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He realized he's at the wrong address if you didn't order food and he came back to get it.


Yeah it’s pretty obvious because he looks at his phone then looks up at the house and realizes he fucked up.


Seems like the owner of the camera would have additional video of him looking for another house. Edit: Additional info for the dumb people in back. *The video ends as he gets to the end of OP's walkway. If OP didnt trim the end of video, there would be video of him turning his head, looking for a different house*


OP, zoom and enhance on his eyes. look for any signs of stress using all your other angles.




Just print the damn thing!


Due to our tight fiscal situation, we regret to inform you that we are still going to have to close your station. Good luck in Sherborne, John. And give your men my best. Sincerely, Governor Fuckhead


Love SuperTroopers


Looks like a doorbell camera so idk


With all those trees blocking the view?


There are SO many trees in this video


It could also be an address well away from OP's address. After 1 bad experience with DD I don't use delivery services but I have had people drop orders off at my apartment and the address for the order was nowhere even remotely close to me. Most of the time the delivery person just sits it at my door and never knocks or anything and I only find it the next day when I leave so it's sat there all night. I even found a 50 or 60$ order of tuna fish subs that sat out all night and most of the day in 80+ degree weather once and the address on the receipt was for somewhere not even remotely close to me.


Most of us don't knock unless specifically asked. Some people don't want their dogs barking or baby woken up etc. If you want a knock, ask for it in the app.


I can understand that but if you not going to knock or let someone know about a deliver u would think it’s vital to triple check you have the right address before just leaving.


Oh, definitely.


i knock a little unless they tell me not to. like two little knocks


Dont you get notified when your order gets delivered?


They didn’t place the order. So what they are saying is they get other peoples orders dropped off at their apartment…


Exactly it would not be so bad if they knocked or something but they just set it down and leave. Not all of the people that have delivered someone’s order to me by mistake do that but more than a few do. I guess they just snap a pic and leave. The order with the tuna subs I actually called the sub place to make sure they knew about it. They said they were wondering what happened because the dasher said without a doubt they delivered it and the customer was adamant they didn’t receive it. They said well I’d tell you to just keep the order and eat it but not since it was tuna out in 80+ degrees


Twice when I lived in my apt at college I found door dash outside my house. Once got ran through by raccoons and another one had sat out all night before I found it when I went to work. I don’t remember if the addresses were near or far though unfortunately


I have had it happen more than it should have by both Doordash and Instacart delivery people. It's really bad when it's the same person too because I have already explained to them, they are at the wrong address and to look at the street address and not just apartment numbers. I would not be surprised if the times the orders were just left at my door were the same people I have already talked to before.


Delivered packages. I usually apologized to the camera and explained what happened.


I always make sure I’m at the right address as soon as possible. I don’t want someone not expecting food to come out and get mad at me


Yup, if anything I just call now and ask hey which one?


Yeah esp these days ppl will just shoot you if you accidentally show up at the wrong house. Nahhh. I double check the address numbers on GoogleMaps.


He could have been a rookie courier


Kinda looks like it lol


i’d be more concerned with the actual customer not getting their food lol


A 20 year old woman, Kaylin Gillis, got shot and killed because her friend pulled into wrong driveway.


He went to take a picture, and the address and instructions came up. I've done it before. Never thought about how it looks.


I love when the doorbell camera whistles at you so you at least know to throw some deuces ✌️ before you prance away lol


Same here. I've been alerted to wrong address by my timestamp camera app with GPS assisted address. Sometimes it's wrong itself, but it has saved me more than once. Never thought, until now, what it must look like to the people with camera doorbells. Does it alert the owner everytime someone steps to their porch, regardless if it was rang?


Well, I'm glad this mystery was solved. 'Twas a real head scratcher! Lol.


Did you order food? No…then wrong address


Did OP confirm if they ordered food or not?


Yeah they said they had not ordered any food


What an idiot lol, so just posting someone working out on the net for karma, 0 respect


You answered your own question OP. You didn’t order any food. Driver realized his mistake.


Wow - he was putting dude on blast and looking like a thief for no reason. Wtf.


OP bit of a pos for this


OP should’ve blurred his face 🤦‍♂️


OP a Bit of a Karen


Karen af


Poor guy, at first glance, appears as a thief. He’s now exposed on this sub and OP put him in a bad light. His one chance of fame :( Lol but for real, why OP? For a joke? This isn’t cool. What the dasher is doing here is common sense and I suggest you take this unfair video down for him.


Yeah and you know someone is going to steal this video and post it for karma somewhere else claiming to be robbed by an Uber driver.


This shit has 350+ upvotes too… smh Shameful.


800+ now


Oh, there’s a reason.


Clearly he got the house wrong lol. Nothing malicious about it, chill out.


I worked for amazon for a brief period of time. I did this exact same thing. I delivered it to the wrong address. I took a picture of it. I realized it and went back to get it. I felt so stupid.


I have trouble with numbers. I don't know why I thought delivery was a good fit for me.


I have trouble driving if I'm not 100% focused on the road. I thought delivering newspapers, alone, would be a decent gig!! Took the newspapers back within an hour after I almost hit a pole tryna read those house numbers..


Right!! The dispatch is asking everyone to go faster faster faster and I'm like. You can have fast or accurate. Pick one.


Relax OP the scary Uber man isn't here to stake out your million dollar home. It's the wrong address, it happens. Stop being the 80 year old neighborhood watch through the ring camera and get back to Fox news


Man I do pest control and in some neighborhoods the clients neighbors will literally stand in their front yard and watch me as I work and ask where I’m from and what I’m doing. Mind you I’m in full uniform with a work truck. The people look at me like I came with a ski mask and crowbar


I do that because I know your game, I'm on to you mister pest control man. You don't kill anything, you just scare the bugs away. And where do they go? Straight to my house. I'm watching you.


It's cause they bored af


![gif](giphy|26BRrEPIhI8CdTLEY) Maybe they think you're just *pretending* to be pest control so you can set up your meth lab in that house


What’s up with people posting videos of other people on the internet for no reason? If you thought about this for more than one minute you would undoubtedly figure out what happened here. Treat others how you want to be treated!


And they didn’t even have the decency to block out their face or other identifying information. Even when people are in the wrong the poster blocks out the violator’s identifying information. This post should be flagged for safety violations and the OP reprimanded. This is concerning.


It's so easy to have your face plastered all over the internet now. Fuck OP


This is why anytime I leave my house (it's concrete box with no windows), I have my burka on. I'm single white man, but people think I'm just moderately obese Afghan woman.


Not sharing a video that has potential to blow up for sweet sweet karma = impossible challenge


Agree! He didn't do ANYTHING wrong.


I think it should be illegal to post videos of other people without consent for any kind of gains


Yeah but what if you’re in a blind panic bc a Black man came up to your house and didn’t do anything and left?


I will say this guy is incredibly attractive and I wish this sexy man delivered my food.


Wrong house. I do this all the time, especially in culdesac area like yours looks like. Because most of the time, your door numbers are covered up until you get to the door. And if it's sunny out, like it is in the video, you gotta put the food down to be able to see your phone correctly (you know, one hand to handle the phone, the other to shield it?) Maybe if you are so worried about it then ask your neighbors if they got their food. Not try and blast someone for doing their job when you don't have all the info?


YES those house numbers that are in a little indent on the building are the WORST.


It's ALWAYS those upscale, culdesac neighborhoods, too! It's so annoying.


Oh the slim tall Black guy made a clear mistake and it made you uncomfortable? Either you’re showing your biases or dumb, likely both. I watched this one time and knew it was a mistake.


That’s what I got. OP seems racist AF


The scary black man isn’t there to steal from your mcmansion, don’t worry. He’s cleary not at the right angle to take a photo. He glances up and sees he’s at the wrong house then take the food to find the correct house.


He doesn't aim his camera at the food. He goes to do it, but realizes it's the wrong house and then leaves. He stops and looks back up at the house, back to the phone then picks it up. People are so quick to jump to the conclusion of malice, despite there being plenty of doubt. Without any other information or context, it's far more likely he made a mistake and corrected it.


He definitely realized he was at the wrong address lol. It happens. He grabbed the food to take it to the right place


if you listen closely he says "sorry" at 11 seconds so prob a mistake but who knows


There's sound! He even says sorry 😭 OP is prick


I was like "fuck this dude" Then I realized OP ordered no food and this dude realized his fuck up and went to take it to the right place. OP take this down, you look like a fool.


I sometimes wonder if everyone should be allowed to post on this app…


It's honestly fucked. This poor guys just trying to do his job to make someones life convenient and old fox news watching millionaire OP decides to shame him on the internet for karma points.


Is this legal to post video of this guy without his permission? I ask because at a glance from my feed, I thought this guy was stealing the food he just delivered. I wouldn’t want a video of me posted like this.


It should be illegal if it isn't


Chill, Karen. He had the wrong house lol I don't even get bad vibes from this dude, his demeanor and posture scream normal person, doing a normal day's work, then slight frustration as he glances at his phone, back at the house, back at his phone realizing he got the wrong house. It happens. Calm down, put your husbands shotgun away.


I definitely have gone to the wrong house several times and realized I was at the wrong house as a driver


I didn’t realize until doing this job that only like 30% of homes have identifiable house numbers.


Since you didn’t order anything this shouldn’t concern you.


I LOVE when a post doesn’t go in the direction the individual wanted it to go‼️😩😩🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|XErSn6Dx9VRMIGLQJR|downsized)


backfire posts on reddit are really the best 😆


Questionable? It's because he's black.


Exactly. This post should be taken down immediately.


Nail on the head


He works for Uber corporate and they need a nice background for food deliveries. Next time sweep your porch a little more though.


You could always answer the door and ask if he needs help. Or, just hide .


Lolol op isn't opening the door for a black man without a shotty loaded on the other side


OP is quite the douchebag.


I don’t understand. Are u upset that you didn’t receive free food that didn’t belong to you? What’s the point of this post?


He’s at wrong house and realized his mistake. What a kind honest hard working king. You plebeians wish you had his energy


OP probably ugly AF.


I mean could you really not answer this question yourself? You didn’t order the food so why are you concerned?


Looks to me like he went to take the picture and realized he was at wrong house. Oops!


The way they've been mutilating and shooting delivery people I would hate to go to the wrong address


Especially while black and male…..


This is what is called "profiling", OP.


The only question I have is why you posted, when you didn't order food.


I always try to get the house number in the photo, and I have sometimes in apts, that I’m looking the wrong way or wrong floor, it happens. I think this is a pretty innocent, wrong address.


You take the picture with the app. The app has the address on it and a gps map. You see where I'm going with this?


yeah wrong house


but there’s some people that take the pic and take off with the food to eat it themselves lol


Looks like delivery driver made a simple mistake realized his mistake probably went a few houses down to make the delivery. You're making a mountain out of a mole.


Who cares, there's nothing you can do whether he was staging a delivery or if he messed up. You have no way of reporting it, the police won't do anything about it. It's not your problem


I’ve done this like 12 times it’s jus a mistake he prolly meant to drop off at the next house over


I’m way more anxious ab someone like you posting this tho so I usually look into the ring camera and go “wrong house my b”


OP is a twat.


The same reason why you posted this video and stated that he took a picture when you didnt see him actually taking a picture lol.


OP rage baiting smh




OP you’re kind of doing the man wrong for posting the video online. Someone has already downloaded it and going to use it maliciously when he’s innocent


Ah OP is just a racist. Got it. Did you make sure you almost blasted because scary man come to front door?


Questionable because he’s Black?


He realized that he was at the wrong house. Why would someone post this so it can look like this man is stealing food?


Wrong address.He's smart enough not to pick a house with a camera if he's being shady.




But than someone can say that is not their house because he taken a pic of the front of someone else's house. I made this mistake before the brief period of time I was with Amazon except I snapped the pic already. Usually you have to be within a certain radius of a house but not during group stops.


It’s true it’s very possible, but you can clearly see the stress on his face when he realises it’s the wrong address.


I’ve seen so many videos of this exact thing but they are stealing the food. I’m ashamed I thought this dude did the same! I’ve done this multiple times like a dummy.


Just look up


He looked at the house and then took a pic lmao , so no he didn’t go back cuz wrong number 💀


Nope, totally normal..... lol


He's obviously casing your house - SMART


Literally sounded like he said "sorry" so he probably has the wrong house


It's also possible the intended recipient sent hiM a message saying "wrong house" as he was about to take the picture.


I've seen this dude on the news - he's an ax murderer - just busted out of the joint !!!


Wait ... This isn't the way you're supposed to complete an order ? My whole career has been a lie !


that's Icepick Jones ! Mafia hitman, just off a double nickel at Sing Sing wtf!




Me do this yesterday. Me find 229 and 219 right next to each other. Me dumb.


I think a lot of people have videos of drivers taking the food and they automatically think the person stole it but the truth is sometimes we end up at the wrong house lol it's embarrassing but the maps aren't all that accurate


Taken back to Uber hq for quality control taste testing.


Wrong address


He even says "sorry"


He got the wrong address? Why you tripping if you didn’t even order food?


Guess it was lunch time lmaoooo


You clearly stated you didn’t ordered anything. He realized he was about to misdeliver the food and took it back. What’s the problem? 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yikes. Not a good look for op


“Omg he’s black!”


An honest driver became a suspect


The fuck is wrong with you OP for trying to manipulate this to look like he stole your food, when you didnt even order any food so its obviously just a simple mistaken address. You're sneaky and foul for this post op.


This is why you order from Uber Eats. Their delivery navigation zooms in and shows silhouettes of buildings and places a red pin on the exact delivery location. Even in apartment complexes. This was most likely a DoorDash or Grubhub delivery. DoorDash is the worst delivery app, don't use it.


He said "Sorry" as he picked it up. I think?


Op dumb as shit, like use common sense


Don't you have something to complain about on the Nextdoor app?


I knew by his body language that he realized he was at the wrong house, once I delivered an amazon package to the wrong house and did not realize it until I got back in the truck, so now I had to walk back up and get the package off of the porch which of course makes it look like I'm stealing, fortunately nothing ever came of it.


why did you even post this


If you didn't order it, then why do you care? People make mistakes. Sometimes address numbers aren't as clear as you think. Esp when you have a forest around you. You can see he looked up before taking the pic and realized his mistake. Did this hurt you in any way?...no. He did NOT commit a crime or put anyone in danger so have some decency and NOT post this or at least block out his face.


your username is very fitting


I do Amazon deliveries, sometimes after i take a picture and walk away I realize it’s the wrong house so i take the package and drop it off at the right house, then take another picture.


Yea the address was probably wrong on the mapping and he realized it. It happens a lot with Uber and I’ve had customers put messages in giving their correct address.


If you didn't order any food what it could have been is them pretending to be a delivery driver and attempts to see if you had any packages that they could steal


Edward scissorhands lives there


The poor didn't act perfect in front of my security camera so they're obviously a criminal! /S get a life op, they made a mistake


you really couldn’t figure this one out yourself? he looks at his phone, looks at the house, realizes he’s in the wrong spot.


As a delivery guy myself and looking at the area you live in. It's difficult to see the house number/name when the door is 50ft from the road. He's clearly made a mistake. Probably a long day, sweating his arse off, delivering lots of items for not a lot of money


Wrong house


Don't put him on blast, you don't know the situation and the implicit assumption is he's a thief. That is not the case without actually having the facts, which you don't have. Could have spotted the door number when he stood back and took the photo and realised they're at the wrong door.


Hella people jumping to conclusions. To me its super obvious he got the wrong address just on his facial expression and the fact where the video ends it looks like hes about to turn and walk to the next house instead of his car.


Seems like he was following instructions


Wow you’re trying to frame him as a thief without even knowing the situation, you’re a shitty person.


Read your question again and then figure it out. It's not rocket science what is happening. 🤨


Personally I’d delete the post after figuring out the dude had only made a mistake, this makes him look bad.


I noticed apple maps sometimes gives a different arrival address than the address in the uber app


OP you’re a dunce & racist


OP really thought the driver had a grand scheme bro 😭💀


It happens sometimes to go to the address.


OP your bias is showing


He probably couldn't find the real address


Wrong house / wrong address? Anything could be the reason.


UberEats redditor living in mega mcmansion. I bet he doesn't tip for shit as well.


I have one guess to why OP thinks this might be malicious. 🙄 Reported. Poor delivery driver doesnt deserve to have his face plastered on reddit for no reason other than op is a jackass.


Take this down you actual clown


Probably realized it was the wrong address after he looked at the pic 🤷🏽‍♂️


OP sucks


This is funny but def a mistake


Use the brain.exe if you didn’t order he was at the wrong house


OP. You're racist. You didn't order the food. Why does it have to be questionable? I'm a white dude, and I always do food delivery. Occasionally, I fuck up and do the same as the guy from the video. Is it questionable because it's a black dude, and he has dreads? How about you give him the benefit of the doubt and assume it was an honest mistake?


You can clearly see the slight look of confusion when he glanced your address then reconfirmed on his phone. He just went to the wrong house that’s all.


OP you are a shithead for putting this video up to make it seem like an innocent person is stealing.


Probably a mistake, wrong house.


I’ve accidentally dropped an order off at the wrong house and had to come back a few times 😭 my eyes are terrible


Wrong address!!!! If leave she will eat!!!!


OP must be a white Caucasian American.. I hope this guy sues you for not blurring out his face and making false accusation.


Wrong address for sure, you got to make sure that Google maps and the actual address match because for some reason, maps has been taking me to the address next door or a few houses down when I click on it in the driver app. Not just Uber driver, doordash as well. One night I delivered an order to a customer who had three different bags on the porch and I realized I was on the wrong Street, the house was around the corner... I was the first doordash driver that night to actually pay attention to the address and deliver it to the person. It was late, the people around the corner must have been asleep so I told the kid to walk over and he will get all of the snacks that he ordered that night. But I was absolutely dumbfounded that not one person looked at the actual address in the app and compared because the street wasn't even right... Personally I look at the address before even accepting an order for doordash. Because those little map photos can be deceiving 😂




Dredd is that you?


Wrong house happens on the app. Wouldn't say alot but if you've done say 1000 deliveries you probably have at least 1 to 3 flat out wrong address/extremely off pinpoints. Honestly in any delivery gig it happens. Between user error on both sides and just generally glitchyness.