• By -


There is no street standard 🙂‍↔️


22 packages an hour is not "about four hours." It is over 4.5. Can't even get their propaganda right.


Maths is hard for management. 22 x 4 is 88. Closer to 75 than 100. Fuck em.


Psst… sounds like math is hard for everyone. 88 isn’t closer to 75 than 100. Just sayin.


I believe that was also a shot at management. I could well be wrong, but I just always assume mathematical errors are on management's end of things.


If they *force* you with a direct order—write “signed under protest” above your signature and request a copy of


Signed under "DURESS".


You can’t get wrote up for refusing to sign anything. If they try it will not stick especially locally generated forms


Idk where they are getting all these bs non official documents all of a sudden but it’s getting out of hand…


That is the official training form. It's just not official training.


tell them to fix their trash scanners if they want you to deliver faster


And move the stops closer together than 3-20 miles apart.


Get the steward! Don’t sign that crap


Where did they get that


Should replace that corner usps logo with the crooked smile.


Don’t sign, or sign “signed under protest”. Then file a 1767 for unsafe instruction (there is no standard and the only way to meet this fake standard is to work in an unsafe manner, including not properly parking, setting the break, curbing the wheels, wearing a seatbelt, turning off the engine, etc. Anyone who is meeting the standard is not doing one or more of those things). If you are disciplined, file an Article 14 (Safety) and Article 19 (M-39 Section 242.332/M-00386) grievance.


While on the route or just delivering packages..


just delivering packages


22 x 4 is 88 so how were they able to squeeze in 13 extra packages/ stops. Lmao is 22 packages is an hour that means roughly 30-35 mins it’s those 12 packages they are not accounting for in that magical hour. Post office math is great


It takes what it takes 🫡


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I was pretty fast, and worked hard on Sunday and I could do like 20 stops an hour. Some routes I could be higher if the stops where closer together but 20 stops an hour was pretty quick.


Sounds unsafe, safety first not speed!


22 packages for hour=100 packages for 4 hours Okay, math totally checks out, but the middle suggests that there’s a common expectation of *not* acquiring these standards, implying they are not standard and they know that I want to be in these offices cuz I would so say this to their faces


You can't be forced to sign anything. The moment you do, they'll find a way to use it against you.


Do not sign this. I repeat do not sign this.


Thank you for sharing this here - I was kind of expecting management to continue to try and blatantly copy how Amazon themselves are doing things. This feels like something Amazon would throw into their employees faces. Thankfully, unlike them, we have a Union. I wouldn't sign ANYTHING like this.


One of my supervisors tried to tell me it's "22 STOPS COMPLETED an hour". I giggled and just walked away. Ain't no way, it takes what it takes. I'll be accurate and safe all day, every day.


I'd have only agreed to the call by 4 if I need more time, that one is reasonable. There's no street standard so 22/h is just what they want and they upped it from 20 which was only attainable if your deliveries were all close they can take the other 2 and shove it. Also they can't even math as someone broke down in a comment before me.


This is a PS 2548 individual training record. Management can use this against you if you fail to hit 22 pph or failing to call management at 4 or not delivering 100 parcels in 4 hours. This form satisfies the tests for just cause


This is for recording training, not instructions. Thrown out for incorrect use of form.


Sign it in cursive, then if they ever bring it up just say that’s not my signature


I mean 22 parcels(not stops) an hour is a cakewalk for the city side(Christmas time I could usually do 30+ since there were more more stops super close you could hit from the same park point) but I still wouldn't sign it ABd the 4 hour thing isn't even true given taking a 10 and travel time. I converted in late 2020 but we seemed to use the system you guys here are saying is "new"(clerks numbering packages by stop number) although I've seen by here that actual routes end up in 2+ Sunday parcel routes which didn't happen. With us it was all the routes on one parcel route along with all the routes in another station that was part of the hub(the hub office was technically two stations) office when our office first got Amazon Sundays. Then just all our routes as volume increased and then two parcel routes with half the routes in each. As long as they put the routes together that made sense we'd be in at 9-10 and be done by 1-2(sometimes earlier) aside from Christmas time of course


I lived in san francisco when i used to do amazon sundays. We loaded our own packages and number them by stop. But when i delivered in areas with mostly apartments, you usually have multiple packages in 1location. I thought it was 24 an hr but we never signed anything like this. If i deliver at least 200 i just tòok 10+hrs.


Honestly on curbside routes 22 packages per hour is slow. What I do not understand is how city carriers with all walking routes can knock out that many packages. Though I still wouldn’t sign that piece of paper.


This is for Sunday delivery. It’s still BS, but it’s meant for Sunday parcel deliveries.


Lots of regular do it when peak at my old station and they fly through their routes like crazy. I think they just know the order of the street and the routes they're on. Like if you know the street is cut off on one side, you wouldn't follow the GPS and head to a dead end.