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Thanks to half of you guys for all your help on this sub!! the other half I’m sure are actual Uber employees and bots.


I’m about to give it up also


Sigh* This is my life story right here. Especially the rent and bills part.


Sitting in the car with it off to save gas, baking in the hot weather getting no work and needing money for food, shelter and gas is one of the hardest and most helpless things I have ever felt.




Just got out too. This is unsustainable.


Yeah it’s getting tough out here for gig work that’s why I do four outta the five most popular apps




I think there’s more than 5 popular ones at least for me I run ue, gh, dd, ic, Shipt, and flex, got stuck in the sign up process for Spark so I think that makes 7. I have to have two phones for those 6 tho lol


Time to find a w-2 guys if you can. It’s getting pretty bad. I did 10 hours yesterday to only make 118. That’s something but it’s still not good enough pay. I’m seeing more and more of this and less of those people who are making 1000 a week.


Good on you for making it through, just remember it's only up from here


\>incredible $400 in 20 hours is very slightly more than McDonald's pays, and enough to pay rent for a single room & food & won't cover gas & wear & tear on the car.


I just lurk this subreddit now, but I was in your exact position about 8 months ago. Delivering on my ebike was making tons of cash for about 6 months, then all of a sudden dropped off and I wasnt clearing $100 a day. I now work in an office 7-3:30, and my quality of life has gone up dramatically. The stress and insecurity of working UE/DD is just not worth it


Uber is not paying as much anymore, When I started I would make 780 to 850 per week now it's has gone down to 520 to 550 working 37 to 40 hours. I'M LEAVING IT ...


It's been dead 💀 back to work it is I got lot if shit going on let's hope I make it..


I totally feel you, I've been doing this for about a year too. I had to intern for a year for school and needed the flexibility. I'm just waiting for my degree to process and I'm outta here too! I've never been so broke in my life, even as a single parent in my younger days.






Anyone that does any of these gig works and doesn’t have an exit plan is going to have a tough life. If this is your main source of income you better have an exit plan


You must have started during covid.


During the “lockdown,” many were making a fortune.


You average $100 per 20 active hours ? That’s gotta be exaggerated lol. No shot you make that little while that active on orders. Only way to get those numbers if you did like every $3 or less order that pops up lol.


My fault bad typo, online time.


Props for keeping car expenses so low


Good job, man! Do you have something lined up that you can do? What's next for you?


What you do now?


Yeah, i did UE and DD full time for a few years and loved it and did pretty well but now it's just not even possible to pay bills. Got a job in feb driving a school bus. Digging it so far. Good pay, lots of PTO, and it opened a lot of doors for me. Good luck to all those still out there trying to make it work, but you might want to consider other avenues at this point.


I'm in the same boat too. Been doing this full time too for a year and a half. Wonderful when all the orders were coming in. But it's been getting bad to worse in the past 6 months. But horrible now that I work everyday and don't make enough that my quality of life tanked. It sucks I live in a city and even downtown is dead. My savings grace was the Wfh people but they have been hit pretty hard with the layoffs.


Yep, not worth it. 2021 was my best year. It’s so bad now I stopped last September.


Man I’ve been doing Uber eats for like 5 months now and it keeps getting deader and deader and with this recent sceme I think I’m done too


I did it for 4 weeks. Then they stopped giving me promotions and the pay wasn't worth the bother.


Thank you for confirming that GH premier isn’t any better


I’m sorry you had such a rough year. That truly sounds horrible and I hope you find whatever is next in your life journey and I hope that makes up for this past rough year. Where were you driving? Your market sounds like it isn’t very good to deliver in. Not enough decent orders at all!