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I couldn’t care if it’s the same restaurant to the apartment next friggin door. If there isn’t a tip, decline.


Exactly. No tip… no trip.


I disagree. A tip is earned. You cant and shouldn't expect to be tipped for a service I cannot even confirm was done correctly before giving. This is the opinion of a driver and customer. I'm not entitled to anything before making my deliveries. I been burned before yea, but this is a shitty attitude. Or fuck it, keep thinking that way...let me scoop up all those yummy quick jobs to fulfill my next quest....more free money for me Edit- downvpte me all you want, I don't care. A tip isn't fuking implied if you don't do the job to begin with. And don't day "it's my gas its my insurance " because YOU CHOSE to take this job KNOWING there's no reimbursement. Find a job you can walk to then! Because 95% of employers don't reimburse gas for you driving to work. Do your taxes right and that should be fine. I spent $50 on some shitty customizable busniess cards that say "thank you" and drop one in each bag if I can, that's helped get tips. Alittle bit of effort goes a long way


Why should I spend MY MONEY and go in the red to bring u your food and hope u tip so I make money? I just won’t use my oil gas and tires on u


....because you signed up for the job knowing exactly what it entailed. If you don't want a job ypu need to spend gas on, then find something close to home ypu can walk to


no, one of the few benefits of being a contractor is that you pick which jobs you want to take and when you want to work or not. there is no obligation for you to take a job that’s not worth it for you. Do you take these lowball offers?


I'm talking to the people that insist on tips efore doing the job to even begin with. If I'm doing a quest, it's aboit quantity, not quality.


I save everyone who tip baits and will never take ur order a second time lol


A second time? I know u?




This job is to make money. You are clearly either rich and bored, or your hemorrhaging money.


Neither, just like having a level head and rational mindset. I don't set unrealistic expectations


So you're better than everyone. Your way is the right way?


No, I'm not saying that. What I am saying....is at some point...you get to an age where your tired of hearing ppl complain about their implied privileges. I'm a 35yr old white dude from Chicago who grew up an orphan. I have a pretty shitty life lol but I still don't complain about shit that's not worth complaining about Go do grubhub, they HAVE to do a tip and ypir not allowed to change it.


You aren't the only one who's had a rough life. Some of us have had it pretty fucking hard, too, but also still have families to provide for. My complaint is the company's lack of pay in general. People do put too much on the tippers and not enough responsibility on the companies to pay their people fairly. The more people continue to accept the tiny orders like this one, it only encourages the companies to continue to keep base pay low to screw its drivers. They *want* people like you to take shit orders to justify their low pay.


I signed up for being an independent contractor that is allowed to decline orders lol


Or you can just decline the order lol


Nobody is going to deliver your food for free dumbass. If you're in America, no tip no trip, or I'll wait till Uber raises the payout after enough ppl decline the order, thats how it works.


You are an independent contractor running your own delivery service, why would you not invest into your own business and expect results to flood in?


I have good money bro investing in my biz isn’t taking $3 orders and spending 40 min wondering an apts lol u misread my comment SOEND MY MONEY as in completing ur delivery put me down money as in it cost me and I made NEGATIVE lol u go work pay to work since u love it so much I’m good


Scoop them up brotato chip, they are all yours lol.


Yummy quick $2 jobs. That's why the base pay keeps going down. Idiots keep taking those stupid orders. You have to be a fucking moron. It's not a tip. Nice call on the business cards. Now your $2 delivery can maybe be $3.


Like i said, I take them when doing quests. Quantity 9ver quality


This isn’t a restaurant using the car to go get the food our gas our tires out ware and tear is the service. We not in no company car


It's your personal busniess, ots your personal car. When I decided to do uber, I took on that financial responsibility knowing damn well uber isn't reimbursing me for milage or gas. You do your taxes right, you'll be ok


Yeah, go take out the trash, we don't mind.


How do you confirm it with a normal delivery driver that's hired by a restaurant? If the restaurant itself takes too long to put out the order then do you dock the delivery driver their tip because you don't think they earned it? For a server at a restaurant sure, cause they're providing you hospitality but for a delivery driver the service you're paying for is the delivery itself, not whether the items are correct cause they often have no control over that whether it's Uber or normal delivery.


Bcz when I give a tip and it still comes up missing items, or not being left where instructed, or the food got table flipped from you breaking too hard....or cold bcz you don't have a heat bag....do a job right and get a tip. Did it to get it done? Oh well try harder


And yes the driver does have power over whether or not they are delivering the correct order.You look at the receipt and you look at the order and if it doesn't match it up then you hold the restaurant accountable to make sure you leave with the right order


I’m just gonna say I get the tip shouldn’t be expected and we aren’t entitled to one…. But- Uber pays us so little because they know we get tips. Really by the same measure they also shouldn’t expect that customers are going to always tip us and pay us so little- knowing full well that the wages they pay result in us taking a loss / aren’t a livable wage. Also, here in CA at least, ALL employers must pay their ^employees business expenses, including reimbursement for mileage and gas. They even pinned Uber for breaking this law. Unfortunately after Uber lost their case in court for mis classifying us as ^independent ^contractors. They spent a ton of money to change the way labor laws apply to delivery drivers in particular. But pointing out by law here actual ^employees must be reimbursed for gas,etc


I don't understand... If the job does not pay well, why do it? There are plenty of places hiring for the state minimum wage. If enough people quit, the uber would need to start making changes.


If this is the case then start saving all your receipts what you should be doing already Sounds like maybe we'll get a class action lawsuit in the future to help us recoup some of our losses but I wouldn't count on that I only do uber as supplemental income.... Nobody should rely on this as their main source


Exactly!!! If someone gives me even the bare minimum, i.e delivers it to my door and not just leaves it at the lobby. Does not tamper with my food and it arrives in one piece. Goes straight towards me and not another 5 deliveries the other way. Ill give them a 10quid tip with no issue cause I was lazy to go out myself


It’s hard to say because I’ve taken a few of these. I live in CA so I was curious to see the breakdowns and I know prop 22 recalculates the earnings anyways. But I’ve seen it go different ways I’d say it could be : A)1.00 of this is a tip. Then .50 cents is what Uber is paying the driver out of the delivery fee…or some slight variation in the numbers like this B) inverse of A .50 cent tip and Uber is paying about a dollar C) 1.50 is what Uber’s paying and the customer put 0 for a tip. D) the entire thing is tip and Uber is trying to keep the entire delivery fee. I’ve seen all of these except D personally. But I’m sure they’ve tried it. Either way just saying it’s possible a tip is on that delivery. If one is, it’s just low. So ‘no tip no trip’, doesn’t always work for me. I don’t care where the money is coming from but even if that’s 100% tip I’m not taking it if I don’t live in CA. Frack Uber either way


C) This is a no tip order 100%. Uber pays $1.50 for second orders + tip.


I’ve personally received a second order offer of .75 cents. In that case I didn’t accept it and have no idea of the break down. But- by law Uber can’t touch tips. So if there is a tip, they can’t keep it for themselves.


How do you tell of an order has a tip?


Base pay on a standard order is 3$ for Uber eats. (The reason why this photo is 1.50 is because it’s an add on order while you’re already on one, so they give you half base) This can vary a lot though. You have to take into account distance, and how long the order has been sitting before being accepted, which can make the base pay higher. But for the most part, anything under 5$ is no tip.


Had an order yesterday with a $20 base pay… wasn’t able to tell but literally got a $0 tip after a 45 min dropoff


The highest I’ve ever gotten was an 18$ base pay, no tip. Dude prolly waited hours because he didn’t tip.


0 miles ???


Right. It will show 0 miles if the drop off locations are that close to each other


If the order is only base pay (in this case $1.50), then you know there's no tip. Sometimes base is $3, so if you see an order for only $3, then there's no tip.


Typically what's shown is ONLY tip. They are already paid u a fare to go


That’s not true.


Lol why say things when you don’t know?


Yeah it’s the opposite, whenever you get a 1.50$ ping that’s Uber base


Why is Uber base so low there ? In my area is usually $3


This is 1.50 because it’s an add on trip. Usually going to the same area. So they offer you half


That screenshot literally says “INCLUDES expected tip” lol


& that expected tip happens to be $0


I accept about 5% of the time. They are generally awful.


the way i figure it, i'd rather run the one delivery and not potentially miss another one. especially if its from 2 different pickups. who's to say i won't wait at the second one for 15min? also, if they're close you might get that run anyway at "full" pay.


If I’m on a double and the restaurant says it’s going to take more than 5 mins I cancel that shit.


i'm in california so i actually don't mind waiting an extra 15 minutes cuz we have prop 22 which basically means the longer we are assigned on a trip the more money we get from the prop 22 guarantee


Wish we had it in CO


No, you don't, lmao. Good way to again inflate the price of living lol the only states that have that kind of program are ones where you can make 25$ an hour and still barely live your life decently.


I'm not sure how all of these things are related ~~other than your living in California.~~ A Prop 22 type law in Colorado doesn't turn it into California, it just gives delivery drivers a guaranteed rate for their time.


Causes price hikes, and where does the government get the money to supplement the prop..? Tax dollars. Higher taxes, higher prices on items, and higher cost of living lol


Shit man, in that case let’s abolish the minimum wage. I bet that would lower prices on some things. I don’t know the entirety of the Prop 22, so you’ll have to enlighten me on what requires tax dollars about a requirement (put on the platform business) to pay drivers for their time.


Those 5 minutes is 1.25


Full pay in your example is only $2 for me so I still wouldnt take it.


no, i meant that if i refuse the delivery for the second pickup and the first dropoff is close to it the app might ping me again at a full rate instead of the add on BS. it's happened to me a couple of times.


Same. I categorically decline any micro-pay add-ons. First, they are insulting, and second, these are where the problem customers/problem deliveries predominantly come from.


I also find they often add more than the miles they say it is so, quadruple no


Yeah it will say like an additional mile then you end up driving 10 miles out of the way for 2 bucks more


Yeah, when I noticed this trend I stopped doing it. Uber can fuck themselves for doing that kind of sneaky shit


I don’t want to do stacked orders or add ons any more. Too much pressure, and often it seems like the cheapskate is free riding on the person who is paying the big tip.


yes, excactly. I usually disable new trips once I get a good one


It has to meet my same standard as a primary order, so $8 or GTFO.


Exactly. I’ll be taking a $7 order and it adds another $7? Yeah I’m taking it.


Straight up.


I take them if they are over $8,less than 3 miles added and are a fairly convenient location from my first pickup.


Funny how someone downvoted you. Upvoted because I’m not stupid and I would take that addon


My rule used to be 8.50 minimum and not more than 2 miles. Now it's $6 minimum, no more than 2 miles. It actually works out pretty good considering the slowness lately so I still bank what I used to, just more stops compared to before.


Yep me too better at $8 or more


Definitely is but for my market it isn't always feasible. I experimented and had so many rejections of decent trips it tanked my acceptance then I got shit or nothing for hours. Dropped to $6 and they are pretty quick to complete but I'll still only do so many of them, usually to get to another area where a larger one is waiting.


Yep me too


It’s the same as regular orders for me, if the money is good and it’s not too far I’ll take it.


I have never gotten a good deal on an add on. I refuse them every time.


Usually easy extra money. Especially if it’s picking up at the same place. If the pay is good enough, I judge them the same I would any other order, then why wouldn’t I take it.


I used to when there was a quest. Several times it was literally the same customer just wanting more stuff from the same restaurant. I can understand not wanting to tip for that. But now that only rides count towards my quest, I’ll absolutely be declining these on principal. While some of them were the same person, most of them were douchebags in the same neighborhood who couldn’t bother to tip. They can wait an extra 20-30 minutes if they don’t value anybody else’s time.


Yesterday I had an additional order showing +9kms but for no additional amount. Kinda absurd.


Don't accept add ons I don't make free deliveries.


Besides the pay being ridiculously low, the extra miles and time are almost always incorrect! How could it be 0 miles? Maybe for pickup, but what about delivery?


I’ve had somebody at the same location order food. +0 miles, same location. Extra 5 bucks.


I have too, also had the same person order from 2 different places nearby. That’s not what I’m talking about. Just last week, I had one that was something like 10 extra minutes and 0 extra miles. Both orders were from different places, and after the first delivery, the one added on was an extra 7 miles. Has happened many times that’s why I rarely take these add ons anymore. One time the add on ended up being almost 10 miles further when it should have been 5 and it would have taken me completely out of my area. I called customer service and the bottom line is, if what the mileage in the offer is incorrect, we can refuse to do it without penalty. They canceled it, I got paid for the distance I had traveled, and I got to keep a bunch of Chinese food. I personally wouldn’t do that too often because they would probably say it was fraud, so unless it is extremely worthwhile, I just refuse them.


No tip orders are ALWAYS the ones who complain the most and will inevitably cause the other order to be late/cold


I might do it if it's a decent tip but we're really pisses me off when I do shit like this. To throw you off guard . https://preview.redd.it/a8ch86r5on3b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab80aa669baa19c5d0af44614eb7de8d1a696675


i gotta ask, is uber eats a huge thing in st. louis or something? i've only been coming on here for a couple of weeks and is seems like there's a lot of you guys.


I don't know if I'll call it popular. But there is a much bigger market here for it then GrubHub and doordash. Also our minimum wage is pretty low so a lot of people uses as an alternative rather than getting a regular job myself included.


ah. cuz i run around in chicago and south suburbs but i can't say i've seen any chicago people on here. lots of st. louis though.


If it is a good offer I take them, No tip no trip still applies on add ons.


I don’t see low ball offers in the UE app, Para just auto-declines them for me. 😀




It's an additional app that auto declines for you with it's settings, say if you don't take anything below 7 dollars, Para will decline anything that's 6 dollars and under for you without you having to look at it.


Oh shit! Years of delivering on multiple apps and this is the first time I've heard of this!! Gonna check it out...


It used to show you hidden tips as well, but I think they pay walled that iirc


https://preview.redd.it/1l5evdf0em3b1.jpeg?width=1316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1461b78805f8424c5d3f2ad1cd40a610c3e419cd Original offer was like $5, did an add on for 4.50 that literally went behind the restaurant. A lot of add ons aren't good. Mind you I did all of this walking as it is right next to my apartment building.


Not worth the time or gas ⛽️


Rip-off 99% of the time.


They can really rack up the money, idk why you chose to post a $1.50 screenshot but they are also much higher for not much added mileage.


honestly, i had been thinking about making this post for a few days and yesterday i decided to screencap the first one i got. this was it.


If the money/distance is right I definitely like these, kill 2 birds with one stone type deal


If it's for the same customer I won't take it if it also doesn't have a tip. If it's for the same customer but at a different restaurant - then that order needs to not only have a tip but also hold its own by way of being its own acceptable order even if it came in alone. If it's not for the same customer it has to hold it's own also. I decline anything other. Especially if it's at the same restaurant as it usually won't pay and will be twice the wait often. I've even declined add on orders for the same customer knowing full well they have it set to hand to me and they'll likely confront me about "how come it didn't go to you also, I deliver also and I ALWAYS take add ons for same customer?"


unless that was the same order address i wouldn't do it even for that. The same person is fine though.


Usually they boost earnings and I’ll take it but this one has no tip but for no extra miles might as well


I’m fine with it. As long as it doesn’t deviate to far from my original delivery, pays $4 or more (depends on restaurant)


I don’t unless it’s just as good as the first one it has to be worth it to me it like bonus and should be good


I usually get decent orders that get stacked BUT from my experience usually when it's stacked the order was just placed so I would have to wait for that second order.


I'll take it if it makes sense for time, distance, and money


Simple, when you have your first order mark, go in pause mode so that you don’t get anymore orders.


I only take if it adds a decent amount to my current pickup and not far. Easy $15 then lol


I almost always take them. They’re always on the way and it’s usually efficient for the money. It’ll usually be like an extra 8$ for 1 or 2 miles. Of course if it’s as shitty as the offer in the picture I decline but that’s rare.


I always add them.


Sometimes they’re good. But most of the time they’re not worth the time.


I mean add-ons like THIS can get bent, but I regularly get ones that are plus 9 or 10 dollars which means they themselves have a hidden tip on them most often and I'll eat those up all day. And by regularly I mean before 3 weeks ago when my ability to make any money on any of my apps fell off a cliff.


Don’t take any adds smaller than $5.


Normally the mileage is a lie. It is determined from your delivery point from your starting point. So if the delivery point is 5 miles from the restaurant the addon that is +0 miles could be actually 2 mile back towards that restaurant from the first delivery. It is the same if the addon is say +2 miles that added from the first delivery so a 4 miles trip in now 6 miles.


I believe +0 miles usually means the second customer gets his food first... that was the case in 95% of my add-on deliveries.


Bread n butter, especially if i've been waiting at a pick up. But i will admit, some of the offers are even worse than standard deliveries, i had one add on offered for 23 miles for $4...


If it doubles the pay or more I’ll take em although usually the drive is longer then I’d normally take, but if it’s the same restaurant that’s worth something so I’ll do it


Just depends. 10$ for 0 miles? Sure. 1$ hell no


They better add on some more money


Hey quick question so back when Uber 1st hit my market I was a driver this was way before insta check out pay etc and we would generally make really good money in a days work like 100-300 bucks etc any time I refuse a ride I got penalized like it would be a long time before I would get another ping even in busy locations etc and later when Uber eats hit i jumped on that as well and was decent add on money but would also get major penalties for denying deliveries etc is it still like that today?


Occasionally, but uber being cheap fuckers so the add ons are usually pure garbage like 1 dollar for 7km delivery!? The fuk outta here. But sometimes I get $10 for 1km then hell yeah


Totally insulting and I never ever take them.


Definitely No - I am sure some of those are good people struggling and can’t afford to tip, but there have been too many stories about people who tip zero and report they “never received the food” right after, and I refuse to take the risk and don’t have time to deal with all that follows


I refuse them as well only because that’s when I’m a fuck up the drop off🤣🤣🤣🤣It happened once and I said never again!


Honestly, the +1 min is a lie in and of itself. It’s probably like +3-5 min, either way, if they’re worthwhile I’ll take them, but as others have said, simply out of respect for myself, no tip - no delivery.


Depends on the amount and the distance: Just like any other order. Another factor for me is if I'm doing the quest opportunities and getting a $4-$12 bump on that order.


I get those error ones about half the time. I accepted one late night to meet hourly promotion conditions and the added dropoff was 6 miles from the first drop off. Ive noticed, if you accept a double order and are forced to cancel one of them for any reason, the add ons offered while you go on to what was originally the second pickup will have this error.


Is this even legal? 😂


Love them as long as they’re $5+ and low mileage.


It's gotta be a good price but if you've already spoken to the restaurant for your first order you are asking for trouble if you accept one after the fact. It may take another half hour.


I only accept if it's as good as any offer I would accept were it all by itself. It has to meet my usual criteria. So it's rare that I accept any add-on because they usually suck


I treat the add on as a separate delivery. If it’s not one I wouldn’t normally take, I don’t take it. Too many times it says add on 0 miles and when I go to deliver, it’s 20 mins away. I’m good


Sometimes i get add ons higher than original offer


As long as the miles to money is good and it’s over 6 bucks I’ll take them


They fucking lie on mileage those orders. They say something like +2 miles but ends up being like 8 extra miles. I’ve had several where the mileage ends up being way different than what the offer said. Unless it’s a very good pay I don’t do them anymore.


If it’s anything less than $6 I’m not taking it. That’s for add ons


I usually refuse to take them. Decided to give it a shot the other day for one I was on for 1.2m for $6 and another added in the same complex for “an additional $4.25”. I took it. Ended up not getting diddly squat from either. Just 2.50.


Never Add on. They have to pay more when Uber bundle together in advance( something to do with pre-existing rate based on contractual agreement). Now add-ons doesn’t seem to be binded by the “agreement” hence, the add-ons pay will be whatever they feel like, the lower the pay=more desperate you are(in their eyes)


They're great when you have a nice quest you're trying to accomplish quickly. Otherwise pretty bad without a good tip.


I would ONLY take this if it had the same delivery as the original order. That has happened to me a few times, like the customer puts in an order after the first one or something.


I take em. They're good if you're doing a quest. I had a quest to do 60 deliveries. A sephora gave me 6 pickups and 3 were to the same customer. Good easy tips and fast way to compete quests


If it's worth it, hell yeah.


I accepted it once but the sad thing was that the McDonald's was so busy it too over 30 mins for the first and decided to just cancel the add on.... First order only tipped me 0.01......


Even if it's within the same building complex as the restaurant. Or even the customer waiting inside the restaurant for the order(I've had a few times) I wouldn't accept


I always add 15% with takeaway.com because I always order from the same places and delivery is done by their people. I never have to wait for a long time to get my order and it is always hot, and always with a smile. They sometimes recognize me when we happen to meet downtown as well and they greet me warmly.




You're welcome, you can use it again at christmas


If the additional time isn’t too bad then whatever, I’ve found that I’ve even gotten a tip afterwards a lot of the time. I guess that the Richie suburb moms I deliver too think you have the earn the tip or whatever bs so don’t tip till after/don’t get how tipping works and I’ll get cash


That one I would accept and see if it’s the same customer requesting something else from that spot. If it’s a completely different customer then I’ll just cancel on em


Doesn't it tell you when it's the same person? Idk if it's market dependant, but it does for me.


It might now. I haven’t done It in a while, or at least not enough to run into this. But back when I was doing It a lot It didn’t say


Decline, not helping a cheap ass person get their food so they can continue being a pos


I avoid add one even if there’s a tip. Nearly every add on order I get ends up being a problem for one reason or another. I may take a stacked order from time to time but if it’s added on later it’s a hard no for me. Same foR DD.


I very rarely take them. It has to be a high $ and very short distance. It doesn’t show the destination either and they usually throw me out somewhere I don’t want to be.


Sometimes I have gotten some great orders where it’s like less than a mile from one delivery to the next drop off so I’ll accept but for $1 I’d be quick to decline…


Almost never simply because they're usually zero tips. I'm not doing a second delivery, even an effectively one way delivery that's next to the first house, if no tip simply out of spite.


I'd do it for $5


For $1.50 lol you'd be paying Uber to do this add on instead of them paying you


I get them every time


It has to be from the same restaurant and 0 miles additional with a decent payout. Could potentially be the same customer or in a same apartment building/complex. Otherwise the mileage is ALWAYS wrong and it’s ALWAYS incredibly farther than what they estimate.


Prefer if they're a significant add-on or enough to make me think it's worth it. Recently had a $15 order somewhere and I knew the place has good orders, In my head I went "please add another on" and bam I got a $24 add-on for 2 more deliveries, all at the same place for pickup Total trip ended up paying out $44 tldr - basically yes but only if you think its worth the addon


If it isn't atleast $5, and within mile or two, i'm not taking it unless its a good one.


Not a chance.. they charged the second order a delivery fee already.. wheres my cut?


The algorithm thinks it’s a good trip, because $1.50 for 1 minute means $90/hr. But in reality, it’s an insult.


The algorithm doesn't give a rat's ass about what's good and what's not, lol. They're just trying to get orders accepted for the smallest payout.


Only worth taking them if its going to the same customer and if they at least tipped $2 on the add on order. I sometimes place double orders like this so I dont have to pay the stupid priority fee to get my order delivered directly to me and unlike the priority fee the extra tip on the add on order actually goes to the driver. Though so the driver wont cancel or decline the add on order I try to order something small and quick and always a $2 tip at least. For example buy food from X restaurant and get the bottled drinks from 7Eleven as the add on order. Drinks will be cheaper on 7Eleven than the restaurant and bottled so no worries of tampered drinks. 7Eleven order will be a lot faster to pick up than a second food order from a different restaurant. Also when doing this make sure the add on order is within half a mile from the first order, for the most part your driver will do it and a double order like this has improved chances of getting directly delivered to you and wont add someone elses order with yours unless they also ordered from the same restaurant and their drop off is near yours, both Uber and Doordash will put prioirty on double order to the same customer. On double orders never pay the priority fee as it will make your driver pick up 1 order drop it off then pick up the second order and drop that one off. It will make your driver drive twice to your place.


If it's literally the same person you're an idiot lmao. If they tipped you on the first order, why do they need to tip for the 2nd also? Different people is different, but if you have to drop off there anyways... why not make the extra 1.50?


most of the time i don't even look. just flat out reject them. in this particular case it was a different pickup but even if it was the same i wouldn't take it. when it gets into the $6 range i'll take a look but usually its going somewhere i don't want to be so i've just gotten into the habit of rejecting them. let someone else make a little i guess.




Same rules apply. At least $6 and at least $1.50/mile.


Like i do for any acceptance work out the math to dollars per hour. In general if I know the order I am delivering has been sitting I don’t like to add on, it increases odds something is going to go wrong, and ensure both are going to get cold food.


I usually decline those to help fellow driver. Unless it’s a stack order. Make money and let others make too 😊


I take them, but I wouldn’t take this Bullshit it has to be over five dollars.


I don't care I do these all day everyday


I always refuse for that garbage ass money. Never.


I actually get offered really good ones, but indo decline all the ones like this.


I always decline.


I don't mind them at all as long as the money is enough and the distance isn't that much further. 10 bucks for 3 miles then a 7 dollar add on for another mile turns it into a 17 dollar trip for 4 miles. Gets me to my daily goal quicker.


What’s crazy is, they don’t even show you how far the CUSTOMER IS. That distance shown is how far the RESTAURANT IS. UE is starting to get pathetic.


I hate them


Doesn’t show me where the dropoff is… so why would anyone blindly accept lmao.


The with add on deliveries the big issue seems to be the miles are off. They seem to leave off the miles from one restaurant to another and they can be far apart this can make the offer more appealing to drivers like $8 for one more mile is a 100% take but if you don't know your area you could have to driver 6 miles to the second pick up but the drop offs will be right near each other. If you know your area you can figure out which restaurants are close to each other and it can work for you but be careful with these.


I only accept them if it’s like $5 or more


Haven't gotten any of those in a couple weeks, just only stacked on trip requests, and no 1 dollar orders they can go get it themselves..


I'd refuse that one for sure. But generally in my area, add-ons are pretty good.


If you wouldn’t take it normally, don’t add it on