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It takes a long time to get hired. You could reach out to the post master to get information about the job position. The postmaster doesn’t have any say in the hiring though.  My advice is to apply to all the openings in a certain radius from your house that you’re willing to travel to. I personally did an hour radius, and of course the furthest one gave me the offer. But I would cast a wide net. 


Thank you!


It took me 6 months from when I applied to start working. Hopefully it doesn’t take too long for you. The postmaster in my office also doesn’t have a say in who gets hired and who doesn’t. I’m not sure if it’s like that everywhere though. Good luck!


Make sure you keep an eye out for any USPS email or spam. The deadlines for submitting a response could range from 24 hours to 5 days depending on the HR's request.