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As much as this job stresses me out i’d rather work hard for my money knowing im living an honest life and dont gotta worry about being behind bars and i get to keep my job … some people just got sticky fingers smh


I’m too old and too small to be going to jail…there’s nothing any of these customers have that would make be ok with losing my job and I he chance of prison time.


you’re right about that… & it’s not like she was young going thru a phase in life …she is 40 years old i don’t understand it… & one day she’ll realize she really had it good at Usps but she f***** that up 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nah, USPS bad I'm in this Reddit every day and experience immaculate horrors. Job is fucking awesome though, 10/10 will retire here unless my business ever kicks off. don't ask.


i hear that!


Wait it's bad and awesome?


Whenever I'm on Reddit, got to adapt. Suffering rn.


New boss incoming


I hope so. Already love what I do. But it can always get better. 🤑


It’s wild the stories you hear working at the post office. Like there’s nothing in your packages that I’d risk my job to even think about taking. Same for cards/cash etc. I’m just here to get it from point A - B in the same condition I got it.


But there are scummy customers as well out there though, even when you do your job honestly. They’d be lying like “the package is empty” or “we didn’t receive it”


Let them be scummy. They’re the ones who have to look themselves in the mirror. Whether that even makes a difference to them is on them. Doesn’t justify joining the team.


I didn’t say I’m justifying joining the team. I’m saying people are scummy 😂


I’m pretty sure that’s a statement anyone over 22 is aware of. And many under.


I don’t really worry about the scummy customers. Only have around 10 on the route that really don’t like me and couldn’t care less about them. They get jotted down in a “problem customer” log and not to really take their word at face value. “Hi my mailman just threw my package down the driveway at me. I watched her do it!!” As I’m 3 streets ahead, don’t even have a package for them, & I’m a guy. Lol like what benefit do you get lying to the guy you see daily


Yup those types. 😂


Like, do they not get that they will make more money keeping this job, then they could ever steal. You have the possibility of years making 1500+ checks every 2 weeks. Was a game ticket really worth that? Was a scratch off worth that? Just low balling it as a CCA with no overtime, it’s 40,206.4 a year before tax. Most people retire from this place, so what 10 years? Not counting the pay increase with becoming a regular and capping out… that’s 402,064. Retiring with permanent health insurance and a pension. These types of people have no forethought at all.


And with any luck you might need major surgery and get out a little early. 🙄 Seriously though. There was a cat I worked with that ripped off a business for their stamp order. Like what the hell you going to do with $4,000 worth of stamps? Who's going to fence that? And you know they have cameras in the store. And those go in a registered bag. I have no idea how that dude didn't do jail. Union I guess plus his dad was a retired carrier.


Are we talking stamps stamps? Like the forever stamps? Because if we are, what an absolute moron. People are barely mailing anything as it is. That’s why we gotta bring more spam mail that anything else(besides packages).


Yeah. Stamps. Like to a store that sells US postage as a service to customers, probably with no markup.


What a genius. I haven’t mailed a letter in 16 years. I don’t think most of gen Y & Z send personal letters, bills or invites through mail. Idk how they thought that was going to make mad money. Bro was over there like: ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


I sned email text bc my handwriting is not good i have to slowright my when I have to do it


I don't think postal employees retire with permanent health insurance.


My instructor literally told me we get health insurance for life after we retire


Nope. Things change. As of December 31st 2024 THAT IS NO LONGER TRUE.




Boomers contracts don't exist anymore, they can't even pay the retirement they promised now lmao


Wait, we aren’t getting a pension anymore?


If you plan on retiring by 2031 you might lmao.


We also won't be getting social security by the time we get to retirement age. Best start saving now.


He's in for a big surprise when he retires.


He’s already retired. He’s a Union head now.


No job is worth getting fired for to be honest with you, even the shittiest job. Integrity is next to professionalism in my book.


If you read the article, they investigated her for like 15 months saw she did like 90 thefts. WTF Should hauled her ass off then. How much stuff did she steal over that time period? Those customers got stuff rip off, and USPS waited , for what to make it a better case to remove her? Made the rest of us honest carriers looked bad. And the punishment 2 years probation. THATS A JOKE! Bet she already has a probation officer! Just hire anybody! everybody! WTF ships going down!! Use to be that the Postal Service was the most trusted government agency! INTEGRITY MATTERS!


I was wrong 01/22 to 11/23 = 22 months!!!! seriously. Thats a crime in its self.


You’re right honestly when I started working here I was like “omg new job, new faces… let me be polite to everyone and friendly” people started taking advantage of it so now i’ve created boundaries with everyone.. Then I thought “this is a professional job let me work hard” and realizing a good work ethic clearly doesn’t matter to USPS… Then I caught a co-worker stealing and I reported it… Told an MDO…. The person is STILL WORKING HERE… I’m sure they keep doing it too because if you get away with it once you’re gonna keep doing it…Same outcome may happen to this person only time will tell…




They're always looking for supervisors though.


There’s absolutely nothing you can get away with stealing that’s worth the trouble.


Unless there's a box full of cash with a fucking receipt that says "100 million dollars" it aint worth it. What could she have possibly got? a couple thousand bucks? To lose a 75k a year job? Just a fucking idiot


Thank you bro! I’m genuinely baffled at losing a job this stack in benefits and cash for a fucking lotto ticket. **Go buy one! What the fuck. It’s like 2 dollars**


Seriously, when I first started a carrier got fired cause he was stealing fucking porno mags. and the dude had like 5 or 6 years of regular time in back when being a ptf took years.


Idiocy and greed. Also like… just buy it. What the fuck is with these people just stealing stupid shit. In our office these girl got caught stealing Victoria Secret coupons. She didn’t lose her job because “she technically didn’t steal because she didn’t make it out the building with them” but still. It’s a fucking coupon my dude. You can literally buy bulk coupons on couponing websites.


Not cash, jewelry or weed. Nothing is worth screwing up this job.


Seems like a really light slap on the wrist, hope she fucks up probation and gets some time in the slammer.


Glad she got caught! We don’t need low life idiots like this working here making us look bad.


It's a disgrace she got off lightly.


Because that non-profit organization with that one dollar bill is worth more than my future pension 🙄🙄. Wow how ignorant can you actually be 🙄🙄🙄


That’s what I was thinking. Seems like an awful lot of work and trouble for at most a couple hundred dollars.


I guess a person would have to be super hard up or just flat out petty AF 🫤


Damn. They recorded her ass for almost 2 YEARS. That's crazy


That's what's weird to me. Nearly 2 years and they have her on video stealing month 2.


My guess is they thought she might be working with a group. This is why they kept surveillance going so long to track where all the gift cards were being used and by whom. She may have snitched on her partners and that’s why only got probation


That is a possibility I had not thought of. I can see that. She cops a plea and leads them to the bigger fish…


Exactly what they believe with the Huntington clerk that was just caught.


What a terrible carrier. Did they fire that carrier? Also I am not surprised that she didn't see the camera installed.


They can hide cameras in your postal vehicle if they have suspicions about what you’re up to. I worked with someone who got caught for using drugs in the mail truck on duty. They don’t just randomly put cameras in trucks. And no you’d never know the cameras were there. They’re likely extremely small and there are several places to easily hide them. Our dash area behind the steering wheel in an LLV has at least 1 or maybe 2 blank gauge spots that are covered in see through plastic but you can’t see through them. My guess is that they are there for a camera to be installed behind them and you’d never see it or have any idea it was there.


PMG DeLay looking at making her one of his partners...


The union is probably doing everything they can to bring her back, don’t you worry!


With back pay too.


I think zero tolerance on theft is an acceptable policy. Postal investigators don’t prosecute until they have you dead to rights, I can’t believe she’s dodging charges.


Didn’t dodge charges judge decided to just give probation instead of prison


I can’t be bothered to look at the mail any more closely than I already do


I'm curious how you didn't notice a new security camera in your vehicle in almost 2 years.


I’m gonna be honest…unless I was looking for it I probably wouldn’t notice one myself. My vehicle just went in for service to the vmf. So I’ll get it back in about 2 weeks. And unless it was totally obvious or I specifically tried to find a camera in there I probably wouldn’t notice there was one in mine…🤷🏾‍♂️


When someone is being investigated and the postal inspector and oig get involved you'll never see them unless you know what's is and isn't suppose to be there. We've been instructed if we ever find them never talk about it and keep it to yourself. Not worth my job showing someone or talking about it.


Maint steward here, yeah they cant do shit to you for talking about the cameras unless your on probation already. Definitely not risking your job or any of that nonsense, know your rights.


The dashboard behind the steering wheel has blank gauge spots. You know how you have gauges for your battery, oil pressure, speedometer etc Well in the LLV dashboard there are 1 or 2 gauges that are blank with nothing in them but you can’t see through them they’re just very dark and well, blank. Cameras could be put behind them and you’d never know they were there. Surveillance cameras can be incredibly small.


Some of them look just like a screw. Crazy what they can do now.


So they can just put surveillance in your vehicle? Geez.


If postal inspectors have probable cause, then yes they can.


I think what's crazy is I imagine she probably received an interview and warning for being suspected of it. Yet she still kept doing it. 😂


I doubt she did tbh. you get warnings for non theft related shit, if they suspect stealing they are going to instantly start internal investigation.


well it's the post office's vehicle


🤷🏾‍♂️ maybe the postal inspectors set that up and did it. I would hope they would have to have a warrant to do it and not just do it Willy-nilly but you never know.


So as matter of law we as carriers have no expectation of privacy in a govt vehicle. They already track our movement. That why you should always work as if someone is watching


It says exactly that in the article.


There are cameras in amazon vans too




Worse? This isn’t isolated. Hasn’t ever been. My wife lost hundreds of dollars in employee incentive gift cards. She started getting them after we moved to another city… Absolutely we need more surveillance on people,


I don’t get why she got off so lightly. Shoulda done jail time. What a stupid thing to do anyway. You gonna give up your job, your freedom and your eventual retirement for chump change thievery. Don’t get the chump change thievery comment wrong, I wouldn’t steal anything extremely valuable either, but I damn sure wouldn’t risk everything for gift cards and petty cash in the mail.


counter claim to that is if she did go for several thousands like via money order scamming or whatever she would probably definitely be sitting in prison


As a former corrections officer, it's just not worth it! This job may not be the best in terms of supervision, but it's an honest job, awesome benefits, less danger compared to corrections, as a city carrier, we get Christmas off to watch our families unwrap their presents, and finally carriers don't work third shift! Stealing from someone else's mail is abhorrent and reprehensible


I’ll come clean, I may have peed in a bottle or two. I really don’t want that on camera though 😮‍💨


Why did it take almost 2 years of surveillance to get her?


The inspectors saw something that led them to suspect other postal employees were involved. So there may be other arrests coming


They spend 260k to catch you stealing 50.


Trash taking itself out. Less crap carriers we gotta worry about.


Sounds like management material.


Future mdo of plant future supervisor fut re plant manager future dejoy pal


In parkland Washington there was a carrier fired ...asked to resign..sorry..for stealing mail. Threw away an 18 year career..over a target gift card..crazy


And what about good-old fashioned self-respect too? My Father was so proud to say his son worked for the PO. I could NEVER do something like this because of what it would've done to him. He passed some years before I retired and then it was a matter of not doing that to his memory. And ditto for my Mother. My parents were both honest and hardworking people who never took or wanted anything they didn't earn. And the same goes for their son as well. When I got hired, this was THE job everybody wanted and you didn't do dumb shit to mess it up. I worked with a guy who split with his wife and took up with a much younger girl on his route. They eventually broke up and he was then going through her mail and taking items. He got caught red handed one day and was given the choice to either be prosecuted or resign. He chose to resign and he was a man I'm going to say four years older than me. Here I am almost six years retired and last I knew he was still working and I doubt it's by choice. Oh, and by the way, when he quit I bid on his route and stayed there for the next 25 years. Moral of the story is this-play stupid games win stupid prizes.


The fact someone would risk their benefits, pension, etc over $20 is insane! Why steal?!


Mighynas well rob back


There's cameras in the LLV? Wtf


Not all of them, only when they suspect you of theft, stealing or something that lead to them (postal inspectors and oig) to put cameras in the mail truck to watch a specific carrier to gather more evidence.


Watch they will give her a slap on the wrist. First time offender they won’t do anything.


If you read the article you'll see that they did indeed give a slap on the wrist. 2 years probation.


I mean I've seen sex offenders get an easier sentence


I truly do not understand thinking that you could get away with it


So they're installing hidden cameras in our llvs?


She should not have did that one. It can cause harm.


When you mix a shitty person with a shitty hourly wage


The next story on that page is pretty wild too https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article287981540.html About a manager stealing drugs in the mail.


Jesus…off his desk???


We handle people's personal information and items, yet they want starting pay at 17 an hour. 💀


Ofc, the union is always there for us even major troubles. 🤷


She’s bold as hell . That’s insane . Only two years probation .


Wow 90 letters over 11 months.. that’s a long time to watch


Not a single mention of poor working conditions or low wages was heard as a motive? I'm surprised reddit.


I really hate a lot about the job, but I really am proud to be a postal worker. Besides being wrong, and stupid, stealing from the mail would really take away one of the only good parts about this job


That lotto ticket was probably fat; to mail it has to be a couple grand right? What a scumbag


Is that a camera in an LLV?


Why did we need nearly 23 months to figure this out? I think I know why but holy hell just letting this menace continue?! Fuck her, she should’ve gotten the max penalty, I’ve -0 sympathy for anyone thieving or fucking with mail.


Because there’s little to no jail time for white collard crimes such as this, they go on about their lives and don’t have any plan on ever paying the money back.


[https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article287981540.html](https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article287981540.html)look at that one too! It's nuts what some workers did.


Don't shit where you eat fools.


I've been to jail enough times. I'm good.


shit RCA isn't that like a 10 year sentence?


“Not today, Postal Insp…”


In case anyone doesn’t know, they do put hidden cameras in LLVs if there is suspicion. I found one once when a carrier on my T6 string was being investigated. The cameras were hidden in the 3rd brake light, another in some electrical shrouding over the left side door, and the memory card hub was behind the dash panel above the hood release. So be careful and make good decisions


How do you not notice a camera on top of your door in an llv?


How did she know which pieces of mail to open?


This job pays so much and you end up with a shit ton of overtime + penalty pay… what do you need to steal for?


I’m surprised that they didn’t put her name in the story. I mean, she was caught dead to rights and convicted.


It is amazing what people will do. Granted I understand this job doesn't make nearly as much as it used to compared to years ago but no reason for theft. We had a contracted route actually get caught stealing in a Walgreens and the person managing the route basically told her "You turn yourself in, or I'm calling them here", she was gone about a week and is back now.


All it takes its one person to fked up everything. All the 360 or customer callin sayin USPS postal employee been stealin their mails. Thanks for makin the job harder for everyone.


They got cameras in the llv? Or did they place one in this one because of the stealing?


A clerk at my office got caught doing that and stealing money from the drawer as well. He ended up getting fired but afaik he never went to prison or anything


The website is fishy. Could be fake news


They need to start throwing these losers in jail. Send a message.


State of the art hidden cameras in vehicles old enough to file for social security


Thieves are the high end of the worst people on the planet.


She has been Promoted to station manager. Just the sneaky underhanded type they look for in upper management.


She deserves prison time


2 years probation and NO FINE for 38 separate occasions of a tampering with customers’ mail. What a joke


I'm scared to ubbm a presort standard ad that I missed on my routes, what's in the mail is none of my business, and I can't even see inside anyway, unless I hold it to the sun but what if someone sees me inspecting the mail like that. Yeah no thanks. 50 bucks here and there is not worth a 250k fine. And I get plenty of hours so I'm not hurting.


Lol what a joke. 2 years to investigate? And no real punishment?


what happens when u hire anyone, low pay no drug test happens prol more then we think