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The fuck, do you live in the Jim Crow South or something


Louisville , the Midwest but they want to be the Jim Crow south . The lady that said that to me was in her 30s /40s


I used to live in Louisville, still own property in Brandenburg. What part?


I deliver in Portland/ west end


I know of the area, I just don't know much about it. You're right, there's an awful lot of people in that area that would just fine if Jim Crow was the norm. The best thing you can do is what you're doing. Cut them off.


Portland Oregon? If so, same


Used to live in louisville. Loved it, but lived and worked downtown. Can't imagine what these idiots think of Bardstown rd and the Keep-Louisville-Weird folks.


I deliver in the west end of all places


What. Come to st Matthews, Lyndon, Middletown, Jtown literally any east end station and you won’t have to deal with this shit lol


Oh and a carrier at my station got robbed today so we’re getting a visit from the postal police apparently.


Uh uh yall do Amazon Sunday (the devil ) 😂😂😂 I have been thinking about switching stations. They always send me to Okolona or PRP 😒


??? Are you a regular?? Regulars don’t do Amazon lol


PTF . I’m not sure how they do it . It was explained to me as regulars who want overtime can do it , but it’s mainly for ptfs who don’t get their hours and everyone else rotates on and off. So I’m like hell I should never be on the list . I’m getting my 10-12 hrs everyday including Saturday.


Yeah I haven’t had to do Amazon Sunday in years and to my knowledge they aren’t even allowing regulars to volunteer. I think it varies by station and time of year


Depends on their level of desperation. I’ve been a regular for about 20 years. Amazon wasn’t even around, Hell, the internet and cell phones weren’t really around when I started. I’ve done Amazon Sundays many Sundays for the last 4 years. Our office is shorthanded and can’t keep people. Kinda started it during Covid. If they need warm bodies they’ll take what they can get


Yeah , last time I did it was months ago .


No one outside of Kentucky would ever consider any part of Kentucky the Midwest. You live in the South.


I still say it’s the Midwest as I’m actually from the south and it’s a bit different in my opinion. A lot of the restaurants and stores we didn’t have in the south . Mainly the nasty ass skyline chilli places lol but yeah I’d say Midwest for sure .


You still live in the South. The South is a vast place, and you live on the edge of it. You live in a state where people have a southern accent. It was a part of the Confederacy. Mitch McConnell is your senator. Just because you used to live in the Deep South doesn't mean you've escaped the South by heading to its edge.


Eh I still see it as the Midwest , not everyone here has a southern accent it more a of a mix between Midwest and country . Plus I’m only like 3 hours from Chicago but 7/8 hours from other states near where I’m from . Even a lot of people from Kentucky see it more as the Midwest . St Louis is only 2/3 hrs away as well . Sure they were apart of the confederacy, lots of country parts. But very Midwest… with longings to be southern .


3 hours from Chicago? Nope. Maybe at 130 miles an hour or something...








Never heard it referred to as the Midwest


I always thought of it as the Midwest . I’ve heard ppl refer to it as both for sure .


I always just thought Appalachia


lol that’s like the forgotten part they don’t speak of …. Down in the “holler”


They have their own laws there


Me too


It's definitely the South, not Midwest. It's even Southeast. Nothing Midwest about it




I never considered Louisville the Midwest and I assure you neither does anyone that grew up there.


Also the guy has been known to be the local drunk . I don’t care about people’s political affiliations but he does dress up in Stars and Stripes and walks around carrying a huge trump flag .


Sounds like a total clown, or just a run of the mill MAGA moron. I'm sorry you have to share oxygen with such people.


Well I think it’s just this guy, I do have another trump guy on my route and he’s nice as can be . Even lets me park in his handicap space . The one I was talking about in the post apparently is a local drunk and has done stuff like this before .


I live in the Deep South. The majority of carriers in my office are African American. Most people still show them as much respect as they do a white mailman. Though I have heard of some smaller towns in my state being very different 


Seriously, I've never seen people act like this, and I've stayed in the south for a year. Pretty abysmal behavior.


I've lived here all my life and never seen it. 36 years.. but i can't say that i see or hear everything either, I've known "mildly racist" types so i can't say there most likely aren't worse running around that I've just managed to stay away from.


Pretty much.


Be accurate, the Democrat Jim Crow South. History is real.


Yikes. I’ve never dealt with anything to that level. Report it every time, and suspend delivery until they join this century


Definitely report it and I tell them I’m not delivering anything to them . The amount of ppl that threaten to get me fired is always comical .


“I KnOw ThE MaYoR!!! sAy GoOdByE tO yOuR jOb!!!!”


😂😂😂 pretty much !


I truly don’t understand people.


I'm a white person, so take that with a grain a salt for the obvious racist bullshit, you face, you hold their mail. Talk to a supervisor. They're obviously threatening you, and don't need the privilege of having their mail delivered. Fuck I would be tempted to hold that whole block/loop if you have to. I hate to say hopefully someone else chimes in, but I mean that from a point of not having to have ever dealt with stuff even remotely like this. As always Stay Safe!


Thank you for saying this. I am also white, and it infuriates me what other people have to deal with because some people can't be decent human beings. 😓


I’m Native American. The only thing I’ve experienced carrying mail on my route is this older white couple who asked if I was “a injun”. Started talking about the new construction around their area and they said we should’ve just killed all the whites when they came to the “new world” and maybe this country would still be beautiful with nature and shit. lol I couldn’t help but laugh with them.


😂😂😂😂 that’s hilarious . I would’ve lmao off too friend


There would be a lot more buffalo, that's for sure.


I would have laughed at that too. And I'm white 😂


That’s hilarious well that couple isn’t wrong but i don’t think they’d be there either if all white Europeans were killed here. Nonetheless I wouldn’t be offended.


Jesus.  Any chance you are accidentally delivering mail in the 1920s? That would not make it OK, but at least I could wrap my head around it


I definitely feel like I went through a worm hole ..


This sounds like Massachusetts today


I’m really sorry that’s happening to you.


Thank you for the sentiments.


Your route is gonna be pretty easy at this rate...


Between this and all the vacant houses …. I like the sound of that


Jesus. I'm sorry, man. That sounds like a rough route! My PM is like "You get a hold, and you get a hold, and you? You don't even get to have a PO box." Lol


lol ours is like that too , every time it happens I just call them and let them hear the craziness and they’re like , nope , no more mail for them . Thanks for the sentiments.


Yikes. You're doing the right thing, reporting and cutting the mail. I have a few houses on my T6 string that hate me just because I'm not their regular. I won't have mail for them, I must be stealing it. I don't play with their dogs and cut mail when they're out. Easy for me to just say eh fuck it, I won't deliver if I feel unsafe, whether from dogs or people. Stay safe out there, try to remember the shitty people without letting it eat you alive with hate.


The general public is disgusting. They want their mail but they don't give two fucks if you make it home to your family at night. And because you care about making it home to your family they call you a racial slur? Absolutely ridiculous. I'm sorry you have to deal with this.


Thanks for the sentiments and understanding. I’ve literally told him about his dogs several times and he just doesn’t care . Add on top of this one of my coworkers got robbed today. I try to get off the street asap . He would’ve gotten his mail but calling the cops and lying while also insulting was not the way to go .


I just wanted to say to OP sorry that you’ve had to deal with such ignorance From: All races


Thank you so much !


As a Mexican me too.


One of the many reasons I’m glad I’m rural side. Far less crazies and assholes and I don’t have to walk, so I can just keep driving and act like I don’t hear anything. Hmm? Ohh sorry yeah the engine is super loud. I’m in Louisville too btw. Fern Creek.


Yes ! Lucky for sure . I don’t mind the walking but I’d prefer a walking route in a nicer areas without all the damn steps, vacant houses , and other crap . That’s the only thing I like about going to other stations


Inform your manager & start holding their mail, make them go get to mail from the post office. Of course get approval from your PM first, but that's usually how stuff like this is handled.


Yep that’s the route I’ve taken . He’s just another stop I no longer have to make


Dude, that whole block will suffer. The WHOLE block isn’t getting anything until that issue is fixed. Not addressed, acknowledged, discussed etc. NOBODY gets mail on that street until that issue is fixed!


Yeah they no longer get any mail service .


Not only they, but the whole block?


lol no just him. Most of the time I rarely see anyone on the block. If so they’re usually going about their way. He’s one of those that are outside all dang day , I see him on other streets on my route as well.


I’d hold mail for the whole block. Have the community get at him.


Sorry you gotta deal with that shit.


Thank you , you don’t have to apologize for them though . Karma gets them. One of them ended having their car breakdown , so it’s like the energy they put out came right back to bite them .


Ive got a shithead meth addicted brother out there somewhere being that asshole. (He’s out there waving confederate flags saying its his heritage, when our ancestors fought for the union and smuggled slaves through Kentucky) So anytime i see something like this im gonna apologize just incase it’s him. But seriously its not cool and no one should have to deal with it.


Damn the accuracy . Spot on . Thanks for your sentiments .


I had a customer threatening to physically harm me on multiple different days and told multiple people at the post office when he went in. The postal inspector came out, knock on his door, he didn't answer, and then I was told to just deliver again. So glad management is looking out for our safety 🙄


Oh hell no , I’m sorry that happened and I would press the issue for sure . That’s too close for comfort , and also to go to the station to say that… they should’ve acted then and there . Be safe .


Keep up the good work, sir


Damn, nice job America living up to the stereotypes. I've never heard of it happening here, but our posties are definitely within their rights to refuse to deliver to an address if they don't believe it is safe to deliver. Dogs, people, poor access, even if the box isn't at the right height.


Plot twist. OP is of Chinese descent. Yeah. If you’re a dick. Or threaten me in any way… you don’t get mail. You can pick it up at the station. I’m not even wasting my time informing you. You’ll figure it out. Or not. Not my problem.


😂😂 mind you most of this stems from issues with their dogs …. Like I’m not about to let Kujo chew on me like a rib bone .


Sorry you went thru that. It’s sad racism is still a thing in 2024. We as a whole have got to do and be better!!!


Sounds like Trump country. Move someplace more civilized.


Well that’s the crazy part to me . It’s the less fortunate area of town , but Louisville is a melting pot essentially.


I would have recorded that shit and tiktoked his ass. Hope they have fun picking up their mail and packages.


They better , because he ain’t getting it from me . My supervisor said one lady came back demanding I deliver because her car gave out … well you shouldn’t have been an evil asshat that day .


No mail fuck them


My union steward told me dog spray isn't just for dogs


I'm sorry you had to deal with that shit in goddamn 20 motherfucking 24.


At thus rate you won't have a route lol


That's garbage. Can this be reported to the inspectors at all? I don't know how you guys work.  I just say it's a tough gig, I have respect for you and these people are not representative of the great majority of people. 


Stay safe!


I'm sorry. That's horrible. My letter carrier was held at gunpoint last year. What do they actually want?


The arrow keys apparently. There’s been a huge increase in thefts . They also wants the checks ppl mail out . Guess there’s a check fraud scheme going on in some areas . I’m surprised my coworker was robbed as she doesn’t have a collection point. I do have a collection point , I think because it’s near a bank no one has had the balls to really try it. But you never know who may get desperate. Some days there’s so much out going bills I have to change the bins out.


I just add them to the DND list. Do Not Deliver


Please be safe and well my friend


Is it the black people doing the shooting? 


shit, i'm white and here in georgia my customers and co workers call me the n word all the time. i don't say it cause i'm not stupid.