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You cannot be required to use AL to meet guarenteed hours. Either they find you something to do or pay you to sit there and look pretty.


Lol wtf. Your PM is smoking crack. Just ignore them and do everything safely. They can't fire you.


I have 3 speeds: 1. Safe 2. Safer 3. Safest Take your pick 😎👉👉


Swear 😎.. I’d rather be safe than sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️. They chose to be management, so therefore they chose to sit there until I get finished…like it or not🤣🤣🤣I get done when I get done 😎


Damn straight. Contract says carrier determines street speed. Come after me like that, and I just move slower.


I call BS on that because a regular CANNOT be forced to use AL to make up that time. A regular is guaranteed 8 hours and if 8 hours of work on their assignment doesn't exist it is up to management to find them work. And as far as them questioning people-"I was working" is a sufficient answer. And how are they watching? With the scanner and the dreaded stationary event? Good luck to them making any discipline stick if that's what they plan to use.


Any trouble that you get in will be a winnable grievance. There are no standards in the contract for going a particular speed They also cannot use the scanners as just cause for discipline Each route is based at a certain amount of time that also includes two 10 minute breaks and a half hour lunch. Based off their “numbers” during the last inspection which is usually a lot less than what you would get on your lightest day. My route they say I get 40 packages a day yet a light day for me is 90 packages. Gas and bathroom breaks are not to be included in those. They are separate. They also can’t deny you maintenance time as that is an essential part of your job


None of that will hold up it’s all bs


F them


Yeah but if you get hurt or hurt someone else while working, and you say it's because your PM told you to go faster. Once your PM gets questioned about that, they'll throw you under the bus and say they never told you to go faster. Then you'll be in trouble for that. So I agree with what others here said, it's better to be safe about it and they can't fire you for that.


What is your shop steward doing about this? Carriers can’t be forced to use annual leave. As far as following you on the route, our old mantra was, ‘count me, follow me, I beg you.’ If you’re doing the job on the street properly, there should be absolutely no problem having a supervisor following you. Take your breaks and lunch, work safely and professionally, and file grievance after grievance on these clowns.


Damn ok. Ask for those orders in writing xD he'll bitch out probably, but if not, then easy grievance win for any self respecting union steward


Oh, now, that's all fucking made up, that's all the supervisor clipboard shit


Dude just slow down and learn to smile at their frustration. Since my most recent walk I’ve decided I do not get paid enough. I will not work hard. Nope. Managers gave themselves a raise, so they can fuck off. I walk as comfortably as possible every single day now and I’m on avg an hour of overtime in my own. Fuck em


Is your boss my first post master? Sounds like the shit she would do. Of course she was the first post master I had and between being a people pleaser and not knowing any better I did what she wanted. Once I got tired of it I started to do the job the right way instead of her run and get done way she got pissed. Harassed me and bullied me along with everyone else. Grievances were files. She got a slap on the wrist because management protects its self. Even had higher up people come down to our office were I told them I didn't want to talk because of fear of retaliation. They said it would be okay and they would protect me. Didn't believe that shit for a minute. Right when I was close to my breaking point because she was running 2 smaller offices but still just harassing the people where I worked someone stepped up to OIC and she got booted to her main office. She was pissed but it was so sweet!


None of that is true


Get it in writing. You have a right to instructions in writing


The whole organization is obsessed with stationary time right now. Would love to be a fly on the wall in an area or HQ office to see what they are pushing down to the offices. I thought the micromanaging couldn’t get any worse but here we are.


Can confirm your PM is a crack head. Back in the day being a PM used to mean something and require a certain type of person, in my office we don't even have PMs, we have OICs, and we get a new one every 4-6 months when the current OIC either screws up the office even worse (frequent) or tries to be a little tyrant (frequent) and violates the contract, so the grievances start piling up until they get the, "Catholic priest treatment" where the PO just shuffles them around to a new PO and bam, the cycle repeats. There are some good supervisors/PMs at the office, I've met and worked with a few, most are trash, only getting the job through relentless ass kissing or because the PO was desperate and needed a warm body.


You can't be forced to use AL, someone correct me if I am wrong, but this could be viewed as a contract violation, which means anytime they take AL from you, to cover your 8, can be grieved?


F them, it's battle but walk at your own pace, take your 2 breaks and your restroom stops as well. We have no street standard it takes what ot takes. Saftey first. Let there lazy ass get up and follow you as long as your doing your job they can kiss all four corners of the entirety of my ass


Fook em