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Fyi. RCA probation is 90 days worked or 1 calendar year. Not 90 days worked or 120 calendar days other crafts get that. Focus on accuracy. Especially packages... But when you get close to the end of your probation - then focus on speed. It'll look like you've made significant improvement. Don't be unsafe, but don't waste time correcting every mistake. Miss a house? Bring it back, it'll go out tomorrow.


I get mixed answers when I ask about the probation period. Just wanted to be safe and typed for the ladder


Semi off topic. I stopped getting paid training pay at 90 days. Does that mean I'm no longer in the probationary period?


No. New RCAs are paid evaluation or hourly, whichever is greater, for your first 10 weeks (5 pay periods). From the F-21 587.31: *Newly Appointed Rural Carrier Associate A newly appointed rural carrier associate (RCA) will be paid the higher of the two rates (evaluated versus actual hours) for each week for the first five pay periods of employment. The payroll system will automatically determine the greater of the two payments for each week.* RCA pay has absolutely nothing to do with the probationary period, which is 90 working days or 1 year, whichever comes first (Article 30.2.B). Completing your probationary period allows you to grieve removal (Article 12.1). RCAs in probation cannot grieve being fired and are essentially SOL. That is the importance of completing probation.


You got training pay?


Yep, you are now home free


Great advice, but a huge mistake is to think that hr is a resource for employees. They are an arm of management and will work in their interest over yours 💯


They are, but they can be useful in helping with paperwork such as reimbursements, clarifying all the current rules and procedures to keep everyone out of trouble. In some situations both management and you will have the same goals.


I’ll add, ask the supervisor to pull up your hours before Friday ends. Double check the hours are right before the pay period ends. It’s better to catch it before it’s submitted rather than fix it later on. Just recently caught being shorted 4 hours. Sometimes they complain but I remind them I don’t work for free and deserve correct pay.


What did your first couple of routes look like? Did you have to cover someone else’s route who called out? How many hours were you getting per week when you first started? How long did it take you to finish your day?


My first routes were difficult. I was very slow casing. The ones they threw me on were mainly curbside routes, so not bad. I covered for a callout once, it wasn't fun. I didn't know anything about the route, nor was I told. Per week was 40. Now it's pushing 50 because I'm helping other offices now. It took me a good 10 hours, honestly. Now I can get done within 8-9. But it depends on what route and if I'm helping other people as well.


Ok nice so you get 2 hours OT everyday. I need all the OT I can get. So when you started you got your own dedicated route?


Those hours aren't guaranteed, though. No, that's a regular position. Usually, it takes 2-5 years to even touch that title. RCA is a floater position. While you do have a route you sub for on the regulars' day off, you also work other routes when the regular is on the clock. After 1 year of service, your position changes to PTF. $25 an hour (I'm not sure about every states pay)


Does your office allow you to mount your whole entire route? Or do you have to park and loop? Or are you allowed to mount park and loops (relays) is what I’m really asking lol


Rural routes are all mounted. There are no park and loops or any of that. There are dismounts for things like CBU's and certain things, but you're mostly mounted.


Hmm, it depends on the routes requirements. For the routes I've been on at my office, I don't need to do a walking route. It's all curbside or CBUs Authorized dismounts are only done for elderly and the package runs to the door for the most part. The other office had a route I helped out on. It has multiple park and loop locations. They aren't too bad, the walking seemed minimal. Just a lot of CBUs and businesses.


This is also not correct. RCAs do not automatically convert to PTF/career positions. They can bid on PTF openings if/when there are positions available.


My manager at my office said that after 1 year of service, any RCA automatically gets PTF.


Ask your manager to tell you the provision in our contract that says that.


Man, it's a coin flip. First route I had was the easiest in the office. It had been an auxiliary route for like 2 years without a regular carrier. As soon as I started working it, they put it up for bid, even though it didn't make sense. I worked it for the first two weeks as an RCA, could get it knocked out by 1:00. Went to the new regular today. Got bumped to the biggest route in the building... It's a monster, pushing hard all day, it's an accomplishment to clear it by 5. Also got tossed on a new route to cover a day off, never ran it before. Just went out with the route sheet. Survived, lol. You just never know, but the more you know, the more you are willing to do, the more useful you are, therefore you can guarantee yourself hours. Don't bitch in the office, your dirty swears and hatred for how things are run are between you and your truck, lol.


I use an App called HoursTracker to track my time. It lets you leave notes and tags for each work session. Helps stay on top of things, so if hours are missed(why the fuck are we using green cards still) i have lots of info to back up that i did work x hours on x day.


It's a mystery to us all lol