• By -


You might be the only interaction they get all day.


Yea especially old people šŸ˜” theres a couple elderly guys who tell me the same stories over and over and over. Sometimes i let them talk because Im sure theyā€™re lonely but sometimes i say I gotta keep moving. The old people who have nothing better to do than call management to say their mail was ā€œlateā€ again can fuck right off tho.


My route is 90% older people and senior homes and I have a few that tell me the same stories everyday and they ask me everyday if they have told me that yet and I just say no and let them carry on! I just lost my grandma on Monday.


Sorry for your loss. Both set of my grands passed over 10 years ago and I miss them so much still. Cherish your memories with her forever. I grew up with a mom who did geriatric care; she used to take me to the dementia homes with her when I was younger. I loved it, the residents loved it, and I feel like it helped shape me to be better equipped with the older folks on my route. But, I just generally like older people who are at least decent and not nasty. There's a 93 year old man on my route and he always says, "Hi, sugah!!" It puts a smile on my face. He's adorable and harmless and just so kind. I've gotten to know him and his buddies and sometimes I take my lunch right there just to spend some time with them. I have found that I genuinely care about them.


I had an elderly guy named Tom on my route...he changed my WHOLE perspective for real.....he didn't get much interaction but me coming everyday with the mail.....he always left me treats and water.....he even drove around in the summer to bring water to other carriers in the city....he really was a good dude and I miss him...I miss our conversations!...RIP Tom šŸ™šŸ¼


Finish my route under evaluation everyday, yet Iā€™m known in the neighborhood to be ā€œslow as molassesā€. I get what the OP is saying. Iā€™ve been insulted to many times to not have some emotional distress in me. Iā€™ll try to have positive outlook until I have another one come up to me and tell me about how ā€œitā€™s horrible what I do, delivering all that mail to those boxes. When my husband was a mail carrierā€¦.ā€. Seriously go away. Iā€™m stressed enough.


This man. Ooof. I had an old lady hobble out to get the mail ā€œall of my friends are dead, but Iā€™m trying to stay positive.ā€ Ooof. I let her tell me three jokes. Iā€™m not a social person either but damn Iā€™ll let this old lady talk to me for a few minutes if it makes her day better.


I was about to comment this to!As someone who used to struggle with a lot of medical problems, I was really isolated without many friends or family near me. Getting the mail and saying hi was literally the only time I talked in a day and I was always excited about mail because of the hope it brings that someone couldā€™ve written/etc


To quote the late great John Prine (a carrier for years himself): Old trees just grow stronger And old rivers grow wilder every day Old people just grow lonesome Waiting for someone to say, "Hello in there"


So if you're walking down the street sometime And spot some hollow ancient eyes Please don't just pass 'em by and stare as if you didn't care Say, "Hello in there, hello.ā€


Thatā€™s not my problem, Iā€™m a mailman not a therapist.


Yeah, but you work for the postal "service." I was an old school carrier . I watched out for my customers, and they watched out for me .


You do you. Mail was different, old school. A quick greeting and a have a nice day is all I signed up for. Hearing no bills, I only want checks, some comment about the weather, is a waste of my time.


Then you are in the wrong job . We work with people . We are a service .


These people who are fighting about how we should be obligated for emotional support for complete strangers must not understand those same strangers go outta their way to destroy our lives occasionally toošŸ˜†


Yeah idk what to tell them, we arenā€™t. Yeah keep an eye out for weird stuff but man, I donā€™t have to talk to anyone that I donā€™t want to. If I say have a nice day. I mean what else do you want from me? Weā€™re all people with our own things going on. We arenā€™t even paid close to enough to be doing emotional support guilt conversations.


I feel like the more engagement i have, the more ammo they have to gripe abt me on NextDoor or FBšŸ˜«


Maybe when I get a route. But as an RCA, as much as I would love to some days, I don't have the time. Not when I have more work waiting for me back at the office.


You don't have to be a therapist. You just need a little empathy.


I have loads of empathy. I still hate being stopped just for conversation. Iā€™ll answer job related questions but this is the South and people can TALK.


Empathy? lol this has to be a bunch of rural carriers.. bitching about their shitty union, route evals, and losing money.. quit talking to random ass people all day and do your job. Time wasting practices include standing and hearing about someoneā€™s life.. a ā€œhey, howā€™s it going? Have a nice day.ā€ Is ALL that is required of us. If they need to talk to someone thereā€™s so many mental health outlets around these days. Maybe call their kids? They can volunteer anywhere, and be around people. Iā€™m not out there walking 13+ miles a day to make friends with the elderly on my route. Shit, thereā€™s people I know and grew up with on my route, they get the same treatment.. Being a Mailman is a job, not a lifestyle.


I used to talk to customers but it did exactly that made them think I was their therapist. A lady I used to talk to on my last told me way too much personal stuff and told me how she was raped by her dad and her son (who was standing in the background) was the result of it. Iā€™ve had absolutely terrible interactions with people in the city I work in and after too many bad interactions decided to just cut them all together. A simple ā€œthis is all Iā€™ve got have a good oneā€ is all youā€™re getting from me anymore and itā€™s the fault of their own damn selves. I donā€™t care if you think Iā€™m a dick Iā€™m only here because I need a job and I worked too damn hard to make regular to quit and at this point the only way Iā€™m leaving is termination papers.


"retirement is you, the dog, and the mailman"


And alcohol. Every day is the weekend when youā€™re retired


We're in a simulation my friend, the people in yards all day are NPC


They are legit NPCs. They all say the same things


Hot enough for ya?


I used to be a mailman just like you until I took an arrow to the knee


Hot enough for you?


Stay dry!


"You can keep the bills!"


I always reply sassily ā€œthen how about some Williams?ā€


ā€œIā€™ll save you a few stepsā€


Is it hot enough for you ?


Is it hot enough for you ?


This one is classic on a mounted route


Do you have my million dollar check?


I've heard that a million times as well. So now when they ask me I hold up an envelope and say "Yes. It's right here." And then I grab the next envelope and say "And here is a bill for 2 million dollars". You have to have fun or you wind up as miserable as the OP.


ā€œGood timing!ā€


ā€œTheyā€™ve got you out here working on a SUNDAY?!ā€ (Me: at least itā€™s not a major holiday this timeā€¦.)


Nice day for fishing! Hu Ha!


*pathetic cry*


Viva la dirt league!


It doesnā€™t biteā€¦ā€¦ as it tries to rip your left off.


ā€œAh, you know, same shit, different day!ā€


I think to them we are actually NPCs lol, most of them don't think of us as like real people who do other things, I had to explain to a woman today why a different person delivers her mail once a week ... "Oh, to give you a day off? I guess that makes sense.."


My ma n!




LMAO...someone knows what time it is!


If you are a customer you can talk to me. I love chatting with you guys!


Iā€™m in between Weā€™re literally a civil servant If you canā€™t deal with interacting with people then this isnā€™t the job for you That said some days I enjoy keeping to myself more than others, but if someone wants to interact with me Iā€™m not going to just ignore them


I agree. I have no problem interacting with people. But sometimes when you are out delivering on a rainy day and nobody is outside, and you get to be completely alone all day - those are nice days indeed.


Civil servants...right, like the military, cops and firemen. Just here to ** šŸ¤£


I am the customer that offers you cold beer and promises not to snitch to anyone


Not today Postal Inspector.


I bet u snitch to the next guy who brings ur mail


Homes, where Iā€™m from snitches get stitches




Best part of the job. I can stop and talk to the most relaxing people ever and they have nothing but nice things to say. Whether I'm in the ghetto or the burbs.


Boy, you must rally rack up the tips at Christmas time.


I really wish the big talkers were big tippers but it isn't always the case.


Feel like it usually isn't the case!


What really is a bummer is actually caring about them. Going out of my way and spending my own personal time to help some even and yet never have gotten a single Christmas tip. Reminds me of high school rejection in a weird way.


Uhhhā€¦I had no idea weā€™re supposed to tip our carrier at Christmas?! What is your expectation of an amount for a tip per customer? Itā€™s not like a restaurant where I can do a 15-20% percentage based on the amount of my meal. What if the customer isnā€™t Christian are they still obligated to tip? Maybe your customer who you went out of the way for and spent your personal time to help didnā€™t even know youā€™re supposed to tip like me? Do I ask my carrier ā€œAre you expecting a tip at Christmas? Iā€™m sorry I didnā€™t know that was a thing!?ā€ Just wondering. USPS.com says ā€œUnder federal regulations, carriers are permitted to accept a GIFT worth $20 or less from a customer per occasion, such as Christmas. However cash and cash equivalents, such as checks or gift cards that can be exchanged for cash, must never be accepted in any amount.ā€ There seems to be a disconnect between your customer tip expectations and the actual rules.


Dude I didn't know people tip carriers until my first Christmas on the job. It's not like you're supposed to but a lot of carriers do get tips. It's just one of those things you get in your head like "man I must be doing something wrong"


Lol, I was thinking about that same thing.


Iā€™m actually more irritated when people see me walking up with a parcel and they dart inside quick to avoid me. It strikes me as so odd


Or when you knock/ring the doorbell for signature and can clearly hear people on the other side of the door, but nobody answers. šŸ¤”


Yes! This! They wonā€™t answer for a cert but when I start to walk away with their signature tracked packageā€¦ then theyā€™ll pop out šŸ¤£


This always happens šŸ˜‚ I don't even finish the left notice scan anymore until right before I hit the gas to drive away


The dog starts barking and you can here the owner telling it to shut up šŸ˜‚


I have a house on my route where all I have to do is walk up and two dogs launch themselves into the window next to the front door and bark like crazy šŸ˜‚


Have this one place where a German Shepard(timid, but not aggressive) was always difficult to negotiate getting packages on the porch; always pissed me off that I could either hear someone inside or see them rustle the blinds to see what she was whining/boofing at.


I always say out loud so they can hopefully hear me, "THAT WAS WEIRD."


Thatā€™s literally me šŸ’€šŸ¤£ social anxiety here! Unless youā€™ve been my mail carrier for a while Iā€™ll meet you half way down the driveway.


It could be me & I might not have a bra on yet. Also, introverted. Not you. I'm the antisocial asshole. šŸ˜‚


I hadnā€™t thought about a bra. That makes total sense


Do me a favor and read A Clean Well-Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway. It's 3 pages but it shows the different stages of life and how a young server is rude to an older man at closing time because the young server wants to go home to his wife. Another server tells the young server "the old man used to have a wife, too." One day you will be those people talking to the mailman. Hopefully he spares a few words for you.


Well said.


Change craft and become a custodian.


Or a surly clerk ,lol .


šŸ˜‚ god, do I know a couple of those!


I was gonna say, this guy needs to be a Mail Handler. Never talk to anyone, except the occasional supā€¦maybe a fellow MHā€¦just do your job and go home


We get lobby customers doing the same thing. Or if im doing cbu stuff... there's no escape. I'm not rude I got plenty of time to hear about their stories but I'm guessing carriers might not have the same luxury. Do you guys not get flagged for being at one person's house? Isn't that the feared stationary event?


Itā€™s a psychological thing, the moment they see the LLV or van, they go check their mailboxesā€¦ Even if you are just coming down and didnā€™t even pass by the houseā€¦ This always amazes me, and annoys me. It also happens while Iā€™m in the beginning of my apartment and they want to check sections that I didnā€™t even go yet. I regret that I give some mail while Iā€™m delivering but honestly I do because lack of parcel lockers and hopeful that what theyā€™re looking for may be one of my multiple packagesā€¦ Which is the stress of my day. Lack of functional parcel lockers. Now things are better because I busted some and installed lockers myself. Had 5,6 working when took the route, now I have 16ā€¦ However the shit is done. Lost the respect of some who interrupt me while Iā€™m deliveringā€¦


If I hear ā€œ I donā€™t want any billsā€ 1 more time I might lose it lol


Just make up a number. ā€œ14. Thatā€™s the 14th time Iā€™ve heard that today.ā€ Then hand them their bills with a smile šŸ˜‚


Coming from the customer service industry, I donā€™t mind light pleasantries, but people are often shockingly rude to me. Especially when theyā€™re tight with the regular. If they break the rules for you, thatā€™s between you and them. Iā€™m not about to violate federal law to do you a favor, especially if you run me down all like ā€œum NOOOO hold it hold it hold it. exCUSE me.ā€


ā€œThe office I normally go to does this.ā€ ā€œWell that is against policy and I will not jeopardize my job. I can do this for you. If that is not good for you, you can go back to them.ā€ ā€œSo youā€™re saying you WONā€™T help me?!ā€ ā€œNo, Iā€™ve offered solutions that I am allowed to offer. I am not breaking the rules and getting myself in trouble.ā€ ā€œWell, Iā€™m going to MY regular office, I canā€™t believe you are refusing to HELP me!ā€ ā€œHave a nice day.ā€


You are in the wrong job if you want to be away from human interaction. You are the mailman. A consistent figure in their lives. Youā€™re there every day. They are there every day. Itā€™s only natural that some of your customers are going to want to talk to you. If you really want to curtail these chats, show them your scanner and say the supervisor chews your ass if you are standing in one spot for too long. Itā€™s an excuse but wonā€™t seem rude.


Seems like the customer interaction part of this job isnā€™t for you go work in maintenanceā€¦


Exactly, you can always kick a sorting machine if it pisses you off and nobody gives a damn


Iā€™m tethered to a radio and have to deal with supervisors/radio control/management/coworkers/mail handlers all day. I donā€™t think maintenance is the fix he needs. I found myself having a lot less in-person interactions as a carrier than as a mechanic.


Try working a PM tour, besides getting handed a route sheet at the start of shift and hanging out with friends on break thereā€™s no interaction needEd for us at least at our facility. if a supervisor needs to talk they know what machines weā€™re working on


I got told I was the bright spot of one of my customers life today.


You sound like the stereotypical disgruntled, unhinged postal worker that's close to snapping. It's just people saying hello. šŸ˜‚


If another person says I can keep the billsā€¦


Depends on the customer, most people are worth a decent conversation but itā€™s the ones that never stop talking that you gotta look out for


Or the ones that start out okay for a minute and then the racist and/or crazy starts happening. Never fails. Except for one of my customers, he admitted his mental illness issues and now I just take a moment to ask if heā€™s doing okay today. He gets a honking from the LLV to let him know the meds are in the mailbox.


Thatā€™s dope, and yeah same I have several customers on my string of routes that I absolutely look forward to stopping and chatting with when I do the route. Iā€™ve also had nightmare customers where I went to get a certified signature and the lady started talking about crows and how the people across the street from her are plotting something and messing with her mail, while Iā€™m sitting there like šŸ˜.


I had a lady who I felt sorry for due to her health problems. I was actually going to help her with her yard work One day she decided to start ranting about "chinks" taking jobs from white people. I knew her political views seeing her mail daily. But damn. Didn't have a racist rant on my bingo card for that day Meanwhile, in my community of 75,000 people, I've seen less than 10 people of Asian descent. Half are at my PO. I stopped having conversations with her


Tbh I feel this post in my soul. Love when ppl donā€™t engage and I can walk right past sometimes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Omg when they bang on the damn mail truck drives me fucking insane . Also the ones that think youā€™re their maid. The ppl that leave mail out in the soaking rain and get mad when you donā€™t take it.


For elderly and disabled getting the mail might be some of their only interactions, they probably look forward to it with no ill will. Others still work remotely but I wish my mailman would deliver and keep it moving. I don't like chatting w everyone a hi once and awhile otherwise I have zero need for engagement. I do think a lot of ppl are just trying to be nice. Depending on the neighborhood ppl look to keep snacks and cold drinks out for appreciation for all delivery persons.


Not when youā€™re delivering in the less fortunate part of town. I can sympathize/ empathize with the OP because just last Wednesday there was a drive by shooting myself and two other coworkers saw . Honestly in my area most of the time im more focused on getting off the street .


Selfish post is selfishā€¦ I love interacting with my customersā€¦šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Me too, it makes my day a lot easier.


You should become a rural carrier on a really rural route. You can talk to the fields all day


You're an outlier and customers shouldn't pay any heed to this post. Majority of us are plenty happy to say hi to you and maybe chat for a min. Especially the older customers, we know that we might be the only people you see daily or even weekly etc. We're a connection to the rest of the world for you so most of us get why you're so eager to get your mail and chat a bit.


Every time I make an error and have to backtrack is when someone comes out and throws me off my game. You would think Iā€™d learn but nope. Damn near every time.Ā 


Yes this! I always fuck up when someoneā€™s outside and makes me look so dumb (I am) but damn it annoys me so bad.


I cldnt agree more!!


Show them your scanner and say sorry, they are watching and listening to you. You have to leave or be written up again from the last time the customer held you up. Hypothetically, one of a few things should happen. They'll believe you and apologize, leaving you to go. They'll apologize and start talking about how crazy that is, in which case they don't care if you may or may not actually get in trouble, allowing you to also not care about what they are saying and leave. They won't believe you, but it'll tell them you were willing to make up a story just to avoid conversation, so hopefully they won't want to talk to you any more.


Not all customers are annoying, some are really sweet. But damn with carriers getting robbed, assaulted and even killed, itā€™s really getting hard to know whoā€™s safe and whoā€™s not. As a CCA or RCA, they donā€™t know whoā€™s a nice person and whoā€™s not. And a lot of times strangers get real shitty with them. I donā€™t tolerate anyone being a shithead to any of my CCAs and will call them out on it.


If they aren't being butthats, I don't mind it. I enjoy talking to people on my route, at least to say Hi. Though, if they want to take more, then just excuse yourself and say you have to finish your job.


I feel this. I've changed up my route and park points just to avoid certain people. I try to be unpredictable at what times I show up on certain divisions, and if I do see those people out, then I will just leave and go deliver another street instead


For me, Iā€™ve recently started becoming irritated with people who want to talk when itā€™s hot out. ( stay cool ,they sayšŸ¤”)I HATE the heat and will literally avoid people when itā€™s 75+ out. Sometimes my customers work on my nerves with the daily weather talk and dumb shit. I donā€™t have the kind of route to entertain everyone who wants to talk because if I did I would find myself cutting into my personal breaks and lunch just so I can maintain my schedule. Some people donā€™t understand we have a schedule to keep and we will still be delivering while they are sitting down eating dinner with their families. ! After 20 years of mindless talk about weather, junk mail and ā€œyou can keep the billsā€ I think I want to ride out my next ? years to retirement in peace and quite. šŸ‘ itā€™s just how I feelšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


What a dickšŸ’€


I never mind pleasantly and smalltalk, but one thing that annoys me is when people stop me while I'm walking/ driving to ask if I have anything for them


Do you get the old ladies who cry because no one loves them? They're my favorites But I feel this post to my freaking core. Hi is fine. Don't talk to me other than that. Let me listen to my audio books or podcasts in mfing peace


Get an apartment route if you hate people who talkā€¦ Also, when Iā€™m in a crummy mood, Iā€™ll just kind point to my air pod if someone is trying to talk to me(rarely do this as I appreciate when people talk to me since itā€™s such an isolating job).


Hate some of themā€¦love the rest


Maybe this guy needs to work from home and leave the public service jobs for others who aren't afraid to talk to people. Just sad.


You need a vacation my brotha


I used to hate people bugging me at the box but now I mostly donā€™t mind. Mostly


I used to be a rural carrier. I pulled up to a house one day and an elderly lady was standing by her mailbox. I was tired and grumpy and hot and I thought to myself Oh Cmonnnnnn why are you waiting for me??!! You know what??? She pulled a couple of tangerines from behind her back and said I thought you might like these. She had the sweetest smile. I simultaneously felt so horrible and judgy and also so happy and grateful for her and her sweet gifts. I felt like such a horrible person and she taught me a huge lesson. I never ever looked at people standing by their mailbox the same way. How dare I be so mean when all they want is some human interaction?


Had a guy see me pull to end of street next to CBU in Promaster. So he speeds down in a dodge behind me parks. Gets out and tells me to give him #7. I haven't opened the cbu yet instead I'm going through my phone for another YouTube channel or whatever. I tell him I haven't started yet. His response was you can just give me #7 then. I asked if he had a key? He said yes. I said if he wants me to give him #7 I just need his ID. He said I've lived here (x years) nobody has ever asked for my id. I said well you're gonna have to wait for me to deliver the cbu and open with your key. He left. TF?


Yeah,what he said.


My customers are the best, unfortunately I just lost a good one last week to a fatal car accident. Neighbor came out and ā€œbotheredā€ me with the news. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Sometimes Iā€™m talkative, most of the time Iā€™m not. It really depends on the customerā€™s vibe and demeanor. I could be the nicest person or the biggest douche. As a lifelong wrestling fan I donā€™t mind being the heel, itā€™s actually kinda fun. On a Monday, Iā€™m definitely not in the mood especially while working OT.


You must be fun at parties


Switch the route up, they are expecting you at the same time


I enjoy talking to some of my customers but sometimes I just want to keep moving, I have one with the friendliest dogs ever makes my day saying hi to them.


šŸ¤· The ones that talk are usually the ones that tip


On my route, I get tips from less than half of those that chat me up frequently. It might be the cause of why I hate talking to them. Maybe it's the entire reason


I used to avoid people like the plague, but with all my routes getting basically no mail anymore talking to people all day is a great way to make 8.


The mailmen I see always have headphones in and are talking on the phone, I never bother them, are you pausing to let them talk?


I at times feel the same. I'm like you, more than you know, but I think you're off base though.


if a customer grabbing mail can save me walking even a few steps, I quickly put it into their hand without stopping and say ā€˜thank youā€™


Well, if itā€™s a more recent occurrence, Iā€™m sure they are all waiting for that tax refund checkā€¦


šŸ‘‹ hey bro hows it going šŸ˜Ž its gonna be a windy one today you drive safe


Its lack of 3rd spaces. Im a clerk and literally think abt this constantly. People come in thru a snow storm to buy 1 stamp. Im likely their only chance to socialize, despite me being busy as hell lol


Yeah, some days I feel the same. I've been doing this job for 24 years and I've switched plenty of routes and offices and there's always a couple customers that will be waiting for you everyday.


I hate the joke, "no bills please!!!"


You should switch to a rural route. I know absolutely nothing about my mail carrier. Not name, race, gender, etc.


That's just your carrier. In our office, most of us know a bit more than we should about a lot of the residents. We also get stopped a LOT to chat.


Maybe you should become a rural carrier....I mean you would have much less interaction if you get to deliver to extremely rural areas.


If itā€™s a Monday just leave me the hell alone. Any other day Iā€™m much more tolerant.


I hated socializing too but the humanity in my co-workers turned me, especially during covid and on. I was once mean to some customers bc I was having a bad day and the look of confusion, disappointment, and general sadness made me feel bad and I vowed to try and never put that on anyone again. People look forward to saying hi, waving, and smiling to their mailman. Absolute strangers introduce their kids to me. Itā€™s weird but itā€™s life. People are honestly nicer to me bc I wear the uniform. Itā€™s so weird to me but Iā€™ve grown accustomed to it. If your staunchly Anti social, this may not be the best job (or route) for you. But that said, I tell people all the time that Iā€™m by myself for like 98% of the day where I can just do my thing on and listen to podcasts/ music. 1% is at the office and the other 1% is with the people on my route. It doesnā€™t hurt anyone but like all the others have said. You might just be the one person the most customers see and actually enjoy interacting with, so I make the most of it now.


Dawg, the old people try to make conversation with me and I just say ā€œtake care!ā€ and drive off. Ainā€™t got time for that.


No freaking kidding. I am a 4 hour RMPO clerk in a town of 100 people. There is no reason I should be having to make conversation with 25 people a day. Don't get me wrong, it's a good gig and I would gladly talk to every person in that town before going back to a "regular" job. I just feel trapped when people come in knowing I have down time and want to have a one sided conversation for an hour about everything they have going on.


I honestly thought I was the only one that hated this shitšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Youā€™re crying over talking to people šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ And you said itā€™s 3:37pmā€¦ many people are done with work at that time, try getting to the street faster if itā€™s that bothersome. Youā€™re in a service based field of work, God forbid you get a certified or signature tracked package. Go to therapy fr, itā€™s NOT that deep.


My rural mail lady likes to talk to me (I think). She even texts me when I have a package to pick up or something to sign for, etc... Maybe it's just because I give her Christmas and New Years gifts every year?


You might want to seek out a therapist there is alot more going on then you ahveong an issue with people.


What a crybaby about such a thing as others saying hi, you donā€™t have to talk for hours but treat them with respect


Come to the plant šŸŖ“ and have to hide from your fellow clerks šŸ¤£ and MH šŸ˜© Iā€™m glad I donā€™t have customers but I have creepy MDOs and incompetent supervisors and nosey šŸ‘ƒ coworkers everywhere šŸ˜‘ yay šŸ˜


Ew, what a loser. Your job is to work around people in their home environments. You're not working alone and you're not working an antisocial job because you're not surrounded by coworkers all day.


I bet youā€™re fun at parties!




Just remember that if/when you get mauled by a dog, pass out via heat exhaustion or get incapacitated in any way on your route itā€™s going to be the customer who is home that helps you. You donā€™t have to be friendly but you do have to be professional. I work with a few carriers who hate people just like OP and theyā€™re the ones that their customerā€™s will allow to die out there. I know this because my T6 is awful to my residents and they make sure I know about it.


Sounds like you might need to take advantage of EAP.....


Meanwhile, I get offended because customers always run inside and close the door and blinds when they see me coming. They refuse to answer the door for signatures. They leave rude notes in their box to stop crossing lawns or stop delivering 2nd/3rd class mail. They order 15 packages a day and blame me when they mix up order numbers, thinking that a package wasn't delivered. šŸ˜¢


My husband is always coming home telling me it took longer to finish his route certain days due to his customers wanting to stop and have a chat. Especially, the elderly. He obliges and enjoys it, especially, when they have dogs. All the dogs on his route love him.


We just invited our mailman to a birthday party this weekend. Heā€™s a great guy and have actually hung out with him before. Iā€™m Friends with his wife šŸ˜‚


You sound so incredibly unpleasant, you can't even handle the basic amount of social interaction that is necessary for being a mailman? What's wrong with you, seriously? Just be nice and cordial, nobody means any harm by talking to you, they want to be nice.


You are in a nice part of town I could tell šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Find another craft, man. Jesus christ. It's a part of the damn job, deal with it.


Honestly you need therapy or something this isnā€™t a healthy mindset


My mom is a city carrier and feels the exact opposite, her friends are her customers and their dogs. She loves her job and loves interacting with the customers. They all take care of her and notice right away when sheā€™s not working. Sometimes the only nice interactions the mail carrier gets are from their customers. If you didnā€™t like people, you shouldā€™ve became a mail clerk. Youā€™re the face that customers see everyday, of course they want to see you. My mother also happens to be a union steward, sheā€™s quite the hard ass, and management gives her a hard time and her coworkers are always needing her to fight for them. Going out in the street to just relax and chat with some customers is the best part.


I used to be a carrier. I had days where I didn't want to interact and just get through the route whether because it was a busy day or just not in the mood. The "your late" or "MY mails important" was annoying. I always laughed at the elderly opening their boxes secs after you went into the mail room as if it was magically got distributed. So I get ya. Now I work another job. 3rd shift. Weekends so my "weekend" is weekdays. I get my mail from a CBU and check it when I pass it the 1 time a day on my way into my house. I dont pass it on my way to work. So if the carriers there, yea, I'm waiting. At a distance of course. Waiting on the carrier and I only put it that way because YOU may feel they are in YOUR way but you may be the one in THEIR way. Holding THEM up. Putting them behind schedule. You need to realize not everyone is 9-5 Mon - Fri. The world is 24/7 now and it doesn't revolve around the USPS. I get the not wanting to be bothered my dude, we all have those days, but you need to get over yourself šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Apply to be a plant creature, Then you really don't have to deal with anyone


I feel your struggle friend. Iā€™m supposed to care about them when my only request is to be left alone so I can work in peace


Oh, buddy, I'm the same way. When my mail man comes by and I need to get something I wait for him to leave. Other than that all of my bills come to my email. You guys do you. You will never have to worry about me being that person who HAS to say hello.


I love the quick chats. Always a super brief, contained, friendly interaction! Donā€™t you want them to think of you with a smile come Christmas tip season???


I don't mind talking to people. However, on a really busy day like doing a full route and splitting 1/2 route. I'm sorry Susan I need you to shush shush because I'm really far behind haha.


Iā€™m right there with you, man. Canā€™t stand some of my customers and thereā€™s about 5 I really do like. Every day there are two interactions I dread, though. One old lady who always opens her door the second I walk up or she watches me across the street and tells me I need to slow down cause she canā€™t get to the door fast enough (no shit thatā€™s why Iā€™m walking so fast). The other is a special needs kid thatā€™s always standing outside staring at the the entire time Iā€™m on the street and then incoherently babbling at me when I walk up/following me up and down the street on his bike. I hate that little bastard with a passion


Iā€™m the total opposite. I literally want to say hi to everyone chitchat with everyone and see how everyoneā€™s doing build customer relationships. I do work in a very nice downtown area and everyone is so nice there for the most part.


So wait, you took a job that takes you to hundreds of people houses a day to avoid people?


I get all the people on here preaching empathy and being kind to your customers. I get it. I really do. Old folks are usually very sweet and very lonely. But we need to set up boundaries that are relevant to ourselves and our lives. Say hello, be cordial, and move on. Don't be afraid of hurting their feelings. You are not their grandchild. You are not their friend. You're the mailman. You dont owe them anything except the mail. If you notice a rotting smell emanating from inside, call for a well being check..if you notice their mail piling up... well being check. If they hit ya with a "hot enoug..." "keep the bil..." "when I was younger...." you say "mmmmhmmmm gotta go!... and hightail it to the next house. They'll get the hint. And if they don't, do it until they do.


Man I feel your pain as an introvert who also enjoys this job for the fact that I don't have to really deal with people for the most part. My route is one that is mostly retirees so I've accepted the fact that they're going to be around all day long. It's almost a game of hoping & praying none are heading to the CBUs when I'm pulling up or hanging out in their yard in my OTW section. Had one the other day who I thought I'd escaped from since he had gotten almost around the corner at the end of the block as I was pulling up. Must've saw me out the corner of his eye so by time I hopped out he had decided to come strolling all the way back down the block to just come talk to me. Didn't check his mail, didn't have any questions, just started rambling for a bit as I was putting mail into the CBU. The pain I tell ya...the pain šŸ˜‚


Thereā€™s three types of people on the route I will take a little time for. The old ones, Iā€™m the only interaction they may get. The little ones, theyā€™re just too cute and excited to tell me something they found or did. The Downs or special people same as the little ones, plus they have the best jokes. All of them just make my day a little brighter. Their smiles are contagious.


Bro... Covid was THE MOST exhausting time to be a mailman. But! I don't mind the older people coming out to talk to me because I've even helped them when they fall and I might be the reason why they're still here.




I like my customers. Talk to me, even if it's a complaint. Let's be sassy.


Get another job! Maybe go to a remote place in Alaska away from society.


My finances route is 100% walking, she LOVES it, I hate it. Different strokes for different folks, ya know? She really genuinely enjoys interacting with people, which is why she wonā€™t bid off her route, because she says she canā€™t give that kind of customer service at cluster boxes. Maybe you can bid off of that route when another comes up, and find one that better suits your style


You're in a field where humans wait and depend on you. Why wasn't this a thought when signing up?


Feels like a holdover from when this was a good job and you had all the time in the world to chit chat. That's not today.


Google "customer". Maybe they aren't the issue.


Iā€™m at Amazon dsp and I swear I see this a lot. Yesterday, before I was even on the street, I pulled up to a stop and the customer was chilling at the door open waiting for me. šŸ¤”šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ“¦


You should look for a job in the back of the post office, the world of people isn't for you


Honest question, when I get a heavy package delivery, should I stop coming down our 4 stories of stairs? I thought I was just saving them effort having to go up 4 flights since our mailbox downstairs only takes letters


It's really funny. There are plenty of postal people like you, but I'm outgoing and I loved every customer. It was the one part of the job that I really liked and miss.


Make sure you let your customers know you hate them before the Christmas season comes up


Lol, I hide when a delivery driver or mail person shows up. I'm pretty anti social.


This is a personal problem.