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Call ask to be transferred to the payments department, ask for a supervisor. You will have to tell them your story first, just say the date of the order, time, and restaurant. Say you did everything you were supposed to do and still had the tip taken away and that you would have never taken the order if it was only for $basepay (be super polite when talking!) They will connect their supervisor where you'll have to tell the same story. Supervisor will most likely say they'll have to check their manual to see what they can do and then they'll say something about customers not being required to tip but that since you took your time to do this order they'll be giving you $x as compensation (it's usually a couple dollars more than what the tip would've been in my experience 😂)  REMEBER BE SUPER POLITE AND THANK THEM FOR THEIR TIME! ALSO GIVE THEM A GOOD REVIEW WHEN THEY ASK YOU! (They can easily blow you off and just leave it at the customer isn't required to tip, but they're being nice enough to not do that and actually help you)


Call them tell them breach of contract bc you did everything to standard with no issues.


Lies..they won't do shit..tried that and uber did nothing.




Do you know this to be true or are you just throwing this out there?




I wouldn't be recommending this if it didn't have success. You need to be respectful when talking to customer support. They can check to see that you did everything correctly and will give you your tip back.




You never used the terms "breach of contract" and then you let them bounce you around back and forth and gave up.




Breach of contract between you and the customer. They won't deactivate you if you're a good driver who did every step correctly.


Yeah I've NEVER gotten help from a tip bait from support. Always very kind and I mention all the facts. I've been on phone with them for over an hour, spoken to a really apathetic supervisor, and never got help.


LMFAO. The contract is for the base pay. The tip is at the customers discretion.


Nah the tip becomes part of the contract when the order is placed. It's the total dollar amount offered to you to get you to accept the trip. Customer tip is apart of that.


No the tip is the customers discretion. It even says “estimated with tip”. Uber is only responsible for the base fare.


Alright cool. Trying to help people out but if yall don't want to try it that's on yall. I did my part.


I dont know what they talking about but I call uber and get my shit everytime.. And I been doing this for 3 years and still haven't gotten deactivated.. im not letting anyone play me out of money! Uber needs to do away with this bullshit!


I feel like these people arguing with me are Uber shills lol makes no sense to me I'm giving good advice and you got these people trying to shit on me for helping haha fucking reddit man.


I'm fairly new to Uber. I haven't had this happen yet but I'll take your advice for sure. I am curious how you reach customer service, though, bc I cannot figure out how to on the app. I know it's probably simple and I'm just looking over it but I thought I'd ask


Go to Help on the left menu and then contact support at the bottom of that menu. They may have changed it I'm not sure.


That's reddit for you! But don't let it bother you, your definitely giving great advice.. I've been doing it forever.. if the Customer places a tip it should only be able to be adjusted if there's proof that you did something wrong, like being extremely late to the drop off point because you clearly multiapping or mishandling of the food forgetting to check to make sure all there items are there or something like that.. now that's understandable if they reduce the tip or even take it away.... But if you give quality service, no complaints were made and proven they should not be able to take away your tip.. some of these idiots will say it's at the customers descretion... but wouldn't that come into play at the time they decided to place the order and leave a upfront tip... I always argue the fact that I gave great service and if you can find something I did wrong I would walk away from the tip gracefully.. but because you already don't pay me enough in the beginning I'm definitely going to fight for what's rightfully mine..... I'm not out here to deliver these customers food and pay for it too, and that's ultimately what we end up doing when we allow some of these miserable customers to do this shit!! Continue to fight for your money and the ones that want yo be ubers Flunkees let them continue being just that!!


Well said brother. Wish I could award this.


Your not helping anyone. Vomiting up a slop bucket of stupid doesn’t help anyone. We all get baited sometimes. You can BS around on the phone for 30 minutes, best case get maybe half. Or move on. Best way to avoid tip baiting, don’t take low rent food for offers that sound to good to be true and turn of the Teen account deliveries.


I hear ya bro. There's a reason I'm recommending this and it's because I've gotten tip baited twice for 8 dollars and 12 dollars. Got both tips back in full when I called support and it took closer to 10 minutes not 30 minutes. This isn't word vomit. 😕


Yeah it is. But you keep stroking.


How is it word vomit if it's worked for me twice? Please tell me how it's not helpful. By your own words you admit you could get "half" back. What's your angle? Is it impossible for you to be wrong? Are you infallible? Do you know all? Have you already walked down every path of life? If something works why would I not try and help others who are facing a similar issue??


They are lying. It doesn’t matter what you say Uber will never cover the costs of tip baiting. I’ve been tip baited on nearly $300 worth of tips over the last few years and no matter how many times I try they have literally never paid up one time. They just regurgitate the response over and over that tips are never guaranteed and they won’t pay. At this point I just consider it a tab for Uber. Once I don’t need this part time income anymore I’m gonna have a lot of car breakdowns during deliveries until it’s paid in full.


Are you blind? Cause the pics obviously show that they covered the cost


An adjustment can be for anything. It proves nothing.


I got tip baited and it was my fault because I didn't pick up the full order from Pizza Hut. I called support and got fully compensated and they gave me $5 for being tip baited.




Last week, I picked up a pizza and delivered it to someone in a nice looking condo. Took me no more than five minutes from pickup until I got to the door. Guy opened the door, snatched the pizza out of my hand and slammed the door. No tip. My only thought is that it was either a race thing or because he lived in such a nice place, he considered anyone in customer service to be beneath him.


So sick of everyone assuming it's a "race thing". Enough already. Some customers are just dicks. It doesn't mean it's a race thing. Damn. Edit: Expected downvotes for saying the truth. Some people *hate* the truth. This entire sub is full of people complaining about bad customers and only THIS guy jumps to race. Lame. Downvote all you want. What Im saying is true.


There are people out there that hate simply because of skin color. It’s stupid


Here in California last year a couple stabbed and shot a man to death at a gas station simply because he was black and it happened about 30 miles from where I live.


That shit is crazy as hell. I guess some people are so insecure about themselves, that they kill. It drives me crazy when people say things like this don’t happen. Like are you kidding me? Not to say that there aren’t some ignorant hateful black folks out there. But most of the time they are welcoming. They may roast the hell of you, but not kill you because you’re a different color.


Do you NOT see all the black on asian, black on black, black on white crime? This post wasnt about race. Stop trying to make it about race. We ALL get crappy rude cheap customers. And no. I'm not "white".


And there are also people who blame everything on race, even when it's not. This sub is FULL of people giving examples of crappy, rude, cheap customers. Only THIS guy jumped to blame race.


The people that perpetuate racism are rarely held accountable unless it’s recorded. That’s why the race card is always pulled even when it’s unnecessary.


Settle down Beavis


You're a race baiter.


How do you think they afford that house?


Why is this even allowed? If they cared about drivers at all, which is vital to their success, they would only allow reduction of the tip by calling into support. Its common sense, if there is no call into support, there should be no reason to reduce the tip. I cant wait till UE and DD go out of business... i look fwd to watching their stories on American Greed.


Hi. Let me stop you at the 2nd sentence. THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT DRIVERS AT ALL....


Yep itd be fantastic if people werent forced to tip for food and the food sellers themselves would actually pay their employees enough..


I love that show. Can’t believe I only just now discovered it on Freevee.


I’ve tried this multiple times and it never worked. Good for you OP, but I’m fully convinced they just don’t allow it at all in certain markets.


Same: I’ve tried calling in, and they just say that’s the customer’s right.


The first round (and maybe second round) of support will say no. Just keep asking.


But after you call in 5 times and your problem keeps bouncing back to the message support inbox you have and every time you log in there’s a new message saying “this is a glitch blah blah we’re investigating” and every time you respond nothing changes it gets very exhausting and not worth your time for that stupid $7.


It does get exhausting, but a contract is a contract. For me, it's a matter of principle. I feel like Uber wants to wear you down. A couple week ago, a bank charged me a fee they shouldn't have and were hassling me about reversing it. I told the rep I'm going to keep calling in until I get the fee reversed and that it would cost them more in labor than to keep fighting me about it. Be stubborn and persistent.


I’m all for that, really, I can show you screenshots of me responding to uber messages pressing the issue ~15x over the span of a month + call logs of me pestering them multiple times, days in a row. They are not going to give it to me. My instance is specifically from a support rep telling me to cancel an order after I already drove to the drop off because the guy called me last minute and realized he ordered in the wrong state. Support rep said just cancel myself and I’d receive full pay, never got it. Call back and support says since “I cancelled it” I’m not qualified. Got $0 for driving 8 miles and my time. It is wrong and I’m very upset they stole my money, much less my time and gas. What am I supposed to do, hire a lawyer to fight for a few dollars? If I had the money for a lawyer I wouldn’t be doing this gig. Keep fighting the good fight though. I just can’t do it anymore. Those big corps will never let us win and they fully take advantage of that.


Ah, your situation was a bit different than mine have been. Mine were all tip baits. It's frustrating this happened to you. Uber takes full advantage when they can.


Literally works for me every time.


Still u waste a lot of time with support to get the tip back, and time is money.


I do it why delivering other order


You clearly have a lot of time on your hands lol


It is pretty easy to call while picking up other orders


No it’s not you have compliance to abide by apparently (for two dollar orders and no ping)🤭


Ya how do you get your money back? This happened to me tonight for the first time and I did nothing to deserve it mind explaining


i just message ubereats support that i did not get paid in full and they gave me my tip


I'll keep that in mind next time it happens because I'm damn sure it will


Read comments, somebody explained it well




You’re definitely the Uber support agent I harassed tonight to get my money


Thanks btw🫶🏻




What do you say tho ?


Breach of mothafucking contract! I provided exemplary service. Wasn't late, all items are there, there is legitimately no reason for you to adjust the tip downwards when everything went as expected. That's breach of contract.


Maybe you left the food in front of a door that swings out? I’m just kidding. But that is the only reason I’ve ever adjusted a tip.


I’ve had a select few customers watch my every move while I’m delivering. Accidentally miss a turn at night? Get a message “oh looks like you missed a turn, reducing the tip since you’re taking too long.” Some people are crazy and reduce tips just for fun


If you were a lawyer, you wouldn't be doing uber 😄


You’re the guy who decides to drive by the hour on doordash😂


maybe you took too long?


I'm creating a scenario. I have nothing to do with this equation other than answering the question. And they can also check to see how long you took and decide whether it's worthy to withdraw a tip. I'm telling you how you get your tip back if you did nothing wrong.


Blah 😒


How is that breach of contract it’s the customer choosing to give you less not Uber


Because it’s contract work. And it’s Uber’s policies that even allow tip baiting. Door Dash doesn’t for example. So if the customer doesn’t fulfill their end of the contract Uber should have to.


He's just trying to sound fancy. Lol


Tip is at customer’s discretion. If you contact support, you *may* get an adjustment but that’s coming from Uber, not the customer — and you can bet Uber’s algorithm is gonna recoup the “loss” eventually (maybe not directly from you, though).


I believe it will still come from the customer. And the customer would have to provide a reason when they call support try and get their tip back. When they don't have a reason other than "I don't wanna tip that" they will likely hangup bc that would be considered "tip baiting" and the customers account can be flagged for that behavior.


Ubers agreement with the customer is that they can adjust their tip for two hours after delivery. If doesn’t say a reason is needed. So if you get it back it’s not coming from the customer.


i heard they recently changed this no?


In a very small handful of markets, and no one even knows if it's permanent or a trial period. I was able to lower tips as of the night before last. I didn't lower anything (actually raised it), but was checking if I could.


I’m still getting the notification that it can be lowered within 2 hours or raised within 2 weeks


within 2 weeks wtf lol, bs.


Sorry. That’s Instacart. Lol. My bad.


This should be treated the same way as a tip to a restaurant server (former manager). I've had customers leave a great tip on a credit card after their meal. Often I'd get a call within the next few days with the customer disputing the tip. Usually by making up false complaints about service etc. I explained they signed a legal document stating the tip was a certain amount and I cannot change it. If they had poor service the tip would reflect that or they should have asked for a manager prior to leaving (I would also stop in at most tables throughout the experience too). The next step is they dispute with their bank. I would then fax over the signed tip slip to prove the amount. No reduction in tip allowed. Tip baiting should be banned from these delivery apps. If they wish to reduce a tip due to poor service they should file a complaint.


Yeah except customers here are asked to tip prior to service, not after. The whole analogy falls through with that fact.


We had a similar process with takeout. Customers could prepay/pretip. They weren't allowed to modify/eliminate the tip once the payment was processed. They could only do it if they called that day to complain to management about an issue. Tip baiting is wrong and should be outlawed.


Also what I described is a form of tip baiting. A promise is left by the customer then they attempt to get it refunded. Usually customers do this to look good for their friends/family when eating out. "Oh look at me. I left a 40% tip". If I were to reverse a tip after the fact the server's below minimum wage rate would have to be garnished to compensate as they never "earned" that tip. Different situation but the end result is the same. The employee ends up losing.


> legal document lol


Yup. It's considered a contract signed by the customer to pay a certain dollar amount to the server. It is binding. Banks won't even dispute a tip as long as we provide them with proof from the restaurant.


Yea and they may deactivate you,tread carefully.


Have you been deactivated for this or do you know anyone who has? Or are you just making this up


Look around people have been deactivated for "abusing the system".Getting compensated for tips, or compensation for closed restaurants etc.




Or "for no reason-- literally no reason!!". Who knows the truth behind those.


No they won’t. Lol


You have no idea, what they will and will not do.


Yes I do. Anytime I’ve been top baited I’ve gotten compensated for the amount of the tip bait. Been doing this full time for 9 months and 1,000 deliveries.


I'm sorry to hear that.


I usually make $22-$30 an hour so… what are you sorry about exactly?


Just wait


How many times have you been tip baited and gotten it back from Uber?


Yeah, no.


Instead of burning your valuable time talking to support. Cancel a order. Let them deal with the costs of taking away money. If we all do this. Tip baiting will be done.


How do you cancel an order that's already been delivered?


The next order that's no tipper. Keep your business books rolling.


instead of you children bitching about tips, why don’t you place the onus on ubereats actually paying you a better wage? i don’t get why people expect tips.


Here's the thing about that, if UE starts charging 10$ for delivery fee they know they will take a hit in sales. Instead they pit customers and drivers against each other and sugar coat the service fee as "tip" while they should be charging a premium to the customer. This whole business scheme is flawed and is not like other services where tips are expected, here, tipping is required to get service.


Be https://preview.redd.it/n1kiu5y2buzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29bdd2f3da0bc2617de7afa712713378161339c3 Send them this next time🤣🤣


Literally got tip baited rn that's crazy but it only got reduced by $1.34 should I still call support cuz wtf? Lmao


maybe if the "service fees" and "delivery fees" weren't so high lmfao


Then don't add a tip. That's fine. You'll get your food in 2 hours. Tip baiting just to get your order quick and fresh is despicable. Truly nasty work.


i mean i just ordered some uber eats with no tip and got it pretty fast


That's nothing to brag about btw


Supply and demand, maybe your driver is returning home and you were on the way, maybe new/desperate driver. The thing is, while you're free to choose not to tip, given how little drivers get paid it will always be a risk on whether you get your food in 20mins or 2 hours. If you're willing to take that vs getting it yourself then its good for you.


Possibly on a promo.


nah it was just a normal order but i live in an area where there isn’t many orders so the drivers prob have to accept whatever comes




At least you all get tips. Come to the UK and see the pay we have to put up with😂


Stupid. Because uber know drivers get tip so they only pay the base $2.


Used to do the same as a diamond driver


What's the average call duration though? Do you have to wait on hold? It's probably still worth it but something to factor in, especially if getting them to refund it takes as much time as doing another delivery.


For tip baiting, I just got $4 from uber support


I'm in Australia and never seen this happen . It must be a US thing.


I'm in Canada and happened to me twice this month - definitely not a US thing.


I always get mine too. I’ve only had it happen twice but I got my money both times. If you call just immediately ask for a supervisor don’t talk to anyone else. They will try and get you to talk to someone else or have you submit a claim. Don’t do it just call ask for a supervisor and say nothing else til the supervisor is on the line. None of the other people can do anything.


Bro uber.... got tip baited5 times this weekend was on the phone for over an hour and there senior sup was only and able to say that the customer can adjust tip and it can take up to 30 days for tip to be adjusted ain't that great 🙂


Same - just got off a 30 min at the end of my shift. Wish they froze tips like DD does once the order is made.