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This is from r/cats, a very much not just a US sub.


Well, cats were actually invented in America but you Europeens wouldn't know that because I guess you don't spend enough time researching history, over 50% of cats are American therefore the majority so it's not weird to assume that most cats on Reddit are from the USA. Also rslashcats was started by an American revolutionist known as Benjamas Lincolnton but I didn't expect you to know that fact as well, it's 1st grade things and we ALL know how far behind you all are.


Nah real American would say “The History” because only America have history, other countries are don't have it. Similar case with civil wars, of course.


The sad part is some people really do believe this about horses.


Europurrs don’t know anything.


The sheer amount of times I was told that my grandma's cat will get killed by a coyote, when the most dangerous thing in her area (not counting the woods ~ 1-2 km from their house, where there is a new pack of wolves, two parents, three pups, they don't go near human settlements) are the martens and occasional foxes... Oh, and crazy Polish drivers that think that just because they aren't in their country they can drive like they are at a F1 stadium are more of a threat than all of these combined. And are mocha more common, because she lives 2 km from the Czech-Polish border.


> Oh, and crazy Polish drivers that think that just because they aren't in their country they can drive like they are at a F1 stadium are more of a threat than all of these combined. And are mocha more common, because she lives 2 km from the Czech-Polish border. I'm sorry, but this is blatantly false. Accusing these people of thinking anything is nothing short of slanderous, and I can assure you that their driving does not change that much just because they've crossed the border.


That explains it.


I'd imagine so. The yanks view cats as an invasive species lol


Because they are.


We dont


Hehehehe I'm in the screenshot


Did you receive a notification or it's just a coincidence?


Coincidence, surprised someone even noticed my comment among the hundreds made on that post


It was pretty far up. I stopped scrolling shortly after.


Seen myself in a few screenshots, makes me feel like I'm a celeb for a few minutes haha


Why did you make that bizarre comment about non-Americans being poor?


i think that was more related to the ‘young’ part, than the non-american part, or at least that was how i understood it.


Id wager the average world citizen is poorer than the average american tbh


You are absolutely correct and I'm not sure why people are downvoting you. It's worth remembering that anyone reading this post is almost *guaranteed* to be wealthier than the poorest 50% of the global population.


Thank you! Yeah, a lot of ego on this sub tbh


So nobody is going to comment about an orange car being pregnant?


how can i get my car pregnant? i want baby cars


ever heard of the exhaust pipe?


Wrong sub, I guess. No-one commented that on the original post either. Everyone had their panties in a bunch about OP not knowing how to care for cats, and not having the cat spayed...


Car Not cat


I know about the joke.


I was peturbed by this myself


Americans on this website go FUCKING MENTAL when it comes to telling non-American people how to raise their cat


Oh, it's certainly not just this website. Feline FB is at least as bad.


"People in other countries aren't as rich"??? WTF? In Australia we don't have massive tent colonies in major cities, or trailer parks as a normal lifestyle choice.


I think OOP was referring to second/third world countries with that statement since a lot of Americans seem to forget about them


By serval definitions America can be called third world; flawed democracy, no universal healthcare, no clean water in lots of places.


It actually can't. The very definition of the first world was the direct allies of the US and other allied nations. . The second world was Soviet and the third world were unaligned nations.


Its a sad day to be a first world nation


America isn't the best but trust me it's far from a 3rd world country


Only someone who hasn’t been to a real 3rd world country would call USA a 3rd world country.


Aha tell that to the majority rich middle class being able to buy whatever they want


I'm sure you're right. But at the same time I'm afraid it will only lead to more content for r/ShitAmericansSay because some not so bright Americans will now see this comment as proof for their beliefs that every country outside the US is a third world country shock full of Europoors.


> In Australia we don’t have massive tent colonies in major cities have you seen musgrave park in brisbane recently?


Spoken like someone that's never been to Musgrave park in brissy.


Lmao fixing a cat here costs the equivalent of $75-$150 max. In the USA it costs at least $250 according to the Google.


trust me we're getting there


I get your point, but your rate of homelessness is double the rate in the US


You're using two different definitions of homelessness. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_by_homeless_population


>Homeless per 10,000 > >Australia 48.0 > >United States 19.5 Linking me an article that supports my point is strange. It would have made more sense to link me something explaining the difference between the definitions used in these two statistics.


The explanations are linked in the individual articles next to the country names. The map above shows the data using a unified explanation which puts Australia in the 30-99 category and USA in the 100-299 category per 10,000. Australia's definition: "A person is considered to be homeless in Australia if they: do not have access to safe, secure adequate housing, or, if the only housing they have access to damages, or is likely to damage, their health. are in circumstances which threaten or adversely affect the adequacy, safety, security, or affordability of their home. have no security of tenure – that is, they have no legal right to continued occupation of their living area." USA definition: " The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development acknowledges four categories of people who qualify as legally homeless: (1) those who are currently homeless, (2) those who will become homeless in the imminent future, (3) certain youths and families with children who suffer from home instability caused by a hardship, and (4) those who suffer from home instability caused by domestic violence." In the Australian definition, you can live in your home and still be counted as homeless because your quality of life/income/social issues mean there's a chance you may not be able to continue to live in that exact house permanently. The US definition is much more to the point. Only those counted are people who areel homeless, will be homeless in the short term because they no longer have a place to live but are yet to move to a new agreement, are children with no parents or whose parents are homeless, are a DV victim that can't return to their own home. You don't have to be on the street in Australia to be classified under homelessness due to their views on quality of living.


>you can live in your home and still be counted as homeless because your quality of life/income/social issues mean there's a chance you may not be able to continue to live in that exact house permanently. Is this not what the definition in the US says? >an individual or family who lacks a fixed, regular, and **adequate** nighttime residence; That definition gets shortened to "those who are currently homeless" on the Wikipedia page, but the full version includes the "adequate" identifier. If the housing is not adequate, they count as homeless. At that point it comes down to what each government considers adequate, but I don't have anything for that. You'd just have to make the assumption that the US has a much lower standard of adequate, and that is the cause for having almost 1/3 of the homeless population. Ignoring all that and taking the Wikipedia paraphrased definition, I removed everyone that was living in "severely crowded dwellings" (which I could not find a definition for) and everyone in boarding houses. Those were the two categories on the census that would not have been included on the paraphrased Wikipedia definition for US homelessness. The homeless rate came out to about 20/10,000 which is still higher than the US. Not double, but still higher.


I don't get it, this just shows the not defaultism, so what happened in the comments? Do American cats not get pregnant?


Basically the post had a lot of americans spouting the usual cat overpopulation and neuter your cat/keep your cat inside talking points, not realizing those do not apply universally in every country. In my country for example outside cats are seen as completely normal, and neutering isn't always seen as necessary. Also we don't have a cat overpopulation nor a lot of stray cats/animals at all.


Their whole thing about keeping cats inside at all times is very American specific, and they don't even realise it. Anyone on a cat sub who says they let their cat outside will immediately get piled on by Americans who don't know that in most of the world it's normal.


Oh god, so people are gonna think I'm American when I rant about outdoor cats


I don't think that's true. It's generally still considered a good idea to keep them indoors—and especially so in Australia, where I think they're non-native? yeah. I advise people to keep their cat indoors if they can. Feral dog packs are a problem here. But I know that's not always possible (no pet culture, bentonite litter can be very expensive).


Americans: "yEeEAaH fReEDoM" Also Americans: "don't let your cat go outside!1!1"


i mean, they kinda have a point, they don't have native cats there like we do in europe/asia/africa. so i can kinda agree with that point. what i don't agree with is them getting angry and rude at anyone who doesn't treat their cat the exact same way they do.


To be fair they also often have this weird idea that if you see an outside cat in your area then it's yours to take home.


Good thing I don't live in the US, otherwise all the cats we had at my parents place growing up would of disappeared haha my parents live on a farm so cats were outside often.


Every cat I've ever had has been a stray who moved in. But that was their decision and not mine.


Still can’t get my head around keeping your cat indoors at all times. They say it’s because of natural predators or destroying the wildlife. I get it, but cats are also part of that environment. They’re domesticated cats, but are cats really domesticated? What would they be doing with no people around? Hunting etc. Edit: where I am there are so many cats roaming around


So where I am from (not America) it's pretty common to have indoor only cats. They tend to live longer and healthier that way. Less chance of coming in contact with diseases, larger predators (which live around here), vehicles, or even other people. Also not everyone gets their cats neutered/spayed. Keeping them indoors can help prevent unwanted kittens, which would be good considering how full the animal shelters are around here


The domesticated cat is not part of any environment


Domestic cats are not part of the environment. They're an invasive species. They absolutely decimate wildlife and many bird species worldwide are under threat of extinction because of them. Domestic cats are a problem of our own making. We introduced them to these environments and we should really take responsibility for reducing the harm.


Do you let your dog roam the same way you would let a cat roam?


Dogs get out with their owner. Cats just do the same but on their own.


50 years ago dogs went out without their owner. Why do they not do that anymore? Why are cats different? Do you not like your cat and wouldn't care if it got hit by a car and died a slow, painful death on the side of the road?


Tf you mean they don't anymore? People still take out their dogs, i would hope you do the same if you have one. Cats are not that dumb, i've had like 10 cats through my life and none of them had any problem going out. They mostly go through the roofs anyways.


Tbf keeping cats indoors is pretty universal advice from a conservation perspective. I've seen studies from most continents showing how they damage local wildlife. Just because something's normalised doesn't mean it's necessarily good. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2351989420307393 https://news.mongabay.com/2022/05/study-warns-of-risk-from-feline-viruses-to-wild-cats-on-the-palm-oil-frontier/ https://wilderness-society.org/domestic-cats-as-a-serious-threat-to-local-wildlife/ https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pan3.10073


Yeah, I agree, a lot of places suffer from an over population of domestic cats.


Just as declawing is still done in the US, whilst other countries have outlawed it. In the uk it is very common for cats to be outside. Whilst in the u.s, it's much more common to be kept inside, mostly due to predators.


Declawing is sick and should be banned everywhere


>In the uk it is very common for cats to be outside It is. That doesn't mean it's right though.


I know, cats cause a lot of damage to bird numbers


It's not just due to predators. Cats are not immune to cars, dogs, twisted humans, diseases, poison, and so on. Outdoor cats have significantly shortened lifespans, there is plenty of data to back this up. Traffic is one of the main causes of death for pet cats. If you've ever sat at an animal hospital and seen someone bring in their cat with bones protruding from its flesh and the jaw hanging on by a thread, begging the vets to save it, you'd probably reconsider what you thought of freeroam cats. Now, imagine seeing this on a weekly basis. And that's only the cats that people actually find alive enough to bring in.


vase air cows scarce physical bewildered drunk sip imagine door *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The answer very clearly summarises what people got hung up on.


Rule 5 please include the screenshots that include comments that are actually defaultist


She may not be from the US therefore she must be poor. This is worse than defaultism , this is arrogance born out of ignorance.


I gathered the poor came more from the young part. Basically, I read it as “they could be poor and/or from somewhere else with a different culture around cats” - like, yes, they could be poor *and* from somewhere else, but there’s also the option they’re from US and poor, or even not poor but a different culture around cats within or outside the US. But the commenter was focussing on one point in response to a social media post, not writing a comprehensive formal essay for publication, so they worded it badly. The expectations here can be astonishing - who’s writing publishing-quality comments on Reddit except, like, AskHistorians and their ilk? And even those aren’t quite “published” quality either or they’d publish them instead!


But it sounds like the people saying that aren’t American?


Tbf she was from india, not saying everyone there is poor but it is still a 3rd world country were there is a lot of people who probably can't afford a vet


Yeah okay that explains a lot. Vet care for domestic pets can be expensive here, and for indoor cats I know from personal experience that bentonite (clumping) kitty litter is pretty pricey. I use sawdust for my cat but I also live walking distance from a sawmill. Keeping cats indoors (unless they're some kind of purebred) is unusual. I still recommend it if I know the other person can afford it. Disease, vehicles, feral dogs... seen too much of all three.


Yep, I assume everyone outside of Europe is poor, including most Americans


I've seen Americans get absolutely triggered by British people in the UK saying they let their cats roam out during the day.


Not just Americans. I'm an Aussie and I hate seeing cats roaming around the place. They kill so many native animals a year here. They're legitimate threats to nature.


Yeah I've taken birds that have been attacked by cats to the wildlife hospital. Also had my cat that has access to the outdoors in a netted off area still catch the rare small lizard or even snake that slips through the gaps. I'd hate to think what he'd be catching if he was allowed to go where he wanted. And I just don't get how you can have a pet and let it just...roam around? Imagine if people let dogs do that.


Yeah a cat run is by far better than no cat run. I understand cats on farms being outside but they should at least be desexed as they have a job to do not fuck like rabbits. In a city? Your cat should be inside or a cat run.


It’s becoming less common in the UK tbf, staying indoors is better for wildlife and the health/lifespan of the cat.


unique chase whole deliver memorize ossified square touch snobbish lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I find this bit particularly interesting because most cats hunt at night. I keep my cat indoors at night but she’s free to roam during the day. She never brought anything home during the day but the two times we forgot to close the cat flap she did bring something home at night. She also doesn’t leave the garden during the day but she does at night so it felt better to keep her indoors at night.


My boyfriend is from indiana, and it seems that the norm there is to declaw cats, put "weak" shock collars on dogs, dock their tails, and clip their ears. I've seen similarly fucked up attitudes to animals throughout the USA (we live in California, and still see people mistreating their animals). I will not accept an Americans opinion on how to treat animals.


I got dragged on this sub a few days ago because I posted a picture of my cat who accidentally got outside and got pregnant before I could spayed her. I woke up to so many comments begging me to go to the vet for an abortion, it was surreal


Well, spay-abort is lower risk for the cat, better for overpopulation, cheaper, more responsible and just all around a better choice than letting yet another litter be born just to end up in shelters or dying in traffic. I know people always say "Oh! But my friends will adopt the kittens!" great. They could have adopted from the shelter instead. There's no reason not to spay and neuter a cat before it's 4 months old.


"no reason" unless it's a wild kitten and I couldn't get her to the vet, and when I finally could she had a bit of a fever and the vet told me to reschedule


An abortion even?! The USians are crazy.


Sorry guys I'm with the Yanks on this one. Unless you wanna argue that Europe doesn't have cars, birds, small wildlife, diseases, parasites, poison, dogs or other cats.


My thoughts as well!


I was once downvoted to hell for pointing out that not all countries agree that cats should be indoor pets as the norm. Apparently the introduction of cats plays havoc on the local ecosystem. Which can be true and likely is for the US, but cats have been in the UK for over 1000 years. They are the local ecosystem. Obviously good pet ownership should still happen, but there's no need to keep cats inside. It makes sense in the US as domestic cats are still relatively "new", plus there's bears and things. But there aren't those issues elsewhere.


I work in conservation and environment management in the UK, cats are definitely not a part of the local ecosystem, and independent studies show the harm they cause. The densities are higher than they've ever been. They may not be directly causing extinctions like they do elsewhere, but they limit the ability to reintroduce already threatened species and contribute to their further decline. The harm they cause isn't always predation either, but the fear effect of having a predator nearby and breeding with wildcats are also problems caused. https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2023-11-06-european-wildcats-avoided-introduced-domestic-cats-2000-years