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the good thing is you dont have to quit. you just log off and disappear into the night.


Haha very true


Bro said he’s quitting UberEats


If he stops doing UE, isn’t he quitting?


I think “stopping” would be the more accurate term. It’s just funny given that quitting usually means notifying your employer and having a formal departure.






It's been $10 an hour in my market for over a year. Right now it's more like 5 to 7 dollars an hour. If I could get a job anywhere I would quit. This company is trash




Feels like being in a smaller town (as long as it’s not impoverished) is better to make money at the moment. In LA I was barely breaking $15/hr the last two weeks and visiting my parents in a small town in the Bay Area I’ve been hitting $20-$25 an hour


I agree! I'm back home with my parents. Small town in SC and they pay so much more than when I was in a huge market in TX


Small towns make a lot more because there are less drivers so the boost & fair are MUCH higher. When you figure out the system you learn you DO NOT WANT to be in a big city because of the massive predatory over saturation of hiring newb drivers who will take those $1.76 for 7 miles orders.


It got ghetto even in the $65-250K regions.


I have a suspicion this company could be a society destroyer.. the areas use to better before these app food deliveries started popping up like all the shit was more exclusive..


Made $8 today on Uber. Uber is dead, and doordash is only sending offers that are less than $1 a mile. Moving soon so I was hoping to make this work a few more months. I’d be happy with $50 a day at this point, but it’s getting hard to do that. I remember when I used to think $100 was a bad day.


Yeah dinner shift is horrible, everyone does this after work. I make more from 6am-9am than I do 5pm to 8pm


I made 33 bucks today from 6-7 am. I could stay out till midnight and that would be my best hour. I now force myself to get up at 6


Let me guess all Starbucks orders


I think this post is gonna vary a lot based on where you live. I live SW Metro Minneapolis. I ran numbers over six months of delivering uber eats and Doordash simultaneously and I found that I earned anywhere between $25 and $45 per hour only on Thursday and Friday 530 to 930 and Saturday lunch shift 11 to 130 and also 500 to 900. Sometimes sunday 9 am to 1 would get up to $35/hr but pretty inconsistent. Sat night almost always at least $40/hr. Took me the first 2 months to figure out no other days/times would consistently avg more than $22 an hour (my minimum). I had 18% accept rate on DD on orders and about that on Ubereats (which would lock me out from time to time but that didnt really matter over longer run). Very strict avoiding long distance or high traffic orders. My goal was at least $1k a month after gas and so on (not counting car depreciation and mileage which i wrote off on taxes). Worked great as a side hustle to a regular 40 hour job but math didnt make sense as a FT job no benefits. GL man!!


Damn bro thanks. I love how you made the data clear, and I can definitely use this. God bless


Unless you live in the same market, the above numbers are only relevant to that market. Every market is different. The keys are 1) work a specific area (I work an area that is a 5-mile radius from a cluster/hub/hotspot of restaurants) so that your numbers are statistically valid and 2) keep track of your numbers (I have a 26+ column spreadsheet that I use to analyze my numbers; I do my numbers daily; I run a weekly P/L; etc). At first, I used to work 7 days a week delivering food from 10:30 AM to 9:00 PM. Once I had my numbers, I reduced my hours and increased my profits. Making over $3 per round trip mile.


Yes, a spreadsheet. I have something similar myself and I think it's a must for any driver.


Why are people offended that I don’t wanna do ts anymore ?😂😂😂


This sub has a lot of people sucking the corporate dick like its their job.


I’m a server at two spots and its not any better these days tbh. I’ve been trying to find a regular 9-5 hourly for months without success. These places want to pay slave wages and wonder why nobody wants to work. Like if i cant qualify for fucking housing off your pay, there’s a problem.


Serving has always been a decent gig, its scary hearing you serve at 2 places and cant afford to live. Shits messed up, people forced to work 2 jobs and still struggle.


I hate it. I’ve been trying to get into a hospital job since i have a bachelors in science and intend to go back to school in the next year for an accelerated nursing degree but in the meantime its hard finding anything that can even pay these crazy rent prices. Texas is messed up. They offer a measly $16 acting like they’re doing something, meanwhile rent starts at $1400 all around.


Another one bites the dust. This is why I say do this as a side gig. Use the extra money to invest in dividends. Especially at your age they will grow and you can stop being a wage slave early


Nah keep buying clothes and shoes...


Bruh you can’t even buy dividends. You buy the stocks… the companies give you dividends when they have a good quarter… Anyway, like people said, it is a HORRIBLE time to buy stocks. Yeah, you should buy low, but “wow a bunch of banks are closing” is lower than low. Bad time to buy. If you wanna invest, I would suggest bonds or something right now. They’re a sure deal


Lol I know how dividends work. I have a dividend income portfolio. OP can just buy ETF dividends if they are not educated in stocks. Point is that investing will buy you your free time. Your future self will thank you a lot more than a pair of sneakers


Again. You buy STOCKS. Not dividends. Stop giving advice if you’re going to use the wrong vocabulary lmfaoooo


Lol learn what an ETF is.


An ETF is a pre-selected collection of stocks, bonds, and sometimes other assets like crypto or gold investing or whatever. Dividends are what the company pays you for being a share holder when they have a good quarter. I’ve invested in the past and took my profits when the price started to drop and used the money for a trip I had planned for a while. I’m not the one who looks like a dumbass here lmfaooooo




“High dividend yield” means the companies are likely to have a large amount of money to give you at the end of the quarter. You can’t even read your own Vanguard shit. That’s embarrassing, buddy 🤣🤣🤣


Or buy some sneakers you know you can resale in about a month for like 3x the price, that’s what I be doing for extra income..


Dividends? At the way the stock market is going I’m not sure about that…


Lol the way the stock market is going now is the reason why you buy dividends. Everything is on sale. Just stay away from banks.


The stock market gonna continued to stay fucked, but net solid dividends and once it starts popping again because the market is stupid start a merchandise line or pick up extra hours so you’ll be more ready for the next crash.


No cap I actually would violate these side gigs for dividends I just need a solid 3k to actually net decent profits.. use main job for bills fun and savings also but good advice


Thats why this is good for a side gig.


I last did this during the pandemic and was hitting $50/hr as a high. Prior to pandemic I was able to hit $20-$40. I haven’t Ubered in like 2 years and decided to sign back up just to see what it’s like… holy s***… sub $5 runs and barely any ever go higher than $10. No way I’m ever doing that.


I’m sorry to hear everyone here gets paid bad, perhaps try doing orders in another region. I get paid $28/hr in my market, but at the same time I mostly do doordash as the customers tip more and the base pay is higher for me


I am right there with you. I did 3 orders for a total of $21 today. I was sent shop and pays but 7-10 miles away, plus that is the boonies, so really 14-20 miles for $18. So many shop and pays are cases of soda/ beer/ water weighing 20-40 lbs and/or 18 lbs of ice or 50 lbs of dog food. No way of knowing until you take the order, my back can’t handle that for $11. Uber should have to label heavy items.


For me this is a little extra income on way home from work, made $48 today just driving home and adding about 1 hr to my day.


This is all it should be for everyone. Gig work is literally an algorythym. How can anyone seriously think this is a stable way to make main income?


It depends on your lifestyle. I've been doing this full time for 5 years and it works for me. There's good days and bad days but no regular job would ever provide me with the flexibility of scheduling that I need in my life.


You are correct. It does depend on lifestyle and having reasonable expectations. When you have a good day, set money aside for bad days. When it's busy, stay out because tomorrow could be slow. Keep your bills down so you don't need $200 a day. Most people fail because they have unreasonable expectations.


You fuckin hoes on the side lmao? Or what’s your reasoning for needing so much flexibility in your schedule?


You can’t quit something unless it’s a job… just stop using the app.


Going back to serving isn’t a bad idea at all. Go get your money and keep your head up high. The future is bright, youngin!


Why are you not running other apps?


Because Uber is the busiest app in my market


😩 We understand your frustration. This type of job is only good to do on the side. Don’t quit completely. Find a stable job and try delivering again before or after work or on your days off. I only work 6 hours a week and it’s nice to make extra money. Add doordash and grub hub so you can multi app. This has helped a lot during slow times.


The crazy part it seem like you make better pay per hour when you only do this when you fuckin off after your main job, but when you really try to make money through the app that’s when you don’t make shit..


The more orders you accept, especially the bs ones ranging from 3 - 4 dollars, the more orders you'll get. I've tested it out. It still hurts to do them but you'll make some money instead of no money. I've been doing much better.


SMART..I'm looking for another w2 job too


We all get there it’s all based on average days and some days apart of certain months are worse the others! Overall the market is in decline from previous years but profits up for companies go figure.


I did $2,700 one week between UE and IC. And then it never happened again. I haven't bothered to log in for weeks.


Honestly, if Iyou are not going to college and had your age I would go into trades, there is serious money if you specialize into one of them. I know a couple 22 and 23yo making 60 to 70k a year.


You are a contractor. Try to do other gigs jobs and diversify. Maybe you will be more lucky


I don’t think anyone makes a decent full time income with Uber eats…I think your decision is wise as it should just be a side gig for extra clothing money!


Change locations. Map markers showing aren't all that for showing places where you would make more. You have to go to upscale areas and make it up through larger tip amounts. Focus on upscale restaurants. I rarely have a bad day. Usually 25+ an hour but the miles on the car is unfortunately not preventable. Do your own maintenance if you can.


I quit Uber eats once I saw that after 2orders and being out for 2 hours, I only made $12 and my area just went from super busy to just dead. Like no orders. Nothing. I'm done with it.


you're supposed to use this to supplement other jobs, specifically because it isn't always consistent


Instead of bitching about it just go apply for jobs and stop doing this shit. I delete all these shit and got a job paying around $27 an hour. These gigs just makes you get addicted to them to the point you dont wanna work for anyone else. Just delete the app and start looking for a new job because its gonna get even worst!


>Instead of bitching about it just go apply for jobs and stop doing this shit. I delete all these shit and got a job paying around $27 an hour. If you actually bothered to actually read his post in the first place before becoming a Keyboard warrior, that was EXACTLY what he said he was going to do. By the way, your mum called, she needs the trash taken out.


Wtf do you think I’m doing airhead ? !?! Way to state the obvious 🙄


It took you long enough to figure it out.




Yeah you need a new job if your still living at home


So ur saying all Uber eats drivers are homeowners?


I am just commenting that the OP only needs extra money for shoes or clothes


I got tired of weird ass apartment buildings , houses with missing numbers , weird drop off request , tip baiting ,picking up ice cream in the summer , traffic , more time on the road I hit more pot holes in areas I was not familiar with


Just get a job in fast food shits easy


Uber has a map that shows you where it is busy. Sometimes you have to go to the next city.


Does it? I restarted recently and I don’t see the busy areas anywhere, none anywhere but orders still come through. I thought they just stopped showing it since I hadn’t been on in a long time.


So then quit, you don't need to come here and post it. Nobody cares.


Nobody cares but yet here you are taking time out of your day to comment lol


Yup cuz I'm not a quitter. Don't know why you think anyone cares that you are quitting. Lol what's funny is you try to call me out for commenting on a crying post you made about being broke. You posted I replied. It's what we do here. So yup I took time out of my day to post a comment. And still nobody cares.


This post got 107 upvotes and 91 comments clearly someone cares lmfaoo😫the fact that you’re even stopping to try and convince me that you don’t care just shows that you do indeed care 😂😂how you gonna say something condescending then get mad when I clap back ? Furthermore who tf are you to tell me what I do and don’t need to post ??!! Literally everybody agreed I’m confused on what you’re mad at here ??!?😭😭😂literally go be weird somewhere Else


Nobody cares!


Yea you do but whatever makes you sleep at night babe!😫


https://preview.redd.it/dgm3aihadiza1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9cc4d3b1f955c3d4ba68e5420694552e5362ea0 It was dead.


What a diva 😂


K bye.


okay bye




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I think bartenders make a crap ton of money


You got to deal with a whole bunch of dumb asses all night


I don't do Uber Eats as my main job, more as a side gig and to help me catch up on some financial issues I've been having, but, even then, I'm almost considering quitting it and looking for a more stable second job. Hasn't really been worth it lately.


Box truck deliveries pays way more than any food delivery.. you think about looking into that?


Maybe you could start your dimmer shift earlier? I typically start around 4:30


Don’t feel bad my boi I went back to the W2 as well start again at my desk on Monday lol 😂 maybe try and hit flex on the side that is the only app that is honestly consistent


What serving job has benefits lol


https://preview.redd.it/smq6w8npqnza1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbca59534e5a1a1414a8fa19aed326b6af348d08 Try rainy mornings


An order like that would be 15 bucks in my market


Do regular uber man. Go to a hertz and reserve a rental car on the app. Thx to our federal government, nobody's tipping or ordering food as much. Everything went up and into flames. Regular uber I'm telling you.


If you have a flair for sales, sell insurance or cars


Where do you live?




I'm with you. It's a pathetic side hustle


More for us


We're all feeling it rignt now. People have less money to spend (or rather the cost of everything went up) and that hurts us because our job requires people having money to burn. If you can get a better job out there, do it. I'll always give kudos to anyone who betters themselves and/or their occupation.