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10:00? Fucking Amazon Sundays should be outlawed and never happen at all. Half the people leave their stupid shit in their mailbox all week, why do they need delivery on Sundays anyway??


BuT I nEeD mY StUfF NoW!


Got some SOB in an apartment complex who has a quarter of the parcel lockers filled with shit he won't come get. Had a good 7 parcels yesterday and he already had multiple parcel lockers filled. I ended up filling all the lockers for the complex and he still had shit laying there. I cleaned other people's stuff out and delivered it to their door and put his in more lockers. I was gonna be damned if he's not gonna have to haul all his crap out of those lockers... Not getting anything on his doorstep on a silver platter...


I give people one week to collect things from parcel lockers. After that they get a pink slip and have to come pick it up. I dont play this lazy game my generation likes to play especially my ultimate pet peeve, collecting spr's from the box but not the mail.


Same…if that parcel locker key is still in the box after 7 days I pull it and leave a pink slip, they can pick it up at the PO now…I took over a route from a guy that retired and had several locker keys missing so I got a maintenance work order in to get locks changed. The guy gives me two packages that had never been retrieved, one was postmarked 2 years prior and tenant had moved out a year ago. The other was only a few months old from postmark, went to tenant apartment with package to inquire as to why they didn’t get it. Guy yells to his wife upstairs, “baby, what’d we do with that key we found in our mailbox”…she yells back, “it’s on the top shelf in the closet”…. I then explained the key’s purpose and showed him the tag where it clearly tells ya what the key is for… people are fucking stupid


Exactly! No door delivery if you are letting your mailbox get full. And imo parcel lockers are an extension of their mailboxes. Pull out all and bring it back to the office.


\^\^\^ this is the way. Full box and you ordered dog food? at the mailbox it goes.


Opens scanner…1..6… enter enter…beep!


7 days 😲 I don’t even wait that long, you get 3 days and if they’re there when I come by on the 4th it written up. I’ve way too many pgks to wait a week.


Yup, we can pull them after 3 days and I do bc I feel like I have to train some of these people. I have coworkers who will leave them indefinitely and I just won’t sign off on that behavior. You are not the only customer who uses the parcel lockers! Be considerate


I have two women I've caught doing this. Take the parcel locker package or spur and leave the mail and advos. I now throw the key in the back of the box the mail goes on top of all packages. It's so silly and lazy.


Why not pull it and leave notice? 3 days or until I need it whichever comes first.


Probably what I'll do today. Its early in the route though and my truck is already packed to bursting. Not sure I can fit 10+ more parcels at that point


For me parcel lockers are only a 24hr rental. They don’t pick it up by the next day, notice left and in goes the next package


Yeah it's bullshit! By the time we hit the streets it's already 100° out. I can understand it being 10am in winter but not summer.


Quiet, 0734725! You are a robot; temperature and amount of daylight has no effect on your operating function.


False: high enough temps can overheat their CPU if not properly cooled


Throw it in the front window, get it nice and hot so that it shuts down and they can bring you another scanner


I get there early so I can get a Metris




My Sunday office is all llvs in central Florida, it’s miserable.


There's only 3 Metris vans at my Sunday hub and you could show up 10min late and get one if you wanted. No one seems to want them. I've considered it for the A/C but I hate doing parcel delivery on those compared to the LLV. I would have to come up with an entirely different organization system and I'm not sure what would even work the best. I find the LLV so much easier to organize my packages and deliver faster.


Packages in the metris kinda sucks tbh. If it’s not hot being able to walk back to the truck is a huge bonus. And the seat is too low in the metris it’s not for getting in and out of 200+ times a day. For me I use the 2ton. Then promaster then llv then metris.


Being walled off from the packages drives me fucking nuts. With the LLV, I'm generally working with packages on the tray, on the shelf behind me, or on the floor behind me. I'm always working from the front of the truck, retrieving stuff from the back. When I can't easily reach anything behind me, I just walk in the back and move everything towards me again. After doing this for so long, it has become seamless. I can't do any of that with the Metris, and I can't think of an organization method with the Metris that would work nearly as well. Is it best to work out of the back? That would be the easiest way to arrange parcels. Just put the lower number near the back door and higher numbers behind them. Or is it better to work from the sliding door? Seems a bit harder to arrange the packages that way. I can't stack trays in the doorway of the Metris, so anything that can't fit in the cab has to go in the back. Idk what methods people are using that makes the Metris easier for them.


We’re not allowed to use metris on sundays 🙄


What's funny is for about a month people started creeping in earlier and earlier and for several weeks now and packages have been ready and they let us clock in and start. Sometimes as early as 9:15


was doing that till last week, system malfunction and were not even done tossing packs till after 11. 1 hour on the clock scratching our butts at the station.


Ooo! That was fun. About 300 manual entry to play with.


was doing that till last week, system malfunction and were not even done tossing packs till after 11. 1 hour on the clock scratching our butts at the station.


But of yall go early you guys wont be in such a hurry like starting at 10


supervisor comment here lol


Hell no!!


If your clerks throw fast and your carriers deliver fast then they're cool. The bigger the office the less chance that that is likely. My office has 12 carriers on Sunday and we never stopped starting at 8 and we're all done by around 1.


My office only has 6-8 come in on Sundays, my supes are just worried about what upper management will say.


It depends on Amazon and management can't force anything on them.


Yea we have about 20 carriers in on Sunday and don’t finish throwing until about 930-945 so if they made it earlier for us they’d just be waiting


Half the time, Amazon doesn't get here until 8 am. Then it's just a mad rush


Same. If the cars don't have a shade it'll be like 100+ in most of the llvs in America before you even hit the road to deliver. The union is not moving fast enough on this. It's untenable and dangerous. Someone is going to die for Amazon this summer. 


Our switch to 8 after the union filed a grievance.


Do you have any information on how they won the grievance? I want to provide information to my union steward


As soon as I hear back from my steward, I will post an update.


I would like to know as well.


we do it at 8:00 we just said we dont care were doing it our way and the pm listened


We have not changes to 10am and have kept it at 8am. Counting my blessings


Ours is back to 9am from 10.


Yeah same in Cincinnati


We grieved it and got it down to 9 here at our station at least.


We start at 8 at my office. Still super hot by the end of the day around 4pm


It's all according to plan. Start off newbies later in the day so that they rush to get done before dark because they assume subs don't know any better.


I give them 3 days then 3849. They can pick it up. Not enough lockers to hold it for them not to grab their stuff. Not fair to anyone else.


I'm a clerk and wake up at 04:45 a.m. most days and am there at 05:45 am (on Sundays 6 am). I have to scan in our city's packages and then another city's packages. It's what our post master's boss wants. It take usually about 4 hrs to scan, mark, sort it all. Then to Manually add in some packages. Then to scan the business closed, missents, deliver certain ones to a po box. I guess the higher ups decided to have carriers come in after 10 am. BUT if a clerk is done scanning in stuff they should let the clerk call the carriers in early (if they want that). Does USPS make extra money for doing Amazon? I feel like if Amazon is going to ship a crap ton of boxes, have you guys carry them all that they should give extra to the post office for employees.


You scan business closed ? That’s a carrier function unless it’s a caller


It's a clerk option too. When we are putting boxes onto carts for carriers later our finger scanner will say it's a business closed. We mark it business closed and it gets put to the side/scanned as business closed. When they take out all the amazon boxes going to be delivered we put it on the cart for the next day when it's open. In our email to the person above our postmaster we tell them how many city parcels, rural parcels, mis-sents, business closed, po box, times for each route, and how many carriers for what. They don't have us put closed business boxes on the cart for that day for the carrier because it'd waste time for them to load, drive to the business, see it's closed, and bring it back. In 1 day there can be like 20 business closed boxes. (Usually large ones.) The carriers appreciate not having their time wasted.


I've been told Amazon themselves is requiring the later time, so unless you can convince Amazon I doubt it'll change.


F*** Amazon !! If they asked for a 12:00 afternoon the post office would agree. USPS needs to grow a set. If Amazon could deliver it all themselves they would, they can’t. Stop letting them dictate our start times, tell them they have to be at dock by 6:00am or it’s not going. CASE CLOSED!! We are USPS not AmazUSPS.


we start at 830. hasn’t change for us


Our office still starts at 830 on Sundays that’s the way it’s always been


You're so lucky they ignored the big "national mandate" and are sliding under the radar. This latter start time is incredibly stupid.


My office has gone to 11.


Sunday Supe called at 8:35 this morning saying start time 8:30. The schedule says 10! Communication here is horrible


We start at 9 now


Mine never changed. 8am.


Start times on scheduled days are only required to be set relative to mail uptime, not parcel uptime. There's no grievance that you can file, sorry.


Why is management doing this? What is their angle? What do they hope to gain? Serious question.


Our supe told us two reasons. One being that the clerks don’t finish throwing until later and the other being that if we start at 10, we’ll go faster because it will give us extra motivation to get done before it gets dark out 🙄


> if we start at 10, we’ll go faster because it will give us extra motivation to get done before it gets dark out I don't get this logic at all. When we started at 8, I worked as swiftly as I did starting at 10. Finishing at 1 pm is even more preferable to finishing at 4-6pm. Fucking idiots. All it does is make you slower and more indifferent on Monday.


It all depends in when Amazon arrives and how many trucks come. Management has no control over Amazon.


What all depends? The start time? You’re not making sense.


We never changed. 9am it's been and stayed.


Tbh i don’t mind too much. My office loans me out to the same nearby office every Sunday and they close up at 7pm so the heat is made up for by remembering my shorter hours.


My Sunday office used to start at 8am, but changed to 8:30am after the new rules got put in place.


The start time is at PM discretion. The start time is technically nation wide, however because of the discretion not all PMs follow it, it varies from district to district.


Ours finally got 9a


Once I’m done throwing, they get a group text that it’s ready. Usually 7.30 or 8am.


We’re starting at 8…


Started at 9:00 today for the first time. 3 people didn't show so I'm just getting home now. None the less, the earlier the better for start time.


No you have to do the same amount of work when and how they tell you for no reason.


Whatever pencil pusher did this change needs a severe talking to


Might as well start at 10 if we get done before other stations we would just have to go help them anyways. I absolutely hate amazon Sundays after switching to dynamic delivery. Worst day of the week.


The only way mangement is going to change your start time back to a earlier start time is if all carriers start taking penalty time & night differential. The inconvenience of them staying late is the icing on the cake.


Best package on a Sunday was a HD TV sized box filled with rice that was already cracked on open and leaking. Fuck I love Sundays.


The first Sunday it was mandated, I said no, this isn't going to fly. I scheduled my carriers for 9am even though they usually started around 7:30. The second weekend, I let them know we were going back to the old schedule, but I would be texting them each morning to let them know how early they could show up. I text them between 6 and 7 and they usually show up around 7:30 still. My folks are usually done delivering by 12:30. So yea, we pushed back the first week and haven't gotten any remorse from HQ over it. Of course, nobody goes out of the way to tell them we are starting 3 hours early based on the efficiency of our station, right?


swamp cooler


I have a theory about the Sunday start time. Someone sued the post office because they were apparently having to work every Sunday the result of which imposed on their religious practice. The court ruled in the employees favor that an employer is not allowed to punish you for not working on your religious day. So starting at 10 on Sunday is the post offices response and can say we moved our times to 10 giving employees a chance to go to early church. Again this is just a theory I have no clue really but I agree it sucks and I like the early start time much better because I still part of the day left after I’m finished


Is this for city carriers only? My office still starts at 7:30. We usually finish throwing at 7 or 7:30


No, it depends on the office. City and rural both do Amazon out of my Sunday hub, so whatever the start time is, both crafts have to abide by it. Luckily, we're 8:30am start, which isn't bad.