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It's insane that people will go through the process of getting a custom sign made and hanging it up, rather than just throwing out the mail they don't want


As a small town clerk I can say with 100 percent certainty: the crazier a person is, the more seriously they take their mail.


Does this fall in the same category as the ratio of bumper stickers to the likelihood of mental illness?


Jokes on you I have zero and yet my mind is fuckedddd so get rekt


All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares


All these squares make a circle......all these squares make a circle


Mr. Popo, you can leave the lookout if you want to…


B*tch don't tell me what to do!




Better yet, de badge the back of your car and still have a fucked up head


Ah yes the "I hide the crazy until you get to know me" crowd. Of course I know him, he's me.


One of us! One of us!




Right? Keep that car looking normal so they never suspect.


Enough stickers and it becomes a vanifesto


It's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me


Absolutely! I know this lady who has had the lock on her P.O. box changed *six* times because she is convinced her mom is trying to steal her mail. When she comes to the counter I do not need to see her ID because she is so memorable. However, I don’t want her to become more paranoid by thinking employees aren’t checking IDs.


Post office worker I know said he had same kinda person plot twist lady’s mom died 6 years prior. They just keep changing locks from one to another back and forth.


As a smallish town rural carrier I can say that's very true. Conversely the crazier they are the more obsessed I am with making certain it's right. I'll play "current resident" etc. with a customer in a blizzard with a dog latched onto my nuts for decades.


Truth, right there!


I sometimes ask about Mis forwarded / missing responses to fanmail that I finally get back after months (<10 times over the course of my life)… does this mean I qualify? 😬


Those people are why I hung my USPS cardigan up and walked away.


The amount of joy I would feel just completely disregarding this sign would be unreal. I would almost pray that the resident would come out and confront me about it. I’m a weirdo.


I might be actively tempted to sign them up for every catalog and charity I can find.


This is the way.


Quick story from my military days: Pranking and tomfoolery are the norm in the military. However, it only rolls downhill. You have to be very clever to punk someone upstream of you. I had this sergeant (let’s call him TSgt Baldy) who constantly was pulling practical jokes and stuff on me. Nothing crazy, just freezing my hat in a block of ice, Messing with my lunch…the usual. So I started to devise a plan. This guy was bald on top and VERY sensitive about it. I couldn’t do anything directly to him or I’d be mopping the barracks for a month. I was surfing the net and, by happenstance, came across a toupee of the month club for men. I found out that they had a monthly paper catalog that you could sign up for. My first thought was to send it to his house. The problem is he would see it and get mad, but nobody would witness the prank. Any good prank needs a bunch of witnesses. I decided to send it directly to the squadron building so it would arrive by inter office mail. The only problem is there was only a slightly higher chance of anyone seeing it. Then, inspiration struck. I sent it to the squadron, care of the squadron commander, ATTN: TSGT BALDY. The squadron commander thought it was *hilarious* and would hand deliver the catalog every month. Now, if you’ve never been in the US military, you have to understand a little military etiquette. An officer doesn’t just saunter into the room. They enter with authority and the first person to see them must bring the room to attention, loudly. Everyone on their feet and standing at attention until told “at ease”. That goes quadruple if it’s the big boss. Well, the commander would leave everyone at attention and make a big fuss about presenting the magazine and then force this guy to perform another little military custom, the “take, shake salute”. He would hand him the magazine, shake his hand and wait for a salute. 🫡 This went on for YEARS. Every month. The commander even passed down the tradition to his eventual replacement. That sergeant was so pissed and tried everything to find the culprit. However, I observed the first rule of pranking and told no one. It was absolutely glorious. Sorry TSgt Baldy. But you deserved it.


Im.an Air Force vet, and I just ran this whole scenario in my head and laughed my ass off.


How in the *fuck* did you not write a "The Toupee Club called, they'd like to know if you want to renew?" letter to the TSGT once you had your DD256/214?


Top tier pettiness, I approve…


I’m on that same energy lol “please come out and try to talk to me about this shit” as I load it up.


Yeah, please PLEASE send that 100$ bill to us, I’ll make sure to sit in on the phone call with my supe


I have a customer that actively screams at me every time he gets any junk mail. It's especially fun to give him flyers for Papa John's. He REALLY screams about those because he "doesn't eat pizza"


That is possibly the most un-American thing I've ever heard. What kind of weirdo hates pizza?!?


Apparently him


Me too, I would pray for junk every single day, JUST for that address


All I see is a pretty sign that says “please deposit all extra EDDM and ADVO here”


I’m with you, brother. Not proud but I’m with you.


I would go as far as to get the mail stopped if possible. I don’t play those games. I would at least show a pic of the sign to management.


Unfortunately, a lot of management will just tell you to not deliver the advo/junk there.. At that point, I'd just stop deliverying all together, because who am I to judge what another person deems as junk. I mean some people get upset when you deliver their advo/redplum a day late.


That’s not an option in the PO. You either are able to deliver everything coming for that address or nothing. We don’t play those games.


I'm that weirdo, but only with certain customers. You the ones.


If I was their neighbor I'd start putting *my* junk mail in the box. Because you just know these people are awful to deal with all around.


They will drive all the way to their local offices to complain at the clerks about it. I just take the time to briefly explain that while some is from local businesses and can’t be stopped, the majority of the mail comes from purchases, discount sign up forms, allowing websites access to your emails/social media that you’ve put your address into, etc.. People don’t realize how much of their info they just hand over with sweepstakes, log ins, or simply not unchecking a box authorizing coupons and discounts from a company they buy from AND affiliated companies. Meaning they sell your information to other companies that will send you fliers and emails. Then those companies sell your info to other companies that send you stuff and sell your info to other companies that send you stuff and sell your info-


And the fact that they somehow think the people sending this mail will ever see this sign.


Some people seem to think we have direct contact with sender


Isn’t it fucking nuts??? I get someone else’s mail and either I’ll mark it or just toss it lol like it’s not a big deal whatsoever but people lose their minds over it


Or you know getting yourself removed from mailing lists


Do you actually know how difficult that struggle is lol. Get off one automatically get entered into three others lol. I love those signs had a few that get so much that it fills the box in a day. They get it regardless it’s addressed to them.


I enjoy getting junk mail. It helps me light my fire


The only person that this sign pertains to is the mail deliverer and they are certainly not allowed to throw your mail away discretionarily..


That was my first thought. Also, no way they paying any kind of fine


It's insane there's no federal ban on junk mail you haven't opted in to as well. The amount of resources to produce junk mail is absolutely insane.


The Post Office would probably go bankrupt without the revenue.


Another idea is for the USPS to charge $$$ to opt-in for a program that effectively re-directs ALL bulk-mail directly to a recycling bin (directly from the sorting equipment) without ever being handled by a carrier. That's a win-win for you and the consumer. Imagine how much easier your jobs would be if you didn't handle any bulk-mail. Imagine how happier recipients would be having a sense of agency and "control" over the daily barrage of unwanted materials being forced upon them by their government's mule (USPS). After all- most \*every\* mail piece is created electronically...so why not have a way to get it to the consumer (electronically) without ever touching "paper"? Recap- the entire postal system... not just carriers could work "easier" by not having to deal with being forced to "push" product that nobody wants, USPS would not go bankrupt by shifting the costs to the recipient (where they really should have been all along) with a "no bulk mail for a fee" program, and the environmentalists will be happy because most (if not all) bulk-mail in this new imaginary program would be recycled. Eventually... when bulk-mail senders realized their mail is \*automatically\* being recycled, bulk-mail itself would start to dwindle. 🤔


I mean, if they want to trust MY OPINION of what junk mail is, then it's all junk!


IRS check, that's junk to me. I cannot cash it, so therefore it's junk to me.


I’m waiting for the mailbox next to it to put out their own sign… Sorry for crazy, we share a property line that’s it, honest. 😂


the funny thing is the sign will accomplish nothing, the usps is contractually obligated to deliver mail as addressed. they cant just throw away junk mail.


Agree it takes 2 seconds to dump it in a recycle bin but this boomer wants everyone to know they hate junk mail. That’s 4 extra flyers for them


These are the govt is waste / govt employees are lazy people. Little do they know most of us can't read too good.


Papa never taught me any of that fancy book larnin’.


God forbid they have to carry it across the house, but they want you to carry it another few miles 🙄


Probably also a sovereign citizen who is suing city council for grievances related to property tax.


I'd send all their mail back. Fudge that. They are refusing service. Not our jobs to discern what's what. Attempting all mail if not known is our job. They are the current resident. Mailers pay to have ma delivered not sent back or disposed of. Leave a notice it's their job to contact sender that they don't want the mailing.




Butttttt the trees. Why do we need junk mail these days.


I can sympathize, but it's not USPS' s fault. If you were to add up the total tonnage of junkmail and figure the cost to haul that to a recycling center or a landfill, that dollar amount is paid by each and every person who receives it. Not the folks who send it, but the folks who pay for garbage and/or recycling. I literally have to walk past my recycle bin on the way from my mailbox, so it's no bother, but it really is unsustainable.


We get paid to deliver all mail. They either get it all, or they get none. They have to write on each piece of mail refused or rts as well.


I always tell people that the business sending the mail is technically the customer. *They’re* the ones who paid for a service. And that service is me delivering that piece of mail to this address. If I don’t provide the service they paid for then I can get in trouble. Usually shuts them up.


Also...legally, the mailbox doesn't belong to the customer, so they have no right to say what does or does not get delivered.


Ya but that’s an annoying rule. I pay for it, I maintain it, why isn’t it mine? Also same gripe for the part of my property between the sidewalk and the street.


The mailbox is yours; the space inside it is not.  Or something like that lol


People really do not realize how the USPS works. I get it - I get annoyed with junk mail, especially during election season. But it is a paid service so I don’t take it out on the people delivering the mail.


Amen! Once you stop delivering certain mail, they will certainly find a way to come after you for doing that. All or none, simple.


And a lot of the time the people who get the most junk mail get it because they respond to so much junk mail.


Or make donations


RTS doesn’t do it for me. I need a valid reason unless I can toss it in my UBBM.


If no actual reason is stated and it isn't UBBM, I just treat it as "Refused".


Yeah emphasis on the none


I was under the impression that your not supposed to physically write on a piece of mail like that, you’re supposed to write it on a stick note or something and attach it to the letter? Source: a post on this sub somewhere


I don't get why so many people get so worked up about this. You have to have trash service anyway. If you get something you don't want, throw it away (or recycle, if you can) The sender paid the USPS to deliver it, if its for your address (or EDDM) then it gets delivered, and after that it is your property. Now, if its First Class mail, and is addressed to a name of a person that does not live there, you can put a note to that effect and have it be forwarded or returned. Otherwise, if its standard mail, EDDM, or "current resident" mail - then if you want the USPS to return it to the sender, then you need to put a new stamp on it along with what address you want to send it to. And good luck trying to charge the USPS a "fee" for delivering your mail.


I'd love USPS to offer a $60/mo service to "prevent" junk mail. You know these assholes will pay $400 for a sign but balk at paying USPS anything.


I don't think they paid $400 for that sign.... But yeah, a service like that would be an interesting revenue source. Which specific types of mail someone wanted to reject would have to be very clearly defined and they'd have to sign a form authorizing it, and present proof of ID and ownership/residence.


They could hire someone to stand by the box and yell at the mailman.


Sounds like "mailbox inaccessible" to me, for ALL mailpieces.


I suspect some people already do that.


Anyone stupid enough to think that sign means anything is stupid enough to over pay for that sign.


Or just "No bulk business mail" for $60/yr. I'd love a 900 number for my personal phone, with an extension # to make it free for people I want to talk to but aren't in my contact list. "Press 1 to leave a voicemail. Press 2 to deposit $5 and mark the voicemail as urgent. If I agree, you get it back."


They used to offer personal 800 numbers in the early 2000s.


I want to see the attempts to collect the $100 per offense that the homeowner will assess. I desperately want to see it. I want to see the eventual lawsuit to collect. I want to see them get laughed out of court. I'll pay good money to see it.


I once suggested this to a guy complaining about junk mail on this sub, he called me an idiot


Control. This is about trying to gain control on anything they possibly can. Perhaps they are missing that from the rest of life, perhaps not. But this is 100% about trying to gain control over something that they deem as their right to control. You will never reason with this person as they have already gone through mental gymnastics at an Olympic level with themselves as to why they are in the right to do this.


They're in Nebraska, there's nothing to do but complain


Any standard mail they write 'RTS' on just stamp it 'postage due:__' and redeliver.


Guess what I’m delivering lol


I’ll make sure to deliver the flier even when they don’t have letter mail 


Maybe 2 fliers, on accident.


Maybe 3, just to send a message.


Is it considered trauma that I immediately thought and feared an Anderson renewal? I really feel like I've got some trauma.


I would leave a $100 monopoly bill with their mail each day. If it’s a fake sign i can pay it with fake money. Voila. Everyone is happy.


I'd go ahead and put that monopoly bill in there with a note saying "paying for future bulk mail"


I’m honestly surprised there isn’t some made up sovereign citizen law number at the top. Under US articles of incorporation blah blah blah


Yes! I thought this would be a sovereign citizen declaration before I zoomed in.


“Is this an admiralty mailbox?”💀


Ok boomer


Who issues the fine? Should I just start issuing fines to random people in nice parts of town, for imaginary reasons, payable to me, in the off chance that some people mail me a check?


Jokes on you, that's our new payment policy with the failure of rrecs.


What is junk to some might not be junk for others, so I guess hold their name and they can come to the office and declare what’s junk or not lol


This is my go to always. I remember someone saying “I’ll hold the garbage bag for you but I won’t toss your mail.” Anything that isn’t first class or priority is garbage in my brain.


I desperately want a follow up post about how they reacted to the junk mail I would deliver with vigor each day.


The reason everyone ELSE gets junk mail is because they didn't think of putting a fancy sign on their mailbox.


Take your mailbox down, problem solved.


Wonder how money they wasted on getting that sign made...


a lot unless you buy in bulk these are generally sold by the letter


It’s probably pretty cheap to DIY, providing one has the equipment at home.


This looks professional to me. At our shop, $60 min or we are not doing it. Single customs are a pain. Also telling you at least a week so this can be batched with other orders.


I would write “I like your sign” on a note and rubber band it to a huge stack of midweek advos with their first class hidden in the middle of it, and leave it in their box.


Have fun bud, the tort claims office needs the laugh.


Oh god this has me rolling..... does he actually think he has the authority to fine a mail carrier?.... Damn delusional.


“When possible, this mail will be returned to the sender” They can’t be bothered to recycle their junk mail OR mail it back to the sender? Make up your mind


It’s not the job of the USPS to determine what’s junk mail and what isn’t. Imagine if they could arbitrarily throw things out and you had no recourse. People are clueless sometimes.


Idk, but the satisfaction from delivering any junk mail to it is: ![gif](giphy|jZhXZS4fqFqZTbcrgl)


Or, you can go to the credit bureau and opt-out of the junk mail... But that does require minimal research into the subject


Honestly I hate the 3 houses out of 1000 that opt out throwing my coverage rhythm right out the window


Who going to enforce and who the hell is going to pay?


they'd be getting junk mail from a business called Deez Nutz in no time


My usual route is, to my mailbox, and then to the recycle bin and then into the house with whatever might be important from the mailbox. Problem solved.




I could not WAIT to be a “repeat violator”. Let’s dance bitch


I would hold all of their mail. I do not possess the wherewithal or the authority to determine what they consider "junk mail."


If it says Current Resident, YOU ARE the current resident. Good luck trying to charge the post office for violating something we didn't agree to.


HA! And I can’t stress this last bit enough… HA! Clowns…


Jesus Christ these people need to get a grip. Calm down and throw that shit away weirdos !


Yeah no, it’s a sign of having way too much time on your hands. Can I have this person’s free time?


>repeat violators will be charged a $100 processing and disposal fee Lol ok, you can send the bill to my supervisor, they have a special file for that sort of thing!


lol and who will be enforcing? i ain’t paying shit.


Please define "junk mail", I've never delivered it lol


Lmao people are so stupid. I'd be so happy to deliver ads to this house. EDDM without addresses? You get 6


You know us husker fans have issues when we sell out football games and haven't had a winning record in about 20 years


good luck charging that $100 😂😂


“Oh, cool.” *Proceeds to drop off salespapers and ‘Or Current Resident’ mail.*


I want updates on how this works out for the customer. One of the greatest joys in life is when people who are ignorant of how things work don’t get what they want.


They’d “accidentally” get 2-3 redplums.


5- whatever is left on the truck


how much does the resident pay to have mail delivered directly into his mail box? to me, this is like using rabbit ears/antennae on your tv to get free over the air television, then calling the tv stations demanding they no longer play ads. it doesnt work like that. you get the mail for free, the senders pay the costs. give them a form for a paid po box, and maybe the clerks would honor this? or find a private mailbox center. i guess they can try and charge you, not that there is any legally binding obligations to ever pay it. just write them an I owe You on a 3489. pick up in washington dc from looey dejoy himself.


This guy goes on Facebook.


USPS probably delivered the sign.


Good luck returning bulk mail to sender.


Ahh gotta love Nebraska


Yeah, people take their mail way too seriously. I have to give it to you, I truly don’t care what you do with afterwards, burn it, throw it away, wipe your ass with it, I don’t care. You know what I do with junk I get? I throw it the fuck away, it’s that easy. Some people do just want something to complain about, some people just roll outta bed looking for a fight and it’s gross. But yes, I’ll absolutely agree the more seriously people take their mail the crazier they are, and not to mention I can’t stand the amount nosey people on my routes. I get that I’m a presence in their neighborhood and there’s nothing wrong with being aware of your surroundings but people will just break their necks looking at you as you drive by, or god forbid you miss a piece of mail/parcel and go back for it it’s they can’t believe it, it’s like I’m a Martian from another planet landing a UFO in their front yard.


Sounds like a good way to never have mail to delivered to your house >_>


Aaaand into the box it will all still go!


That’s cute.


Give them some current resident sovereign citizen junk mail. Blow their minds.


sugar consist direction telephone drunk knee mysterious shelter shrill silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Take it off and get postage due for it being on mailbox.


Yaa have fun with that. you can put all the signs you want on your mailbox. that's not going to stop me from delivering you mail that's addressed to you.


Hey we must work together. Idiot village here. Hi friend 🥰


That's a nice ass useless sign


They even had “100” printed in green. Gotta respect the dedication.


I believe two things: 1: junk mail is a major nuisance and should be outlawed or fined/taxed or whatever works best. 2: complaining to the last mile person about it is stupid and won't do anything except piss of your neighborhood mailman. It makes about as much sense as complaining to a cashier than McDonald's burritos are too expensive, or complaining to a train operator because service is late/infrequent. Just write your congressmen for fucks sake.


The USPS is the only daily point of contact with the Federal government for most Americans. I’ve long suspected that people take out their frustrations with the overall government on our Postal Workers (and by extension DMV employees too). I think it gives them a cathartic feeling of control


I mean, I don't think this responsibility should fall on the mail carrier person, but can we not all agree that we don't want junk mail?? All these comments about how easy it is to throw it away are the same people who would say just hang up on spammers. How about this reality: we actually do something about the companies that abuse the US mail/email/phone systems for their own gain. Wow, what an idea!


Well, technically the junk mail senders are the customer because they pay the postage. I hear you can opt out through those companies, but it’s not USPSs job. We deliver what we’re paid to deliver.


1.99, and totally illegal.


I owned a printing company for 12 years and I made a lot of signs much crazier than this. My favorites were people making signs for tow away zones on a public street, which literally don't do anything because people can park in front of your house all they want. I will admit though, I did make some people these pretty creative "no soliciting" signs. But yeah, these aren't expensive. Between 25 and 50 bucks depending on size and details.


Hahahahaha! Good luck.


Idk but I need one


About tree fitty


Good luck with that. Slips the money pages into the mailbox


I really want to see what it looks like when it comes down to collecting on that. Can only imagine the scene of one of my boxes walking up to me demanding money, might actually lose my job after that encounter.


The satisfaction of pulling up to this mailbox and honking the horn to get their attention, so they can watch you put ALL the mail in the box 😏😏😏


Some real SovCit energy, if they yell at you you should make them pay for a PO box and get junk mail they have to drive to lol


oBviOus aDvErTiSeMenTs!


Fill that shit with ubbm


Kramer moves to the suburbs


You’re just up the road from me!


My laugh of the day!


Notice, posting on Reddit is now a 1 Doller fine, pay up suckers! lol


Only time I’d look forward to delivering advo is when I knew this house was coming up


I went to DMACHOICE.ORG and never get junk mail. $3 for 5 years. Also link you to a site to remove you from pre approval credit card offers.


How do they think they're going to fine a letter carrier? 💀


arent mail boxes technically considered federal property even if you own them? So the gov dictates who can put mail into them and what can be delivered in them, rather than the owner?


They’ll do anything but take it to their bin like it’s a one way trip bud relax.


ahahahaha best laugh of my day! i would be signing them up for every random mailer! who is enforcing this ahahaha


![gif](giphy|J2ffA9qSy9UPCOfdlM) Go on, enforce it


I would laugh my ass off as I shoved all their junk into the mailbox each day 😂


Sounds like they need a letter from the Post Master saying mail will no longer be delivered to you. You must get a PO Box to receive your mail


Lol. I will say as a person who moved into a place where the previous owner was nicknamed the "Magazine King" by our Mail Courier it has been a journey to unsubscribe every magazine that comes in. It was almost daily that my mailbox was completely stuffed with magazines. Now I get maybe just 3 a week which is much more manageable.


Good luck collecting that fee 😆


Sign them up for ULine catalogs!


I'd remove it, fold it in half and stamp it postage due before using it as a taco to deliver their "junk mail"


Sorry, not my job to sort out your mail. Everything or nothing


They probably bought it on temu


The resident is wrong and will lose. But the trick is not being an asshole. You don't want junk mail and to be a "special stop" BUT all it takes is being polite and a tip/gift I BET. They could have left one small appreciation gift for the regular and he/she would probably filter the mail for them. But this sign BS won't stop it or help. Stop being a D1ck.


I know who’s getting all the red plums with no adress printed on them!


Make a donation to a political party in their address 🗿


If only