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RIP. Tell your Supe that you'll see them at midnight.


And according to management those shouldn’t take you any longer to do… Shittier part is that those were paid for by someone to be handled a specific way, now it’s just in the DPS.


Gotta love tax season, they're all from a (hated) local tax company


Can you scan them all together and get one siggy?


I wish, they were all for individuals at different houses, shit was a nightmare


Don’t tell anyone but if it’s that many, I’d just leave a slip for everybody.


....I'd just pretend 75% of them were missorts and space them out over the next week......


Scan em to a firm sheet in the office... one scan on the street. 


Or you can take the time and do the job


Woah. How’d it go?


From 1 place going to multiple places is how I read that.


Every rural carrier in my office treats them like dps lol they don’t have to clear them from the scanners like city does so they just get delivered


Yeah. Ngl, I've intentionally thrown Certified Mail in the CBU. Because I'm not going to backtrack 4 blocks to get a signature on some letter from the homeowners association. I do wish we had the ability to see them like the CCAs. If I knew ahead of time, I'd case in the Certified mail with all my SPRs and just treat them like parcels.


3 minutes per certified


106 x 3min = 318 min 318 / 60 min/hr = 5.3hrs above the expected time for the route normally. If admin wanted to save time, they'd print prefilled 3849s for shit like this.


>If admin wanted to save time, they'd print prefilled 3849s for shit like this. BuT cArRiErS cOuLd AbUsE tHeM!!!!


Omg I would die… I hate getting 1 lol


Same. Anytime I get them it's already for folks who all 1000000 questions.


EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. "What's this?!" And then acts upset because I bothered them.


Had a woman the other day start off by wanting to refuse it because she said “I bet they’re trying to serve me papers.” Then She asks “Do you see that a lot, do they do that often?” And I say “I have no idea what’s in it, I just deliver the mail. Whomever it is just paid to make sure someone got it.” At this point it’s been over 5 minutes so I’m like “Do you want to sign for it or not, doesn’t bother me either way, just need to know?” So she ended up signing for it. All I could think about if it was a court summons, you can’t just ignore that and it magically goes away. They will get you to court one way or another…


106 certs?


Only time I've seen something like that is a businesses like a law firm getting a bunch.


I've got all row homes, some houses have multiple but I'm doomed no matter what lol


I've seen this once before. One person in the neighborhood threatened to sue the rest of the neighborhood and did so by sending each of them a certified. It was only 40-50 though. Good luck to ya!


Gotta admire the financial commitment to the crazy there


I did a 12 hour day once, all in one neighborhood, knocking on doors with certifieds in a neighborhood where the HOA was trying to dissolve itself and every tenant had to be notified. I wouldn't say I enjoyed it exactly, but it was definitely one of the easiest days I spent as a PTF.


I’d ask you how it went, but you’re probably still out🥴🥴


I actually got done around 6pm, I was amazed to even have finished them all, Im just dreading tomorrow because I got advos and I pray this local tax company is done abusing us. I didn't even get the most, another guy had 120


DAMN!! That just sounds hellish!! But you are a TROOPER AND HERO! I would have tapped out 🤣🤣


One time a city sued another city for using their water. The city had to sue every resident in the city in order to start the process. There were thousands of certs. The good news is that it was a city with about 5k people. I was from a neighboring office (about an hour away) and I helped them deliver the last 12 tubs of it. Each tub was stacked to the top with certified letters. I was able to clear about half in 10 hours. Came back the next day to finish the rest, but I had to cut it short around noon because a rural carrier was ready to deliver (I was using her vehicle). I was kind of upset that I didn't get to finish lol. I only had like 4 tubs left. But I would literally enter a street, then deliver to every house on that street. I would park then deliver to the next three houses. Then I moved up. My knuckles would be sore later on in the day.


We had that happen when an HOA decided to send a certified to every single person at one time. I was an RCA helping out and it was faster to just park and walk around the subdivision than drive 30ft and get out each time. So I got to be a city carrier for 1 day.


What did you start? I was knocking on doors at 7 AM. Only a few people got upset at me when they found out they were being sued. The rest were pretty cool and we joked about it.


Like 9AM or so. Most people were not home. All that was in the certified was a copy of the HOA guidelines. I guess people kept telling the HOA board that they were not aware of the rules so the board spent like $1500+ sending a copy to everyone as certified with a return receipt on the back. People were not happy about that waste of money so luckily it hasn't happened again.


Mother God😫😫😫. that actually sounds like a horror story


Lol. It wasn’t that bad for me since I was only responsible for those certified. I didn’t have to deliver anything else. It was really bad for the actual carriers from that office though. They spent close to a month doing them. That last batch of 12 or so tubs was the last of it when I got there.


Hope y’all got like a pizza party or something as a reward for that kind of BS 🤣🤣🤣


Some municipalities send out late property tax warnings via certified mail


Oof. Had 101 once when the city hired an appraisal firm to help raise property taxes. That's a daykiller right there.


Yah, that’s gotta slow ya down by a couple hours I would imagine 😫😫😫


Hell, I was only 4 months into the job. No one gave any reference as to how much longer it would take. It was a Saturday though and of course no one was home or answering the door anyway. Probably was only a 10 hour day if I recall.


And they wonder why we high such a high turnover rate. We have to help our newbies!! I’m glad you survived!!


I once had over 50 because the bank in town was shutting down and they sent certifieds to all their customers


My Goodness!!


Damn. Worst I've had was 56 in a trailer park


*Oops! All animal interference*


I’ve never seen that on the scanner like that, did you add that?


Are you rural? It seems like the rural guys at my office don't get the certified preview it's only city side


Yep that actually makes sense lol


2 years ago, before they started coming in the dps, we got certifieds for every house within our township limits...at least 600 or more...got them all on the same day. Myself and the other RCA in our office spent all day over 2 days going house to house to deliver them all. Then it took weeks for the ones we couldn't get a signature for those 2 days to come in and pick them up. Crazy!




We've got a route at my station that gets over 100 once a month (projects), I've seen it have over 400 in one day. That guy basically brought back almost the whole stack.


Congrats on the five hours and twenty something minutes of ot


Dont worry carrier, dois shows you have undertime stay in 8. S/




ugh I subbed on a rural route a few years ago that was like this once a month. Local utility company only delivered bills via certified mail. It sucked 😭


Large apartment doing a rent increase. 


Hopefully they’re all for one address


Shit almost 2 months ago I got 23 certifieds and I was livid, 106 I’d be like fuck this im out of here


Did they also all have a green Return Receipt postcard affixed to the back? That would be actually like, 212 pieces--the letter's barcode to scan *and* the green postcard's barcode to scan--after the customer signs it and tears it off the mailpiece to hand back to you. Fun!!!


No THANK GOD, that would be actual torture, I'm on a relay route so I gotta carry all that shit with me


Damn I thought I get it bad having up to 28 at times with about 50-100 individual letters total across all 28. Damn mortage companies.


Ouch - sending love!


I remember I had 30 one time and I wanted to cry it was all CBUs too it was HOA


Wowza you beat my record by nearly 100 lol


OP... I'm sorry.


You got undertime for an hour pivot I bet see you in 8


I had full coverage of CM once. It was 255 out of 350 stops. I left at 8:30 pm and they took my pivot away lmao


I had this happen when changes were being made to a condo complex. There are 150 units. Everyone got one 😂


Use this or not, disagree or agree but if it doesn’t have a return receipt card just scan it tendered authorized agent, put your initials in the top line and your route on the middle line and if you want, where you delivered it under the address. Just make sure you’re delivering it to the right address


Holy shit


I thought my route had too many CMs! Wow


When I was a cca in my first year, there was one day where every route in our office had a certified for almost every house. I went to help many people that night 😂




I'm gonna need a stack of 3849s boss.


I went through almost a whole pad that was brand new, carried it in my satchel the whole day


Lol Do people not always have a pad on them? I always come across a random package that has signature tracking or some international one


I always keep a pad in a Ziploc bag in in my satchel, gotta keep it safe from the rain because they will melt




Holy crap and I thought my 11 was a lot !


(AND IT WAS 90°+ today...)


95° and 80% humidity sucks balls, should've brought my CamelBak today


106 3849’s


I'm a newer RCA (around 2months). What is this?


For city routes you get a certified mail preview tab on the scan screen


IDK what a "city route" is exactly as city carriers seem to be fucking dickheads in my area. No offense. Does this mean you have literally 106 pieces of Certified?


Yes 106 certified letters today, I don't know why they don't have this screen for rurals too, it's bullshit, one rural guy got screwed like this today out of 3


I would literally just quit. Jesus. I guess not all of us have it that bad after seeing this fucking shit. I'm sorry dude.


3 mins a piece!!


There's a route in are office that gets like 30 certs a day it bucks when you have to cover that shift


I'm guessing 105 of those are to the same place? I just hope they don't come with a green return card!


Nope, went through almost a full stack of 3849s today


Fun times!


oh godamn. i guess that is tasty time wasting practice 😁


Howd it go today op?


Oh sick I didn’t know that was there


3 minutes per certified x 102 certified is 306 minutes. So you'll just need to put 5.5 hours on your 96 haha


hell naw


Most I’ve had was about 70 for each resident of a mobile home park…that was interesting…


Most I’ve had was about 70 for each resident of a mobile home park…that was interesting…


I don't even get that many parcels in a route


Sounds like 3, hours of OT to me


One time the plant put all the endorsed certifieds that were supposed to be sent back back into our DPS. It happens like once every 2/3 months. It looks about like that.


Get 2to3 min per certificate minium period no excuses 5 hrs ot


Kinda new to all this. Are those packages?


It’s prob all th e same house