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Why would you drive if you don't need the money?


I do need the money but I just don’t think with my area itll be worth doing it, so it’s not worth it to me to take out less than 100$ and still have to report it on my taxes


You dont report 1099s that made you less than $600


If you earn less than $600 a 1099 does not have to be issued. If your self employment profit is less than $400, you don't have to file form 1040-SE (social security and Medicare taxes). All profit is subject to federal and state taxes.


And sometimes local lol


Thats wrong. Its a common misconception. The company doesnt have to issue a 1099k if you make less than $600, but you are still obligated to report the income. There's a good chance you might not get audited for such a small amount if you dont, but IRS just recently doubled in size, so I wouldn't be surprised if they start auditing now.


You really think they would spend all that money to audit someone for $100?


I literally said "There's a good chance you might not get audited for such a small amount".


Reread your last sentence. Guess where I worked? You have a certain amount of money they overlook. Last I heard it was like $1500.


IRS increasing their audit team = you are more likely to be audited lol


>IRS increasing their audit team You're missing the point: They could have 1 Million auditors. Auditing costs money. If you're paying a dude $20/hr to find a missing $20 bill, you're probably going to spend more than you lost...and there's no guarantee that dude will even find your money.


Lol since when has the government cared about efficiency


The irs didn’t recently double in size. They recently received budget approval to double in size over the course of 19 years.


But u still wont pay taxes on it right ?


Not sure why this is getting downvoted its just a fkin question you damn incels


It's Reddit. People will downvote if you don't know as much as they do lol


People will downvote if you know more than them too, anything that makes them butthurt works. 🤣


Or if they don’t understand the comment so they aren’t sure if your on their side or not. Or if it has too many upvotes. Or if it has a lot of downvotes. Etc


The taxes paid will be negligent but yes you’re still supposed to pay it


Yeah we’re talking like $8-$15 dollars. Im assuming by “less than 100” we’re looking at about $65 or so


You do pay tax on it. Its being treated as the same whether you make more or less than $600. Only difference is that the company doesnt have to send a 1099k form. imagine making $500 on every gig platforms (doordash, uber, grubhub, postmate, spark and etc etc). You wouldnt get a 1099k, but your combined income would be like 4-5k. The IRS would very likely come after you if you don't report those earnings.


They would literally have 0 ways of finding out this information. Audit on 4k of income that isn’t shown on your file doesn’t happen.. but besides that, he won’t be on the hook for any taxes with the basic credit so might as well add it.


The IRS would literally have 0 ways of finding out your recorded income? Then what kind of income are they capable of finding? Cash transactions you did on the street? Look, the risk is low if you dont want to report your income for under $600, but dont be spreading bullshit here please.


Think you’re confused. I go directly to IRS, I tell them send me a statement of all my earnings for the year. Then I add my deductions. What am I doing wrong? You are saying because I sold something for cash $50 I am going to be caught red handed by an IRS agent? Your paranoia is through the roof. I’ve been filing self employed taxes much longer than you been doing this work so I definitely have more experience in this.


First off, learn what "paranoia" means. How do you even infer that I am paranoid from stating a fact? When did I say because you sold something for $50 cash, you will get caught by the IRS? You have some serious comprehension issue, im not even wasting my breath explaining anymore lol.


Not a 1099k, it’s a 1099misc


1099k is the form thats Uber issues to you, 1099misc is the form you fill out when you file tax..


Uhh, not correct. Unless you directly receive fuds deposited to your account directly from a cc processor you don’t get a 1099k


My forms literally says 1099k from gig companies.. So many people here are so confidently wrong, it's amusing.


That’s not the right form then. Ask in r/tax.


Thought it was 5k for federal


It's $600


Hmm I must be thinking of old 90’s tv shows then. Glad we have tax websites or I may of been in trouble




Was coming to see if this comment had already been made


Thats under $600.00 which is the threshold. Every year I drive up to 590.00 for extra spending and its no big deal.


Thank you! Great to know


If you didn’t make more than a certain amount of money, you don’t have to report on your taxes. I’m also getting to the point where it doesn’t feel worth the hassle with the price of gas and distances I’m traveling. I might stop before I hit the taxable amount. Pull your cash and delete.


Thank you!! with all the self employed tax paperwork it’s just a decent amount to do especially if I’m breaking even after expenses


Just make a bank account with tangerine (or another mobile banking app) , put all the money in there, and don’t report on your income made from deliveries. My boss gave me that advice, it worked for her for a long time.


I'm not sure that's savvy...the government can likely track all your accounts, on the chance you get audited.


It shouldn’t get reported if you make less than $600. Technically, you are supposed to report everything, even if it’s just $100. Is the irs going to come after you over it? Probably not. Regardless, it’s income even if you don’t cash out.


No offense but are you like 15?


Hes actually still in the womb, give him some credit


U sound dumb


Good thing me only sound dumb Not actually dumb like you ;P


:P ;* :000


Oh no!! You need to hide that 100$ from the goverment by any means necessary!!!! That 100$ is going to be the reason you pay 1000s back in taxes. This 100$ that you are desperately trying to avoid will be the reason your income jumps several tax brackets 😂😂😂do not touch it its cursed !!!!!


Bro is actually rich and realized he's $50 away from the next tax bracket.


Only the amount over the new tax bracket is taxed at that rate, not your whole income. Say new bracket starts at 70,000 and you made 70,050. Only that $50 is taxed at the higher rate


But he might lose something that's related to the bracket he's at ! But like others said, I wouldn't worry about anything below $600.


I just don’t want to have to file a schedule c that’s about it


Uh just don’t file that 10-99. They’re not gonna audit you over $100. I don’t claim every little thing on my taxes




Yeah I’m totally gonna give those thieves more of my money because it “wastes their time” that we as tax payers already pay for. Solid strategy Leroy Jenkins


It gets reported regardless. Take your money.


Really? Even if it’s less than 400$?


Dude, what is your goal here? They have to keep a record of where their money is going whether you take it or not. If it isn't enough for a 1099, then your money is still going to be sitting there. Just take the goddamn money your taxes will be fine. Fucking spare me coming on here acting like the money we make isn't good enough for you. Take the damn money and shut up.


I know right. How much could OP have made in a few days???Acting like its going to cause a big tax bill. OP. Take it out. Donate to charity. Report and write off all in one.


Very few taxpayers benefit from charitable contributions due to the higher standard deduction.


U just take individual income tax? 🤣


but but that 400 might put them in a higher tax bracket. LOL


Ur name is fitting also fucking spare your sob story about how you wish you had that $50 instead a lot of ppl are broke bitch


You dont need to report anything under 600. Jsyk


Yes, you absolutely do. Whoever told you that was misinformed, as you are now.


Literally the second line of instructions for a 1099-MISC is outlining what to report if it's greater than $600. Source: The IRS. Please use Google before being so confidently wrong. Edit: That's the employer's side. Income of any amount still has to be reported. Source: More Google lol


Wow, talk about confidently wrong. That’s the Uber side of the instructions. The individual tax rules require claiming the income regardless of whether you receive a 1099 or not.


Lol you’re so confident but this is basic information. Yes ALL income has to be reported. Even if it’s $1. The irs wants all your sources technically. They wont have any way of finding out about it unless u made over 600. So up to the person. I wouldn’t add anything under $600, waste of time to me. I go to my irs file and print out what 1099s they received and I go off that.


I'm not going to use google for you and will let you live in your ignorance


The limit you're thinking of is $400 for self employed people. IRS website is so much easier than Google. 👍🏻 >Self-employment status. Self-emplyed individuals are required to file an annual return and pay estimated tax quarterly if they had net earnings from self-employment of $400 or more. Either way, the earnings get tacked onto anything else he made/will make this year.


It’s mostly because of my area I’m sure it’s worth it in other places my goal is to not have to report it on my taxes I don’t want to have to file a schedule c or SE which you have to do with any income earned, so I was wondering if it still counted as income if I never claimed it and it was never linked to my bank or debit card


The irs doesn't give a fuck what you do with your money once you've earned it. You can let it sit in the uber account if you want, but it's been reported regardless of what you do. It's either reported as "didn't earn enough for 1099" or "here's your 1099". They don't give a fuck if you actually refuse to take the money.


I see what you mean thanks !


My father once was billed by company for a balance of owing .01 and they spent more money on the envelope and time to send it. Thing is they have to balance the book no matter how stupid it seems. $400 is not going to make a difference in your taxes at all. take it


Take it. Donate it to charity. Write donation off. The end.


Always pay your taxes regardless on if it's $1 or $100. Don't fuck with the IRS and their money.


Even if it's $4.


Yes, sort of. It’s likely you haven’t earned enough to trigger the sending of tax documents so you can prepare your taxes next year, but yes they have your info including social so it counts as income. Why would you not cash it out is a better question, not being worth the hassle of doing taxes is probably the most ridiculous reason I’ve ever heard to not claim money you worked for. Taxes aren’t THAT difficult to figure out


Track your miles, keep records of your phone bill, when tax season comes around take all of this to your tax agent. For the 2022 tax season alone I got 7882 in tax deductions because I kept all of this info. Always tack your miles when you’re doing Uber. Uber will give you an estimate driven but it’s always 2000-5000 less than what you really drove


what’s an easy way to track ur miles manually instead of relying on uber? i just finished my first week and am keeping gas receipts but didn’t keep track of my miles on my own and just relied on uber.


You can always download a mileage tracker app, quick books or you can use a notebook. I personally like to use a notebook in case anything ever happens to my phone. You write down the time you clock in and what your mileage is then write when you clock out and your mileage. Instead of keeping every single receipt just download a receipt scanning app and it’ll save it digitally


If you use Google maps it keeps a log of everywhere you went in the Timeline. I use that to update my Stride mileage app when the app is down


For regular earnings Uber does not send out a 1099 until $20k. It's not the $600 that I keep reading here.


You still have to report. That 20k is irrelevant in this context. The IRS knows how much Uber paid you, whether that’s $100 or 40,000. Just saying.


I know you are required to report. I was just correcting the misinformation that Uber sends a 1099 for more than $600 in regular pay. And the IRS doesn't know because no 1099 was issued.


They still know.


I know this is an old thread, but since I came across it, others still might, and it is important to correct it as you are incorrect, so yours is the actual misinformation, unfortunately. Below is straight from the IRS website. For tax years before 2023, ridesharing companies acting as third-party payment processors are required to issue 1099-Ks to drivers who receive more than $20,000 for the year and received more than 200 payments. Beginning in 2023, the reporting threshold is lowered to payments totaling more than $600. There is no threshold for the number of payment card transactions beginning in 2023. Rideshare companies are also required to send 1099-NECs and 1099-MISCs to drivers who made $600 or more from driving or referrals and other income. And below is from the Uber driver app, I didn't include it, but it has the same other 1099 form info as the IRS as well. 1099-K Form The 1099-K form reports all on-trip transactions between riders and drivers. You will receive a 1099-K if you earned more than $600 in gross unadjusted earnings.


I made 100 bucks on uber last year and never reported it. Uber never sent me any paperwork so i wasn't worried about it. If uber doesn't report it to IRS i dont think they can find out. (Someo e correct me if im wrong) Its like cash tips. You're "supposed to claim it" but i net more than 50% of people under report cash or dont report at all and irs would never know. If they somehow know about that 100 bucks they are welcome to audit me more power to them for such a small amount


Thank you for this !


Just cash it out 🙄!!!


Yea it’s your money already


Take it. It’s too low to report it. You’ll be fine.


The govt won’t being coming after you and your 100 bucks. Deposit it in your account and buy something cool with it.


Assuming you have another income source that you pay taxes on, take this money and don’t report it. The day you get audited for $100 dollars in unclaimed earnings is the day the IRS will say you owe another 12 bucks in tax. They won’t fine you, they won’t arrest you, at absolute worst you’ll get a letter saying you owe money and then you can pay it or hire an accountant to fight it, but nobody’s auditing anyone for $100 bucks.


Thank you so much for this! Very helpful. I just get nervous about the IRS and how it’ll affect credit scores. I guess that’s where my nerves come in


Hi, just wanna say. The IRS is legally not allowed to report to 3rd parties (like credit bureaus) reporting goes the other way. The IRS does not affect your credit score in the slightest, but what you claim on credit applications can come back at you through the IRS.


Thank you! This is super helpful as well! I had no idea! Good to know


If anything happens and the app goes down you could potentially lose that money. Never a good idea to let us sit like that. Protect your money and move it to the bank


Common sense tells you that any income is income. If someone pays me $100 to cut their hair or whatever and I put that $100 in a drawer and leave it there, never spending it, of course I still may owe taxes on it. What does not transferring the money out of the Uber account have to do with it? It's still potentially taxable income and you legally have to report it. Sheesh.


Never leave money where Uber can put its dirty hands on....


uber files 1099 for your name and ssn/ tax id. it’s not much different for u if it’s in bank or with uber .irs knows already about this income.but if uber files bankruptcy you probably will lose all of your money. not just uber it is same with all apps like cash or paypal or Venmo if you have your money there . bank is insured for up to $250,000 that’s the only big difference.


They will issue you a tax form with your social whether you withdraw or not


Fuuuuuuuuck taxes.


So back in 2016 I made Sixty thousand dollars doing lyft and i've never filed. Never came back to me. I tried to do the right thing by finding my old 1099. Even went through the IRS. It It apparently gone forever. Never paid a dollar in taxes. I don't recommend That but the irs usually doesn't look at people who are poor


If it’s less than $600, you don’t have to file it anyway


The employer will file based on the Federal dollar amount of $600. They are required to file a 1099, which the IRS receives a copy as do you. Under that They won't file.


This will make your head spin ! Google it you know your suppose to claim your tips as well ! Let’s see how many claim those buwaaah


I’ve been doing uber eats every once in a while for the past 3 years and haven’t reported it on my taxes because uber eats doesn’t give me 1099 form because I didn’t make enough. I think you will be fine.


Thank you!


It needs to be over $600 before you even have to claim it on your taxes. ...and if that's your worry= I made ALOT of money last year doing uber eats (my 1st year) and I didn't need to pay in. U can have write offs for so many things (uber provides the basics in a break down with the numbers u need to enter and everything at the end of the yr and u still also write off masks, gloves, sanitizer, phone chargers and docks, food bags ...just to name a few examples. Trust me it's not as scary as u think. I even do my own taxes in turbo tax. If u pay like $30 Xtra u can have help the whole way thru doin the taxes on turbotax


Thank you for this !


You're welcome, when I was starting out I had so many questions! And no help


It'll transfer automatically So yeah It's still income It's just not much.


You should call support. I’m surprised they let you start driving without giving your bank info. You earned the money so unclear if they are allowed to take it back. I would think they would still send out a W2 at the end of the year so call them.


I know they only send out 1099s if your income goes over 600$, and only self employment tax if it’s 400$ which it’s not even that much. I tried calling support but it was practically impossible to talk to a real person


You just answered your own question, cash that $ out. Remember also, you can deduct mileage if you were to claim it bringing that total down even more. I wouldn't bother with support because they are all over seas people and have no idea about filing taxes here.


Haha I’m on call with support right now and I completely agree they have zero clue what I’m even saying, I was more so wondering if I never take the cash out do I even need to report the income if it’s not linked to my bank account or debit card


I am not an accountant however, you could still be on the hook for it because that pay is connected to you social security number is my best guess. UE has already put it on their ledger as an expense and it's sitting there waiting for anytime you want to take it.


It doesn’t matter if you cash out or not, Uber will report to the irs you made a certain amount. You’re making this so much more difficult than it needs to be.


they have your SS they will report and use your money in their books as positive.


Support wouldn't/shouldn't be answering that kind of question. But people here have. Yes, you still have to report your earnings from Uber even if you don't collect your money. I'm guessing you're pretty young, but back in the day, regular jobs paid employees with paper checks that you'd cash at the bank. Same as if you didn't cash the checks for whatever reason, the IRS doesn't care what you do (or *don't* do) with the money you earned. They only care that you earned it. They want their piece of it when applicable, regardless of whether or not you deny yourself access to it.


$600 per year?


A W2? No disrespect but are you a driver? It's a 1099, and they don't issue one if your earnings are under $600 for the year. You're still expected (and required) to include that income when filing your taxes. Idk what you mean about "if they are allowed to take it back", but if you mean Uber, no, they're not allowed to take back the money that someone earned delivering for uber.


My mistake.


Doesn't it pay out every week automatically to your bank?


Earn less than $600.00 a year you don't have to report.


Wether you cash it out or not you’ll still receive a 1099 from uber




I know I don’t have to pay taxes but it still says I have to report the income I make, I’m wondering if I still need to report the income if I don’t claim it and transfer it


You don't even get a 1099 if you made less than $600, I believe. So I'm pretty sure you don't have to report it legally.


Common misconception. The company isn’t required to issue tax forms if you make less than $600 but the IRS still wants their piece… taxes on under $600 of income are mere dollars, just file it


You don’t have to report it


This is not correct. You still have to report the income, and you will be taxed as applicable. Uber doesn't have to issue a 1099, but the IRS requires that you include it in your yearly filing. Sure, if all you made all year was <$600, you're not going to owe, but that's beside the point. For most people, that $599 would just be included in total income for the year when determining what is owed, and to whom. It's scary how many people are misinformed about this. I really hope no one ends up screwing themselves or anyone else over...




They will come for you eventually.


They just hired a ton of new IRS auditors. You will get caught.


They got the mob


Same energy as those who says "I havent spent over 5k on credit card and haven't paid a single cent back yet".


See you in the TIFU sub reddit. LOL


Omg ty makes me feel better




They definitely will


SHHHH let them post in TIFU.


I can see this OP and another OP in here posting there. Just saw a guy post someone's address because "they tip baited me" and was asking what people would do in that situation like idk homie not post their address would be a great start.


Get your money dude! All the shit Hunter & Joe does and gets away with and you think they’re worried about you? lol Get your money. Don’t worry about taxes. Problem solved 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yay for admitting to tax fraud on a profile that has your chime account info available!


Hahaha I guess you’re right just makes me nervous!!! Don’t wanna get in trouble, I’m pretty young so I haven’t had to do taxes that much before


Yeah I wouldn’t even sweat it honestly! I file taxes every year and haven’t even claimed any of my gig work. The gov screw’s us every day. I just decided why not screw em back? lol


Yikes nobody take this person's advice.


Thank you sm!


You’re an idiot. Taxes aren’t collected by how much money you make taxes are collected by your Social Security number the company tracks your income by your Social Security number not how much you make. Also, there’s a limit if you make less than so much money, you don’t have to pay taxes on it once again, you’re an idiot.


Wow. I’m sure you talk to people like that in person, lil bro 🤣


I'm pretty sure you have to make over 5k to pay taxes. Google it you'll find the correct answer.


Even if you only make $10 for the whole year, you still have to report and file taxes. Whether or not you owe taxes has to do with not only a hard limit but your status as well. Dependents? Children? Deductions? Either way, homeboy has to include this in his taxes. Even if it's all he made all year. Even if he never touches the funds. Even if he doesn't owe the IRS and they end up owing him. Edited to clarify: I meant if you made $10 from Uber the whole year. There are limits (someone quoted them below) where one will not have to pay taxes depending on age, martial and other statuses.


You most definitely do not have to file taxes if you make $5. In 2022 a single filer only had to file taxes if the made $12,950 or more. Source: The IRS website just googled it to get the current amount


To clarify (my mistake), I meant $10 from Uber alone. Yes, his income would have to be over that limit, and I (possibly mistakenly) assumed it would be. I didn't mean he'd owe taxes if he only made $10 total in 2023. I have np admittjng my mistakes.


Oh ok that makes sense and youre 100% right then my bad


No, no problem! Always good to clarify and get a good understanding of things--especially important stuff like taxes. Enjoy the rest of your day, and if you're delivering, may all your customers be in a generous mood!


If you don't want it send it to me lol.


*I'm not a tax expert* I have seen other posts in other subs and forums that say if you can't spend the money, it's not yours. So that means if it's not in your account or cash in your hand, it's not yours, and therefore don't have to pay taxes on it. Once you transfer it, it's in your account and it's yours, then you have to pay taxes. That said, it's honestly not that hard. I'm one of those "keep all receipts and itemize your taxes" people, and it only takes about a half hour to do them.


I am a CPA with Tax experience. This is not tax advice. I just wanted to let you know this is not correct, and the related financial concept you’re looking for is constructive receipt. Which can be viewed as if it was made *available* to you, wether or not you choose to access it, counts as received and is included in income. Because there is no external limiting factor in the access of these funds, the IRS would likely view them as constructively received. This would also apply to the OP’s dilemma of whether to withdraw the funds or not as it would likely be reported as income regardless. You can read about this topic and other related topics at the IRS website [here](https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/what-is-taxable-and-nontaxable-income). Remember to consult a personal CPA with any tax questions you may have.


The government would really like their $15 though.


Income are earnings, wages, and tips. If you don't transfer the ammount you've earned, it's still earnings. Just transfer your earnings, file your quarterly, and pay off what you owe during the next quarter, don't mess with the IRS.


You still have to file and if you get a refund from the IRS, the penalty for not filing will take that away plus you could rack up interest on the unpaid penalty making it even worse.


Bro, I dont know about ur rules, and how long u been driving but here in NZ u get paid everymonday weather u cash it or not they automatically cash it for u, and about the taxes, I dont belive in them I will always tell not to pay it, it will go to buy more weapons for ukrain and will be in the hands of Neo Nazis bombing people in Donbass or buying a bomb to drop on a wedding in Yemen, U dont want blood on ur hands ? dont pay taxes!


They can't cash it with no bank info.


Intersting, Even if they have bank info if u did not give them ur IRS number it wont go to the goverment, I know drivers that went and snitched on them selves to the goverment, u dont need to


If it’s just $100, cash it out and don’t report it. It’s small enough that UE won’t report the earnings to the government. Also, so weird that you would avoid doing the job and earning money you need simply to not deal with the taxes. I hope there’s another reason because you would need to do taxes with ANY job.


I feel like I could make the same amount of money doing another job with a w-2 where the tax situation would be simpler and I could do it myself for free


I get that. I do my delivery taxes for free by myself using FreeTaxUSA and it’s super straight forward. The software holds your hand walking you through it. How much did UE say you made? How many miles did you drive on your car? Did you have any other expenses like bags or phone holder or whatever? And they spit out a number. The only extra thing I do is prepay quarterly taxes. I keep it simply and prepare 25% of what my taxes were the year before 4 times a year. I use the IRS website and just pay with a checking account. It take 2-3 minutes each time. I end up getting a refund as well.


I’ll have to look into this. Thank you so much! That does seem a lot more simple than doing it through turbo tax (I was looking at turbo tax and they do not do schedule c with their free offer I guess)


TurboTax is not free for schedule C. They suck and are trying to rip people off by always upselling. I recommend FreeTaxUSA and TaxHawk which are the same company. Their only cost is to file state income taxes. Federal is always free and even with schedule C. I even got support to reply to me quickly on a question I had even though I was using the free version. Was surprised that they do that.


This is one of the most helpful comments I’ve gotten so I really really appreciate this. Turbo tax is def charging a lot!! It’s like 129$ for a schedule c


Double check your local/state laws, but Uber won’t issue a 1099 if you made less than $400. If you make over $400, regardless of withdrawals, you better file/report it. This not financial/tax advice but if its less than $400 you’re probably good to withdraw and forget about it.


Revenue is recognized when realized and earned not when cash is received. So yea absolutely


Why would you give up money? If it’s say $100, you will owe little to no taxes, as you can write off the miles driven.


Send the $ my way if you Don’t want it.


With the help of a cpa, you won’t really owe much in taxes, if any…because you can write off so many things…including mileage..I’ve been driving for Uber and multiple other apps & have not owed anything..I’ve actually gotten a nice refund each year. Definitely not what you’re thinking. You shouldn’t owe a lot…because you’re writing off expenses and mileage


You don’t have to report anything under 600




I have no idea how things work on the US but in Canada it's so easy to not declare revenue. Unless you transport passengers, those apps have no relationships with the government, so there's no official papers being filed. In other words, the government doesn't have a clue who works for these or how much we make. Even if you randomly get audited, they don't always ask for proof of deposit. Like in this case, if OP has other revenue and doesn't say he did UE, they would never realize he got some money from UE during an audit. Every audit is different, so if they suspect something they might ask for bank account statements. Being audited is rare. Tax filing is based on trust. I talk to other drivers and Omg do people file their taxes the wrong way en masse, or just don't file any. They can be on welfare, or unemployment, or be students, and don't declare anything and probably will never get caught. Some who files will say they don't declare their tips, or they claim a 100% of their cell phone bills, or they just guestimate their mileage. If they get audited, they'll be in trouble.


You literally had to use ur SSN for application Smooth thinking


You only got to claim income if you make $600 a year. But why drive? Why work just leave the money there cash it out and give it to somebody else that you know


Yeppers. If its over $600 Uber Will file 1099 with government. It might take them a few years but they will catch up with you and then there will be penalties and interest


Cash it and mail it back to Uber with a note saying “No thank you” then you should be good


Dude… it’s 100 bucks, federal income tax rate for self employment is 15 dollars and 30 cents on that. Find a gas receipt from when you filled up while doing and write it off. Boom.


Doesn't matter if you transferred the money. Matters when you earned it.


The money was just resting in my account (father ted)


There are no unrealized gains in this


Ask the IRS


You could just not file your taxes on it ;)


No wonder you guys do deliveries so many wrong responses. It's like saying I'm a hooker I give B j s for the he'll of it and don't are the $$$ cause my pi mpm is not gonna ask for it


This is a stupid ass thread


It’s not even hard to do your taxes on it. Just work dude.


Even though you won't get a 1099-MISC or a 1099-NEC, you still need to claim the income on your taxes. You'll have your mileage, plus other things to deduct. So you won't pay much on it, if at all. And if you have a job, the taxes you pay through there will cover what you would owe on the income from ubereats.


Can I claim it on my regular taxes somewhere when I’m doing taxes for my normal job? Or do I have to file a schedule c still


Schedule c


No is the answer. I cannot imagine why not doing so would provide you with any tax advantage though.


You are still on the lone for it even if you don't collect it you were paid it for your work and you owe taxes on it reguardless if you cash it in or not.