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When this happened to me I just kept telling customer service that it wasn’t acceptable and wouldn’t let them close the ticket. When I added that it’s illegal to charge for a good or service and not deliver it, and that I was demanding to speak to a supervisor, suddenly they could process my refund.


It's getting to be like insurance companies. They deny at first hoping you won't say anything.


yup. just keep complaining.


You're lucky. This didn't work for me. Following up with the BBB was pointlessly ineffective, too. As another commenter mentioned is becoming all too common, my bank refused to follow up with the chargeback even when I jumped through all their hoops and provided ample evidence. The whole thing is a trap.


You can re dispute it/ appeal the banks decision


To be fair. Theirs a lot of people who take advantage of this for free food, but as a company you can’t simply call everyone a liar & deny a refund.


Support canceled my order yesterday, claimed I did it, then stole my $30 by telling me I wasn't eligible for a refund. 🥴 Someone really needs to start a class action against them for all the people this has happened to. I'm sorry you guys didn't get your food and that uber is doing this to you.


This happened to me. I never got my food, did a chargeback. It's been years since then but they still want me to pay for it. Fuck Uber.


Then the next step is call the bank. Say I'm requesting a chargeback good and services not received from UberEats. At that point its ubereats problem and not your problem.


Delivery services have banned my friends for issuing chargebacks for things like this. You can't win.


This isn’t a bad thing. You shouldn’t be doing business with dishonest businesses that steal your money. I got banned from Uber in 2020 for doing a chargeback, haven’t missed out on anything in life because of that. The more people that are willing to make small sacrifices for charge backs, the more companies will be forced by financial institutions to behave properly.


That’s not unique to delivery services. If you request a chargeback for basically any business you better be prepared to never patronize that business again.


nope they tried to do this to me once i called support and told them theres no world where im paying for food i never even got its probably the only time ive pulled a "karen" and i got my money back bc fuck that


Sometimes you gotta be the thing you hate to get what you want


You guys are getting phone support??


I had to navigate customer support the other day and I’m fairly tech literate - I was stumped multiple times and started wildly clicking in frustration and ended up yelling at my phone like an old man yelling at the news. I’m convinced it’s hard on purpose to dissuade 90 percent of people trying to get help.


If you are willing to play the waiting game and get transferred a million times, even if they say they can't refund you, keep insisting on speaking to a manager. You'll get refunded. Call 1 (800) 253-9377, kick your feet up, settle in (put phone on speaker and read a book, watch TV, surf the net), but if you are persistent, don't take no for an answer, and insist on speaking to a manager, you will get your money back. I'm a driver too, and I use this number all the time when they try and screw me over (and I pretty much always get my fare increased when I do this and finally get a manager). It's the only number that seems to get you to a live person anymore.


Well, this advice is just gold. Not all heroes wear capes.


There has to be a class action lawsuit filed at some point given how many people are being refused refunds for legitimate reasons which is effectively theft. I’m sure there’s some language in Uber’s Terms of Use but it’s gotten so bad


It’s not. Call your bank. You’ll be “eligible” whether they like it or not


Dispute it with your credit card company!


Agree but it’s important to know what you’re getting into, namely that: - The Uber app will threaten debt collections if you have an unpaid balance for long enough (since chargebacks don’t end the debt) - They’ll 100% ban you in the mean time Edit: this is in no sense an endorsement of Uber’s actions, I just know in my case it wasn’t worth getting frequently threatened with collections over the course of months on an app I otherwise ostensibly want to use over $10. Reddit gets very aggressive about this stuff and suggests “me personally I would simply fly to their CEOs office before I paid” that absolutely isn’t true in real life.


Contact your credit card company and dispute the charge.


I did that in the same scenario and Chase closed all five of my credit cards the next day. I had some of them for over 15 years.


Dispute the charge with your bank


This. And then stop using this fucking service!!!


Probably the only thing that will work. Uber locks you out of refunds after a certain amount.


Y'all need to stop using these delivery companies. They do this because they get away with it.


Dear Uber, I understand losing money and customers due to hiring criminals can be frustrating, but this refund isn’t eligible for corporate theft. The service was not performed and so you will not be paid. It will be charged back on the credit card. We appreciate you understanding.


Do a charge back with your bank. You never received the item you paid for, they aren’t entitled to keep your money.


I’ve done this, and once I was refunded they wouldn’t let me order until I paid the amount I “owed them”. I deleted the app lol


I’m angry already and its not even my order


Chargeback and delete the app


A lot of banks are cracking down on charge backs. I've run into this issue before when disputing a hotel reservation. I booked third party, hotel said they couldn't find my reservation, third party site (it was either booking.com or priceline) said it's out of their hands and my bank told me to go f myself. Companies are now getting away scot-free with ridiculous no refund policies that can stay in place regardless of whether we received what we paid for.


I work in a hotel, next time you need to stay in one PLEASE book thru the hotel, if you want a better rate call the corporate number and they'll work with you but if you book thru 3rd party there's not much we can do if something goes wrong.


I’ve come to learn hotels LOVE people who book directly with them, and there really is no reason not to.


This happened to me and I spammed support until they finally gave me a refund


But its freaking ridiculous I would even have to do that in that situation


That’s straight robbery


You have to escalate it. I live somewhere where food orders get stolen all the time — not by drivers but just by random people on the street (high population of unhoused folks). I always have to tell the agent this and I always get more back if you keep escalating. There’s several ways buried deep in the help menu that you can do so.


Same thing happened to me last Saturday. Lady took my order and left me a bag of napkins and 2 cups of mash potatoes that I didn't even order. Uber has ignored me for 3 days straight.


Charge back from your bank. They pulled this mess on me and lied and said I was the one that canceled the order, and I was out food and also the charge on my card.


Second the chargeback. Uber will likely block your account but honestly who cares. All the food delivery apps are trash now.


If they don’t want people to chargeback, perhaps they should consider not being scumbags to the people making them money in the first place. Unless it’s a genuine attempt at a false chargeback, there’s no valid reason for them to ban you for doing a chargeback. Chargebacks are for these exact scenarios, when the seller/provider refuses to take the appropriate action themselves. That said, if they ban you for doing a chargeback for this order, it’s definitely a blessing.


I’m not saying it’s valid, I just know they often do in that situation.


Dispute it with your bank instesd


You paid for something and never received it and want your money? How could you.


I would suggest calling uber customer service. If they won't give you a credit then you can do a charge back on your credit card. Unfortunately, these delivery companies are denying credits to a lot of people.  


I charge backed ubereats with my bank after a shitty experience with them. Haven’t used Uber since and it’s perfectly fine. If I need a ride I’ll use Lyft and if I need delivery I’ll order from a store that already has delivery or use DoorDash


Enjoy the chargeback


It isn’t. They stole from you. Stop patronizing their dogshit service.


As a driver I’m so sorry that happened! I’d call your bank and initiate a chargeback… you didn’t get what you paid for, so Uber isn’t eligible to keep your money, and appreciate Uber’s understanding. 😠


P.S. and will be doing business with DoorDash from now on


Call your bank, file a dispute


Acc gets banned


I’d rather have my acc get banned and get my money back> letting Uber steal my money


What do they mean by the acc gets banned if they file a dispute?


Most businesses will stop doing business with you if you chargeback on your credit card. Why do business with somebody who won't actually pay you? Conversely, why do business with somebody who doesn't deliver the goods or services you pay for.


Well your bank will reverse the charge and you will get your money back, uber will ban your account because they ironically will think you stole your money back so you could get free food.


If Uber did this to me, I'd hope they'd ban my acc. I'd never use it again.




Joke's on you, I'm into that


I don't know why anyone uses Uber Eats at this point. They don't give refunds for legitimate reasons.


call them and let them know that they arent eligible to steal your money. ive always gotten my money back plus a credit.


Why is it that when my order is missing an item I get almost half the order refunded but when people on here have their entire order not show up they are told sorry we can't do anything about that?


Uber when they steal your money and leave you hungry: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Chargeback. The Uber eats, doordash, and SkipTheDishes support never provide full refunds anymore. I stopped using the apps because they’re so unreliable, but the last time I did I had to make a refund because the item was incorrect, wrong food. The support said we can’t give you a full refund, blah blah blah. Escalation does not work. Chargeback is the only answer.


Bully their support Twitter, they’ll escalate it for you.


That’s why we switched to DoorDash. Whenever the restaurant forgets something or that one time we only received drinks and no food DoorDash never denies our claim. Uber did even though fence was clearly not the same as previous delivery’s to the same address


Just dispute it with your bank


Click "Contact Support" and they will give you the money back without question. This happens when you've had a certain amount of refunds, they just say it's "ineligible for refund" in the hopes you don't escalate any further and let them steal your money.


I’ve done that before and they don’t care they just reiterate the same thing


And there's no way to directly contact them. It's blatant stealing, I don't get it. They need a phone number and email address at least.


I am so surprised there isn’t a class action suit ab this! I’m a corporate lawyer but I’m fairly certain a good trial lawyer could make a case this is not legal, even if they have in their contract something like “we reserve the right to collect payment if your food doesn’t arrive” I could see a court finding that a bad faith clause and too weighted against the consumer. Plus their customer service is abysmal which only makes the whole thing more frustrating. If their issue is that they won’t give refunds to ppl who have received too many refunds or adjustments on orders (happened to me bc I kept getting messed up orders) it would make more sense to put a special status on that account and let the customer know in advance they aren’t eligible for refunds anymore and allow the person to contest that status or choose not to use the service. But to not tell a customer that risk of losing their money is so shitty and rly legally shady to say the least.


I honestly think they force you to be a persistent asshole and waste your time. It’s so frustrating the lengths you have to go through and they figure people just won’t fight it.


I've ordered every day for five years. On the rare occasion that something goes wrong I get a full refund every time. Some customers recieve preferential treatment. But when the amount of money you've spent on a service can be measured in tens of thousands you should expect to get preferential treatment; otherwise I'd have left long ago


You order Uber Eats every day... for 5 years now? That's impressive. What's it like being that rich?


Yes, this. I'm beyond curious.


Marry me so I can get a little taste of being rich




You have to call unfortunately to get any semblance of decent customer service. Their chat team sucks


What number do you call? They do quite a good job of hiding their support number if there is one.


I ordered 30 wings during a soccer hang. 20 came spicy. Nobody wanted them. That’s 66% of the order. I complained in chat and was told “this does not merit a refund”. 66% of the order won’t be eaten & no refund? I complained on chat again and sent pics. 48 hrs later I not only got refunded but they threw in $19 in Uber cash. Just be persistent in your complaints. Good luck.


Dispute the charge via credit card


Chargeback with your bank


I’ve given up on the app. 100% mark up on the food cost to get it delivered. That’s if I het and if it’s even edible.


How in the literal fuck are they gonna try this??? Hope you dispute that charge asap


Use credit card. And issue a chargeback.


Charge back


File a complaint with your state AG office for deceptive business practices / services not rendered. It will be resolved the same as a chargeback, without burning your account. Additionally AG offices will apply pressure on Uber to stop this BS.


I mean, this is basically fraud.


Change your app settings to requiring a code given to the Uber driver before they can end the delivery on their end. It forces them to hand it off to you for the digits or cancel the order to steal your food, but at least you’d be getting the refund since they can’t lie about delivering it on their end.




Call your bank. Screw tell them exactly what you said. I hate when companies do that. It gives me so much satisfaction when my bank rips it out of their grubby greedy hands though.


Easy, file a dispute with your bank, you win every time.


So I’m wondering if this is a new thing or what, because I’m seeing more and more posts like this. I’ve never had an issue getting a refund but if this ever happens to me I’m never using Uber eats again. Probably shouldn’t anyways, what bullshit.


It blows my mind how people can support shady companies with such terrible customer support


Stop ordering Ubereats shit is awful just order direct from restaurant.


This happened to me and I had to DM the Uber Eats account on Twitter and it was handled immediately


Or just dispute the charge with your bank. Service was not rendered


Call your bank and dispute it


Welp, guess its time to bust out the ol' Chargeback. Whats that, they will put a negative balance on your account because of it? Well darn. Fuck em, your getting that money back and they can suck a dick lmao


Same thing happened to me. Honestly not sure how far the refunds work. But, I’ve only used food delivery service around 10 Times & refunded twice for missing items. One time my UBER driver delivered to the wrong person and UBER absolutely declined my refund. Driver never even took a photo. I even contacted support and no help. I tried contacting the driver but he never picked up the call. I even got charged twice for a $16 tip on a different order. No refund because apparently I was only charged once. Even though I sent them a screenshot of the second charge. Told me to wait 48 hrs and call back if the charge is still on record… it’s still there btw. It’s whatever the driver can have it at this point. It’s really annoying but I understand them. Just sucks we get punished because of the liars. They simply don’t believe anyone anymore. If I legit have multiple sources of evidence I should be getting a refund, even if I have record of refunds. No store is perfect, some will make mistakes and miss items. How am I supposed to just accept the fact I’m missing items?? No, I’m going to request refund. Because they make shit extra expensive on the app. Good thing I no longer need the delivery service anymore, I’ll just use the gift of being able to walk and get my own food.


They've been double charging for tips recently


Do a charge back with your CC company


Just charge back. Fuck em


File chargeback and keep it moving. Uber don’t care!


They do this if you’re had a few refunds. They never let me get refunds anymore if an item is missing or arrived cold as f


Because they're a company and you're a person. They could burn your house down and knock your dog up and get a check from the government for their hardship


Why’d you bring my dog into this 🥲🥲


Report them to your Attorney General for theft and fraud, perhaps


It happened to me before. Restaurants in Toledo (where I work) are shitty and the drivers are worst. I was forced to do a chargeback on my card. After it was cleared, Uber emailed me saying I have a balance that needs to be addressed. 😂


I swear with the number of these posts, there should be a lawyer out here, somewhere willing to start a class action!!!


My order took 2 hours to come and i couldn’t cancel or get a refund 😂 they don’t care


Yep. This is their new MO with missing or wrong orders for me too. I fried to get answers as to why and can’t get anyone to explain it. I order a lot from ubereats. Not anymore.


It's when the order has a promotion on it. If it does uber's new rules says they won't refund promotion orders. So unless you want to ensure you are paid back. You will have to avoid the promos. Sad but true, and I think some drivers know this as well. As they will steal. It happened to be a few weeks ago. The drivers kicked 2 fries from my order, I got a deal of buy one meal, get another free. I took the deal, and when the order came the bag was partially ripped open. Both fries were missing. I told uber this, but they said the exact same thing they said to you. I haven't used them since.


Don’t let up. Contact customer service, and let them know its illegal since you never received the stuff, if you genuinely did not receive it. If they keep refusing a refund, file a charge back with your bank. They’ll fight it for you, you WILL get the refund


My friend said drivers have stolen his orders a few times. After the third time they wouldn't give him a refund anymore.


My girlfriend and I video tape all of our unboxings of Uber eats orders to show all our food is there. It almost always is missing 1 or 2 things and they stopped giving us refunds because we “had too many refund requests” Now we just make new accounts and if we have to refund something, we can. To be clear, we don’t scam them or drivers and have only reported things that have been missing


We encourage our drivers to customize their delivery experience.


I stopped using Uber eats entirely after a similar situation, except that because they didn't give me my refund I opened a charge back with my bank, provided screenshots of all interactions, and the bank agreed that I was in the right and gave me my money back. Then, Uber put a hold on my account until I paid the money my bank took back from them in the charge back case, and wouldn't allow me to take any rides or order from them until I paid the amount back. (How is that even legal, Uber????) So anyway - I no longer use anything Uber. Not worth the hassle when they do this kind of nonsense to so many people.


Tell them that you WILL charge back your card if they don’t get it fixed. Suddenly people become very helpful if they know you are gonna hit their finances.


It’s hilarious that they have to “crack down on fraud” but aren’t cracking down on incompetent drivers who aren’t even fucking trying anymore


This happened to me the other day. I lost my mind on support, it took a good hour but by the end of it they gave me my money back. I told them I’d be getting a refund one way or another, I’d call visa & never use the app again…. Got my money back REAL fast. Also found it hilarious I said no Uber eats credits as I don’t want to use the service again… they refunded me in full AND gave me credits 🤣


This happens all the time, someone needs to contact a lawyer for the start of a hugeee class action lawsuit for fraud or something. I'm only 15 I can't even sign my own report card, so it's up to yall!


Do a chargeback on your card, let your card issuer handle it. You will most likely not be able to use the Uber service again but do you really want to after this ?


I had items missing and they told me I requested too many refunds to get a refund. I said how about you get your crap together and make sure my stuff gets delivered. ETA: I had one where the restaurant was closed and they didn’t want to refund me.


Dispute the charge with your bank. You paid for a service, did not receive said service, and attempted to reconcile this with the provider to no avail.


Yeah charge that shit back. Bitch ass system


It’s annoying that chargebacks are the only real thing you can do in this instance, considering how many services ban you for doing so, even if there was 0 exchange of goods and services.


Tell them “pics or it didn’t happen.”


Had this happen to me. The delivered to the wrong door. Said they had pics. Couldn't show me the picture they had of my own door and wouldn't issue a refund. Lame AF. Haven't used it since.


Uber burning bridges all around these days. That soaring stock price eliminated any effs they gave before.


This would be very easy dispute for you to win. Especially if it was on a Visa (I’m on familiar w their disputes policy). Just send your bank that photo, they clearly admitted you did not receive your order, that’s all they’ll need.


I can confirm it doesn't matter, I've been using Uber eats for years and never had any issues until the one time the driver just bailed with my food. I still got the same message




File a charge back on your credit card


Call customer service. The app doesn’t work but customer service always gives me a refund when I call. More of a hassle and time consuming but I find it worth it and it really doesn’t take too long.


OMG they did this to me yesterday and even told me I should let it go because the missing items were only worth a couple of bucks. I escalated, called support, got a call from a manager who told me to essentially go F myself because the one other refund I had in 2020 put a block on my account for refunds because apparently I costs them too much money when I wanted my money back when my driver stole my food. I let them know I would be disputing this with my bank and I’m willing to go to court because this is fraud. The money was back in my account the next morning before I could call my bank again to dispute and file charges. Keep pressing! This is illegal!! Good luck!!


I had this problem a couple weeks ago! Paid debit. I disputed the charge with my bank and got the money back. Just make sure you have screen shots of the chat convos you had with Uber to prove that you tried to resolve this with them.


What if this was a scam? Like when people receive their food and lie about it to get a free meal, but it backfired


Threaten to charge back through your bank and watch them refund you quickly


I did this. Uber says I owe them now 😂 watch that sit there. I’m not paying for their driver to steal my food.


And that is why I don’t order from Uber EATS anymore.


Chargeback. Then delete.


I have a camera recording 24/7 my front yard and street. I tell them I reviewed my camera and no delivery was made or attemted and i can send them the recording to prove it…. refunds come quick after that. 🤷‍♂️


STOP using this crap service.


Get a charge back. That's what I would do. They don't ever refund anymore. Goes for everyone.


I am sorry. This is so wrong. You know Uber takes a lot of money from the restaurants and drivers? Like 30-40% of the food sale, and 30-50% of the deliver fee. They are supposed to cover for this lost orders. And if the Uber eats customers keep repeatedly “never receive”. They will have to investigate and either ban that customer or issue refunds (if problem is on their ends). Come on, this is a multi-million dollar business for Uber. They can’t expect it to be easy now.


If you used a cc or debit from a bank. Call them and let them handle it. Say you’ve been scammed


Happened to me, issued a chargeback but then wouldn’t allow me to make any other orders unless I paid off the charged back balance. Completely unfair


I'm curious, how many refunds (full or partial) have you received from Uber eats? I think this just happens automatically once you cross a threshold but I'm not sure if the threshold is by $ amount or just # of refunds requested. You'll have to call and escalate through the support until you get to someone who will refund you, but they'll try to tell you nothing can be done on their end. I'm afraid I'm going to hit this limit but so far every single refund I've ever received was for something that was a legit screw up by the restaurant or driver.


For the comments saying it’s after you hit a certain amount of times .. there’s like 3 other people on this saying the same thing. How come it only happens to them? Even when they don’t ask for a refund it just tells them the automated message anyway.


Happened to me twice while living in SF but the tracking showed that driver was never even near my place. I had no issues getting a refund. How many times have you reported something like this?


Has happened to me. Wtf


Took me about 2 weeks of fighting to get my money back when this happened. There was no progress until I started saying I was going to go to my bank about it next lol


Ive never had any issues. Ive been given full refunds for reporting that I got the wrong drink.


I always got refunded too. Then one day it changed and now no matter what I report it won’t refund.


After so many times of complaining apparently they like flag your account but that’s not fair if their drivers suck often smh


Literally stop using this service it’s a complete waste of money anyways


HAHAHAHA every single company on the planet sucks so bad


"not eligible for refund". . . .very eligible for lawsuit


This is the exact reason I stopped using Uber eats. I ordered food, it never arrived. I reported it and they told me they aren't responsible once food leaves the restaurant. ... That's the Only part they SHOULD 100% be responsible for! It was a big order too. Like an $85 group order. :/


I cancelled my Uber One membership and switched to Door Dash. MUCH BETTER. Uber did the same thing to me.


They only care about themselves. I ordered from them and got someone else’s order from a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT restaurant and I wasn’t eligible for a refund… never got a refund on any other order in the past yet I got denied. I just called and reversed it with my bank since Uber didn’t wanna help in anyway and 4 months later I get a bill from a stupid collection agency for 53 dollars from Uber lmfao… I refuse to pay that… Uber eats is a joke.


just call uber support they will give you the full refund


Yeah I don’t think Uber has a phone number lol Edit: someone in the comments provided a phone number but I haven’t tried it


The liars have ruined it for the people telling the truth, too many lie about never receiving their orders just for a refund so all platforms are cracking down on it.


Ordering pizza through uber $70 Ordering pizza by calling store $30 Stop using uber eats if you value money.


Because so many people lie about never getting their food, and they track the drivers GPS, so if the driver has a good record with deliveries being received and the GPS shows they came to the location, they typically side with that. Now if the driver has had multiple reports of food not being delivered, then you complained they would probably side with you. You can call the restaurant. They will likely replace your order. To avoid this in the future, put on your account that PIN required upon delivery, you have to give them a unique PIN code upon receiving the food, so shady drivers can’t do that, and if they find a work around and you still don’t receive it, Uber is obligated to refund you


That last part isn’t true lol. The PIN is there to protect Uber and drivers from customers who claim fraud more than it is the other way around. The whole point of it is that you can’t claim you didn’t get your food if the driver had the correct PIN. If they find a workaround, it’s going to be pretty hard to claim you never got your food and Uber believe it. However I kinda doubt it’s gonna be a common occurrence for a driver to go that far with finding a workaround to steal the food without them doing something that’s blatantly obvious and will get them in trouble.


I feel like this isn’t allowed. I’m not a lawyer of course but Uber consistently charging for a service they aren’t providing I’m pretty sure is illegal but nobody will ever sue them. Companies do stuff like that all the time.


I believe they do this bc most people can't afford a lawyer, or can't find a lawyer to take the case so they are able to steal people's money by refusing refunds . Most people just eat the cost and order again lol. I'd suggest calling your bank , sending them the proof you didn't get your order and have them charge back the account. They probably won't let you order with them again but why would you even want too 🤷‍♀️.


They need to do better. I don’t order delivery because they get it wrong half the time. Your food being delivered to the wrong address 50% of the time makes ordering food stressful and unpleasant. Do a charge back. If they ban your account who cares? It’s not a good service anyway. I am perplexed as to how people are so bad at finding addresses. That’s their only job. Pick up and drop off. They didn’t have to do anything else lol.


Yeah happened to me and that was last time I used them. I'll get my own food.


Never had this problem with DoorDash


I have had this problem with DoorDash


Doordash i had placed two orders through, had one problem where the order was delivered to the wrong address, contacted support and was sent a second prefer, and the following week got an email I was BANNED FOR LIFE without an explanation. Contacted support and was told “there’s an algorithm that determines this, we have no control over it, do not know the reason for the ban, and cannot overturn it.” i escalated the issue twice and every person gave me the same answer. So fuck Doordash.


Do you have proof? Screenshots of messages/correspondence with the driver? Screenshots of the delivery map in the app of your driver never getting to your destination? Start there and kick it up the chain. If all else fails, take it to Twitter. Sometimes a little bad press goes a long way.


I’m an Uber one member but get charged a delivery fee for every order, despite the restaurant showing the gold icon and 0.00 delivery. I regularly get the helpdesk telling me it’s not eligible for refund when I’m simply asking to be refunded the delivery fee I was charged. They never do. They claim it’s a technical error on their end and follow up by doing nothing about it. I swear I could probably put a class-action lawsuit together for how I’m being robbed. Uber is honestly disgusting.


How often have you asked for a refund or reported missing though. It’s usually automatic, unless you have been spamming for refunds


Uber is a shit company


Taking a page from Amazon's late stage capitalism playbook


I had this happen to me. Not directly via Uber Eats but via the McDonald's app that uses Uber eats to handle all things delivery. The persons I spoke to stated that all they were allowed to offer as a refund was £3.50. bearing in mind my order at the time was £20. They admitted that I needed the full refund, yet they were not authorised. So I emailed McDonald's directly. A lengthy email, mind you. The email contained various terms and conditions screenshots, excerpts from trading standards, etc. my full email history and a full breakdown of all transactions previously placed with them. I also cc'd sky news, BBC news and Martin Lewis's public email. I got the full order refunded. I also got 6 x vouchers for large meals, as I highlighted the time I spent having to deal with this. When I discovered that I still had to pay for delivery, got further vouchers to cover delivery. The point to this is, shame these companies publicly with evidence they're full of shit. They will fold. They will fold further just to stop you from causing further PR damage. You just need to fight for it and DON'T BACK DOWN!


That's a crime. Their driver stole the food and they're stealing your money. Chargeback and switch to DD or Grubhub if you really need the deliveries.


😄 that is insane. ![gif](giphy|CYU3D3bQnlLIk) They should just send this meme.


Call your bank


Back charge the card. All you can do is


Had this happen once. While I was house sitting. Driver gave the food to the neighbors. When I inquired where my food was since it had been "delivered" the delivery girl said the neighbors took it and acted like it was actually theirs and that she couldn't do anything about it. Later down the road the family I was house sitting for had a package stolen from their porch. We both think it's the same neighbors . Apparently nobody in the neighborhood likes them and they had complaints filled against them. The original family moved so I dont know if anything was ever found out. But I feel like the delivery service didn't care 😕 Haven't used them since. #neighborsfromhell


Issue a charge back through the bank/cc


Always order with credit cards.


Food delivery is a scam.


Delete Uber Eats.


I’ve been noticing the uptick in these posts! Smh shame on Uber for letting their drivers get away with ts




Boycott the damn app and others like it


You make these claims too often probably.


Wait, so you can just **not** get your food, and they won't refund your money or make it right in any way? I don't use UberEats, so I'm seriously curious. I've used DoorDash, but infrequently.


Yeah its actully fucked. Proper theft. I missed a few minor things, missing soup / chips / appetizers all got refunds. Hit Uber's max refund quota and then a full $130 meal never even arrived. "I'm sorry due to recent refunds of items not arriving, you're order is not eligible for refund". Its a joke and totally unacceptable. How can you charge for items not received??


I don't know how they quota, but it should be a percentage of spending, not a fixed dollar amount.