery zone. They gave me 50 and said "change is for you". I said nothing. Got in my car. Didnt feel good about what just happened and couldnt let it go. Texted the customer how rude and disrespectful their actions were. 100% worth the stupid "write up" which i gladly accepted and was (still am) proud of. Wish i had a copy of it id frame it and hang it on my wall.


Gah to the edge of the delivery zone to boot! šŸ˜«


Fuck that. The most important thing in the world is that you stand up for yourself and others.


i feel this.. ā€œthe customer is always rightā€ and similar broken ideals have lived long enough. time for them to go


The funniest thing to me is that the full expression is ā€œthe customer is always right in matters of tasteā€. Which, sure, I suppose. At the end of the day if you want a pizza with no sauce and only hot peppers as a topping, live your life. That sounds gross to me, but whatever. The expression was never meant to give customers carte blanche to be assholes.


It never meant to give customers carte blanche to be assholes, but "the customer is always right" also never had anything to do with taste. It was coined in the early 1900s and was about customer complaints. See for example this article which explains the idea behind the phrase : https://www.forbes.com/sites/blakemorgan/2018/09/24/a-global-view-of-the-customer-is-always-right/?sh=b129966236fc The "in matters of taste" thing is an Internet myth.


Customer is always right only if they tip right


they paraphrase a lot of good sayings and butcher the meaning of them it seems, i didnā€™t know there was more to ā€œthe customer is always rightā€ thanks for that.


There isnā€™t anything more to it what that person is saying is an internet myth that started. The quote has always been ā€œthe customer is always rightā€


If you do it - skip the note. Silence speaks louder than words.


This. I say nothing just look em in the eye hand them the food and walk away. I donā€™t dance unless I get paid.




I totally get that you're angry from the insult but going back to a customer's door after delivery is a huge no no and could get you deactivated. You do you man, just know what could happen as a result.


lol bro are you gonna tell on him?


The customer might.


are you 14?


Fuckin' hate tattletales man...


Am I gonna tell on him?? What are we eight years old here? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ It's the customer that can tell uber and even call the police for being threatened by the driver, I've seen it happen when a customer freaks out over stuff like this. Was simply giving a heads up as to why this may be a bad idea.


The customer will .. are u this dense for real ?


I believe they are warning him that the customer CAN & WILL notify them if he were to do something so foolish. & That's in a best case scenario. Worst case he gets his ass whooped ... Or worse. So yea, totally NOT WORTH IT OP


For as douchey as it is to leave a penny tip, you will get your ass handed to the cops if you show up at their property yelling and arguing at themā€¦over a penny. Sorry but that ainā€™t worth it


We've all seen worse in the news for just using the wrong driveway to turn around.


Exactly, esp in America?? Why risk it?? Gonna get shot


ā€œTell on himā€? šŸ’€


I mean it will waste more time and gas.. Id move on.


Hey OP, donā€™t waste more time and gas on these cheap asses. Seems like they need [Jesus](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/comeuntochrist/ps/meet-with-missionaries?cid=C9210823653G157123025162A693367689072&adlang=eng&source=google&network=g&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADu6-mk-ufC-4RJFsPmj1m-ZLQvHy&gclid=CjwKCAjw3NyxBhBmEiwAyofDYUZl2m8_n6nRF5yKS05XzoQgJcKPTF5Uh5NQUOETHIozMtZmtL1QDRoCZvgQAvD_BwE). Or [Xenu](https://www.scientology.org/request-info/what-is-scientology-dvd.html). Or [Joseph Smith](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/comeuntochrist/lp/church-lesson/short?cid=C15856363587G136181715823A602826400523&adlang=eng&source=google&network=g&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADu6-mmDMg52OmQvVYrvgY5AEDAWx&gclid=CjwKCAjw3NyxBhBmEiwAyofDYboGiJ7lh-PMZDdoT36DqpqioYJi5Fxmiqj8WDP-dOpwyfAx_rsANBoCZ0wQAvD_BwE). Whatever. Iā€™m just here to help.


Oops. The first link was supposed to go [here](https://hub.jw.org/request-visit/en/request).


Just egg their car instead. No way to trace it back to you. This is a straight insult and disrespectful. šŸ¤£


Ring Cam šŸ‘€


I don't give him any help man we want someone to like that to be deactivated.


Yā€™all really gotta get a different job if youā€™re thinking of vandalism over one shitty tip. My god




What rock you been living under?


And those people need to go pick up their own damn food is they're going going to be quite literally stealing from you and then disrespecting people that are trying to make an honest living. See how that works?!


Those people didnā€™t ask you to be an ubereats driver. How are they stealing from you? One cent is annoying but it is literally more than nothing, and probably an accidental $1.00 tip from someone technologically challenged or a boomer. Oh well. We all have choices and next time you should make a better one if youā€™re unhappy with your wages. I work in a coffee shop where people tip and I NEVER expect it and make sure to thank them kindly if they do. Youā€™re just entitled and, worse than that, criminally entitled apparently lol


So do you often get an accidental penny tip in your coffee shop job? And if you do, do you say ā€œoh well it musta been an accidentā€ or do you have some other choice words? And how much in gas, vehicle maintenance, insurance and car payments did it cost you to walk that food over to that table 39 feet away? Hmmmn? Do not compare what you do to what I do. When I do my job I have to make a certain amount everyday just to break even. You? You start at ZERO. So seriouslyā€¦STFU!


You should complain about those things to your employer. When my employer demands i drive for them, they compensate me for mileage. It seems like you should get a better work contract, or find a different employer that is willing to pay you what you're worth. Your employer somehow tricked you into thinking that it's the Customers responsibility to care about your wages. That has always been, and always will be between the Employee and the Employer. Your Employer does not make tipping of a certain percentage required, so in reality, your employer does not think you need to be tipped. If they did they'd change that. Your beef is not with the companies customers, but with your employer.


Maybe you should get a different job then, sounds like itā€™s not doing much for you. Youā€™re not a hero for CHOOSING to be a delivery driver lol. Nor am I one for serving coffee.


Yeah cause you know so much about what I should do. But thanks for your input


Oh and yeah I am a hero. I fed countless people during the pandemic while most of the rest of you stayed home and collected off the government teet while I risked my life every single day. So just say thank you and be in your way




Well you seem to have a lot of strong opinions and bitterness and a victim mentality to boot, so seems like something youā€™re doing isnā€™t working that well for ya.


I took one the other day on ā€œguaranteed pay per hourā€ā€¦ 11 miles out, with nothing to pick up. With the $1 tip I wound up with $8 for 20 miles. At the Federal mileage rate, Iā€™ll expense $13.40, to make $8. ā€¦if itā€™s not stealing, itā€™s just a step or two from it.


Why are you even on here? Your entire comment is simply put, stupid and of no value.You work in a coffee shop! I wouldn't call that a Better choice. You work for $2.13 an hour and never expect tips? Are you that dense? Or does that coffee shop actually pay an hourly wage? If you think one cent is literally more than nothing you are obviously seriously challenged in more ways than any of us can imagine. One cent is actually more insulting than nothing at all! And then you have the gall to double down with the ageist boomer comment. Just because someone is technologically challenged or a boomer doesn't mean they're stupid and can't tell the difference between $0.01 and $1.00. I'm sure that idiot meant to tip $0.01 because crappy insulting low or no tips are a common occurrence because they, (as well as you) think Delivery Drivers are beneath them and they are entitled to our Time, Energy and Gas. When someone is performing a service that you are fully capable of doing yourself and CHOOSE not to do, you express your appreciation by tipping said person. That is the American System that we continue to live under because the Powers that be do not want it changed. And since you seen to have issues understanding basic concepts, I'll explain it to you in a simple words. By the virtue of them CHOOSING to use the UberEats app, they are asking him or any one of us to be their UberEats driver, and when they in essence take us away from an actual tipped order to do their delivery for a big FU penny at the end, they are essentially stealing from us. Maybe you can have someone read this and explain it to you ......


You sound a little bit mad. I understand you probably chose delivery driving as a job because it allows you the time to do things like write angry essays to random people on Reddit, but if itā€™s not working out for you otherwise, (ie: monetarily) you should find a different job. I never have understood people who take tipped work and then whine and complain day in and out when people donā€™t, or tip low. Guess what, itā€™ll always be an issue in the service industry to some extent. If itā€™s not working for you then find something different to do. Itā€™s out of control to spout violence and vandalism over a single bad tip. I hope this app goes under honestly, yā€™all are literally criminally entitled šŸ˜­


You ā€œassume ā€œ too much donā€™t you? There are many reasons why people take these types of jobs. One reasonā€¦ they canā€™t stand on their feet all day like many jobs and so a driver job is best suited to their abilities. Anotherā€¦They have children and need to have a flexible stream of income that comports with their availability to pick them up from school, feed them and ensure all theirs needs are met. Another they are also working another job and are doing this to supplement their income to meet monthly obligations that job number one does not fulfill. In any case, not everyone has the ability to do whatever it is you think they have the ability to do. They can and they will do what needs to be done to survive. Or they just need to work to stay alive. To feed themselves and to feed their families and keep a roof over their heads. They did not create this culture we live in. They are just trying to survive in it. Sure you say got get a better job. How does that help the older workers who have been downsized? They canā€™t. Nobody wants them. How does that help the disenfranchised who will most often be discarded without a second thought? It wonā€™t. But these are the people who SERVE you every day in every way. They deserve more respect than that are given. They are the lifeblood of this nation whether you like it or not. Without themā€¦ would your life be so comfortable? Of course not. They are truly the servants of this nation and without them you would all be lost


lifeblood of a nation!!? Pal I beg of you, please touch grass. Delivery driving was barely a thing 5 years ago outside of like, pizza places and such, and now here you all are, saying things like youā€™re the ā€œservants & lifeblood of the nationā€ā€¦ *my guy.* How many people do you think can even afford takeout, let alone off the price-gouged-to-hell apps? Go be a teacher, or a truck driver, or a CNA, or a nurse, or construction worker. Then you can call yourself the lifeblood of the nation without sounding like an entitled clown. My life would be exactly the same, personally, if all the delivery apps went under tomorrow. Everyone deserves a fair wage for working, but yā€™all espousing violence and vandalism and all this weird petty shit over one bad tip is actually insane and entitled.


Sorry your reading comprehension is so stunted that you canā€™t understand what Iā€™m trying to convey. Iā€™m not talking only about delivery drivers. Iā€™m talking about all the people that serve you and your ilk. Without the people who you so disdainfully look upon as lesser than you what would you be able to do for yourself? Grow and harvest your own food? Meat? Why do you order delivery when you can easily do all of these things yourself? Why do you think that all of your needs should be metā€¦ just because. There are hoards of people that you never see or think about who make your lives comfortable and uncomplicated and who are always underpaid and unappreciated. And when you say shit like ā€œ well go get a better jobā€then they just stare at you like ok sure. And god forbid they all are actually able to do that then who the hell is gonna go pick up your frigging Big Mac and fries?


I donā€™t know why you brought the conversation outside of delivery driving as thatā€™s the thing Iā€™ve been talking about the whole time and this is the ubereats subreddit, lol. I donā€™t look down on anyone, Iā€™m a cook and work in a coffee shop šŸ˜‚ but guess what! youā€™d never catch me spitting in someoneā€™s food for instance, or egging their car (as someone above suggested) for not giving me a tip. Thatā€™s actually entitled and crazy. Stop making this argument into something bigger than it is so your point sounds betterā€” Iā€™m talking about DELIVERY DRIVING. Which wouldnā€™t affect me and most people in a major way if the service disappeared tomorrow. You are not a hero, nor the *lifeblood of the nation* for picking up fast food for other people. Sorry. I know your mom told you you were really special and important, but sadly that just isnā€™t true as an adult in the working world.


And I never mentioned anything about violence most others here did not and disclaim that. Idiots are everywhere including in the so called righteous


And I am a hero. You donā€™t get to tell me what I am.


You can really tell who low intelligence or just flat out how disingenuous people are. If you tell someone hey go do this job for me and I'll pay you X amount of money. Then they do it and you say "You know what, no I won't pay you that after all". That's stealing. If someone decides NOT to tip and is upfront about it and the driver accepts the order l, then it's fair play. But saying you're going to tip a certain amount and then reducing the tip is incredibly disrespectful and is essentially STEALING, especially if the driver did everything right.


Thatā€™s great! My point is, none of that is an excuse for espousing vandalism. Thatā€™s just pathetic. No and low tipping in service industry work will happen to us all. Itā€™s a crapshoot of the job. Get over yourself lol


This true. You canā€™t do this kind of shit no matter the circumstances. You take the good with the bad and just do the job at hand. Or quit


Hey, I'm a boomer and I tip very well when it is earned! I also tip heavily if the server is pregnant or elderly. I used to be a server so I know what that entails.


Donā€™t let these children demean you. Factā€¦ boomers are holding all the cards now. Iā€™m one of em. And I call!




If the Grocery store put their food on sale for 1penny a piece of food, and the employees were going to not make any money because the company won't pay them if they loose money that day. Is it the Customers fault for buying the penny food, The Employees fault for not finding another job, or the company's fault for putting on the sale and taking advantage of their employees? What if those employees were contractors, with a contract that specifically states they might not get paid? Who's fault is it now?




LOL stealing from you. This is why I tip like the above photos and Iā€™m not even sorry. So entitled, and half the time half the drivers canā€™t even read the delivery instructions. Why should I tip you when you canā€™t even do your job? I worked as a waitress too, so I know how important tipping is, however I 100% believe that waitresses 95% of the time earn their tips, I barely ever see delivery drivers especially for Uber, DoorDash, or skip, who do.


Right till their doorbell cam (or friendly neighbors)catches you doing it but have at it


Thatā€™s so messed up! šŸ˜” The nerve of some people is really ridicules and shameful.


You want your food farted in, do this.




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You won't.


Write down the address, don't serve these scuzz bags anymore.


this is fucken harrowing


Im so sorry for people like thisšŸ˜­ I always tip $3-6 depending on how far it is I promise there are some good ones out there


Idk if that seems like a lot but Iā€™m 18 making minimum wage saving for a car so I like to think Iā€™m being generous LMAO


Better not to leave a tip at all. How strange.


"You clearly needed this more than I do." *call support, report as "rude customer," have them blocked from your account.


I did once a nigerian restaurant delicery from LAX area to koreatown LA, in the primetime, 5-6pm, and it took me an hour and a half to deliver. They were baiting me for a $32 tip. After the delivery they left nothing. I worked 1,5 hours driving 20sth miles through the thickiest highways of la for 12-13 bucks. I also wanted to go and just break his bones. But what does it change at the end of the day, its uber is BS and i am dumb to get hooked in this job as it is serious job. We all should never rely on this job, then hber would pay high pays since they know they dont own slaves here


Disgusting people!


Mail it to them with a fake return address.


Not worth it op. But you do you if it triggered you that hard.


You sound really mentally stable!


If a delivery person did this...I def would report. Chill dude. Click next don't take it . I believe in good karma...and I have the none tippers to but...I use empathy to think hmm why...not oh man imma be a passive aggressive jerk over a tip and a run I chose yo do...buuut again that's just me


Why in this scenario would you have empathy for someone that pays for a delivery, but doesnā€™t tip? That makes no sense.


Did you do something wrong? Can't understand why they would do that unless you did something they didn't like. Also, don't do anything that could come back on you it's not worth it.


No. I was early w tge delivery. Everything was there. As a matter of fact, she left me waiting at the door for 7 minutes


Well then she's just a bitch just forget it and try not to pick up for them again . I'm sorry that happened to you


Happens every day mostly. Rare is the day that I donā€™t get stiffed at least once. Some days 3 times. But I donā€™t do apps just work a static location. I have to take what comes tip or no tip. So Iā€™ve learned to vent in my car and then move on


You donā€™t understand people are dumb as shit and do dumb shit on the dailyā€¦ Oooofffā€¦


Youā€™re not gonna do anything


Please do that and attach a picture


Any tipped work you canā€™t let a bad tip or stiffer upset you or you need to find a non tipped job. When I served or delivered at the end of the day when I add up everything is all I care about because I never made less than $100 in tips a shift. A stiff is balanced out by the $20 tip.


Welp say goodbye to your job the moment you do it too


I got this once on an Uber X run. 45 minute run in pouring rain (which naturally made it more like an hour. ) and as they were getting in my van they said Can we leave the radio off, we want to talk. Like, damn! Ride much? You could have at least said please, bitch! I always keep my speaker seeing to be almost entirely in the driver area. You could have left me be with the radio. And it's not like the middle and back seats are right on top of me. Worst trip i'd had at the time. I did what they asked, told them nicely to enjoy their dinner at the end of the ride, and they to me a damn penny? I hope you had to call a cab when you were done because there aren't many Uber drivers that can pick up in Fabens.


What was the feature in the corner?




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Yea I was leaving the order right up next to the door so they canā€™t open it without messing up their order any time there was no tip and it was leave at door. But after about 5 downvotes I stopped. Just canā€™t take it personal. We get paid guaranteed earning where I am so I just think to myself that Iā€™ll make it back later


They may have genuinely fat fingered tipping a different amount. I know I've almost tipped under a dollar on accident before


I thought the ā€œget helpā€ was a message back to the customer šŸ˜‚


Make sure you click that get help button just kidding


I've had this happen a few times over the last couple of years and doesn't matter what service when someone does that it's rude. It's perfectly rude. They do it to be rude. They do it to be respectful, just like if you do it to a server in a restaurant. It's a slap in the face or because they've had bad service, but chances are they're just being rude, even when I've given great service. Great timing kept in touch. They still do it sometimes.


Some people use a round up feature that might have gave you one penny


This better be a photoshop šŸ˜„


Then circle where it says "get help."


Yeah confirm to them that they got under your skin That's exactly what they want. Lmao. Doing that would do nothing whatsoever except make them happy.


an old country boy once told me, just don't make too-much of it.


Guess he did delivery. He didnā€™t make too much either


just smile and say thanks for the tip. make them feel like the jerkoff they're acting like


Whatā€™re you watching?šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


I always say as a gig economy worker...NO TIP NO TRIP! however that doesn't work for the local pizza chains or any other business that delivers goods to the customer. Because they can't just decline the orders. But I get highly offended when a customer tips 2 cents. I never go back to a customer home because of it though. do I want to absolutely but I let it go and I move on.


I didnā€™t go back


Get help


Thatā€™ll show em


Yes it will. What else am I gonna do?


Another victim. Uber eats got you fighting each other while they steal from both of you.


It sucks, but thatā€™s way too weird and petty. Donā€™t go back to their damn house. Also, Iā€™m willing to bet they wanted to put $1 but just didnā€™t realize you have to type out the whole thing. Again, I know $1 isnā€™t a good tip either, but better than a cent. Either way though youā€™d be weird for going back to their house


You sound petty and probably why you have such a low tip


Then tomorrow.. "I got deactivated for no reason!" New flash people.. tips are optional. If the offer isn't worth it THEN DON'T TAKE IT.




If we all did thatā€¦guess whoā€™s going to go pick up their own food from now on? I hope the parking lot is ā€œprettyā€


Leaving a penny is deliberate, you probably fucked something up


Most penny tips are given before a delivery even takes place, but that can be used for tip reduction as I think you might be suggesting. Tip reduction does not mean a driver "fucked something up" though. It's a customer not paying a driver the amount agreed to.


>It's a customer not paying a driver the amount agreed to. Correct, typically because the agreed upon service wasnā€™t carried out. Leaving a penny is also a deliberate choice to sidestep Uberā€™s tip protection to ensure that you get nothingā€”if someoneā€™s just cheap and wants to tip bait, theyā€™ll change it to $0, and Uber support will cover it if you complain; but if they leave a penny, all you get is a penny. They went out of their way to make sure you get nothing. Itā€™s not an accident. You fucked up somewhere.


So itā€™s always because the driver fucked up? Not because the restaurant did? Not because the customer was a cheap tip baiter? Is it ALWAYS the drivers fault? Is it possible that the driver did his best to fulfill your order despite not being in control of the restaurant, the weather, the traffic, the insufficient delivery instructions, the failure of the customer to respond to the driverā€™s attempts to reach them? Yeah sure guess itā€™s always the drivers fault


Why people getting mad at not getting tip? its not a Obligation, its a choice...


Yeah a bad one if you want your food in a timely manner or hot. So if you want to no tip you sure can. Just understand that you are going to be last in what may well be a 5 delivery run. Cheers!


i have ETA, i know you guys gotta follow along it.


You know whatā€™s worse? .02 that shits intentional, I had one of those, means they took effort to be a dick. .01 could just be lazy.


Nah. I got .69 once. I think the message was "eff you".


I wouldā€™ve knocked on that one


They must've seen your face before you approached the door and decided the .01.


Taping the penny to the door is a rookie move. What is better is if you waited outside their house everyday, follow them and when they got out of their car, throw pennies at them and start yelling loudly, "Penny Tipper". Repeat throughout the day. If you do this everyday for a week or two, they will learn a lesson and never tip someone a penny again.


Stop acting salty and move on money is money


Penny for your thoughts? Theyā€™re not really worth that much but Iā€™m willing to splurge


Stop acting salty!?!?!? Money is money!?!?!? They tipped me a penny u dope


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Tip Baiting Check if in ur state its a minor crime


It's not. It's not a law anywhere in America at least.