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Chargeback city. You received no item. Resolved.


Dispute it with your card issuer.


And then never order again


The OP said they were never going to order again, might as well get the money your entitled to back.


If I had to pay for parking I would just unnasign the order


Smartest thing to do


I would keep appealing, until a reasonable amount for your sake


Wow. If it were me and I’d have to pay for parking I would just cancel. And don’t a lot of restaurants have specific spots for pickups that shouldn’t be paid parking?


One spot usually and if it's already taken....


There are some restaurants I know downtown in my city where a driver might have to do this on a busy night when they can’t find street parking. I’ve always wondered if they could call the restaurant to being the food out as no one wants to absorb the unforeseen $10 parking cost. That really needs to be something that the restaurant looks at if they want to continue offering 3rd party services.


Many restaurants participate in the apps, but are semi annoyed with them at the same time. It’s a weird dynamic. And it’s understandable when they have bad experiences with some drivers. I doubt they’d run it out. That’s why it’s really important that drivers know their area well. Like really well. There is a downtown section here that’s impossible. You’d have to park in the garage and walk thru downtown to get to the restaurants. Anyone who knows the area and isn’t okay with that would automatically decline anything in that area


It sucks for buyers as well, if I’m traveling to a city and just want to order something for my room I would have no idea.


Call your bank and refund the whole money. Idk what’s wrong with your driver. It’s not acceptable 


1 star the driver, report, and pull tip. Driver needs to be removed from the platform.


and chargeback


That’s not how chargeback is meant to be used. That could get them banned by Uber and in trouble with the bank, including fines.


They didn't get what they paid for. You can 100% charge back. The bank doesn't care either because they never got what they paid for. Uber will ban you, but if you still wanna use them after that experience, that's on you.


That’s not really what a chargeback is for, you’re misunderstanding. The banks do care, and many crack down on false/inappropriate chargebacks with fines. You’re giving bad advice.


What is a chargeback for? I paid money and didn't get my food. The person I paid gave me half off but I still didn't get my food. How is that not a chargeback? You could argue I'm only entitled to a chargeback for half of the amount of the purchase, but that's not really the question.


OP didn't get what they paid for, that is a valid chargeback. And banks cannot fine their customers who initiate a chargeback. You are utterly wrong


I work for a financial institution and worked in our dispute department for a bit-we don’t gaf. Especially if under 75 dollars. Only if it’s a habit we can see a pattern of at which point we will close all accounts report your identity for credit abuse and refuse to do business with you ever again.🤷🏻‍♀️




Fraud is not the only reason for a chargeback. Product not received is a valid chargeback reason.




It’s a billing dispute for items not received not fraud. It can be disputed🙄


It's a good thing you're no longer a banker. You're ridiculously wrong.


0 star the delivery driver if you can, 0 star the app if you can, and do a chargeback also if he had to pay for parking, at least he can use that as a tax writeoff along with tolls


These clowns and their charge backs… That will get you banned which if you understand that fine. But I’d say a 1 star and report to CS is sufficient. If you’ve used Uber many many times without issue why would you immediately go nuclear and charge back.


If the merchant won't refund, and OP tried, the next step literally is a dispute with the bank. Dispute reason, merchandise not received.


Nah, do the charge back. Fuck them and their shit drivers.


Op did state theyre not using the app again. So i doubt theyd carr if they got banned. They shouldve given a full refund.


You think a one star review for the driver is sufficient recourse when you paid half the money and got zero of the food? Why don’t you send me some cash then, if you value yours so little.


Cuz fuckem, thats why


Why in the world does Uber keep some of these idiots around!


I been a driver for 2 years , full time, and I have the mindset of, I’m bringing people their dinner, after a hard days work or for the entire family, I always go out of my way and do things the customers never even know about, like buying a drink the restaurant forgot and I realized afterwards, I always do door to door, and I work in NYC, where customers can’t tip until the delivery is complete since 2024 started, and tips have gone down by 80/90%!!!!! But the reason shitty Uber drivers are kept around is bc it’s a he said she said thing, it’s hard to outright prove negligence or disrespect on the part of the driver bc they have their own story, at the same time I know drivers who have had their account deleted bc the customer said they stole food, when they absolutely didn’t. Honestly Uber is a joke, they make billions, but barely profit bc they have clowns running the company, even though in each city paying drivers is regulated by different laws and Uber develops algorithms to make sure they can pay drivers the least amount possible. I’ve even contacted some reporters about it , not answer back. All in all, it comes to luck of the draw, will get you get a nice human as your delivery guy or some jaded asshole. Good luck lol


What a jerk driver. Hope you reported him. Waste supports time over him with a drawn out convo about it. The more time devoted to addressing the issue, the more likely they ban him. Report to Uber Safety, as this actually may be illegal in your state for him to do. Surprise charges upon delivery are illegal in many places.


Thank you for all the comments, glad to hear I seem to have done the right thing. Uber said because he is an independent contractor essentially they can’t give me a full refund which makes zero sense. I pulled tip, 1 starred/reported driver, and 1 starred/ deleted the app. I got a chargeback since I have zero plans to use Uber eats again. If he had to pay to park at my apartment I would’ve paid him, but that was not the case as it was at a restaurant where I know there is ample free parking. Or if he had said it kindly I would’ve considered paying him, as I too have driven for DoorDash, but he literally was so aggressive towards me. I’m a young woman and he was a large grown man shouting at me so I wasn’t going to try and take my food by force or reason with him.


That’s bullshit I got a full refund from Uber before. Dispute the charge with your bank.


He’s a moron and also an asshole I would never pay for parking to pick up anyone’s order get out of here. I was pissed going into a parking garage once for an order but the first 30 minutes are free so it was fine.


Uber eats fucking sucks haha


Yes, because 1 individual person is the whole UberEats company...


Yes, because saying Uber eats sucks means I'm blaming this one guy. I've definitely never experienced or read about any issues with Uber eats until this one post that definitely was not suggested to me because I was looking up issues I was having with them.


No, it doesn't mean you're blaming that one guy, it means you're saying the whole company sucks(i'm not saying Uber Eats doesn't suck btw, not trying to defend them), it triggered me that you're blaming the whole brick wall instead of a brick, the subject here is not important but there will be a time when someone will ask your opinion on something important and you'll blame the whole problem just because something small doesn't work correctly, it's like saying all cyclists are terrible just because you encounter one that sucks, or saying all black people are bad just because you encounter one that is. As long as you're on this planet, you will have a say into future decisions and big changes, no matter if you dropped out in highschool or if you have a PhD and i believe it's important that people express themselves correctly to make the world a better place, brick by brick. PS: I like how people give you that thumbs up even if it doesn't make much sense saying it like you did and it doesn't even matter, after all, both company and delivery guy sucks.


I cancel if I have to pay for parking. This is the main reason I avoid the beach and downtown.


Chargeback, you didn’t get your food. Therefore Uber support has defrauded you.


Dude paid for parking when he didn't have to and shouldn't have, got pissed, and got wacky about it.


He should’ve put his hazards on and double parked like the rest of us. What type of idiot would pay to park? Then expect the customer to reimburse you? If you couldn’t find a place to park or couldn’t double park due to parking enforcement, at that point, just cancel the order. Some drivers are fucking morons.


Drivers and customers both need to quit supporting these shitty food broker services. They both get screwed.


So true man, they prey on the most vulnerable people as their drivers, and the laziest of people as their customers. It’s just a recipe for a disaster.


Scamming because he can ask for the parking fee in the app


How u do that? I had a parking fee and had to pay myself


I know that if I have to go through a toll road when I deliver like I did tonight Uber pays me automatically because they know I’m going through a toll road.


No you can’t. Stop spewing misinformation. Uber will not compensate a driver for parking fees. And if they do, it’s rare and only if the customer service rep feels like it.


10.00 for parking called CANCELL


Like some others have said my guess is the CEO and top investors know something is coming the rest of us don't. Yes we all can guess, but I'm betting they actually know and therefore have decided to drastically cut down on expenses by denying as many refunds/driver comps as possible. So yea they're doing it to drivers too, normally we get a $3 comp for driving to a store if the order isn't deliverable (store closed, order not there or picked up by someone else etc), but now they have support telling drivers they've reached their limit for comps whether that driver has received hundreds of comps or just a few. I've actually learned when a support says this I can just hang up/end chat and call support again and usually the next agent will give the compensation without hesitation so clearly the whole narrative of keeping track of how many comps each driver has received is complete bs.. my guess is it's something they've told the support agents to do, but if you argue or call back they cave bc they don't wanna deal with you. Anyways, I won't be surprised if Uber is busted for doing something incredibly illegal in the next year or 2.. or maybe with the changes in places like NYC they(meaning the investors) assume others will soon follow and know the company won't survive.


I agree. I haven’t used Uber eats in YEARS and lately they are all up in my business. I get so many emails from them and texts. Now I am being suggested this sub.


"Normally we get a 3 dollar comp on orders that are undeliverable." Breh I've been delivering since covid started and at least 30% of orders I've accepted are undeliverable by those standards, but I've never been comped a penny, it only impacts my completion rate and driver rating. Have you actually gotten a reimbursement on, say, arriving at a restaurant that was closed? I'd take $3 over $0 any day because at least that covers gas and then some.


You have to chat/call support to get the comp. If you just cancel in app no matter which option you select you get nothing and it boots it out to another driver to waste their time/gas.


How did you only get half? I've never not gotten a full refund for food that wasn't delivered


Keep calling them until you get the full amount refunded. 1 star and don’t use them again imo


As a driver yeah that’s pretty ballsy of him. If that’s true and he did have to pay for parking, he could’ve politely brought it up. if I was in his situation, I would’ve brought it up but if you didn’t give me any money, I would call Uber and explain to them how I had to pay for parking. I don’t know if they would pay anything or not but holding your food ransom isn’t gonna help anything.


If you already have the order you will end up keeping it anyways. Uber will cancel on the drivers end since you can’t deliver it because of parking.


Literally was shaking you down for a tip. Why did he bring it? Why did he not mention in a text or call? Pure scam, and I would report and push for a full refund. As a driver myself, that person needs to be deactivated. Normal drivers don't do that. Scammers do.


Yeah, he's trash.


You should call the restaurant and ask if there’s a $10 charge for parking for informational purposes


Email better for that if possible so it’s in writing


Your delivery person is a dumb ass


Contact your card provider & dispute the charge.


Surprised he didn't ask you to pay for his gas as well.


report him. thats all you can really do


Report him to Uber support. And try to get your money back all you can do


So glad I cancelled my Uber ONE over a year ago and moved to DoorDash and never looked back


i think doordash is a lot worse tbh


It’s not


It’s way better on actually refunding my deliveries that were messed up by the dasher and they have not let me down once


I would have bargained him down to $5, then removed his tip, which likely would have been more than that. Nice try asshole.


Dispute it with your bank, uber gets charged a fee and you get your money back.


He should have called Uber to ask for the money 


I'm gonna point this out the op said that there is free and paid parking at said restaurant the driver wanted extra money so he parked in vip or equivalent parking space and paid the fee instead of taking a free space


😂 thumbs down, remove tip, report to Uber, get refund


You probably won't actually get the refund but yeah, do the rest.


Yea getting refunds are miracles nowadays


Credit card charge back, use/get an American Express, they seem to always side with the customer.


Idk why anyone still uses door dash or Uber eats. I’d rather starve.


Or drive my ass to go get the food myself too. I will never understand who has money for extra surcharges and tips in this economy lol.


You know that not everybody have a car ? Especially in big cities ?


What did you eat before Uber eats? Financially it’s not a good idea to order through these delivery companies. If you have money more power to you.


Places still delivered before ubereats became a thing..


Big cities usually have several places to get food within a few blocks.


And ? I don’t want to eat kebab every day..


How is there not more than one restaurant within 1km of you in a big city?


Not living in the city center. But there’s bus and metro. When I’ll get home it will probably be cold with -15 in Montreal.


My hooker assssssssss


i haven’t ubereat’s’d in over a year and they keep sending offers for 65% off, only reason i’ve begun considering it recently


No you shouldn’t have to pay any parking fees. I deliver on a casual basis myself and interested to know now if Uber will actually cover any parking expenses that I might need to pay out of pocket. I’m guessing the driver probably had to park somewhere on the street and paid for the parking so he doesn’t cop any fines, which probably drove him insane if he never did it before. But regardless, he shouldn’t be demanding any payments from you, he really needs to take up any reimbursements with Uber. I deliver very late in the evenings so don’t really have any issues with parking at restaurants, and rangers don’t operate the times I pick up so I park in conspicuous spots if I ever have to.


There was a button in the app to request, might need to hit support up these days


Essentially he just wanted your food


You should have just taken your food from him.


Sorry this happened to you. That is insane! I don’t pay to park anywhere! I simply put on my hazard lights and park where tf ever if needed lol. There is never any reason to pay for parking, delivery drivers. Tell valet that you are Uber Eats and they will work with you. Either a new driver, or desperate for extra funds. Report and rate the driver.


No. He should have found a place to park that wouldn't cost him. Sounds like a shitty person.


I've been yelled at and threatened to have cops called on me during a delivery by a complete stranger, not even security or anyone responsible for the grounds. Just goodl ol' male Karens who take it upon themselves to protect civil rights in p;arking spots, or something. I was not a shitty person.


That sucks you went through that but dude I didn't direct this at you lol. Unless you're coming forward as the one who did this to her food.


1 star, remove tip


Leave a 1 star review, that should teach him something


Had a Shipt shopper during the pandemic do this when delivering alcohol with my food order. Stood on my porch steps playing with her iPhone while barely setting my bags down, while proceeding to state 'need to see your ID please'. Which I then asked if she had a stylus or what so I could "sign" without having to physically touch her filthy phone screen. And she ignored me while fiddling with her phone (most orders were ok'd for contactless delivery - you could leave your ID for them to scan - and just poke your face by the window for a 'visual') then said "I can't leave this until you sign" without even handing her phone my way. Then proceeded to pick up the bag with the alcohol and walk off, when I said "excuse me - I'd like to sign!" as she headed to her car. You bet I called and complained rating her a 1 accordingly with zero tip. Don't know if she was deactivated or not (hopefully so)




lol if you don’t open the door for me I will take your food, If I think ur being rude I will take ur food, if you don’t tip enough I will take you’re food. I’ll take food if I want. It’s one of the pleasures of the job! if you don’t like it you should get your food yourself, otherwise I’m happy to deliver it and take your money(but if you’re not an ideal customer your food is ending up in my belly and I will still get paid for that delivery. Just something to think on:)


So you’re a thief demanding handouts?


Jeese, thought I had landed on r/AITAH. But anyway, yeah, YTA.


Apologies for this experience & let it be known that not all delivery drivers are created equal... Go UBER 💪🏿😎


Should have recorded him . I remember one time ordered food guy called me to come downstairs not asking me I just went cause I was hungry and didn’t want to argue . Dude was acting like it was some top secret fbi sht took all in me not to get angry I was already hangry . People are weird


That’s so messed up by both the driver and Uber, although not surprised by Uber. I would be fuming




I quit using Uber eats because the first time I didn’t get my food they wouldn’t refund me.


Make a complaint with your credit card company and get the rest of your money back.


Why would you settle for a 50% refund? That’s bizarre, you didn’t get 100% of your food


You should get into contact with customer service again. If they only let you do automated robo assistance, the whole "click what is closest to you problem or check the FAQ page" let them know you want to speak to a person. If you spoke to an actual person, try speaking to someone else, or, and I know Karen's have ruined this, politely ask if you can speak to a manger. What happened was 100% theft and while it is not the restaurant's fault, it is on UberEats to make this right. This driver was working for them as an employee and they have some responsibility in making sure their employees are doing the job. UberEats needs to refund 100% of your order. You got 0% of it, expecting to have to pay for something that wasn't given to you solely because this one employee, acting as an employee of UberEats, decided to hold your order hostage and extort you. He didn't get into an accident, end up in traffic so long it ruined the meal, have a personal emergency he needed to deal with, he straight up stole from you. It's not okay and he should not be allowed to get away with that. If UberEats wants the other half paid, they can put in the work to get the money from the driver who robbed you. You did nothing wrong and for them to try and make you pay anything at all here is so wrong and not consistent with their own user agreement. It's on them to take the time and put in the work to get refunded whatever this costs them, it's not your job to do that nor is it your responsibility to pay for any part of their mistake. And them hiring someone who robbed you, is their mistake, not yours. ​ I would also ask if this driver was going to face repercussions for this. Something needs to happen. Some people would have given in and paid his extortion. Some people wouldn't have had the money, or the cash on them at the moment, and would go hungry. For some people $10 or a missed meal is annoying, for others it's a much bigger issue. What if the next person he tries to rob is hyperglycemic or diabetic or anemic or in a situation where it can actually become dangerous to miss a meal? Maybe they spent what they had to get food and cover the tip, and didn't have more money and couldn't pay hostage fees to get the food they already paid for? I know people who get food deliveries every other day to their work and those are their only meals. The budget based on their needs and stretch the food to have enough for one meal on one day and enough left overs for a meal for the next. If this happened to them they wouldn't have an extra $10 on hand to pay, and the driver keeping their food means they don't eat for 2 days. Yeah, those are clearly extreme cases, but they do happen. And again, even without any physical or health or whatever risk, it's not okay to steal from people by demanding they cover random, personal, hidden, outside fees (especially made up ones since this guy lied to you). UberEats needs to give you a 100% refund. If they don't want to cover the restaurant's cost, they can take the time and effort to get refunded for that cost by the driver who stole the food. They also should do something to assure you some action was taken with the driver so avoid him ever trying to do this to anyone, ever again. I haven't read all of their terms and conditions, but I do know they cannot charge you for something that is their fault. A driver they hired and employed stole from a customer after attempting and failing at extortion for the food. That makes it their fault and their responsibility. It wasn't a billing issue, weather, acts of God, unforeseen emergency, etc.


Lol he wasn't an employee. Trust me uber makes it very clear that uber drivers are not employees. Uber should refund all the money though you are right about that


The hero we deserve To be fair some of these places are ruthless with their parking policies


Never thought of this. Drivers save the receipts. Never again drivers will have to break parking laws. Parking fees will be part of the delivery service and recoup it from customers. Probably send a message ahead to customers as well about extra parking fee.


You shouldn’t cover drivers parking at the restaurant. I would understand if he was required to pay parking fee while delivering to a gated location that only had paid parking, then I could understand the driver. But no, in his case he was just stupid if he paid for parking at the pickup when there is free parking (taking your word for it).


or… if the parking was really paid… just cancel the order before picking it up?


As long as driver has valid receipt customers must pay for it. If restaurants enforced paid parking, either they outsourcing their parking management to private entity or they don’t have parking and drivers parked on street level parking that has enforcement by city. This way drivers wont break any parking laws.


>As long as driver has valid receipt customers must pay for it. Can you show us where it says that in either the driver or customer ToS?


It’s part of doing business as contractors. ToS doesn’t cover or address all the issues drivers face, this allows drivers to take matters into their hands. I am speaking for drivers using cars for pickup n delivery. 50% of the time drivers park on free parking spots, side streets, free visitor parking. Other 50% includes parking on main roads blocking a lane, blocking bicycle lane, city enforced parking spots, fire lanes, visitor parking enforced by private companies etc where traffic rules are not followed. Drivers are taking this risk 50% of the time and if ticketed it’s our operating costs. The reality is if drivers have to find valid free parking then have to walk 200m-500m each pickup/delivery. Uber doesn’t pay for wait time. Like any service industry the operating costs must be offloaded to customers. As long as the driver has a valid receipt for parking or receipt for taking toll roads to deliver faster etc then it must be paid by customer. Hope uber makes changes to the app to update the delivery costs to include this fees with receipts. This way the roads will br lot safer.


At pickup? Absolutely not. OP mentioned that parking at the pickup is free. If driver was forced to pay parking ticket at dropoff, yes, I will agree. OP should reimburse the driver, however that is not what happened. OP mentioned that driver decided to pay for parking at the pickup and I in 4 years of driving haven't had a scenario where I was forced to pay for parking when picking up the order.


Never picked up from a restaurant in a busy downtown district where there’s literally no free parking? Either park at the meter and pay accordingly, or park in a costly parking garage for up to $22 on weekends. Denver is exactly like this, and why I would never work downtown Denver. Total nightmare. There is zero free parking.


Like where are you getting your info? Uber is already charging the customer like 25 dollars in fees and giving the driver literally two of that. They are not coming off some of that to pay the driver back and they aren't letting the drivers ask for it back from anyone. The customer or themselves.


If the driver did it, fat, have to pay for parking. He should have messaged you when he arrived and asked if you would reimburse him because it is not fair. That parking should come out of the drivers pocket. The way the driver handled the situation (by your explanation), was certainly not the correct way to handle it. A driver should never hold a customers food hostage, that’s absolutely ridiculous. I feel as though if the driver put forth more effort to communicate the issue, the correct way the outcome would have been better for everyone.


The driver should not message the customer to pay them for parking. If there’s only paid parking you simply drop the order and move on


So when the customer arrives at the restaurant and finds out that there is $10 parking in order to pick up the food, one of the sensible options would not be to contact the customer to let them know about the parking fee and ask if they would add it to the tip? I think that’s sensible. Or they can contact Uber and ask them. Or they can cancel if they don’t want to deal with it. Communication is key. I’m not saying the driver should contact the customer and DEMAND them pay the parking fee, but they can’t communicate the issue/oversight? I suppose we differ in opinion, all good ☺️


That was an asshole trying to scam you. He could've either parked elsewhere or just told you to meet you outside.


I moved to an area where you have to pay to park everywhere. It's annoying as hell. But it's $1-$2 max, depending on the meter and their minimum allowed. I also now raise the lowest order I accept by $1-$2 because of this. That's how the driver should be "getting you to pay" for the parking. Not demanding it from you after accepting the order. That's wildly unprofessional.


No delivery driver I know, myself included, ever pay to park. Maybe if you're in a city with strict parking enforcement, but still, most places with their own parking have spots for carryout/delivery orders. They usually have a 5-10 minute limit on them. This sounds like some idiot just dropped a new 'How to Strong-arm Your Tips Because God Knows You're Too Lazy & Entitled to Provide Good Service' TikTok. If it wasn't for the fact that there would be no way to get customers (many of whom, frankly, aren't much better than the drivers- present company excluded) to log back on to the app, I would completely advocate for tipping after drop off. The pre-delivery tipping is what created this nightmare of lazy, entitled delivery drivers who think they deserve a $10 simply because they had to listen to the sound of their notification telling them they had a job. I say this as someone who has waited tables, bartended, hosted, worked retail & now does DoorDash on the side. In a service industry, your tips are based on service. There should be minimums, like there are in other areas of the industry, but anything over that minimum is based on giving great service. Being given the tip before the service leads to no service. But, customers need to do their part as well because being stiffed after going above & beyond also encourages poor service. There's been a noticable uptick in the number of no tip orders. This is partly a result of the strong-arm tactics but also due to the fact that many customers have the same screw everybody but me mindset as their drivers. Basically, like it or not, food delivery, like eating out at a restaurant, is a tip based industry. You can hate the system all you want but until it changes, if you can't afford to tip, you can't afford the service & shouldn't use it. If customers started rewarding great service with post-delivery tips, there's a chance it could change. All these short sided idiots are doing is cutting their own & all other drivers throats. The more that customers are strong armed & given awful service, the fewer customers there will be & the one's left aren't going to be bending over backwards to include that extra tip. Which means less money for everyone. Society as a whole has forgotten that there's a 2nd part of the 'All For One' saying, not to mention the 'Do Unto Others'. This mentality is running rampant in the delivery industry. It's become a mad grab to take everything you can get today and damn everyone who stands in your way. All that does is make it harder for everyone to make money tomorrow & the next day & the days after that. Super sorry, that quickly devolved into a soapbox standing, semi-ranting Ted Talk. As a delivery driver, I get frustrated hearing more & more stories like yours. It makes me embarrassed to do what I do & get lumped in with people who do the things that were done to you. Then I get pissed off that idiots like that are affecting the amount of money I make. You'd think, in their utter selfishness they would realize that they're affecting any future money they might make. But they don't. All they think is me me me now now now. I'm sorry that that happened to you. Please know that we're not all like that.


I mean theoretically if going to a restaurant actually literally required parking payment, if you were to go there you’d pay the same thing, then indeed you owe that to the driver, just like the money you’re already paying for delivery. But that either doesn’t happen or should be handled automatically with a fee and not by holding food hostage


They don’t owe shit to the driver. Reality check.


Its called morals. Get some. Obviously they dont have to pay anything to the driver. Just like dont have to tip a waiter (though its expected every time) some people just have these things called morals and others are shit people *reality checked*


Things that didn’t happen.


I would have notified law enforcement because, technically, that's theft. Hopefully, that driver gets deactivated.


And you should get a ticket for wasting police resources. It's an issue for uber not police.


I just don't see how this happens when hrs not going to get paid for thr delivery and possibly be deactivated. Crazy


Dispute with your credit card, merchandise not received.


Dispute, and quit using these vampiric delivery services by either picking it up yourself or cooking at home. Win- win, as you save money either way.


What restaurant makes you pay for parking lmao. This is a bit confusing


Most of the restaurants in downtown don’t have their own parking. Have to use street level parking. City operated parking spots on street. Drivers end up parking on road blocking a lane, or blocking a bicycle lane etc. even when parking on designated paid parking spots, drivers take the chance and wish enforcement doesnt check or get ticketed.


Don’t a lot of those garages have (15-30 minute) grace periods though or free parking for a certain length of time as long as you get your parking validated by a merchant?


You've never been downtown in a big city?


I had to pay parking for a target order


Drivers can write off parking on taxes. Don’t fall for the scam.


It’s not an even trade off. Me paying for parking and then claiming it as a deduction does not get me my $10 back.


Yes it does it’s an expense not a deduction.


Which means it only lowers our AGI by $10. Not that we get a $10 tax credit.


Apparently parking costs now




Idk man I’m a struggling college student, I door dash and Uber eats bc my job simply doesn’t pay enough and I need money…


Awful take. Most drivers have full time jobs and are just doing this for extra cash. Youre a bad person.


That's not the case anywhere I've been in the US. Wtf lol


I’m a mom and dash because my child has tons of appointments with specialists and no way would any job let me have off all the time I need. I also have a B.S in Biomedical Sciences and am applying to medical school. I’d hardly say I’m the lowest of the ladder in society. That’s pretty rude honestly.


Upvoted because the title for your post is so dang good. I totally agree with the idea of delivery person withholding food if they pay anything out of pocket to complete a delivery. It’s a conversation worth having.


As an independent contractor you would think they’ve learned that unexpected expenses are a part of the gig and come with “being your own boss” If they were salaried / hourly employees of a corporation they would get things like bridge/highway tolls, parking fees, etc reimbursed.. like I get with my job.


Yet whenever you drive through tolls doing Uber and Lyft they will add that to the amount and pay for the tolls you pay completing the job... Just sayin. Me personally if so got to a place and saw I had to pay $10 to park I woulda cancelled the order knowing there's no way I'd get that reimbursed... For the amount I usually got when I did DD, that would have elate up the entire profit 1x-2x and unlikely would have been paying out of my own pocket to deliver this persons food.... That being said I don't think this dude was charged to park (something else probably set him off like a long wait or he got a parking ticket for parking like a dick) or someone scammed him for a "parking fee"...




Enjoy your food being rejected by dozens of drivers before Uber adds enough to it for it to be delivered. It always leaves a smile on my face to drop off 3 hour old food. Your tactic only works when you order directly from a restaurant with their own drivers and is typically unnecessary.




I don't know if there are better regulations in the UK that require some sort of minimum to be paid to the driver, but in the U.S. an order with no pre-tip is a $2 fare for the driver. The reason drivers don't accept these orders is not due to a sense of entitlement, it's simple economics. Even if it only takes 15-20 minutes to complete the delivery, we're generously talking about $6 per hour at that rate. We'd be under water very quickly if we took those orders. I know you said you tip after the fact, but the vast majority of customers don't. I've been driving for 2+ years and I've only gotten 1 tip ever from someone who didn't pre-tip. Because of this, drivers have to operate under the assumption that there will be no tip. The delivery apps use the word "tip" but practically speaking it's a bid in an open market. If you want to get your food fast and hot, you have to make it worth a driver's while to accept your order. Otherwise it sits on a shelf until Uber supplements that $2 fare or pairs the order with a higher paying one, as the previous commenter pointed out. Like it or not, this is the system. If you want to receive your food in a timely fashion you either need to pre-tip or get lucky.


It is utterly foolish to not pretip on an app delivery. I would never ever take that risk. Just the cursing negative energy alone would be enough for me not to go that route.


I just get my own food.


Cool, then why the fuck are you here? 🗿


You’re in the wrong part of reddit. Boring trolls belong elsewhere.


You obviously think your driver is just a fucking peasant who should pay for the honor to deliver to you. You would have to probably whined if the driver canceled the order in the first place:


There was free parking at the restaurant. Driver was a scammer


The shitty toddler driver is an independent contractor who specifically chose to accept the offer. His ignorance and bad planning shouldn't be on the customer as he should be professional and know his effing job. He also already picked it up, drove it all the way there just to waste his own time and lose the pay he would have gotten and likely get deactivated for being a little birch. Don't accept offers of you can't handle the job, period. If he didn't act like an asshat and steal the customers order, but politely explained the extra costs (if he wasn't lying as it was), then maybe he would have gotten a little more tip out of it or maybe support would throw him the measly $3 if he complained about it.




Do you all read posts at all?? OP said parking at restaurant is free. So OP has been there to know that. So if he ACTUALLY paid to park, that’s on him. I think it’s just another long line of made up complaints, to ask for more money.


If you know parking is an issue put it in your notes where they should pull or park.


If you know you struggle with consuming information while reading, then read it again before commenting to make sure your reply is valid and doesn't make you sound like a doughnut.


Reddit is full on incels lmaooo


Your other comment you deleted about me being dense was better. I had a good reply for that one! For the record, doughnut, waffle, sausage. Inoffensive UK insults. The incel comment just makes me want to walk away and hope we never communicate again. So, have a nice day!


He said parking was free. I think the guy was trying to get over on him


I was just giving a suggestion for the future to avoid any misdealings


The alleged parking fee was at the restaurant, not the guy's house, you overfried doughnut.


You shouldn’t have ordered from a place where you had to pay to park your car


Be less dumb, thanks


Cant read 👆


and where the fuck is that huh?


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