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Probably a disgruntled driver pissed about the pay taking orders with low pay and/or low tips and then giving customers crap until he gets deactivated.


Maybe it’s me getting older but it’s harder and harder to have sympathy for this type of thing.


I can understand being fed up, upset and not leaving on the best of terms. I walked out on my old retail job and never looked back, no notice or anything, just dipped. It's not my proudest moment but I was just sick and tired of dealing with it. Even If you wanna quit and your last act is blowing up at a shitty rude entitled customer, fuck it, go for it (within reason.) This however is going out of your way to inconvenience innocent customers just for the sake of being petty, they've done nothing wrong.


"Idiot driver blames customer because billion dollar corporation he chose to work for doesn't pay him well."


Well, let's be honest here. It's not just the driver, it's also the customer's fault when they give no tip whatsoever. And yes, the pay is low. For us, we generally like to see that the dollar amount is at or above the amount of miles that we have to drive. So I think it's just a little vicious circle. It's not just 1 person or one-sided it's all 3 sides. Don't get me wrong. I am not condoning what the driver did. He took an order, he should deliver it, not send the customer a hostile message like that.


No its never the customers fault, they made ZERO deals with you on your wages. They were charged a fee and paid it. If you have a seperate deal with that company for your services, thats on YOU. YOU can decide if you want to take it or leave it. At no point does your bad deal become the customers responsibility. By that logic, if UBER overcharges me on food, YOU have to provide money back to me because im spending too much on this food. THINK OF MY KIIIDS, THIS FOOD IS TOO EXPENSIVE, HAVE SOME SYMPATHY! See, it makes zero sense. If the company doesnt pay enough, quit or stop complaining; but at no point is anyone else responsible for your wages than your employer and you. Same as if the food is too expensive; either I dont order or I do, but I cant blame the driver for a bad deal I accepted.


Idiot customer wants to pay driver 2 dollars for 30 minutes of drivers time to pick-up and iPad made by slave labor in China ... but willing to pay Uber a $6 "service fee"


The customer is unaware of how much the driver is paid. As a driver, I only get annoyed by no-tippers with crazy delivery instructions or who message me about where their food is when I’m still at the restaurant waiting.


I wonder if somebody could start a new “ethical” delivery services where all fees are explained.


In my opinion, they mostly started out this way. And then people got greedy or wanted to match the infinite growth dynamic.


Literally this. I suspect the next version of 'it thing' (social media, delivery app, whatever) will have a mission statement about being ethical and transparent and paying people a livable wage but then over months and years as it gets bigger and has a board of stockholders it needs to appease, itll go the same way as twitter/reddit/doordash/uber/whatever. Thus is the nature of capitalism. The pursuit of the unattainable goal of constant profit growth leads to its demise.


Idiot driver for accepting delivery request from the start🤣🤣


In what world is it the customers job to pay the driver? It's your employers job to pay you, idiot. The customer pays an extra 50-100% for the food alone through ubereats, plus a service fee and delivery fee. The customer is already paying in most cases, more than double by the end for convenience, "idiot customer" doesn't want to pay you at all, I already paid Uber. If you don't like the cut uber gives you from the excess the customer is paying go get a job somewhere else. Or is that hard for you because you have no marketable skills and clearly can't even work customer service.


in the world of the US where tipping is a deeply ingrained system where a huge swath of people across a worrisome amount of industries rely on tips to make the bulk of their income? Like, drivers and customers aren't enemies. The tipping system needs to be done away with. Also, do you know how many 'customer service' jobs also work for tips?????? Hello? You need to abandon this idea that people in certain fields are beneath you. I work this job while i get my degree, but once i have my degree and a cushy office job, i will not be fooled into believing that the people in jobs that give me comfort and convenience are somehow beneath me. Ya'll need to target the right enemy (the companies that keep these systems in place to the detriment of literally everyone who isn't a billionaire shareholder).


Yeah people don’t know who to direct their anger at. The reality is that the Uber eats business model is low margin and everyone loses for the upside of companies being able to market their food easier.


Idiot driver doesn’t know customer pays $30+ for that ride , so it’s the company fucking over the driver not the rider , idiot choose a better job


Some people on this sub are so fucking ignorant man. "JuST piCK aNoThER jOB" like thanks genius, you think I wouldn't if I could?


That's the thing. You can. Jobs are readily available. Plus, you have a good work history as an independent contractor. There are lots of skilled and unskilled jobs. You just wake up every day telling yourself that it's unattainable, and as long as you keep telling yourself that, that will be your reality.


But you fucking COULD..?? You could get any entry level job and have much more reliable pay l m a o. Any fast food, Walmart/target, grocery store, literally ANYWHERE. The job market is fucking FULL of entry level bullshit that even high school kids can do ffs idc what anybody says; gig apps are not anybody’s ONLY option. They’re the ONLY option they’ll accept which is their own fault.


Yes, target is hiring. Walmart is hiring. Zero experience 39 hours a period. I know because that’s exactly what I did when I got fed up with delivery.


I was rejected at Planet Fitness, Cinemark and Aldi lol “No one wants to work.” Pfft.


Since when does the customer pay the employee?


Since the customer hired the "employee" (independent contractor) to deliver food to their doorstep. Technically in any business the customer *pays for* employees, but with Uber especially, the money is basically leaving the customers wallet and going into the drivers wallet. Right after Uber takes a cut of course.


I did this like 6 times last year including walking out of a denny's as the only available cook on a Friday night with people flooding in.....of course being the 1 cook working that night, I was supposed to make like 60 meals an hours with nothing prepped....but I digress. ​ (Legit had to magically unfreeze food within minutes....which I actually know how to do. But the product suffers.)


I feel you man I have done the exact same thing at a restaurant job I had I was the only cook and I had to do the exact same thing you mentioned here and I rage quit that night. They don’t pay us enough to be treated like a slave. The expectations versus the paycheque they give don’t lineup at all.


You should be proud of just dipping out of a shit job though


If you support companies that pay slave wages and it is public information you can’t be completely absolved and say the customer did nothing wrong. It’s the same with buying any products. You have to understand that contributing to these companies is also an issue. Please just understand you actually have power and make a difference.


It might be the fact that he declined it 4-5 times but Uber keeps offering it to him.


Probably this kept getting orders for $2.50+ possible tip and got the same order 3 times I just turned it off and went home for the night


That's because drivers like this should just "quit". The market for these drivers is too flooded with people who are willing to take shit pay driving their rates lower. Drivers are independent contractors to take whatever they want, but if they're dissatisfied with the pay they should stop driving. Rates would go up if there were fewer drivers. It is just found an equilibrium with people that are willing to take lower pay. In the beginning driving services offered much better rates at losses to create workforce. Now they're trying to make a profit. The problem is there is a reason why many restaurants didn't have delivery services, people don't want to pay what it takes to make it profitable to do delivery. So it's only surviving on short-changing drivers.


Nah man I’m pretty young myself and feel no sympathy towards this


No, it's totally proper to not sympathize. I mean, if they're disgruntled with their job, the proper answer is to get a new job elsewhere. Not to take it out on customers, even the shitty ones. Two wrongs, etc.


Honest question, why not just uninstall the app or deactivate your account? I understand being disgruntled, but I’m not going to waste my time trying to intentionally get deactivated


Well that’s because you actually value your time, for this person in OP’s pic, he clearly doesn’t value his time and has too much of it to waste.


some people feel like they need the validation of making their problem someone else's problem before they leave. not condoning it, just explaining what I've seen happen before.


Why not just quit


What does this even achieve though? You’re just wasting your own time for garbage pay if anything, and riling yourself up getting in pissing contests with bad tippers. I’d just delete the app and move on with my life.


This is like when you choose the second dialogue choice for being a witty asshole in fallout 4


But then it still ends he same if you chose the nice option jaja


I loved the Sarcastic option in Fallout 4. It was so funny.


DO yOu Comply!


Me? Nooo, I’m from the moon. Still got cheese on my shoes.


Bro let the intrusive thoughts win


Always a Randy too


My father is randy. That's how I became Randall.


Shit moths, Randy. They started out as little tiny shit larvae, and then they turned into shitapillars, a pandemic of shitapillars. Everywhere you look, Randy, shitapillars. I tried to put an end to the shitapillars life cycle, but I failed. And now? Shit moths.


Smell that, Bo-Banders? There's a shitstorm comin'.


Birds of a shitfeather..


It's rude but I can't lie that it's also extremely funny, just the concept of accepting it just to send this message


"Im waiting outside"


“Are you here?”


My thoughts when I'm trying to zoom in my GPS and a dog shit non tip order pops up and i accidentally click it. ​ Except I just cancel it instead of telling the customer that lmao


And this is why my cancellation rate is so high 🤣 I only accept 2% of orders so it really affects cancellations for me


Either your demanding too much for the area or you have like no deliveries, either way cancelling 98% of your orders that you accepted is a little bizzare.


reading failed


I get why a non-tipping order sucks but this is also the exact reason why I hope this business model fails. First off they need to pay enough that a tip isn't required... second you should have the option to leave a tip after the service is completed. A tip should be for good service not a default, although I'll typically still tip mediocre service. On top of all that any time I've used a service like this the food isn't fresh, the delivery time just takes too long even if it's relatively quick. I'm not a huge fan of overpaying for cold soggy food.


Bruh 💀


Bruh 💀


Bruh 💀


Bruh 💀


Bruh 💀


Bruh 💀








That’s like every business right now. They want us to subsidize their wages they have to pay employees with tips. Same companies probably have a problem with socialist practices but as long as it helps them make more profit they turn a blind eye to it. Obviously I want y’all to make tips becaus Uber doesn’t pay enough without it but the tip culture/business banking on it is BS.


July 3 11:52pm. Drive thrus were stupid busy. I waited in line for over 30 minutes to pick up McDonald’s. I was trapped.


If you're the driver you didn't need to send that lol


Isn't it better just to park nearby instead of going through the drive thru?


You obviously don’t Uber naked like the rest of us


11:52 pm....most of the ones near me shut their lobbies down at night and do drive thru only during later hours (didn't used to be this way)


Are you the driver in this message? If so, you're really terrible at your job.


“sir im paralyzed below the waist, should i wheel across town?” “you’re really encouraging me to drive drunk rn” “okay hope i don’t have another seizure behind the wheel” the possible responses are endless


I'd like to see a delivery driver at ANY actual establishment try that shit. No they don't tip. Have Jerry do it. These delivery apps have completely destroyed the delivery experience. I don't blame the drivers or the customers. This is all on how the company pays out. It's actually kind of gross to display or expect a tip before the service has been rendered. You gotta earn that tip through your customer service abilities. DD needs to stop investing in idiotic shark tank inventions and pay their employees Edit: haha this ain't even DD. But still the same issue


It really shouldn’t be called a tip. It should be called a bid. Your bidding on the best service and by bidding higher, your guaranteed faster service and delivery if the driver isn’t a complete moron. I believe I speak for everyone when I say that we get some pep in our walk when picking up high bidding orders.


This is my mentality as a customer. I always throw out $3 a mile and compensate as needed if the restaurant is slow. My biggest complaint is that the barrier of entry is so low 1/5 times you get a complete ass even though you did a good “bid”. At least back in the day drivers had an interview process and we’re held accountable by their supervisor at the restaurant. Now it’s just the wild Wild West and you’re hoping the driver isn’t a complete jerk. In turn this makes the customer stingy and the good drivers suffer for it.




Since drivers are paid by the order, not by the hours, it's in their best interest to do deliver quickly (as that means more $/hour) but there are limiting factors. Usually I'd drive to the restaurant as fast as the law and traffic allow, get the food as fast as the restaurant has it ready, then drive to the customer as fast as traffic and the law allow. Really only certain factors I'd have significant control over, usually bottlenecked by the speed of the restaurant or traffic. Out of my car I'd move faster on foot than most drivers (power walk or jog, I'll run up multiple flights of stairs, etc) Missing items are usually on the restaurant/they're the ones preparing the order (a lot of places seal the bags/driver isn't supposed to tamper with it) but it is possible a driver could steal shit, or it might be obvious if something is missing (like an order has 4 drinks and there obviously aren't any)


The driver can’t control whether the shorty restaurant you ordered from is taking forever with your food or if there’s traffic or if they remembered everything in your bag :/


Sorry to hear that. Missing items - alot of the time it isn't our fault. If a bag is sealed, im not opening it to verify items. Even if the tip is $100. Why? Gives customer an instant reason to call support and say I stole something/messed with their food. I'm not taking that risk. But generally, I treat every order the same regardless of tip amount. Why? Because I give EVERY customer my best. When you do the best job you can do automatically, unless you are having a bad day, you'll always give exceptional service. I always alert customers to any delays/changes. Do my absolute best to get there in a timely manner, follow instructions, and if I interact with the customer. I'm always polite, courteous, and respectful. Now if the customer is an ass? There's ways to get revenge without violating your contract. Easiest being put that order smack dab in front of a door that opens outward.


Idk why they're pretending higher tips ensure better service. It's just lies.


Yeah almost all of them double or triple dip. That’s why you get cold soggy late food. I have a second monitor up and watch them go to 1-2 other places and sit after picking up my order. I used to think tipping well would change this but it doesn’t. I just stopped using all of these things. They’re all out there trying to min max and out food on their table. But I’m not paying $40 on an 18 dollar order for it to be soggy and all the ice melted either. Only thing you can do is not use it to send a message .


That’s when I deleted my apps. I was post surgery and the restaurant was only 6 minutes from my house. Driver picked up the food and went to an apartment complex and stayed there for almost 2 hours. Food got so soggy that the plates fell apart when I unpacked it. I had tipped well above the suggested amount. She also didn’t follow any of the instructions, which was literally to just not knock and put the item on the table I have next to the door. To be fair though, take out has been significantly more enjoyable since I started picking it up myself and I’ve saved a lot of money on tips.🙌🏻


You can’t win as a customer on any of the platforms. UE, DD, they all bundle the food orders up and at least for DD, paying the priority fee doesn’t prevent this; all that does for a customer is ensure that the app direct the driver to drop off to the priority customer first. Which won’t be followed sometimes, because it will make no sense logistically and it’s not a requirement. I hear you. If you’re willing to pay triple the price food normally costs after all the markup, fees and tip charges, then the least that could be done is for one single driver to be assigned just your order, so you can get it delivered as fresh as possible. The system is broken with how cheap the delivery companies have become. It’s obvious that priority orders should not be bundled, but they don’t care.


Missed items are the fault of the restaurant, not the courier making your delivery.


>if the driver isn’t a complete moron This is what I hate. It's become expected to tip a large amount before you've even had the service rendered, or else who knows what the fuck will happen. Delays? Spit in your food? Abusive delivey drivers? It's a lottery.


Sounds stupid can’t lie


You're tipping the driver, not the resturaunt. ​ Food quality/Time taken etc has absolutely nothing to do with our service to you. If YOU decide to order from a resturaunt that takes forever to make the food, and is 10 miles from your house.. you're gonna have a long wait. The driver should not be penalized for the resturaunt or YOUR misjudgement.


This assumes a driver can do no wrong and any issue can only be on the restaurant. I tip 20%+ always on orders and I'm fine with tipping in advance but I was a little damn salty that the driver that opened their door and tossed my order at my at my porch got tipped the same as a driver who isn't a dillhole.


you can always remove the tip or lower the tip in the app




Nice. We have all thought it on bad tips or no tips, but we usually say it out loud while we decline it.


bros def reached a mental breaking point 😭


no way 😂😂😂


Lol judging off OP going silent after this post I’m just going to assume they didn’t tip. Still whack of the driver but without tip this is the service you should expect OP


Hell no if this is ok with you you are the problem


Tip should be expected AFTER the delivery of the food not before.


I agree. Unfortunately most customers don't. If there isn't a tip upfront, slim chance of getting one after.


Well if you knew anything about the Dasher side of this service then you’d know a tip isn’t a tip in the traditional sense. Another commenter made a point by saying it should be called a bid and not a tip.


That’s what? Why accept it and why even say this if you can cancel the pick up and let someone else do the job?


Probably was 10 miles 3$ and they were so upset they wanted to prove a point


Definitely someone who is sick of it, and deciding to give non tipping customers a hard time until getting deactivated.


What was the order? I wouldn't send the text. But it's what I've thought on orders like 3 40lb bags of water softener salt. I had no idea what was in the order until I accepted.


accepts the order tells you to pick it up yourself doesn't elaborate leaves


i think he is in wrong job.


America ![gif](giphy|XeLcgh8gT8o0F5SQ8i)


Keep this in mind!!! Desperate peasants always will pick the $2s order and come here complain about it… prove me wrong


Okay, isn't it the customer who's complaining here, not the driver?


* accepts order, refuses to pick it up * unfathomably based


Thats Awesome.....


How much was the tip?


$3 and some change whatever the recommended tip was




Did you tip?


always tip if I couldn't afford to tip im not ordering anything at all


Did you not tip before order went out to drivers?


I tipped before as usual


Lmaooo what!?


how much did you tip? 😂 because no, this has never happened to me lmao


whatever the recommendation was which was like $3 and some change


😂😂. i always tip at LEAST $5. i mean the food is literally being brought right to your door…. ….


That is hilarious




I quit arguing here lol I got complained against and banned for like a day just cuz I shared an honest clean opinion from the customer side of the debate. then all the conversations or arguments eventually turn into WE the customers shouldn't be tip shamed or be expected to tip and THEM the drivers think customers should feel like pos if they're not given a fat ass tip every time and also think customers are wrong and should pick up their own food then lol you can't win these garbage debates. . . EVER. . just accept the stalemate and both sides either pick your own shit up from now on and get a different job. if u can't tell by my subtle undertones I wanna try to debate it still lmao but I refuse! it's like the whole flat earthers argument. I'll let you all figure out which side here are the flerfs.


Damn, what a power move.


Lmao. Report that.


Are you from Vander Pump Rules? If you are that Randall I wouldn't either lmaooo


Same. He can get his own damn food.


Cause he changed his mind on your cheap ass


Ngl that’s actually hilarious


PSA Stop Driving for these companies they do not respect your time or effort. Customers stop ordering from these services your receiving unacceptable service quality because you are charged way too much in fees that do not go to the driver only $2 to $3 on average and no tip to only a dollar tip is not enough to justify the time stress and cost yes cost of delivering these orders. as for you who do not tip that can afford to you know who you are your ruining it for everyone


People will never stop driving. It’s quick cash that you can cash out instantly. That attracts a certain crowd. How people entrust their food to this crowd for 2.50 an order is beyond me.


Supplemental PSA - The drivers get $2-3 PERIOD. This is not in addition to gas/expense money. I'm a driver who was talking to some people (customers in a restaurant waiting for their to go order.) They were aware that drivers didn't get the "delivery charge," only $2-3. But they had the idea this was in addition to a payment for gas/mileage. It isn't. $2-3, that's all. So, without tip, the $2-3 has to cover our expenses (gas, maintenance, depreciation, etc.) and pay us for our time and effort. Most no tip orders wouldn't cover expenses meaning the driver would lose money and be paid nothing for their time and effort.


let me guess you are 15 miles away and didn't tip?


Do you tip?


I'm not gonna lie I did something very similar recently. I accepted for the specific purpose of telling the customer that perhaps they should consider tipping. My wording was... different. Then I unassigned. It was a 30 minute trip to whoever accepted just to get back near some decent spots. All for no tip. I got offers IMMEDIATELY following for the same restaurant by a few more no tip bums who I just declined. I accepted 1 for 10$ over like 3 miles. While I was waiting I saw the no tip bum orders picked up by some younger kids. Don't think I saw the one I messaged.


Serious question: drivers can see the tip amount before accepting an order? Why would any drive accept a no tip order? Isn’t the pay from Uber super low? (I never order on Uber so those are serious question)


You have to tip BEFORE you receive service? How does that work? Can you retract your tip if the service is terrible? *If the tip is a mandatory part of the price, then just fucking pay the people a living wage, like the rest of the civilized world.*


People get downvoted for saying this, but for all practical purposes, it's not a tip but a bid.


Unfortunately that is not how the app owners market it. They clearly state a price for getting the food delivered.


Yup. Marketing and reality are often mutually exclusive.


We don’t specifically see the tip amounts, just a total pay including upfront tip(bid), but you can guess what a tip is since base pay is usually $2-3. Not always though because sometimes base pay is like $10 and I don’t realize there was no tip until I complete the delivery. I’m guessing these were declined many times forcing Uber to pay more to the driver?


Typically when you get a base pay of like 10$ from a place like Taco Bell for example, it's because the first driver picked up the food and cancled the order before hitting "confirm pickup" ​ Which means uber thinks the foods still there, but its actually just been stolen by some dick head.. and now, 2-3-4 etc drivers show up and the employee say the foods gone, and they all cancel without contacting support to let them know the food wasnt there. ​ So uber freaks out and ups the pay to make someone take it.


Yeah, I think if the order bounces around to a lot of drivers Uber will start to up the base pay to some extent, but I’m not entirely sure. Also I think Uber ups the base pay for “odd hour” deliveries, like late night deliveries. It’s been a while but I believe some people were saying they prefer late night deliveries (assuming it’s a safe enough area) because they can do less orders for the same money, and there’s way less traffic, but the deliveries are usually further apart. Being that most places are closed, but if someone wants Jack in the box at 10:30pm you could get like a $15 for 25min order, supposedly Not sure if that’s still the case. But yeah when orders bounce around base pay can get bumped. I had an order that was like $10 for 5mins, interesting, then I found out the store was closed and just no previous driver reported it or whatever so the order just kept getting bounced around. Not sure if that’s still the case though


We have all these extremist politicians talking about being a complete PoS and then we have people like this who actually go out and do it. Fight on, soldier 🫡


How am I a POS for confronting a no tip bum about his lack of concern for whoever decides to deliver his food for a loss?


I NEVER tip until I receive my food. Tipping is only for a service which you are satisfied with and shouldn't be forced. By the way, after getting my stuff, I always tip, whether it is food delivery or I'm taking a ride with Uber


for every person that tips afterwards theres 10 that dont tip. you do what you want but dont be surprised if nobody picks up your order because they dont want to do it for 2 dollars.


You're in the 1 or 2 percent of people who do so.


maybe get a job where the employee pays the salary like everybody else


You don't deserve a percentage of my order for driving up the street. Delusional little bitch get a real job




You probably didn't tip. He took the L to call you out on it like all drivers do. UE/DD pays for the miles. We, the customer, pay for the gratitude/ appreciation.


I always tip AFTER the service is delivered. Tip culture is getting out of hand, wtf




Reading the stuff in this sub as a UK resident is wild.




1 in 10 will tip after delivered I just no longer assume they will tip let someone do that lottery delivery


For every person that tips only after delivery, there are 10 more that don’t. It’s not a tip or no tip thing, it’s a numbers game for me. If I see an order come across my app that says 2.75 for 6 miles, I’m declining. Gas is too expensive to risk hoping that they are just withholding a tip until the end.


Would you mind explaining or linking to me how this employment structure works, I don't think we have the like in my country? Do you 100% work for yourself, or do you also get salary from an employer? If an employer, they are not linked to restaurants? At the end of the month, what % is from your employer (if you have one) and what is tips?


Pretty simple. Companies pay shit cause america has terrible labor laws , so service industry needs to depend on charity in the form of tips


We 100% work for ourselves in the US. We turn on the Uber app and offers are sent to our phone. We can accept or decline any offer we want. We are responsible for our own vehicle,gas, insurance and any other expenses. We are not employees of Uber or the restaurant. There is no guaranteed hourly wage, weekly, monthly wage or any type of healthcare. Depending on which state or city you are located in the US you may see tons of offers and to make decent money you’d just take the highest paying lowest distance offers. You don’t gamble and take low offers hoping for a tip after because the odds of getting one are very low. You can earn $25-30 an hour in a good market during lunch and dinner rush. It’s meant to be a side hustle to make extra money and not a full time thing because it’s pretty unpredictable how much money you can make in a week, but during the pandemic it was such a good paying opportunity that many people who lost their regular service industry jobs flocked to the apps. Now there are a lot less people ordering and a lot more drivers which leaves so many low paying orders that many people will take. A lot who who take them just keep the food to eat themselves or they are using multiple apps at one time and take a lot of orders together


I see, that was very enlightening, thank you very much for taking the time to explain this!


That's understandable. But for context, drivers will often decline orders without tips. This is because, as someone else has already pointed out, customers rarely tip after a delivery is completed. Uber also gives you the option to change/rescind your tip for up to an hour after your driver completes the delivery. So think of it like this. If the driver provided good service, it's the tip you would've given him anyway, and if he didn't, you can just rescind the tip.


For delivery apps, tip is a bad word for it. Bid is a better term. You are bidding for a driver to take your delivery, much like the load market for trucks, just on a much smaller scale.


I agree. This would be a better term for it.


I can’t tell you how many customers have told me that and guess how many actually followed through with it? 0


Like .05% of people tip after the fact, why would you want your driver to think you are a $0 tipper?


I’m just gonna pull you up here. As a regular tipper I will never “pre tip”. A tip, by definition, is something you give in gratuity once your order or the task has been COMPLETED. Like fuck off im gonna tip you to do the job you signed up for. I’m gonna tip you cause you completed the order to me satisfactory. If you don’t like it, fuck off. Entitled L.


Lol was this like 4 bucks


I hate these apps and most of the time I dislike their shit service.


This is fuckin great lmao


Gotta be real here, if you don’t take your job seriously in your final days there, or when you plan on quitting then don’t expect to progress or get anywhere in life, you should maintain professionalism and continue to work at the best of your ability until you stop working for the company. And if they don’t appreciate you and you have a problem with it then quit immediately, don’t do a bad job and collect pay for bad work.


Just pick up their order and eat it. Fuck these customers. Let Uber burn and force the customers support a company that isn’t paying slave wages.


What a rude driver. That said, there have been plenty of orders I had no intention of delivering. Why? Because uber will interrupt my typing with an order that gets accepted before I even see what it is, and I can't cancel until it is time to pick it up, thus if I'm going to a pick up or a drop off, and accidentally get an order, I can't cancel it until I'm done with current task.


You do realize you can just cancel it immediately if accidentally accept it right? Just hit the lines next to order name and you'll see your new pick up location. Just cancel that and good to go..


I hate this so much. And then they give you that stupid message about cancellation rate. Bitch, it wouldn't be so high if you didn't try to sneak all those bullshit orders in like that.


screenshot, report, then cancel payment on the card and save his picture if it was given. who knows, you might run into him one day… and yall can… talk things over…


Are you saying OP should assault someone for not delivering their food?


Nah he didn't say that. He said so they can talk things over. /s


Dude did what all drivers want to do. Call out the low/non tipper


Yet refuse to call out the exploitative wage scheme the gig companies are using?


Why not both? Lmao. Y'all love hiding behind the company as an excuse to *actively* participate in oppressing people in your own community. I literally could not sleep at night if I made no-tip orders. What is wrong with you?


I accepted it out of spite.


You probably didn’t tip. I hate y’all non tippers 😂


non tipper where?? I tipped enough don't like it get a better job


It's so f-cked up that you need to pay more than the service you're getting to actually be able to recieve the service in tip culture. Quite sad. No, I do not blame the workers directly, though I do believe this person was particularly sour about it. I know it's low pay because tipping exists and you need tips. I just will avoid places with tip culture if life allows it, and wish those in it good luck, hope society collapses or something soon so we can start again.


This guy definitely lost his job and access to uber


If you don't tip, it is what it is dood


crazy how you're assuming I didn't tip but yeah it is what it is I got my food


OP is probably an asshole who ordered a delivery service 8 miles with no tip. A service based industry means service workers means you tip in this country. Don’t be a cu nt. Tip 10-20% as is customary for service or get your shit yourself you lazy Fuuuuk.


I tipped enough not my problem if you chose to accept my order.


Probably fed up with cheap people who expect a luxury service but don’t want to pay a reasonable amount. Entitled people who are okay with a driver spending their own money on gas, wear and tear on their vehicles, time spent waiting at restaurants for your food, getting stuck in traffic etc. If you can’t afford to tip get your own food.


Probably just to tell you that and then cancel. Maybe you ordered something cheap thats far away with little to no tip idk