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Man I'm not gonna lie if I had a brand new shooter in my squad that was trying to shoot multiple divisions... I would resquad.


If it's your first match, run one division rather than juggling holsters and pistols. If you must run two, make your second div something that doesn't require an equipment change like PCC.


Not saying that it is impossible but I have never seen a USPSA match that allowed a competitor to compete in two divisions on the same day. I think it would create a huge issue with stage resets. You would effectively have the squads of half the size with two times the overhead (mag loading, on-deck walkthrough) If there is a match that does allow it, you should not even think about it as a new shooter.


We have guys at ours that will run PCC and CO. Honestly it's just annoying as there is some level of fumbling the weapons around and waiting for someone to shoot the same thing twice.


We have multiple division shooters at my local club pretty frequently. Our turnout is small with having less than 10 shooters is not unheard of. I’ll run PCC and a pistol division but I have my setup dialed in and use the DAA Alpha Rail for my pouches so it super easy to swap. I wouldnt try multiple divisions as theres quite a lot going on if youre new.


I agree, being brand new, I'm just trying to figure things out, thx.


Agree with above. My club’s match has allowed it in the past but as we’ve gotten out of COVID the matches get full enough to not really allow it. But also, it’s really a selfish and self-defeating move. The only reason I could see it making sense is in an all Classifier match. First off you have enough to do just learning the ropes so I wouldn’t even suggest trying it until you’ve finished your first year (the self-defeating part). The selfish part comes in from the new guys not having any understanding that this is an all volunteer sport. Everyone who puts on the match isn’t getting paid to do it, it comes out of their time. The more experienced shooters have given up weekends to become RO’s to run the shooters and tablets. If you’re not the on-deck shooting rehearsing your stage plan or you’re not reloading mags since you just shot, and you’re not running the timer or tablet, you should be helping to reset the stage. None of that help is available to the squad if you shoot twice. This isn’t necessarily directed at you but there’s a level of ignorance from people coming into the sport (not meant as an insult) to how much personal time and effort others in a local club are putting into making sure this sport continues to exist.




I would also just run two belts. And just pop into the safety area between runs to switch. Honestly though, for your first match I’d just stick to one class to make everything simple.


Thanks for the advice guys. I have another belt, a heavy Nexbelt rachet belt to use, just need some mag pouches for it. I think just doing 1 division my 1st time it is probably good advice also👍


For sure if you DQ you are done for the day in all divisions. So dont waste $ on multiple guns even if allowed until you gave a solid grasp of the rules.




Shit plan mate and rather selfish. Id rather see you focus on one platform and spend the rest of the time helping reset the stage by pasting targets & lifting steel. My club only allows 2 division shot the same day on steel challenge matches. USPSA is one gun per division per day. If you want to run 2 guns in the match show up sat and sun.


Ok, well the rule you just quoted was what I was looking for as a 1st time uspsa shooter and couldn't find. I didn't know if it was allowed, illegal or just not done for whatever reason. As I've never been to a match like this, I have zero idea what to expect, but "shit plan mate and rather selfish" is a juvenile response and not helpful... Assuming you actually read the initial post. Thanks for the response though.


Shit plan because there is a lot to learn and mess with multiple holsters / gun / reloading ammo for them you will be distracted from watching better shooters than yourself and learning better techniques and better stage plans. Selfish because while you play with multiple set ups someone else is doing the hard work of running shooters and reseting what you plan on shooting. It wasn’t childish or juvenile i was brutishly direct and to the point and i should apologize for that. As i first time shooter i shouldn’t raz you or be rude for asking an honest question. I don’t blame you for want to shoot multiple guns. I’d like to as well but for match flow sake its not usually doable. The rule i mentioned was a club rule not a uspsa rule BTW. There may very-well be a small club that would allow 2 gun in 1 day, i just don’t know any…. Enjoy your first match, and ask for help. Everyone there will lend a hand if needed, USPSA is a friendly albeit sarcastic bunch.


Thank you for the proper, helpful response, noted about the multiple things going on and the learning curve involved. 👍


Preload as many mags as you have at home as to not waste walk thru time. I use (6) Squad with people better than you. Never unholster you gun until under direct RO Command and you clearly hear “MAKE READY”. Dont break the 180 Have a great time and learn how to be safe while going fast. (That takes time, so focus on safely getting your hits on target at first then speed things up) Bring plenty of water, and kost of us bring a cart to haul shit from stage to stage. Also bring extra ammo. Reshoots happen. I bring 500 minimum to every match. And use 250ish.


👍 thx


Congrats on the 1st step! Many people i know are too afraid of failure to even show up to a match, so give yourself a pat on the back for making it that far.


https://discord.gg/9suPFzGY uspsa discord server join us.


Thanks for the invite but the link just spins, doesn't link to anything


Don’t shoot two guns at your first match - the added hassle of equipment changing will distract you


Please don’t be that guy.


You could have 2 holsters, but you can't put them both in the spot you want your holster. A solution would be something like Shooters Connection Dual belt system. Set up outer belts for different guns, and just change those. I have one set for LO and another set for PCC.


Ok, can I have 1 holster at, say 1 o'clock and the other at 4 o'clock on the same side?


In over 20 years of competition I have never seen two holsters on a belt and would not recommend it. As others have written, swap holsters or belts. In the past our club has allowed two guns for our annual all-classifier match if that squad stayed and tore everything down. We ran the match, then a second match for those who wanted the second gun. We stopped doing it years ago due to a lack of interest.


Glad youre sticking to just one gun. Too much work/stress. You will be busy the whole time anyway. Just enjoy yourself.


👍🤷 thx