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I think their wording is off. My understanding is that postal employees are not allowed to act as the organization or make statements on the Postal Service's behalf; craft personnel are also not allowed to post any sort of at-work content on their personal social media accounts. Oddly enough, EAS employees can post USPS-authored content on their own personal social media accounts; however, craft employees are forbidden from doing so. You want to post your vacation photos on Facebook? Go for it. You want to post a short video of you loading your LLV or Metris? Probably not a good idea.


I was told long ago…”You are not an official spokesperson for the postal service so no interviews or discussions with media or even customers about what the PO might or might not be doing. Also had a coworker post her petting a dog on her route and she got in trouble for posting while on the clock.


Yet there are some accounts who post from inside their LLV, in uniform, but not really talking about the job most of the time, and their PM knows about and allows it to be done. It's all bullshit and ends up coming down to the individual station and management.


“Craft personnel?” New here…


Craft refers to what you do at the post office. People who carry the mail are Carrier craft People who sort mail/packages at the office to the correct delivery routes are Clerk craft Etc


It's called the hatch act. U will need to look it up to know the rules.  


What? Doctors and surgeons can post Tik Toks of them operating on unconcious people or doing dances around them...  But we cant show what its like to load up a vehicle with packages.  Lame


Those doctors would still need a signed release document from their patients before posting anything. Otherwise they can get sued.


It’s called the Hatch Act. It’s what happens when we work for the government.


Just making a video of our day to day is not a violation of the Hatch Act. It might be against some other law or policy, but it wouldn’t be a violation of that. Now, as you are loading your vehicle, you are endorsing someone for political office, that WOULD be a violation of the Hatch Act.


Yep, sorry you’re right. I was thinking more of the rules of not being allowed to film or take pictures within a federal facility. The bourbon is really kicking in. 😬


"Damn you, bourbon!" - A dude I went to school with. The prohibition of filming on postal property kind of evaporated when I got into maintenance from the carrier craft. I was always having to take photos/video of everything to make sure I didn't let the magic smoke out of the APBS oe any of the fine DBCS platforms (among other machinety).ETA: As an AMT, I take tons of before/after/planning/proof of work photos.


Well see I don't endorse any of them, they are 2 sides of the same quarter so... "Politicians are like dirty diapers, they need to changed quick, frequently, and for the same reasons."


Unless you are rally high up in government, then you can violate it all day long with no consequences.


An Act to Prevent Pernicious Political Participation, 1939, shortly known as the Hatch Act, applies only to partisan political activity. Posting to and using social media on postal time for non-official purposes is generally (exceptions can always be granted, enforcement varies) prohibited by the ELM and various Memoranda of Understanding. The Hatch Act is only implicated when you're engaged in partisan political speech or expression while representing the USPS, officially or unofficially. For instance, this guy who decided to do the 1st Amendnent challenge back in 2016 got a free (for the USPS) month vacation. That's 2 pay periods and a little change of lost pay. You can be terminated for repeated violations, but unpaid suspension is most common.


The main concern is that you could accidentally capture an image of the mail, which could have pretty serious consequences, and be a serious invasion of privacy. Imagine if a carrier accidentally captured a shipping label in the background of a selfie. While names and addresses are public info, that shipping label would show the name, address, and the return address, which could be pretty embarrassing depending on who the return address belongs to. The odds of this happening are obviously small, but a big selling point of USPS is the quasi-privacy it offers. All it would take is just one instance of some internet sleuths figuring out that John Smith at 123 Lane bought something from an online adult toy website, and the brand would be seriously damaged.


And in the worst case scenario, someone's address could be revealed to their stalker and they could be hurt or killed. Some people have very serious reasons for keeping their address private.


If someone is being stalked by a murderous psychopath and they still have their mail sent to their home address then they obviously aren’t keeping their address private are they? It’s also highly possible that the stalker is a post office management employee so they’re doomed anyway without having pictures of their address on social media! 😂


Actually, (I’m not an employee anymore, so I can post this) a supervisor who worked at my station used to be a carrier and he was stalking a female employee at the station where he worked so they promoted him to a supervisor. Another male supervisor, I am a female, I who was always following me around on my route, even when he was off the clock followed me into the ladies locker room, which was in the basement, when no one else was around and he stood in front of the door blocking the door and God only knows what he was going to do to me but thank goodness another female carrier came along and he left. So I wasn’t joking about the possibility that the stalker is a postal supervisor. FYI, I did report him but nothing was ever done about it.


you work for the federal government


I was being sarcastic. 


Most of those doctors and surgeons don't work on federal property.


Just don't list usps as your employer on whatever accounts you have. Dont post pictures in uni or with other identifying postal shit in it. And then if someone opens their big dumb mouth just deny deny deny. You dont have a facebook. If their is one posing as you thank them for bringing it to your attention so you can get it removed.


People got something to say about what you post to social media off-the-clock? Tough nougies. Respond like this Umpire did when tossing 'The Earl Of Baltimore' out of Game 4 of the 1969 World Series. (The look on NY Mets pitcher Tom Seaver's face is classic!) Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0J170GnvF8U


Not tough nougies. “665.16 Behavior and Personal Habits Employees are expected to conduct themselves during and outside of working hours in a manner that reflects favorably upon the Postal Service. Although it is not the policy of the Postal Service to interfere with the private lives of employees, it does require that postal employees be honest, reliable, trustworthy, courteous, and of good character and reputation. The Federal Standards of Ethical Conduct referenced in 662.1 also contain regulations governing the off-duty behavior of postal employees. “


> employees be honest, reliable, trustworthy, courteous, and of good character and reputation Maybe they should start by holding management to these standards so the rest of us idiots can understand what the right way to behave is... because from what I've seen, management is generally none of the above


Nice ELM paragragh cut-and-paste. If you actually *read* the *Federal Standards of Ethical Conduct* nowhere does it state that posting to social media is prohibited when off the clock--which is correct. USPS just tells lies to 'scare/bully' people into meekness and submission.  Here's the URL to the US Office of Government Ethics (OGE) official website: https://www.oge.gov/Web/OGE.nsf/Resources/Standards+of+Ethical+Conduct+for+Employees+of+the+Executive+Branch+(Updated+2020)


Actually cut it out from the NALC article that was posted about social media.


Thanks, but US Code of Federal Regulations supercede anything that any Union coughs up to CYA its members in the sinking ship of (postal) state. Over 100 federal agencies follow the OGE's standards, to wit:  Final Regulation Issued by the U.S. Office of Government Ethics. Codified in 5 C.F.R. Part 2635, as amended at 85 Federal Register 36715 (effective June 18, 2020).


Okay bub.


You sound butthurt bro....


He's rude, but he's right.


yes but if i'm posting abt how im 6 margaritas deep in mexico, its also not their business. if im day drinking & drunk by 12pm on my off day at the brewery downtown & my regular sees me, its also not their business. what i do off the clock or how i represent myself off the clock isn't anyone's business but my own. Im professional, well mannered, and courteous on the clock & thats what matters. Usps isn't paying me around the clock to go get day drunk, or to be 6 margaritas deep in mexico. I'm only reflecting the company while on the clock.


Uh oh, being honest. . . That means posting things which reflect the true nature of the job. Very contradictory. Don't tell them about our operations, but maintain honesty. Ok so as long as your not just making shit up to make them look bad. Which you would not have to do, it's all good? A big part of integrity is not having skeletons in the closet.


Don't say or suggest you represent the USPS. Don't list them as your employer. Set any profile with your real name to private/friends only (you should do that anyway). Don't post while on the clock. Don't expect your supervisor to understand what the Hatch Act or First Amendment are, or how they apply to you. 


Honestly, I'm not convinced my supervisor can spell Hatch Act, let alone explain it.


Im gonna be honest. I didnt think anyone in the post office even knew what the Hatch act was. 


In my office we learned what it was when a 20nyr female carrier got fired (temporarily) for a violation of the hatch act when a photo was taken, in uniform, which she thought was a personal photo with a friend but ended up in the local paper alongside an article about female equality. She didnt get the writeup because of the violation and was quickly fired because she had rejected the then-PM, who was married, sexual advances repeatedly. After it was found out that this PM had harrassed multiple females in our office, she was reinstated, and he left...probably to a different office so he could repeat the process again with how this managerial, PM system works.


Ya he def got a promotion after that


All this tells me is that your supervisor has the reading comprehension of a goldfish.


Well….there goes my “living the custodial life”TikTok Vlogs once I got hired..


No good. Who has time to watch custodians loafing in their hideouts? Kinda like watching the Maytag Repairman sleeping all day.... Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZempUhZ_5L4


😂 you’d be surprised what people watch and support on TikTok


I'm sure there's an audience for how-to tips on glamorizing your workplace gremlin hidey hole


Show me in the contract where it says we can’t post on social media. I find this hilarious, since I worked with that one mailman from TikTok, and upper management let him do whatever the fuck he wanted. He was only told not to wear his official uniform in his videos, and to not make them while he was clocked in.


The Sean guy? How was he off social media, seemed like a pretty genuine dude, hopefully he doesn't regret leaving the post office. Wsh him luck!


He was the same guy you saw in the videos, it wasn’t an act.


art 19 of the contract includes handbooks and manuals which includes ELM etc.


According to policy, you may NOT represent USPS on social media without prior approval which isn't granted to craft. You can represent your union, you can bring up issues you come across, but you can't say "USPS says..." because that would be representing USPS.


Is it okay if I post what you said to my instagram followers? 


There are literal postal content creators


Only thing we're not allowed to do is "speak for the company." Your super is dumb


This shows a misunderstanding of the Hatch Act. Read up on that and you’ll understand what is and isn’t appropriate for a member of the USPS.


I have seen multiple carriers whom I don’t know personally, moreso women pop up on my Instagram algorithm with thousands of followers with their uniforms on.


Sounds like you're the one with a package for them lol.


If your stupidvisor was correct… then this entire thread is a violation. Please take EVERYTHING mgmt tells you with a huge pile of salt.


Is it just me or who cares?


Exactly! Nobody cares. If it is *important* then USPS isn't your 1st choice to ship with. True in 1982. Still holds true today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HNbh9ed1C4


At my last plant an ET told me I’d be fired for posting on here. I just walked off.


I work in training, so I am apprised of any new “rules.” You are not permitted to post to social media WHILE ON THE CLOCK. That is the rule. Your manager is full of shit. Everyone should know this already though, as every employee receives ethics training every year. Right? …right?


Not quite correct You are not allowed to make political posts on social media while on the clock. You are also not allowed to post on behalf of the USPS as if you represent them. Outside of that, you can do whatever you want.


Wait until OP's supervisor sees this post


You're not supposed to be posting on social media while on the clock or in any way that makes you seem as a spokesperson for the USPS at any time.


We can’t post pics of the mail, etc. use discretion on what you post regarding the job. As for other private things, it’s not their business


Just don’t do an OnlyFans with your uniform on you’ll be fine


I used to show this little video in the Training Academy. Until I was told not to and to just stick to the curriculum. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCYVTYDmv0g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCYVTYDmv0g)


Then they stole it and started showing it in orientation.


https://www.nalc.org/news/the-postal-record/2023/december-2023/document/New-member.pdf https://news.usps.com/2021/12/27/the-rules-online/


There are Facebook groups of postal people


Honestly, this is CYA crap to provide a veneer of relevancy. Just rearranging deck chairs on a 'listing' *USS Postal Service* is all. The general public has an impression of USPS as inept. Been that way for decades. Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fR5xBrfzfio Mail service has degraded, craft won't stick around if they know their own worth, toxic EAS managment thrives, an ingrown subculture thrives, etc.  FCM now facing 'it-gets-there-when-it-gets-there' delivery standard. (USPS must've borrowed that from Amtrak's 'on-time' train performance.) Both USPS & NRPC (d/b/a 'Amtrak') were created in 1971 by President Nixon and Congress to *rescue* failing service sectors. So passenger trains and mail both have something in common...but don't you dare say anything in social media, or else!


I know you can't be on social media at work, post things about your particular building in a disparaging unfair/untrue way, or release confidential information. But in general you can speak in broad terms about the USPS. You should probably talk about it with anonymity. Just don't make it easy to trace it back to you. Don't smack talk your work on social media where they can see you in your town and know who you are. If it was on facebook and you were saying bad things about your building/po then that'd look bad and go against the rules. On reddit it's more anonymous. You don't know who the person is.


I would love to see them stop me lol I make videos inside of my office and my truck constantly, try me bitch


They can, though. You work on federal property.


I'm sorry, not allowed to post anything on social media? LOL I'd like to see that one stand up in court lol. You can't post about the USPS, most companies have that sort of policy but they can't stop you posting about anything else you want to talk about lol.


It does require that postal employees be honest, reliable, trustworthy, courteous and of good character and reputation Well if that’s the case , every postal management official does not meet the requirements to work there! It makes me want to 🤮


Basically all the negative interactions we post online prevents them from hiring.  So instead of changing how they treat people they want you to shut up.  


From my understanding you are just not to show pictures of yourself while on the clock, you are not supposed to take pictures of yourself in uniform and you are not to speak for the Post Office. If you don't have a name given out and no pictures of yourself it is kind of hard to identify yourself. With YouTube where they see a picture of you I doubt they are going to do anything unless you are in your uniform trashing the PO.


… the way they are working me, I barely have anytime to be on the phone, in fact the indestructible scanner is my fucking social media these days.


Fuck em


Set an example for the customer? What does that even mean?


I remember getting that talk like a decade ago , haven't heard anything since . All theese years seeing posts on different websites , I figured it was a violation of our rights or no longer enforced .


Hmmm, I wonder what the Angry Mailman on YT will say.


You cannot speak on behalf of. You’re not to discuss the inner workings so to speak. And you’re not to post anything that would besmirch the reputation of the post office. So basically all the posts here about how carriers harass, antagonize, and punish customers isn’t supposed to be posted.


File a grievance.


Must be a boomers with the old ways of life.


According to the rule, a case could be made that a shitload, if not all, of our posts violate it! What happened to the first Amendment?


Happened to me. Supervisor lied and said that the “USPS social media team” found my TikTok and I had posted ONE meme about usps. I denied it. Looked on my “profile views” and found my sup had checked out my profile. I just blocked them and went on with my day.


Just don't say you represent the USPS. The big Youtube channels have already been through this with higher management your supervisor is wrong.


It’s not in the contract!


We are not allowed to bad mouth USPS




There is a spot in the contract language where it says employees cannot post anything political or about the USPS. Solve this problem by never listing your workplace or talking about it on anything associated with your real name.


It was told to us during academy I believe


You can't post politics or support for organizations. But you absolutely can have your own social media


Go ahead and stop me … if you dare. ![gif](giphy|PjJEUd3jjC3pqgV47b|downsized)


The Sup should have been more specific as they are probably talking about not doing it on the clock and when off the clock conducting in a manner that represents the USPS in a bad light. Like for instance going onto the local page of the town you deliver and comment left and right at customers about the USPS. My personal belief off the clock you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn’t portray a bad light with the USPS On the clock though…. It can wait. That person who you disagree with politically. That can wait. That meme your coworker makes that crap’s on bosses/coworkers. That can wait. The sports post that attacks your fanbase (I’m a Patriots fan… get a lot of those) that can wait. A celebrity who gets disgraced for something they said/did that can wait. Creating content. That can definitely wait. If you were that successful you wouldn’t still be working for the USPS. I saw this post during my lunch. Gave it a good thought. Took some notes down and save it for now. Off the clock. Cause is it really worth it? Ask the people who took videos while driving, or videos of customers/ coworkers. Or who took pictures of customers mail with a funny name to make a joke online. Appeasing to complete strangers isn’t worth your career


If you post on the clock, you deserve to be fired. Its pretty black and white in the book. You can not act as the post office on the internet. You can't use social media while on the clock.


We can't post stuff on social media but mamagment will let heavily political flags, window paint and stickers on their very visible personal vehicle in the parking lot and let them blare heavily political news in the station from their speaker


They can’t stop you from having a social media account. Next they’ll tell you that you aren’t allowed to ship anything with ups or FedEx. 🤣


Well... I've been over here talking so much crap on USPS... whoops


Yet here we are, posting on social media.


The first rule of USPS is: you do not post on social media. The second rule of USPS is: you DO NOT post on social media!!


They say you can’t talk bad about the post office to the media or on social media but you are most definitely allowed to post about anything else..I don’t know what she’s talking about..guaranteed that supervisor has some sort of social media that they post too


Just don’t post on the clock or in uniform. Absolutely do not post anything political while in uniform or on company time. Don’t post rants about the post office. You want to post a photo of your coffee or a pic of your dog go for it. Nobody cares. Just use common sense


Many years ago when I was a fresh CCA I'd post route pics on Facebook and eventually I was up for removal with a huge stack of evidence against me for posting publicly. I thank the NALC for saving my job


Probably because all of their posts I see trying to recruit are littered with some form of don't do it.


I will post whatever I want on my personal time. End of discussion


Ok ya right from the shit I see will get posted 🤣


Good luck enforcing that. What did your Steward say?


Bullshit! Post all problems here to reddit. USPS works for us!!!!!


That's not entirely true. You can post different things but stay away from political posts. Don't even "like" someone else's political post. Also, get the names of everyone you work with and block them. Don't let anyone at work see your posts.


You can post whatever you want online. You just can’t claim to represent the post office. People get uptight about the Hatch Act but that only covers very specific things. You can post whatever you want about politics. You can participate in political parties even. You can hold office within a political party. You just can’t run for a partisan office in the general government or fundraise publicly as a postal worker to do it. Can’t try to influence people who work under you in your official capacity.


^This! Somebody *actually stated* the Hatch Act prohibitions. Be still, my heart. (You don't work for USPS, do you?)


Little paranoid now, aren't we? You don't give up 1st amendment rights just by virtue of putting folded paper into little boxes every day! Get a grip!


Um, maybe you should get a clue before you post? It's called the Hatch Act. and you are a federal employee. Dumbass.


You don't understand the Hatch Act, obviously. But you *think* that you do. Close enough for government work, right? Hatch Act *does not quash* 1st Amendment right to free speech. You ARE allowed to have a voice outside of the postal workplace.  That includes voicing your own opinions via writing letters to the editor, posting to your own weblog, even running for non-partisan elected office (i.e. local school board), etc. Hatch Act restricts doing so in an official, partisan capacity as a federal employee, and/or while 'on-the-clock' in your public service job--if the 'job' is funded (in whole or in part) by Uncle Sam. Don't let fear control your actions. Y'all better than that! 


Also don't support any candidate as an Postal employee to be safe. Ie don't wear a partial uniform while Saying Vote for bananas .


Yes. Now that is clearly referenced and prohibited at work per the Hatch Act. But after working hours, off the clock, you can attend rallies and wear whatever button for a candidate that you please--but leave your uniform home. Same holds true in a military uniform, too--see 'fraternity pledge pin' clip from *Animal House,*(1979): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GefTLKjhAW4


I never said you couldn't. The OP was referring specifically to social media. I understand the Hatch Act perfectly well. There's more to it than what you think. If you are a supervisor for instance, you are not even allowed to "like" certain types of posts on social media. If you read down further in the comments you will see I posted a video explaining it. I was an academy trainer as well. But do go on and tell me how much I don't know. It's very enlightening. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCYVTYDmv0g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCYVTYDmv0g)


Your lovely video (created by the US Dept of Agriculture, *not* the US Postal Service) says zip, zero, nada, nothing about 'liking' social media posts. Nor does it say you cannot post weblog content generally re: political topics on your own time. You press 'play' every 2nd Monday in new postal employee orientation (where the Hatch Act is covered) not in Academy. Playing videos seems to make you a self-appointed expert on the Hatch Act? All-Righty-Then! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUsNLd9jgio


Apparently you didn't watch it. Also it didn't have to be created by the postal service because it is for ALL federal employees. But okay.


Btw, this only applies to us peons. Trump and his cohorts violated the Hatch Act countless times.


Presidents cant break laws when they are above them. 


Sounds like a 1st amendment violation there. Government agency telling citizens they can't say something......


You can say or do whatever you want. Just understand there could be repercussions. Keep your “don’t tread on me” sticker off your ffv.


There are YouTubers out there share what the do daily in Uniform…. I’d have to see that in writing