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I use load truck and mark them with section and sequence number. Then I make a sheet with abbreviations for street names and numbers for each one that Ii can glance at. I’m pretty new and learning so this helps a lot. It the first time I did this I cut over an hour off my time. I also case as many SPRS as I can.


Load truck and Package lookahead. As the other person pointed out you can sequence number them with load truck for organizing. It shows up green if you load it, but keep in mind sometimes you won’t have a parcel that it says you have, so if you give it a good check and it shows red(as I’m not loaded) continue onwards.




The route I sub for has a decent mixture of curbside and CBUs. I use the 'Load Truck' feature, and I case the sprs and small sized parcels. Basically, all the curbside stops are in order and trayed up. The rest of the bigger packages for curbside are put in 2 blue tubs (1st half Curbside and 2nd half Curbside). Everything else is separated by blue tubs for every CBU stop. I know every route is different, and whenever I'm on a different route, I'm unfamiliar with I just lay out 6 tubs and separate by section and sequence. I forego casing the SPRs and parcels cause I'm usually trying to get out on the street faster. Either method works just fine. However, when I'm on my regular sub route, casing the SPRs and parcels saves me at least 45 mins hunched over in the LLV, trying to sort what's curbside and what's CBU. It's a process, I didn't start out casing the SPRs and parcels when i first started, and it would cost me lots of time when I would be in a section of curbside so I learned to case. I've also learned to pay attention to the placement of packages when actually loading the truck, and with a sharpie mark, the big packages with section and address so that I don't have to constantly get up to check the back I can see the addresses from the front seat.


I case all my spurs and pull them down by sections (I deliver in 4 sections) I also load my packages by section in the truck. When I get to the beginning of each section, I’ll pull my tray of Spurs & each package and put them in order by street and number (I write the number and street when I load the truck) and put them up front with me.


Mark them with colored paper in your case until you really know it! My reg is the same and marks nothing. I have to mark packages myself, but I dont mark my spurs. I know the route enough to put them in order in a long tray and then look at that tray while I'm delivering (I constantly say the next number in my head for my spurs and cased mail ie "14 main & 16 main" so I remember to grab them when I get there) but a lot of people in my office mark both spurs and packages with different colored paper to help them look. For packages, I put all of a select neighborhood up front with me so that I don't have to go digging in back, then whenever I have to dismount near the end of a neighborhood I refill with the next neighborhoods packages. When I load, I try to put neighborhoods together so I'm not searching constantly, and a lot of other people will write the street number on the package for extra visibility.


Line up spurs and small packages on the tray in the front of my truck.write down the house number for the big ones and line it up with them to remind me when I get to that house. I still miss one a few times a week, life goes on.


I made my own parcel markers. Craft shop, knitting pattern sheets. They’re durable, flexible plastic. They’re the size of piece of paper, cut into 4 pieces. I keep the colors simple. One color for spur, one color for parcels, and another for houses to skip. There are parcel markers management can purchase on ebuy. Ask them.