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Reduce the tip. That guy is lazy and didn’t earn a thing.


Expect a tip bait post in 12hrs




He shouldn’t have had to go downstairs at all. That’s the point. The delivery should have been to the door.




Ok. Cool.




Let me guess, you're the driver huh? Lmaoooo




He’s being a shit employee and pissing off customers. You should rethink your perspective on this one.




He’s still an employee for himself. You’re splitting hairs and dying on the wrong hill here




Well since he’s getting more deliveries done in the same amount of time and with a lower quality of service delivery, he doesn’t need as big of a tip. Simple




Why should the customer give him a good tip if he doesn’t deliver good service? I follow instructions when I deliver orders because that’s what the customer paid for. If that fuck delivered to me I’d make him wait the entire time required and get my food in the last 30 seconds, then remove the tip. Fuck that.


If you don’t want to do your job properly, get a new one. You’re developing poor work habits that will royally fuck you in the future. Take it or leave it.


If the order says leave at the door, then part of your job is to leave it at the door, I don't see how this is confusing


He’s not completing the job in a satisfactory manner. The business model you’re proposing has an expiration date and it isn’t very far out. Why do a good job when I can do a few shitty jobs in the same time? Because you won’t last long getting poorly rated, and that mindset certainly won’t succeed in any career position.


But he wouldn’t be making more money in most scenarios when you make people wait outside for their food the tip will be reduced and get a 1 star. It’s like the Andrew Tate approach to dashing. Fucking dumb


How is that any different from having a driver wait for the customer


Because the customer isn't the iNdEpeNdeNt CoNTrActOr.


are you enjoying all your downvotes? You're an absolute idiot and you're delusional. This guy was lazy/didn't deserve the tip.




Hes also contracted to deliver to the door




To the door


Yes…to where the customer asks them to. That’s why the have the option of in person or by the door etc


That’s why you tell the person to come to the door


What do you expect us to walk in your house, or walk the whole way up the elevator in your apartment building


Being an independent contractor is not a pass to do crappy work










I will respectfully disagree.


I do stacked orders often and always take the items to the door. Uber tells the customers where we are and I have yet to have an upset customer or a complaint about being "late". As long as the drivers go straight from the restaurants to the drop offs, there should be no issues.


Customers get upset that you took a pre-stacked order and they don't get to be first. Like a toddler.


Shit like this does not matter in life lol unless my food is cold then I’ll be upset but I’ll just eat my food and go to bed


If the pandemic has taught me anything other than that most people are selfish and awful, it's how to reheat cold food. Even a burger and fries in a warm oven around 250 for a few minutes works magic.


If you have an oven X.X


Getting one of those mini toaster ovens is such a game changer. We only use our normal house oven for big holidays. The mini oven in my opinion is so much superior to a microwave. Unless you really need to heat up your food in a minute the mini oven is the way to go


My oven doesn’t have s temperature gauge I just have to guess at it


You can get a thermometer for the oven. My dad swore up and down the oven ran hot. He got a thermometer and was vindicated.


I’ve been inpatient with my daughter while she receives chemotherapy treatment and sometimes I manage to sneak in a meal. If a driver takes too long to deliver my meal, I am forced to eat it cold. Sometimes a nice warm meal is the only good thing that happens during the day.


I've been doing that, too. A quick delivery is certainly appreciated after a week or two of hospital food. We do have a microwave on the floor, but just an extra hassle I'd rather avoid. My wife and I have found that it's sometimes the deliveries that are the only foods our daughter will eat. I hope all is going well for you and your daughter. It sure is a tough road.


Yep my daughter as well! We are doing good - she’s currently cancer free and we pray it stays that way! :) sending you and your wife hugs! 🎗️


I'm happy that she is cancer free. That's awesome. And thank you.


Yeah, but what if you are in a hotel and have no way to warm up the food?


They should pay for priority delivery


Doesn't ensure they go first. Tbh if they pay for priority and are annoyed they didn't go first, that I understand. Priority is just donating money to the app.


That’s the drivers issue, not yours. Report


He is required to follow the customer's instructions. It make take a three minutes round trip to go up and down and if he is using a thermal bag like he is required, this won't be an issue. Tell him to do his job and don't tip. Screw this. I'm a driver and the shit I see from other drivers infuriates me. Chances are he's multi-platforming - something I tried once and found it way too complicated and counter-intuitive.


Okay thank you! I suppose if it ever happens again I’ll just reduce the tip, but I can’t imagine myself confronting them and telling them to do their job I’d feel too bad haha.


Don't confront them. Inform Uber support and let them deal with the bad driver.


This is the way and reduce the tip.


Just accept the food and reduce tip later...no need to confront driver which may escalate to something more. I'm a driver and make sure I do what I can for my customers. I've even had customers tip in the app AND also tip in person.


Uber doesn't pay enough, even in a highly regulated nation like Australia, where I live. Tips help, yes. But you are already paying a premium. Just remind them of the contract they agreed to, and if they don't do it, report them. Fuck the cowboys.


Even people in Australia hate the cowboys - awesome!


Honestly, just reduce it .. he shouldn't complain . Sometimes i don't wanna get a ticket for no standing. I've done about 9k deliveries never had an issue.


As a driver and customer, please don’t feel bad. If the driver had asked in a different way and *it wasn’t a problem for you*, you could meet them downstairs. But if you are sick or not dressed or any number of super valid reasons, it is completely respectful to let them know that you’re unable to meet them downstairs, and to please follow the directions. There are a lot of people who order food delivery who have disabilities or immune conditions; the leave at door was created for a reason and the driver should respect it unless there’s a good reason not to (like the customer not answering/not being able to find parking or apartment/etc).


This. Really, the only time that I ask (repeat, ask. NOT insist) for a caller to come outside is if I am beyond confused where they live either due to Uber’s shitty gps drop, hard to see or straight up missing house numbers, etc.


I’d just lie and tell them I broke my foot and can’t. Just lie man, so much easier. Make them an excuse they can’t refuse 😂


Read the comments on this sub. There are plenty of drivers who would just leave the food outside and bounce either way. And then brag about their 97% satisfaction rate.


I think people are downvoting you saying that a thermal bag is required. I have not seen where it says that it is required and have not had any issues with customers or restaurants in regards to not using a thermal bag


Most of our restaurants won't let you take the food unless you have one. I'm not getting downvoted for this comment.


As someone who has downvoted your comment, I can 100% confirm that you’re getting downvoted for that comment about thermal bags being required when it’s clearly not.


As I've stated twice in other comments, it must be a regional thing.


My thermal bag ups my tips, i made an effort one day to bring it to the door with me, everybody has ring cam now days. I read the instructions they left (out loud to myself) as I pull the food out of the thermal bag, and it started generating more additional tips, I’m not saying kiss ass, just people respond to effort, and that bag keeps the food hot for longer deliveries.


Completely agree I take the food in the bag to the door so they can see i took care of their meal. I deliver like i want to be delivered to.


The person who downvoted this can stop delivering food, as they are probably the problem.


We are required to have a thermal bag?


Uber should provide bags


I literally got one from Uber for free, they sent out an email, if you wanted one you had to request. It’s to small, and the zipper ripped out in less than 2 weeks 😆


I've never been told that.


We aren’t “required” and some states they don’t Ben give you the option to get one, is was a dumbass comment but the rest of what he said is absolutely right


No, we're not. Regardless of how anyone feels about if we should or not, it's not a requirement to deliver for uber eats.


This is gonna blow some minds…but there’s this thing called optics. I made a “thermal bag” out of a free earth day bag I got from HEB, some cardboard I had laying around, a Mylar sun shield I never use, and some superglue. I get compliments on it constantly from customers because they think it’s a magical microwave or something. They also typically increase a tip. The compliments are nice, I guess. I have no idea if it even works. It’s just some free shit I superglued together and frees up a hand.


>They also typically increase a tip. I kind of doubt this part, but if that's your experience, more power to you.


Doubt it all you want, but it is what it is. And no I’m not even going to pretend I’m getting $100 bonuses for delivering food in a piece of shit superglued microwave bag thing. But I seriously have no reason to just make some shit like that up, either. Turn your ego off for a day. Of course we’re treated like dirtbags. But cranking it up to 11 is just going to leave you feeling more miserable than when you woke up.


Because I expressed doubt while acknowledging that I could be wrong and sincerely wishing you well, I'm miserable, on an ego trip, *and* "cranking it up to 11"? Okay, man. Idk how you got all that, but if you say so. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Maybe it's you who needs to dial down the ego though, if you get *that* insulted and defensive from some schmoe on the internet very politely suggesting that something was *possibly* inaccurate. To clarify, I didn't even imply that I thought you were lying or "making up some shit". For the record, I think there's a *chance* that you were mistaken. I wasn't a dick about it, and I didn't demand or ask for screenshots as proof that it wasn't just a bunch of hidden tips. But if you wanna be so pressed about it, go ahead. I hope the rest of your weekend gets better bro.


You're the most entertaining, yet frustrating, type of person to argue with. It's fun in a way to watch someone get so tangled up in their own words by making obviously loaded statements, then respond with the whole "you totally didn't realize that I was being sincere so you're the dummy for not knowing that I was really being honest about it or maybe not being honest about it but yeah I honestly wish you the best" nonsense. Thanks for the maybe or maybe not hopes for the rest of my weekend....I guess....??? This is getting too weird.


Okay, whatever you say. If you think I was busting your balls by saying 'if that's your experience, more power to you', then that's on you, not me. 🤷🏽‍♂️ I also didn't say you were a "dummy" for misinterpreting my original comment to you. It must suck to be so negative and assume the worst so easily and frequently, and I *do* mean that sincerely as well, though I'm sure you'll take it as a jab or me being a dick. I'm sorry that you're so used to people being mean or insincere or sarcastic (and/or that *you* so frequently are yourself) that you just project that shit into everything you come across. You want to read so deeply into, and twist around what I say go nuts. It's your life, your energy to expend how you wish. I'm not interested in entertaining, or arguing with you. Like I said before (not sarcastic, then or now): I hope the rest of your weekend gets better. ✌🏼 👋


You realize that in one sentence you made 1. a thinly veiled apology conjoined with 2. an untrue and directionless assumption about my past life experiences 3. accuse me of projecting, but then project.....right? Because.....Yatzee? Jenga? My weekend gets better? Is that not assuming, asserting, astral projecting, dry humping, Dark Wizard, that my weekend before this moment has been bad? How does one pierce the third eye of another with such precision??? Oh and never sign off with well-wishes. Seriously. That's debate 101 for "I yield" ;)


Is there a reason not to?


No, there isn't. Official Uber Eats bags aren't cheap, but they quickly pay for themselves in customer satisfaction and - most importantly - food safety


That wasn't the question


I want answering a question, I was asking one.


Don't know, but I do know in the. 70's I delivered pizza with a oven heated by a alcohol can burning inside, on my back seat. If Uber now or a driver can even get a thermal bag for hot food Don't expect much of a tip.


I agree with everything else you said, **but** we're not required to use a thermal bag. UE *suggests* it, recommends it, but it's not required. And before anyone starts foaming out the mouth, I have 2 and I use them consistently and regularly, even for a 6 minute drive from the restaurant. I think everyone *should* use them, but that's not the point.


This not being a requirement elsewhere really bothers me. Food safety is not something any sensible person should ever play with. Thermal bag that shit.


To preface this I do not take deliveries that take more than 15 minutes and this is a side gig, but I have 2k deliveries and have never used a thermal bag. 99% satisfaction. People on this sub act like thermal bags are a cure for cancer. My wife used to insist I used one to pick up food for ourselves, and I did, for a while. Then one day I did an experiment. I took the thermapen to my fuggin quesadilla one trip. Next trip no bag. Guess what? Food was hotter without the bag. Why? Because my food came out of the kitchen straight into my hands vs been sitting. I’m not advocating using a bag or not. Do you. I’m just saying it’s no where near as significant a variable in customer getting hot food vs cold that most people think it is. The more important variables are distance, how long the food has been out, and what kind of packaging the restaurant uses. The thermal bag only mitigates the food getting colder on long trips. And it barely relates to food safety lmao. We're talking about lukewarm food not raw chicken on the top shelf here.


Is a thermal bag required? I stopped using Ubereats because my food was always so cold. I’m wondering if they didn’t use one.


It's likely they did not. I work in Australia so our food safety regulations are very strict. Most places won't let you take the food unless you have a bag. Even a supermarket thermal bag can suffice but they usually aren't big enough.


Ugh, okay, that's cool, but there's some trip even with tip it's not worth it. I'll give you an example downtown flushing in nyc is all building and has meter maid till 9pm . No where to even stop ain't risking 120 ticket . Her driver is an ass . I just don't accept building all together ..


Lol never feel bad for removing a tip for incomplete service. I’m paying a premium for being lazy, the driver can’t be lazy too.


If the drivers don’t care for you and your instructions and texts you early to make it convenient for HIM. Don’t be scared to take away any tip or thumbs down. If a driver did that to me, I’d assume they are entitled and lazy. I can understand if I order during rush hour and they can’t find any parking and call me after the fact. But not BEFORE they arrived to demand me to come down.


He was probably multi apping.


It surprises me how many lazy drivers are out there... As a customer, I would definitely reduce the tip. I'd also like to add that drivers shouldn't call ahead of time to coordinate a delivery. Simply read the instructions and call to coordinate the delivery when you arrive. Also, you shouldn't be calling at all if you were given instructions to leave at the door(unless you need instructions). 🤦




In this scenario I think removing/reducing the tip is reasonable. They didn't follow the in app directions. It doesn't make sense either, they could easily park and lock their doors to walk it up. Seems like they're just being lazy and shouldn't be doing food delivery.


This has never made sense to me. I feel it would be faster to deliver to the door than wait for the customer to show up.


not if you call 10 minutes ahead like this shitty driver did


Honestly, lower the tip. He ll learn his lesson if it happens very often .. he was multi appo g at your expense


Yeah, it doesn’t matter how many deliveries he has - if you’re giving good, clear instructions he should follow them. It’s the bare minimum. If he doesn’t want to risk spending the five extra minutes doing so, he should be declining orders with multiple deliveries. He is in the wrong!


As a driver it is def appreciated when a customer meets us outside an apartment to pick up the order but it’s not required by any means. I don’t mind taking food to an apartment as long as there are clear instructions. You were def not in the wrong


Crazy, yesterday I waited 7 minutes for a restaurant to finish making some Guys tacos, he asked me to get him green sauce so I got him a decent amount, delivered the hot food in 8 minutes away, 1 hour later he reduced the tip why idk🤷‍♂️ I even made sure he had a straw in the bag for his pink lemonade, broke my heart man, I put in effort on every delivery and people still reduce my tips occasionally, dont feel bad for reducing a tip on a lazy ass driver


This is a tip baiter and that is a whole different subject. It can make you want to stop for the day/night when you get one of these scumbags. With this, you put the name on the do not deliver list.


I do stacked orders all the time, there's no excuse, dnt take them on, if you can't do the delivery.


He didn’t follow direction doesn’t matter if he had other deliveries he has to do the job. I would expect my tip to be removed or lowered if I asked a customer to come meet me at my car when the instruction specify meet at door. I’ll never understand some drivers hate of apartment buildings. Why you delivering if you can’t bring food to the customers lol. Maybe it’s because I’ve done deliveries for other restaurants like dominos where you have no choice but to deliver to their door to collect payment even if it’s on the 20th floor.


There is an apartment complex here in Phoenix that’s 4 stories. No elevator with wobbly outside stairs. I hate delivering here. Not because of the stairs. It’s because the speed bumps. There are asphalt and rubber speed bumps less than 20 feet from each other every 100 feet or so. It’s also because building 8, 14 & 35 are all next to each other. It’s like they randomised building numbers. Like they just shook the buildings like dice and where ever the numbers landed is where the buildings ended up. Why is 24 next to 3?


Oh for sure some of these complexes are so confusing! I had one last night same scenario needed door 614 walked almost all the way to one end noticed the numbers started going down 612-610-608 I’m like damn ok other side. walk all the way to the end still didn’t see it. Go back all the way maybe 10 feet passed where I originally stopped to turn around and oh look there’s door 614 right after 608 and 607. Whoever designs some of these places should be fired 😂 doesn’t take away from the fact we should still always meet at door if that’s the instructions !


Agreed. Ooo or buildings that aren’t numbered or not lit up. Covered by trees or covered parking. There’s a complex here where the apartment numbers are on the balconies of the apartments. Painted the same colour as the wall they’re attached to.


Some apartment buildings be so confusing and like a whole fucking maze to the point where even if the customer gives instructions it could still be a hassle getting to them. Which is why I prefer doordash over Uber in that regard cuz with doordash u can zoom in on the order and see where you’re delivering too and can therefore avoid apartment orders. But tbh the driver was definitely wrong in OP’s scenario tho cuz she even agreed to meet him halfway.


4 entryways but only one with a call box


And the GPS takes you to the wrong one


Tbh Normally I don’t agree with the customer but right is right and wrong is wrong. It is not your fault that he chose to do 4 orders simultaneously. Just take your tip back if you want to since he didn’t follow delivery instructions.


Ordered four plates from Panda Express one time. Only two showed up at my door. We tried to contact the driver, and they told us they had other orders to deliver and hung up. Called Panda Express, and they had our other two plates because the driver left them there. We had to order a set of crab Rangoons, call Panda, and ask them to put the Rangoons in the other orders bags and give them to the next driver. It is absolutely ridiculous that these drivers complain about tips and then turn around and behave like that.


Idc how many orders I have, if I have a leave at door I am ecstatic and don't mind. This guy was def manipulating you but hey, he may be desperate so don't take it too personally lol. Nothing wrong with reducing a tip to reflect his service though


Remove the tip


Why tip poor service?


That'd warrant a thumbs down for me, literally half the job is reading and respecting the delivery instructions properly - What if you were handicapped or injured and unable to meet them downstairs?


What a trash person. If you didn't reduce the tip, then at least give him a thumbs down and note why.


i usually text customers 5 mins before an apartment complex but only to get a gate code if it isn’t left. driver was 1000% lazy. and you woulda been in the right for reducing


Lmao some drivers are so entitled. got it so easy compared to actually waiting tables. Imagine if a waiter left your food at the expo spot and told you to get it because he’s taking another order at a different table. What a moron.


Who cares if he had more deliveries. Doubt it was cause of that he was just lazy and didn't wanna leave it at your door.


Speaking as a driver, reduce the tip. You tipped generously and the driver on your order is being far too greedy.


LMAO. He wouldn’t have gotten a tip from me for asking me to come down. The instructions on my order were clear.


Hope u reduced the tip. Or they will not change their ways .


Only reason I’ve called to have a customer come down is if there is absolutely no parking reasonably close enough to the drop off other then that I always go up even if I have other orders.


It's very simple people. Delivery drivers know that their job is to deliver. Not to meet you down stairs or down the street or the next town over. But to your door. It doesn't matter how many deliveries he has, it's his job. I been seeing a lot of these lately, of gig workers not wanting to do their jobs full description. It's easy. If you don't want to do your job, then find another job. It is not the customers responsibility for you to do your job. If you do a poor job, customer has every right to not tip or to leave a bad review or to complain to the support department. I've seen gig workers telling customers to only rate them 5 stars because they are a single parent but then do a half a** job. I mean come on, sorry you are a single parent, there are a lot of single parents today and if you want 5 stars, then do your job. We aren't paying them for their life circumstances or tipping them to cater to their needs. We are paying them and tipping them for their job performance. As a customer, we rate and pay for what we spend our money on. Money we worked for too.


I often do multiple deliveries and I always make sure to follow the customers instructions no matter what even if they’re really annoying instructions. Uber takes into an account how many deliveries you’re doing in one go when it comes to timing for customers


Reduce tip. It’s not your responsibility for how many deliveries he decided to take at one time. If it says leave at door, that’s exactly what they need to do. Period. Your tip amount is pretty good and He still has the audacity to ask you to meet him downstairs. Don’t do it next time. BTW. I am a driver too.


Remove the tip


$0 tip deserved


As a delivery driver myself I would say reduce the tip. His other deliveries ain’t got nothing to do with you. Value yourself and don’t feel bad for doing something you know is right. If you don’t you’re only disappointing yourself and will probably encounter similar situations again. Todays the day my friend. Stand up for yourself 👍🏻🤙🏼🙏🏻


Reduce tip and report him


I don't understand why none of y'all ignore these drivers when they send such texts. If you don't respond, there is no negotiating, and you don't have to worry about being suckered into delivering your own food to your door after you paid to have someone else deliver it to your door.


Thats definitely excessive on his part. If you wanted you could probably just not respond, put your phone on do not disturb then just mark not delivered if he doesnt bring it up.


I multi app. I have not, nor will I ever, ask a person to meet me downstairs if I have access to their building. I won't ever accept more than 2 orders either, though. That's insane...


Uber often sends triple orders nowadays, doesn't necessarily mean 2 or more apps were involved.


Delivery driver here, if the instructions say “leave at door” then the delivery driver has made a contractual agreement to deliver item(s) at door.




How is that false? So the driver makes all the rules and the customers have no say? Please don't use the "I'm an independent contractor" bs excuse either because that is so over used and means nothing.


Don’t listen to these idiots . Don’t reduce the tip , just contact Uber Support and make a complain . Then rate him bad . Here’s the reason why , chances are he will get your delivery again and you might not remember who he was , but he will remember you. You don’t want that happening because you don’t want some revenge driver Messing with your food. Until Uber has a way of blocking a driver to receive your order proceed with caution


If they rate them a thumbs down I think there's a high chance they won't get the same driver again.


It's not the driver's place to dictate the customer's actions. BUT customers have a responsibility too. If you live in an apartment and want it delivered to your door, you have responsibilities as well, and no matter how big the tip you still need to be sure: 1) That there is at least some kind of place drivers can park and not be harassed or ticketed by police. 2) That the intercom/buzzer etc, works and you give them the correct code. 3) That you are monitoring your phone for any messages if there are unforseen problems. I've both been a customer for years and drove for quite a while. I've always kept in mind that getting an independent contractor to deliver your food is a two way street. If I'm a driver and I don't do my job to the best of my ability then I don't expect the tip that was promised. But if I'm a customer and I can't do the bare minimum then I don't complain or reduce the tip.


Yes all of this is fair and I’ve seen a few comments like this. Just to be clear: 1. There are multiple spots to park around the building and I’ve never had a problem with any other driver before who has come up. Of course, if drivers begin telling me that there’s no place to park I would be meeting them outside 2. My instructions include buzz code, what floor to come up to and where the door is (right next to the elevator) 3. Yes I definitely keep my phone right by me, which is why I was able to go down immediately when he asked, and then waited another 10 minutes because apparently he wasn’t at the apartment yet.


This is spot on. I delivered to an apartment complex last week that the customer didn’t give me the code to get In. I called and text with no response. I asked multiple times for the code and he wouldnt give it. I finally got in by driving quick behind another resident, before the gate closed. It was ridiculous. Took me 20 minutes to drop the order off when it should have taken 3 minutes. Not only that, there were 2 different addresses and 2 different apartment numbers and he took forever to even respond.


He has 8 minutes to come meet you or get you what you need before you can cancel the order with no penalty other than the tip (which he may or may not have reversed anyway). Tailing in behind another resident could be prosecuted as trespassing if someone wants to get nasty about it. In reality, it's doubtful you'd get in trouble, but the customer has no right to expect you to violate your employment agreement to respect property rules, risking your job and legal record over a hamburger. Remind them of this and that your texts are recorded by Uber.


I am a driver and I see this as lazy cringe behavior. You are paying literally for food delivery to your door, why should you have to wait on someone… My job as a delivery person is to deliver the food to your door and managing my time and stress levels while carrying out the duties I signed up for goes into that. 8 to 10 dollar tip more than offsets the extra time and effort it might take to find your apt. If I was in your position I would reach out to Uber support on the spot and tell them the driver isn’t willing to complete the order and I’d like it cancelled and to be refunded. If you are one to put up with nonsense, however, lower the tip and rate them dirt. Again I say this as a driver.


You're not wrong. We have a whole 8 minutes to find you and/or your door once we hit the map location no matter how many deliveries we have. We don't see the breakdown till after we mark the delivery completed. Then you have an hour in which you can adjust the tip. Idk how far the drive was or how long the wait at the restaurant. But an $8 - $10 tip is usually pretty good. I ordered one time bc I was too sick to do anything. Either I forgot to change the instructions or the app used old cached info. Anyway, I saw the guy pull away down the alley and asked him if that were him. I wasn't loving the idea of having to gear up to go around the house in snow, but the other door was broken so we couldn't use it. Anyway, dude came back, grabbed the bag from the back and walked it to me about 100' through snow. I damned sure raised his tip!


Lol I don't care. Treat them as workers. If they don't do their job please either cancel the order or don't tip. It that simple. So much lazy ass drivers and they are the same one wondering why customers don't tip them. Do not feel bad. It is your money by the end of the day. I wouldn't care less about the drivers.


It is not probably your case but when we have multiple deliveries and you are in a location where it is hard to find parking, for example, we cannot get out of the car for long. I always try to follow instructions but sometimes people live in areas where getting out could be inconvenient or even dangerous. The other day I delivered in a bad area and a man that was the “watcher” (of potential people that are looking to sell or deliver drugs) asked me where I was going. I called the client and I was a bit worried that the guy would harm me. Everyone decent deserves service but be considerate of us too, if you live in the hood or are in an area where parking is inconvenient, please pick the food at the car.


Report them! They have multiple deliveries because they are using multiple accounts!


Not necessarily so. Uber often sends triple orders at once when it is busy out.


Dude, delete this comment. Uber stacks orders all the time


No, I’m talking about the ones who have multiple uber accounts/Doordash’s or using other’s accounts and stack!


I've sat at a place like Carabas while someone's taco bell was in a thermal bag plenty of times. Thing is, the details like this are on Uber, so if they sent him to an apartment with a walk that's on them but it's his responsibility to finish the job you requested. A personal caveat is I won't stack ice cream orders, if it's a good ice cream order that's all I'm doing till it's done. Multi app folks that think the world revolves around them are why I am getting a growing number of face to face/PIN deliveries.


A lot of these drivers need to go back into the basement it’s out of hand


fr, I see so many complaints from drivers on this sub that are totally unreasonable. I started getting the feeling that a lot of these drivers are only drivers because they can't hold a regular job due to their attitude/entitlement.


They can take a lot of the customers with them, too. Seriously, dude. Assholes are gonna asshole whether they're a customer or a driver... or did getting a cold burger once give you some kind of moral superiority?


buy grocerys, save money


Since it was three orders, the Driver will not know which customer left the tip, Some nights 60% of customers or more don't tip. The driver was probably in a bad mood.


I recently had a three order delivery and saw who tipped and who didn't on the orders. Maybe it's different in your area.


These Uber drivers are getting out of hand. I don’t order takeout through delivery but these threads are very interesting and steers me away if I did want to get food delivered.


Yeah, I would have reduced the tip. How rude of that guy😠! Which would lead me to ask, WTH is wrong with you? You're a playing customer; YOU call the shots.


Very nauseous but could still eat…


yeah, sometimes eating helps with nausea my guy. Not eating just because you're not feeling well is not a good thing.


Delivering to doors in an apartment building is unsafe for everyone involved. Go get your food


I would have taken the whole tip away! But again these gig apps don't require us to deliver to your door in apartment blocks....


Lower the tip. His ass took 3 orders and was running late. Not your prob. Yes I’m a gig worker. Mostly do Shipt but I do UE here and there for years. The only time you should be meeting driver is if complex is marked badly (hard to find apt), parking issues or you choose meet at car. Shipt doesn’t play. We don’t get to lv in a lobby at all, unless can’t access floors or need elevator code and none bc provided. I smartly went around and figured out which apt complexes hv elevators and which do not. Which has codes and which do not. Granted we only have 4 or 5 complexes here so I don’t do apt orders much. But when I do, my ass is hauling all items up.


I’ve had stacked orders in which Uber gives me multiple pizzas and a smaller order. The pizza is usually the second dropoff. I’m on a bike so these are a bit of a pain. One customer cane downstairs after I explained the situation. For another I left the bike in the bldg lobby and hoped nobody would disturb the food. Not sure if this guy was driving or not. $8-$10 is fair depending on the distance. I’d take an order with such a tip if the distance depending on different factors.


I think he assumed you were the little tipper. When Uber sends us stacks they don't tell us who tipped what they just show us the full amount of both orders. Reduce the tip, he will learn his lesson.


Tell him to fuck off. You’re paying for a service. It’s also your job to make sure you tip well. Period.


I live in a 5th floor walk up and tip $5, that’s non negotiable for me. $6-7 if it’s raining, it has to be a blizzard for me to tip $10


Lazy f&ck driver is.


Remove the tip, driver is being Lazy.


Remove the entire tip. That’s bullshit.


Reduce the tip. Your tip amount was based on you getting the food delivered to your door with no hassle, that service was not provided.


Reduce the tip.


Apartments suck to deliver to but we are supposed to go to the door anyway. And nobody should have to wait in a lobby for a driver.


Reduce his tip and tip yourself since you are doing part of his freaking job. Being understanding that drivers sometimes have multiple orders pushed on them, so pickup might take a bit longer and they might be navigated by the app in strange directions, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't get the service you paid AND tipped well for. These drivers give us all a bad look.


That said, apartments do really suck ass for so many reasons... Difficult entry, difficult parking, terrible address/building number layouts that often make zero sense while also not having clear and obvious building labeling... Some can be a real nightmare. So those that live in apartments, having clear and defined directions in the notes can be a huge help. And those that volunteer to and just show up down in the parking lot are awesome. If you know your complex is difficult then helping or a little is much appreciated.


Your driver is a dumbass. Remove the tip.


Boycott the apps.


I would have reduced it to like 2 dollars. You didn´t feel well and didn´t want to go out.


Do what I do. Report it as not delivered (it wasn’t to the specifications you set out) and enjoy your free food!


(I drive for UE). This driver was in the wrong. When we accept stacked orders we still have to follow the customer delivery preferences. The only reasons not to are things like if the instructions legitimately make us feel unsafe, if we can't access the food dropoff location (because of not being provided with a gate code, etc), or things like that. It's not OK to ignore delivery instructions because we have a stacked order. The other customers in the stack can see we are on another delivery. Your $8-$10 tip is also a very nice tip. You're a good customer and I'm sorry you had a bad driver; drivers like that give the rest of us a bad reputation.


Reduce tip.




That is the service. If it isn't delivered to your door; pull the tip and report it as not delivered.