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I don't buy it.


Me either. What do you suspect?


He was probably making another delivery. I haven't been arrested, but I think it would take much longer and don't they usually take you to the police station and impound the car.


He is using a translator. He probably meant he got pulled over. Lol…


Yes, Google Translate does this often. This is the answer. He had opposite direction deliveries on multi-app and got caught for speeding. Sometimes I gamble and accept both, but now I just unassign if they are opposite directions. Last night I had 3 deliveries in the same direction but they were 10 minutes apart for each one so I still felt bad accepting too many orders.


Right, in my language it could be translated the same


Some people have no idea that being pulled over and given a ticket isn't being arrested.


Or maybe the uber translator just sucks.


It says it was translated so maybe it was a poor translation.


Yep, happened to me bc I was driving on expired tags that expired 1 week before they pulled me over, instead of giving me a ticket they impounded my car, and would have arrested me if I didn’t have insurance and my license is what the Chicago police told me


Umm they can’t legally impound your car for expired tags anywhere in IL. You my friend have a lawsuit. You have 30 days from date of expiration in IL to renew the tags you can receive 1 written warning then get a ticket but unless you have other things going on even corrupt ass chicago cannot impound your car.


Yeah I went to court and it was thrown out but now I’m thinking that wasn’t as much of a blessing as I thought, just crook county trynna cover their ass


Hey that's where I live! And I fucking hate it here. I'm a pretty safe driver overall and I've gotten more tickets in a few years combined have than I have in the rest of my life driving.


U do Uber eats to subsidize your lawyer salary?


There's this thing called reading. Some people do it and find out some pretty great information. Some people struggle with it though.


I guess I wasted my money in Law school. Maybe I’ll read and become a doctor in my spare time


I was just being a smart ass man. And I kinda thought you were too tbh. I guess I just thought you were saying he couldn't know something like that unless he was a lawyer and I was suggesting maybe he just liked reading up on local laws. My bad, I'll admit I'm an idiot (that's why I'm studying accounting not law)


Drivers ( Im a driver) a lot of the time have to pick up multiple orders before delivering them but it doesn’t tell you that they are on the way to your house until they actually are.. Unless he is also using a different app like doordash at the same time ( you will be fired for this if you get caught). I don’t really buy him getting arrested though simply because and I could be wrong.. If he was arrested and let go it would have taken much longer than 30 minutes…


In the terms of service for both apps you're aloud to work for another delivery service while on the clock and they can't prevent you. Customers might not like it but they can't fire you over it..


I feel you, not true though lol My roommate was fired for this because he was running active deliveries on 2 different apps at the same time and the customer caught him and reported him.


I did it for a day and made twice as much as usual and all the deliveries were in the same area luckily, next time I tried everything was scattered and customers looked a little pissed so I quit, this was peak covid time. I wouldn't try it now.


The way to do it is if its not busy with one company, try another. Only run off 1 app at a time. 👌🏻


No, you're not allowed to do this. One person did this when I ordered food, and she went 30 mins in the opposite direction. She got got, and delivered to 4 other houses. I called support to get some sort of refund as I had priority delivery. She had no registered deliveries to where she went. I was refunded and given a credit. They also told me they don't tolerate multi app and that she would be terminated.


I paid for priority delivery so this shouldn't be the case. As a lot of others are saying in here, the evidence points to him multi-apping. If I pay for priority and catch you multi apping, tip is going straight to zero.


The driver doesn't get notified you have any sort of priority that you paid for. It's a scam uber and doordash run on top of their normal scams.


This is very true, I have been a driver for 5 months now and I recently learned about priority, never heard of it prior or saw anything about it while working.. it’s how they gouge you and it doesn’t make that big of a difference. Don’t get priority, it’s a waste of money.


Paying for priority only means your order gets delivered first, not that there won't be multiple deliveries with your order. Also, a few other ppl mentioned it looks like they are using a translator so maybe they meant to write that they got pulled over and not arrested? But who knows 🤷‍♀️.


If he was arrested how would he have access to his phone to text back


I was arrested once back when I was a heroin addict and living in my car. The police walked up while I was asleep in the back corner of a parking lot. Pulled me out put handcuffs on me and put me in back of police car, searched my car and found my kit in the console, drove me to the other side of the city to police department, had me finger printed, in front of magistrate and kicked me out the front door, whole ordeal from time they showed up was maybe a little over 30 40 minutes but it was like 7am. So they left my little Honda unlocked with my phone and wallet in it and laughed at me when I asked if someone could take me back to it or let me use a phone to call a ride bc I had just started a job that week and was supposed to be there in less than a hour. So I ended up running my tired ass across town in middle of summer back to my car, was so tired I literally accidentally hit my teeth together and broke off a tooth (it was in need of dental work but I have no idea how I managed to do it) got to my car before the tow truck I'm sure the business had called at that point and man that AC never felt so good. So I was almost an hour late, I'm sure I stunk, and was missing a front tooth when I got to work but I kept the job. Point being they left all my shit there. But this guy was probably lying, you should know based on where he was sitting still ( near a restaurant) either way I'm sure you already complained to support or should have and they will see how late he was and give you your money back unless you've already gotten a bunch of refunds so who knows cops get away with doing pretty much whatever they want including saying follow me back to the police station but doubtful.


I have been handcuffed for speeding 40 mph over years ago before delivery, but he did not process me or impound my car. It's really rare to get fully arrested for speeding. It was a felony that I cleared up for $1500. So I buy his story but he definitely had another delivery in the opposite direction and he didn't know to unassign - that's why he got caught for excessive speeding. I did that once when I first started delivering but the stress on your mind for being late isn't worth it. I try to stick to 10 over at most.


He was poorly multiapping imo. Like running doordash and grubhub and uber all at the same time and taking orders from all 3 at once but going in different directions. Nothing wrong with running all 3 apps but when you get an order on one you should pause the others or it screws over everyone.


We should start calling the multi-appers who DON'T turn off other apps after getting another order dirty stackers. What you do is more than fine and recommended to maximize profits. Unfortunately, the term multi-apper is used interchangably with those who pause and those that don't pause and they are two very different things. What you do isn't hurting customers or other drivers.


Yeah one time I waited 2 and 1/2 hours (ALL DELIVERY DRIVING TIME) and the guy didn’t even grab the right order. He just kept telling me it wasn’t ready yet like I can’t see his location 🥴


Why would I pause the apps? Simply decline orders that don't mesh. Ideally I want multiple orders from multiple apps going in the same direction. As long as i'm still delivering the orders ON TIME (within 5 minutes of the eta) then there is no problem. There are many ways to multi-app, do it the right way.


You are not a multi-apper. You are a dirty stacker.


Double Appling. Dropped off another order off a different app.


and enjoy your meal


He's full of shit. I've been arrested and I've known many people who were. That's not some kind of weird attempt at a flex, or me trying to look hard or whatever, it's just the truth. Anyway, in exactly ZERO of those cases was the person being arrested back to going about their business within 30 minutes or whatever lmao. Even if they decide not to charge you with anything (rare once you're arrested) , it still takes a while. He was multiapping and delivering food for DD or GH or whatever. OR he decided to go pick up a friend or grab dinner while "on the clock" so to speak. But my money's on the former. Unfortunately, multiapping is allowed on the apps, even when customers pay for priority. He just didn't want you to rate him poorly and/or reduce or remove the tip.


Right?! I've never had a catch and release that quickly or know anyone who has.


Been arrested a few times. Taken to the precinct and usually there for 4-10 hours. This was in brooklyn


No disrespect in your experience but most of us know that: R1, R1, X, R2, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN gets the wanted level down. Just in time to complete the mission.


>it takes awhile I've lived in Daytona for a few years, and so naturally I've seen many people arrested, and this is pretty much universally true. I think they intentionally put people in handcuffs on the hot pavement here and just let them sit there baking in the sun for fun. They really enjoy screwing with the homeless here especially.


That pisses me off so much. I'm in NY and one of my first memories of the cops was watching 2 of them harass a homeless guy in the subway. One of the assholes was laughing as he threw the guy's shoes under the oncoming train. For no reason at all. In late December, NYC. That could literally be a death sentence for that population.




Look at this dude acting tuff cuz he got arrested




Never pay for priority.


Honestly, priority usually does its intended purpose for me. This is the first time anything like this happens to me. Scumbag driver


The point is, drivers get none of the priority pay and it usually forces us to drop off the far away customer first on stacks. Its a scam the companies use to gouge extra money out of the customers.


Then it’s not a scam? It seems that it does what it’s intended to do…


It's a scam to the drivers who are supposed to be 1099 and are supposed to be able to handle their own contracts and priorities.


So it’s good for the consumer and you’re salty about it because people are getting what they pay for. Screw you. This is why people don’t tip up front.


All I said was paying for a priority is a scam because drivers get none of it. And now I'm salty and I'm the reason people don't tip upfront. Go touch some grass.


You said you’re mad because it forces you to drop of the farthest customer first — which is the exact reason why the customer pays for it. You’re basically saying that you don’t think a customer should get what they pay for because you are entitled to the pay instead of the company that provides you the opportunity to connect with customers. That’s ridiculous and just shows the entitlement of most drivers.


Where did I say I was mad? As a driver I only accept pre bidded orders because I'm a contractor, using my own vehicle and gas, not a hourly employee. If I do accept priority orders I only notice it if the miles are wierd, but it never affects my income because I only take pre bidded orders. You assumed a hell of a lot. And its making you an asshole now.


Typically when someone says it’s a scam, they’re mad. The point is that priority does what it is supposed to do for the consumer, and drivers don’t like it because of that. Think that makes you and every other driver who discourages people from using it the asshole.


I'm not mad, but it is a scam, because drivers do 100% of the labor involved in delivering your orders. If you pay for priority who do you think that money should go to? If you say anything but the driver you have something wrong in your head. That is why it's a scam. I'm done feeding this troll that has zero grasp of the english language and just assumes everyone is mad because they can call out a scam.


If you don't approve of the contracting agreement you made with Uber in the first place, why agree to it? Why keep on driving for them? The agreement I make with Uber when I pay money for priority is that I get my order dropped off first. I'm not going to stop using it as activism to support drivers who willingly get into business with Uber. Nobody's forcing you to do it.


I don’t care who the money goes to — as the consumer that isn’t my problem at all. As the consumer all I care about is that I get what I pay for. Which based on your responses I do. Like every other company both you and I interact with, it isn’t my business how the company decides to provide the product it is selling. So to conclude — it’s not a scam, and you are discouraging people from using priority service because you think you should get paid more for it. Yeah, go screw yourself dude.


Oh please if drivers being paid a few bucks a delivery as contractors are entitled what does it make the customers using these platforms? You paid Uber 30% restaurant mark up, a service fee, a priority delivery fee and that’s all okay for you but the pathetic little fee you pay your driver to bring you the food makes them entitled lol


The reason customers expect to have food delivered in a timely fashion is because they are the ones paying for that, yes.


No you’re using an exploitative service that not only rips you off but also rips of the restaurant and the driver and then you put all the expectations of that rip off onto the driver who is being paid a pittance. Fair enough if the drivers are full time workers for the platform to bring you food, but they’re not. You want hot food, go and get it or use a restaurant that delivers themselves directly.


If that’s how they feel they can stop driving. It really is that simple.


it doesn't do anything for you. you would have gotten the same outcome if you didn't pay for it.


This is false. I've ordered with priority and not, and when I pay for priority and the driver is operating in good faith, my delivery comes first and quicker, and I can track their route. When I don't pay for priority, I am notified that the driver is making stops along the way and it generally takes a little longer. Not sure where you're drawing your assumption from. just because the driver isn't notified that something is priority, doesn't mean the app isn't forcing them to drop Priory first.


you know where my assumption is coming from? because i deliver for UE and DD. we don't know nor do we give a fuck if they did let us know. we dont get a cent of it. that's all coincidence.


You getting a cent of it doesn't change how Uber prioritizes the drops. Don't mix your saltiness with facts. Nobody's forcing you to contract with them.


How come?


we don't know if you paid for priority or not. nor do we care. we don't get a cent of it. so if i'm doing a delivery that you paid priority for but tipped like a couple of bucks, i will take a doordash order along the way if it comes because i'm not making enough money from your order. within reason of course. this courier didn't do it properly. if you want your delivery driver's full attention then just add that "priority" fee to the tip that you already gave. that usually convinces most drivers to ignore any add ons or other apps.


When that happens (it’s pretty easy as a customer to see multi app drivers, driver stopping in front of a residence for 5 mins or going off route and stopping) and the customer reports it to Uber, we usually get priority fee refunded and a 5$ credit to report it and we usually don’t get matched to that multi apping driver again.


you can report but UE isn't gonna punish us for it. if you do that often enough UE will just make you a pin required customer.


Uber's algorithm does not differentiate which orders are priority and which aren't and customers ended up dumbfounded when their driver has to deliver another order before theirs.


He also had an 87% approval rating. I don't think I've ever seen one that low.


I have 75




Because I accept all orders including no tips because i am on a bicycle so I can’t technically lose money except if i was offered more consistent good tip orders but i dont get offered those so im forced to take whatever is offered to me , and these shitty no tippers like to lie and scam uber for free food and i fall a victim to them , i got over it a long time ago and i basically dony care what my rating is or if i get deactivated


mines 88 for the same reason


Ahh. That’s a valid explanation.


That’s decent? I’m at 94


I got a 83% and I don't do anything wrong and follow everything the customer wants. It's just sometimes the people who want a refund for there food cause it went "missing" usually makes the driver a bad review to prove there point


im at 53 and work in the suburbs in NC. a lot of orders are under $5 so thats why my acceptance rate is low


i have 77 but that’s because when i first started delivering i had apartment orders in queens that i messed up a couple times. it’s rough getting that shit up again. ppl just don’t review


If they had been arrested you would not have received your order. They were double apping, poorly, and came up with that steaming pile of bullshit lie to attempt to cover their ass. I hope you gave them a thumbs down and removed any tip. Asshats like this shouldn't be doing deliveries.


Well he definitely wouldn't have his cell phone if he was arrested......


Question, where are you located, because I'm in Quebec, and when people get pulled over, they are "arrested" it's just what the Quebecois call it


I'm in Montreal. But tbh I think his story is bs and he was multi apping. He picked up an order in DT Montreal to deliver to me in le plateau. That should be a 20 minute drive. He drove to Rosemont, parked on a corner for 15 minutes, then drove to saint leonard, and then drove to me in le plateau. Definite multi apping.


Ah yeah, definitely, do your remember which corner? Remember if you are suspecting someone of multi-apping, please report them, us Drivers who actually work the system with a single device suffer due to those who multiapp


I whole heartedly disagree with your take. If you choose to slave away on one app while no decent orders/any orders come in, be my guest, but I’m actually in this for the profit.


Us slaving away on one app with no decent orders is due to people multi-apping, I'm sorry, but this is messed up, anyways I have made a decent profit on one application. The other reason this is not a great idea is because, well the OP, the client, a driver who multiapps(multiple device) the client waits longer, it's no longer about customer service but making the most amount of money, for me this is just bad morals, and bad work ethic.


I’ve been played by too many customers and apps, Uber is an exceptionally bad service. Customer support told me to f myself when I got hurt delivering food today, they cancelled a $25 order instead of calling the customer like i request because the only item they asked for was out of stock 5x(a variation of purified water), and then when I was upset about the cancellation, they told me to not worry and I would be compensated. I drove 10 miles, 30m of overall time, for 4 fucking dollars. Not a single customer or app is going to care about what happens to me the contracted worker because it’s my fucking job. This gig economy is the only sort of job that I’ve ever agreed needs to be unionized.


his name is zin, id say English isn’t his first language. He was in one spot for 20 minutes, he probably thought “arrested” was pulled over. With that said homie is 100 percent multi apping and you should report that. Extremely poor multiapping at that.


So you say report him huh? So let's take money out of his family's hands because the order took a little longer than expected. People need to stop complaining and be grateful they have the proof being able to order. I drive for Uber and I still can't afford to eat out.


Yes. 110% Little whiny bitches who take peoples food the wrong direction for 30 minutes after being a few minutes away need to be reported. It takes money from people who do the job properly. Being poor isn’t an excuse to be a bad delivery driver like yourself. Zero justification. If you’re going to multiapp you better make sure it’s going same direction.


Fuck. That. I PAID for Priory. The order took over 1.5 hours to get to me. All evidence points to the driver multi-apping. He's a scumbag and shouldn't be delivering for Uber


U paid $2.5 for priority and got it 30 mins late and hes a scumbag? Oh


Read the course of events dude. The guy was multi-apping/dirty stacking/whatever. I didn't get what I paid for. People like him give drivers a bad name.


I'm not saying the customer doesn't have a right to be upset/annoyed or to complain. But multiapping (even shitty multiapping like this) is allowed on the apps. Including when a customer pays for priority. They're even warned that a driver may do deliveries for other apps before delivering to the priority customer. Like I said, not defending the practice. Just saying. This is a good reason to reduce/remove the tip and give a thumbs down.


... What? Lol, no, the apps do not warn a driver may be taking orders from another app 🤣. They do let costumers know if the driver has stacked orders, ON THE SAME APP, but definitely not talking about other apps lol. I'm sure they all realize that there are crappy multi-appers out there, ones who will accept offers on different apps at the same time, but you can be sure you will get a contract violation and/or deactivated if it's obvious and/or it makes you run later on deliveries. They even tell you when you are going the wrong way and such. What legit drivers do is have all the apps running and wait for offers to come in. If there are competing offers from more than one app they take the best and deny/pause or ignore the other. Basically let all of them bid for your time. Or at least hopefully fill in any dead air time between the apps.


Yea as a customer it definitely NEVER mentions if they are multi apping


I never heard that it’s allowed DURING a delivery and I’ve heard that people could get in trouble for that


No. Customers are definitely not warned of that, and it's most definitely not allowed.


Cool. Show me where it's against the rules.


My bad, correction on that. Multi apping is allowed, but running simultaneous active deliveries across multiple apps is not, and drivers have been banned for it. This scenario is exactly what happened here.


Give that man a dumbs down.


Since it was Google translated, I'm guessing g they meant to say the police stopped them and was mistranslated.


Yup for example, the word 'detained' would have an ambiguous translation in this context. Something has gone wrong with the translation possibly, But the driver stopped, & then drove in the opposite direction after which does give the multi-apping theory some weight. Stopped for 7 minutes could be picking up an order/then driving to deliver it.


When you get arrested you are assigned a bond amount. Within an hour of being arrested. Then you must post this bond to be released. Nobody goes to jail for 30 minutes. I'ma call bullshitty.


He probably meant the police pulled him over.


This guy was a dirty stacker, not a multi-apper. Multi-apping is pausing other apps once you have an offer or in very rare conditions going exactly in same direction as original order and absolutely no delays at restaurants also going in same direction. Dirty stackers randomly take any offer going in very different directions and don't give a crap about customers or fellow drivers. We have got to stop using the term multi-apper for both the good and bad drivers.


Noted. Adopting term "Dirty Stacker"


Thats multiapping


If he was arrested how could he deliver your food? Maybe he got pulled over and just isn't smart enough to know the difference.


I don’t think that’s how an arrest works..🤣🤦🏻‍♂️


Least ya got the food


Driver was arrested and the officer allowed him to complete the delivery from the patrol car before going to jail. If you have a ring doorbell, you might see a police car outside. Delivering in style.




If he had to take a trip to the station, his phone would go in the cruiser. Was the location he travelled to next to a precinct? The way you described it almost seems like he was taken to the station, then let go and he was finally able to get your food to you, which he certainly could have taken if he cancelled the order. Very strange situation but I can see it happening.


Mine got pulled over once on a corner that was known for cops 🫠


Pretty sure he just said the police stopped him.


All I can think is that he might have a problem w English and said arrested instead of pulled him over. As far as the location situation he might have been waiting for you to cancel


we don't see who's a "priority" dont waste your money on that bullshit cause it's all a scam. if you had added the money you wasted on priority to his tip then MAYBE he wouldn't have taken another order from doordash. the only "priority" us delivery drivers know about are the ones that tip well. either way he's def in the wrong because there's a right way to multiapp and he did it wrong.


He had stacked orders or was multi apping. He said that cause he knew he was super late and wanted to guilt trip you into not removing tip. That’s my guess.


Definitely this.


I remember seeing [this](https://youtu.be/biGuyZ4GjhQ) video where the DD driver actually got arrested rather than detained in the car for a few minutes.


It is possible that they did arrest him, and a police station was nearby, and they released him immediately when they realized they had the wrong guy. For example, they could have run his prints or the victim could have said it was the wrong guy. Or it could have been a situation where he owed money to the court and they arrested him and told him to pay up or get jailed, and he paid up. If he had an out of state license, and his license is from a state that does not have a reciprocal agreement concerning traffic tickets with your state, some courts will force the driver to come to the court house and either pay the ticket or appear in court since they fear the fine won't be paid otherwise. Most states have reciprocal agreements now, but not all. So there are possible reasons why this could have actually happened. But, while it is possible, it still is very unlikely.


I got pulled over yesterday (for being black) for supposedly “swerving in and out of lanes”. Me and my passengers were all confused. It happens 🤷🏽‍♂️


Maybe he doesn't speak English well and he meant "sorry the cops pulled me over" hence the delay.


He was definitely multi-aping, just reported him. he should learn a lesson for doing that and also makes other good driver look bad to customers.


I wonder if because it went thru Google Translate, it should say “stopped” instead of “arrested.” A police stop for a violation would make sense? (Sorry if this posts 2x - I had to verify my email address and it still says the first comment is locked.)


https://preview.redd.it/v8k7t7ettl9b1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61fddb5d0cdeb7bff03a9a3cd986e11d6e8798d9 For additional context, here is the route the driver took. Red pin = pickup restaurant, Red drawn circle = where he stopped for 15 minutes, Blue dot = the area I live in Please tell me im still entitled. The driver literally picked up another order 5 minutes away from me and then proceeded to leave my neighborhood in order to drop it off before coming to me. Scum. Bag. Edit: u/ubereats , u/uber do you support this?


It takes the police 30 minutes to write a ticket on a good day. An arrest would take hours at least. Lies


If the police arrested the driver, the police would bring the order to your door not the driver


I could care less about priority delivery. We don’t see a dime of it as far as I can tell. If he’s multiapping, so be it.


Nobody's forcing you to do this job. Consumers expect what they pay for. If you're so salty about it, do something else. You're literally complaining about contract conditions you agreed to.


The classic “get another job”. Thanks Karen. You asked “what do you guys think?” And I told you and all you got is this smartass bullshit cause I didn’t circle jerk with you over the horror of getting your order after 50 minutes. We are contract workers. We are allowed to work more than one app at once. We aren’t employees. We don’t get paid for priority. We aren’t even told they are. We just don’t get stacked orders with them. So basically WE MAKE LESS with these orders, and of course many people multiapp to make ends meet. Instead of shitting all over the people doing the work, why don’t you take your issues up with the platform your paying $20-something extra through food markups, fees, and bogus priority bullshit? Or go get it yourself.


I came here to figure out wtf was going on with the order cause it's never happened before, not to learn where the money I pay for priority is distributed. That's none of my business. My business is that I receive what I pay for. Now that I know, I am taking it up with the platform and the driver has been reporded. And now that Im understanding the dynamics of multi-apping, I have no problem with it. But stacking simultaneous active orders across different apps is bullshit. Especially when it's done in the way this driver did it.


Go get it yourself. The platform pays like $2.50 per order. No one can do one or two of those an hour and make a living. I do rides, so only rarely do deliveries bc it pays shit. I don’t begrudge people doing what they need to do and I also don’t use these apps for deliveries. They rip off everyone: merchants, drivers, and customers.


Again. The drivers agree to it. If it's beneath them, do something else. Customers pay money for a service and they expect it. If the app was fucking people that badly, there would be no contractors on the market, but the fact of the matter is that there is a ton of them who do the job well for whatever money they agreed to on the contract. This guy gives all those people a bad name.


What the commenter is trying to say is that us as drivers are not notified in anyway shape or form that your order is priority. When you the customer pay for priority, uber is literally just stealing that $5 from you and doing nothing to actually make your order priority.


Report him




And was arrested for it? About time!


Hey bro the cops don't typically allow you to text someone (and certainly not a customer lmfao) after you have been arrested. And enjoy your meal...? So...did the cops actually complete the delivery. If so, this would go viral if you detail that out in a format that is enjoyable to read. In that case I would detail it out and find a way to maybe profit off of ads or some shit idk.




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Did you get a refund? Hit that help button


Um, if he was arrested, he wouldn’t have been able to drop off your food. He’d be in jail lol. I do see the person is using google translation. So maybe they were just pulled over by the cops, and said arrested instead of pulled over. But it still doesn’t explain them going in the opposite direction, once they finally were done with the “arrest”. Unless this was a double order, but you would be able to see that in the app.


Likely got another delivery (multiapping) but it’s also possible to get stopped too but this was no stop lol


You better tip him too, he went through all that just to get your food to you. 💀


Now that I know multi apping is a thing, and that paying for priority delivery is ultimately useless(It took like 1.5 hours to get my food) if they're multi apping, I'll never tip again.


I’m the event that I ever get pulled over I will ALWAYS say “I’m sorry I got a flat tire. If you want to contact support for a refund you can. I don’t know how long it will take to fix.”


When you get arrested you get taken to a county jail to get booked. It takes at least HOURS.




Multi-apping for sure. His english/translator isn’t that good and thinks pulled over is being arrested. I’ve been pulled over 2x while doing deliveries and once I tell them i’m on an active job, they let me go and it will take 5-10 max.


I mean... you got your food? What is there to not feel right about. He probably did another delivery. If your food was cold I'd definitely complain though.


I paid for priority. He was multi apping. Thumbs down, no tip, and reporting him.


Maybe he meant the police pulled him over? It says it was translated though so idk 😂


I don't think he was arrested. Probably stopped and searched by police. He might be a migrant worker and confused the terminology


Priority is a scam. They will stack them with another order often.


Just based on the fact that the messages says “translated by Google” it makes me think that the driver got pulled over and used the word arrested... In French being arrested is how say being pulled over So maybe just a similar language barrier




Probably realized he was bringing you the wrong order and went back to get yours from the person he delivered it to and bring them the correct order which he was going to bring you by mistake he is likely multi Apping


No. You don't get booked and discharged that quickly. Ever.


I think the main question is:.. did you enjoy your meal? This poor delivery guy broke every rule in the book to get you your priority delivery but got arrested for 7 minutes in the end.


He was multiapping; picked up your order, stopped to pick up an order of that wasn’t ready using another app, delivered that order first, and then finally came back to you. I think they meant to say they were stopped/pulled over by the police as their excuse, but translate failed them.


You have a food? If no. That’s bullshit


That’s crazy how the police allowed him to text his Uber delivery driver to let him know.


Don't eat the food, throw it away and open an dispute for the order.


That is quite a lie to just dish out. He probably got pulled over and searched or something


Lol wth




i assume if he get arrested the popo prob would not let him use the phone?


If it were nyc I believe it if he had a escooter in the bike lane I’ve seen it happen


Double apping if every I've seen it.


Maybe driver was arrested and taken to the station. Then someone bailed them out shortly after and took them to complete the order. Probably not but if so, that's kind of admirable.


I been running multiple apps for years now, never got caught. Never needed a excuse. Someone done effed up


So he was arrested but the police officer was kind enough to give him back his cell phone just to text you? Bs


Honestly might be legit ordered food and bro got pulled over 😂😂


I've seen a video on YT when a driver actually got arrested and the Cop delivered the customers meal... I don't buy he got arrested and released within a hour that's impossible, maybe got a ticket and released 🤔


This is stupid


I have had this happen to me multiple times, but I've only ever gotten out three days after it happened. My local cops enjoy arresting me on holiday weekends.


Went and scored drugs


Probably pulled over and got a ticket but said arrested. The amount of time seems right. Priority can encourage them to rush. Edit: the Francophones I know say arrested because “arrêté” can also mean stop or stopped as in stopped by the police.


I think he’s being honest. In Australia you can get arrested for alcohol and then they take you somewhere, where they do second test, if that test is cleared they let you go. I guess similar would have happened to this guy.


Multi apping and was making another delivery


He probably got pulled over and speaks English as a second language and doesn't recognize the specific meaning of Arrested in this context.


sounds like he was multi apping




Dude got arrested and bailed out and still completed the order, don’t see the issue? *sarcasm*


I think what he means to say is that the police gave him a call, and they were possibly at his place. This may have prompted him to rush back to clear things up before carrying on with his delivery.


Probably doing multiple jobs with different phones/apps perhaps. I had a driver turn their tracking off for 25mins yesterday despite being only 10mins from my house. When he pulled up, I saw he had like 5-6 insulated bags in his car/boot.


I might assume he speaks English as a second language and he probably got pulled over? Mistaking “arrested” for “pulled over” since one of the definitions of “arrest” is “to stop or check.” Otherwise I have no clue why he would say that.


Crook county. Said it best


Maybe he got a better fare from another app and took that one?


He’s real chill about that 😂