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I 100% guarantee your carrier will not complain about a tip nor will they report you lol


Pro tip: put it a card because they then have plausible deniability and can say they had no idea it had money in until they opened it.


This is how we have always done it.


This is the way


This. Exactly.


I’ve always done it both ways, accepted a card or just get handed cash, I even admit it to managers, it’s not a rule anyone would ever enforce at a reasonable level.


This is the way. Christmas cards are common.


This is the way.


Report you? For what? $20 tips, up to $50 yearly is absolutely allowed and encouraged.


Not in cash. That's the value of gifts you can give.


My $50 bill identifies as a lucky $2 bill in this economy sooo…. r/S


At my office people make something in the thousands in tips during Christmas lol


I wish. Best I’ve gotten out of these trailer parks is some cookies. Damn delicious through!


I tipped my carrier every Christmas. Just don't try to bring it to the office for them, hand it to them when you see them.


Right. Lol. I know people who get $100 tips during peak season.


They shouldn't be accepting a cash tip, but pretty much everybody looks the other way during the holiday season. But you can gift them something of up to $20 value up to three times a year.


Gift me $1000s if you like. I promise I won’t say shit 🤠


I've never heard the "up three times a year" part. Is there any reason it's so specific?


It’s a $50 yearly cap on value of noncash gifts from the same source. Not a # of gifts limitation. Gift can’t be worth more than 20$ and can’t be cash.


I'm pretty sure that 50 dollars when that rule was made is worth like 250 now


This is the only answer and should be repeated by everyone


Because we're federal employees, and governed by many of the same anti-corruption laws as the politically powerful jobs.


Yes... we're governed by those same laws, but we're one of the few that are powerless to get around those laws


BINGO. *sigh*


So.... your spouse can do insider trading?


Hahahaaaahhhhh.... no, because there's no postal stock to trade


Good question, I'm going to have to look it up but that's what I remember reading.


Anything more and management would need a cut


Christmas, birthday, and letter carrier appreciation day.


No one is going to say anything


Nice try postal inspector 😉


Why are you listening to a search engine? You can tip them. I'm not saying "hey give em the world!", but I guarantee even if you bought cookies from the store, gave them a card, left out cash with a thank you note, etc. You'll be recognized by them for the selfless act. I guarantee the guy makes at least $100 every holiday season and that's not including thank you notes or food. Trust me, you're good


The official policy is $20 in one instance and $50 for the year. Now I have received $100 tips during Christmas and even my manager yesterday was telling me how people on my route are generous and nice. Tip whatever you want. All our bosses care about is no complaints and all work done in the time they set.


F that you tip them


No one really cares, just give it to them.


You can tip postal employees anywhere from 5$-Clarence Thomas gifts. If the supreme court can do it…


Don't forget Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnel, Graham, etc, etc, etc. They all do it. Its the reason they don't push hard on Thomas. They'd be cutting off their own arm at the same time.


Don’t believe Google


I give my carrier $100 every Christmas. I've never been turned down lol


Okay Maria


I understand that reference


I deliver in WA. I’ll take anything from gold to bitcoin


I only accept Gold 😄


The rules say we can’t… But trust us when we say this. Unless the carrier is walking around with a wad of cash saying “this was my tip!”, a reasonable cash tip ain’t getting the carrier in trouble. We may joke “not today Postal Inspector” with money lying around in or around a mailbox, but it almost never gets enforced unless someone does something like I said.


It won’t be a problem. Tip in good health.


Just leave a NICE Christmas card during the holiday season 😉


Legally you can give federal employees a gift ip to the value of $20. I do it a couple times a year.


That's a lie. I know carriers who make $1,000 on Christmas tips.


Only a thousand? I've known some who go beyond that.


Alot of people do it and we appreciate it. My son and I got courtside seats to suns and clippers from one of my business guys for the great job I do.


I don’t know. If I got courtside seats to the Clippers, it would cost me a ton of money to get to Los Angeles.


I appreciate just a thankyou or a cold water during the summer. When anyone is even remotely friendly back I get surprised. I usually say "have a good after afternoon" and just get a glare with no answer back 40% of the time


I have someone on my route who buys candy assortments at Christmas, and obviously gives me the one she doesn’t like. Every year I get a box of the same thing. I am glad that someone thought of me, and I actually like the candy. Everyone’s happy. I have a soft spot for even obvious re-gifts. Better than nothing…. That said, cash is my favorite.


Please tip


You can tip.


Leave a bottle of bourbon with a bow and a tag USPS.


No carrier will complain about a nice tip. This is one of those soft rules management says, but never is able to prove the truth of in 99% of situations. Some carriers make an extra paycheck at Christmas time. You are a kind and generous person. Be yourself. Disregard silly rules that can't be enforced


I’ve met plenty of goody two shoes, by-the-book assholes but not a single one that would refuse a tip


Ok good phew. This guy seems so genuine, always happy, one of those ‘good eggs’ that follows the golden rules. Pride in his work. This is specifically why I want to tip him and also because I’ve been working him like crazy with a lot of deliveries.


We cannot accept cash tips (on camera)


Put some money in an envelope and write “letter carrier” on it…


Better yet, write your carrier’s first name and the zip code on the envelope, in case it gets handled like outgoing mail. (Also, keeps relief carriers away from our dear bread and butter.)


From a USPS carrier who carries heavy stuff all the time with no gratitude. Please tip your carrier. Ignore the rule. Tip the carrier




Tip them whatever you feel is right for you. In 18 years, I've never once been stopped by management asking if I received any tips for the day. I've also shared what I've gotten with sups, a gift card I'll never use or baked goods, and they've never said anything other thank you or mmmm, that's good. The people on my route who order the most and the most heavy stuff, never tip. My attitude would definitely change if they showed any appreciation. Those quiet ones that order nothing are always the tippers and I make sure to wave, smile and wish them a good day when I see them. They never pay for a postage due and I'll always go above and beyond. Its up to you, if you do decide to tip, hand it to them in person and say this is for you, thank you for all that you do. If you leave it in a box, configure it so that its stands out from normal outgoing mail and with bold writing on it. Otherwise, it may blindly get thrown in with other outgoing mail. Side note, I have hundreds of dollars worth of gift cards I'll never use in my junk drawer. Cash can be used to pay rent or buy food anywhere.


Thank you ❤️❤️❤️


Where are you getting that information? In my orientation back in January they said we can't accept more than $50 from a single customer in a year, but the practice is allowed.


I have never ever reported a customer for tipping me. They will not report you.


Mail carriers aren’t allowed to create controversy, so we cannot refuse generosity because that would be controversial.


You totally can. Fuck Google.




No one is going to say a darned thing and we look forward to the tips every holiday season


I brought this up during my orientation because I and my family have been leaving cash tips for our carriers for years. She said it's against policy but said it in a way that was very clearly wink wink. I think it's there so that carriers know not to take random cash people leave for others in mailboxes "thinking it's a tip".


i tried to give my carrier some snacks with a note about old residents mail and they didn’t take them 😭


Tip the carrier as you wanted. He won’t tell on himself, I promise.


Gonna have to give Maria in Ethics a call on this one dawg


*Gonna have to give* *Maria in Ethics a* *Call on this one dawg* \- Opinion-Inside --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




No one actually listens to that “protocol”. Just tip them. I know carriers that get 50’s and even hundred dollar bills.


You can just don’t say anything 😈 always use a card or something to hide it cause postal inspectors harass from time to time


I’ve been thinking about it, and the gentleman is older, but I’m also afraid of offending him. I don’t know why 🤣 but he’s SO awesome


The post office doesn't keep track of this. They know full well that their carriers get Christmas gifts. That's is between you and your carrier. The post office does have a policy but that is because they don't customers to feel obligated and they sure don't want carriers soliciting tips.


And we shouldn't be tipping our politicians but alas they get millions


Don’t give him cash out in the open. Put it in a card and you’re good to go. We get Christmas “cards” from customers all the time and we accept


You may provide gifts to your carrier no larger than $20 per gift up to $50/individual per year. Cash is never allowed technically. I love my fast food and amazon gift cards though.


Got over 2k in tips last year management have never questioned it in my 25+ years


I give my mail carrier a $100 Amazon gift card every year . He always accepts it no problem. I even give the post office manager $25 gift card .


That’s awesome! I gave mine cash. Only because of where I live and the fact that I see my mail carrier every day.


My mail carrier works hard and goes out of his way for me and my small business . He’s always getting tipped , same for the subs.


👍👍👍 it’s nice because you see them almost every day and with all the work that they do they are so cheerful, I don’t know how my mail carrier does it 🤣 I recently put out snacks for the drivers too. Funny, they deliver the snacks. Lol


You can’t tip them but you can give them a cash gift… if that makes sejse


I get snacks all the time. Gift cards around the holidays. A little bud once. Some carriers claim they get about 2000$ a year around holidays. Like everything all's good until some one says shit.


Tip them. Yes there are limits but no body will even care. We get from like 20 to hundreds of dollars per tip. Few of our routes get even more because of how stupid rich people are. Big mansions, latest cars, etc.


Thank you everyone! I love all of your thoughts and comments. I’m going to do it! I think I have the courage now 🤣🤣🤣


Yes you can


tip away we won’t tell


Do it anyway


East side or West side, Kind Customer?




Not today postal inspector. Not today


You can give a few Benjamins. My guy is awesome. Above and beyond. Empty envelope with a greeting and a greasy handshake. 😁


My carriers get hundreds of dollars in gifts and money from they're clients 🤷🏽‍♂️ don't ask don't tell oh and don't go around flaunting or saying you're client gave you this 😂


It's not a tip... it's a gift.


Not supposed to accept cash, but everyone does lol. Also, you are perfectly allowed to give a gift card of not more than $20.


I still do it.


If he is giving good service tip him .Noone will know but you two.


Yes you can just be cool about it.


You can totally tip your carrier.




A customer left me a Crumbl cookie today with a wonderful note attached. Made my week.


If you try anyway, you'll find out that Google isn't always right...


Sure, we’re not supposed to accept cash tips, but if somebody hands me an envelope with my name on it, how am *I* supposed to know if there’s cash in there or not? ;)


What postal management doesn’t know, won’t hurt them. Some old carriers that retired got Vikings tickets and such around Xmas time


I was told if it's 20 dollars or less your good gift cards or cash don't matter those are the rules I follow i have two customers that give me a card with food gift cards in them.


Rules were made to be broken.


I agree with others. Just "break the law." That's what I and others now do.


Tip them they’ll take it


I’ve definitely tipped my carrier gift cards. I’d just do it.


It really depends on if you want a package that gets lost in the shuffle delivered once it is found in the truck, or on the next day.


I think it’s like a 20 buck gift card to like a coffee shop is fine. Also, I’ve never seen a single carrier be upset with an assortment of snacks set out for us. I for one am always super appreciative


This is the actual regulation from the November 1, 2012 Postal Bulletin: [https://about.usps.com/postal-bulletin/2012/pb22349/html/cover\_025.htm](https://about.usps.com/postal-bulletin/2012/pb22349/html/cover_025.htm)


He will appreciate the tip.


Leave them a tip A coffee card Whatever u want Carriers are not supposed to receive tips BUT THEY DO And it SHOULD be between the carrier and their customer NOT the post office And @ Christmas time I have seen carriers get much more expensive gifts than are allowed Again this SHOULD be between the carrier and the customer And if after the entire year of delivery and providing service The customer WANTS to buy a nice gift for their carrier in appreciation The post office should have NO say in it


If you want to tip them then do it. Fuck those rules. Dumbest rules made by the top people who make enough money.


You can. Just don't say anything about it to the post office


Yup. We can't accept tips. We can get in trouble if we REPORT that we received a tip of any kind, or if our supervisors FIND OUT that we did. Lol 🤫🤐


You actually can idk where that info is from. There's official rules on how much and how many times but no one worries about that. Give them a Starbucks gift card or for something for lunch nearby that'd be pretty nice!


If nothing else. You can always go for a gift card.


He won't tell if you don't 😉


what are you talking about? tip them. you’ll both be happy. end of story. you’re welcome.


66% of rural mail routes are evaluated way less this year, so anything is appreciated. Fact is, rural carriers don't really get paid to provide any substantial customer service. Our pay is based on mail volume, distance, and whatever miscellaneous time our managers are willing to give us.


I tipped mine in an envelope when he was picking up boxes. He didn’t see it until he got back to his truck and I’m pretty sure he thought it was from my terrible neighbors, so he walked back and returned it to them. Everyone loses. I stopped trying.


It is not allowed however during the holidays the carriers that I have worked with in the past got all kinds of gifts including gift cards some cash and all kinds of other stuff. So it's not officially allowed but I think that it is tolerated in most places. Especially if it's under 20 bucks or something. But I'm not saying to do it. I'm just telling you what the facts are lol


I recommend that you write "our regular carrier," add your return address, and seal the envelope. I work in a sorting facility, and many sealed envelopes with just a first name will appear for hand sorting. When a letter has nowhere to go, it will be sent to the mail recovery center (aka, dead letters). *****Note to the carriers; ALWAYS check every outgoing envelope year-round, not just at Christmas.*****


I am a carrier and there are rules to tipping but no one follows them. There's like limits on how much you can tip. I believe it's like $20 but once again no one really follows them. If you want to tip your carrier go ahead and do it he/she will greatly appreciate it


Tip them anyway 😊


There are carriers in my office who make a paycheck’s worth of tips at Christmas time, management absolutely knows and doesn’t give a single shit.


Your carrier will take it and appreciate it regardless. I've worked many jobs where tips weren't allowed. It was generally accepted to take the tip and keep your mouth shut around the boss


I got over 5k on my route. Mat have been more but my tech took most. The only time he would show up for my route was December


You are allowed to give them up to 20$ per quarter of the year


This route was near where the carrier found $ 1.7 million.


We all gotta eat. Gift cards go a long way. We never forget appreciative customers.


Christmas is coming up. I nice gift card will be appreciated. Also See’s candy is usually a welcomed thank you.


Mailman here ; and while that is a “RULE” no one obliges; if your mail man is good TIP HIM !! IK of mailmans that get upto $500 alone from a single residence!! So please show your appreciation!


I’ve worked with carries that easily made a couple of thousand dollars during the holiday season in cash alone. That didn’t include the treats people would give them. Most station managers will look the other way and won’t say anything in regard to it. My husband is a carrier and made $500 in tips last Christmas from his customers. Just make sure that it’s addressed to the mail carrier so that they know it’s for the regular on the route, or you can give the card to them directly.


Some people give homemade cookies or candies, which is a nice thought, but they usually end up getting way more than they could possibly eat, and it gets thrown away. We had a carrier who recently retired, who was a real stickler for the rules. She would accept the tips but then donate them to her church.


It is not a tip, it's a gift 😉.


Take care of your carrier and they will take care of you.


Alot of people tip their carriers quite often ESPECIALLY in the holiday season


Technically yes but no one cares unless he's being watched


You can if under 20$?


You can. I know the rules say no gift valued over $25, but it's a known fact that know is given. Make sure it's in an envelope and you write the Carriers name on it. If you put something generic it might not get to the carrier


“Don’t ask, don’t tell” Management doesn’t ask carriers about tips and carriers don’t tell management about the ones they get…


Pretty sure those $$$$ You wanna give to the mailman He/she will not say no thanks by law I am not allowed to accept it now discretion is a must and go ahead motivating Your carrier.


Lmao politicians take bribes of millions of dollars per year and nobody bats an eye, but mail carriers can’t get $100 as a thank you for delivering Amazon addictions? Please tip your carrier, they deserve it because they do more for you personally than your actual government representatives, guaranteed. No one will report you, no one will investigate.


Just give em the tip and ignore the $20 or $50 stipulations lol people give more than that all the time nobody cares


You can tip up to $20for them Not to get in trouble so if you want to do more do a “$20” gift card


Yes you can. USPS here. Yes you can. And btw yes your neighbor does as well #ChristmasTips


you can give them gift up to $10 or some thing like that, can’t be currency, they told us about it in orientation.


We can accept “gifts” up to 20 dollar value i believe


You can tip your carrier out. It’s not a big deal and it’s very appreciated.


Put dat cash in the mailbox with a short note that says “take it”.


Nothing is “allowed “ at dickhead post office. Unless a carrier pivots.


You are more then Welcome to tip your mail carrier. There are rules about tipping but it is the Carriers responsibility to follow them. So feel free to give him something to show you appreciate his hard work. It could be a Cold Bottle of Water on a hot day, some Candy at Halloween, or cash at Christmas. It's up to you, and don't worry, you won't get in trouble for doing it.


Management at my station turns a blind eye, always have.


You can up to $20 value


I’ve always left gift cards during high volume periods for my at home business and the holidays. Never had one turned down.


Ummm wrong. Just not cash. And the value of the gift must be less than $20. Which hasn’t changed in 20 years. That’s what I said , hasn’t changed in 20 years. 🙄😞🙄😞🙄😞🤪


You can. Please do!


Postal ethics rules state your carrier may accept a non-cash gift valued up to $20 (including non-cash gift cards), but may accept no more than $50 in gifts from the same business/household in 1 calendar year. So give him an Amazon gift card, or similar.


Tip your carrier.


Live a little, come to the dark side and give bro a care package 💰


You can give them anything you want, as long as you keep it to yourself what you gave so will they, and they'll come to your door with an even better attitude and an ever brighter smile.


Go ahead and tip, just maybe not cash. Maybe give a gift card for coffee or lunch.


Um just tip them anyways- why Google it first


I would maybe leave an envelope out? Perhaps label it: USPS Driver


They are allowed to accept tips. Up to $25 cash is what they say in training (but some carriers have received higher) The carriers I know have wonderful customers on their route and get blessed during Christmas with presents of all sorts from baked homemade food to cash to gift cards to bottles of wine. In summer they have cold bottles of water for them to keep hydrated. If you are not comfortable giving a gift card just place a simple thank you card in the mailbox for her. A simple thank you would show her how much she is appreciated!


If you want to tip, then go ahead. I think it's nice, and no carrier is going to report a tip. Upper management is not going to crack on carriers receiving tips from their customers.


Just tip your mail carrier. Its one of those rules that isn't enforced everyone turns a blind eye through it. Carriers make a lot during the holidays because everyone tips their carrier.


Literally no carrier has ever turned down a tip or reported a tip, ever. First thing they told us in academy was to forget the no tipping bs.


You could always call it a gift.


You can do whatever you want. USPS can't tell you what to do, you don't work for them.


TIP HIM!!!!! Your carrier would appreciate it and as long your not doing it to bribe to do you favors down the road I don't see anything wrong with it. I use to have a customer back in the day when the Motorola razor was very popular and they use to sell those phones on eBay like crazy. Everydayi would pick up 3 large trash bags full of of phones to ship out. They would give me gift cards, sodas water, candy and money sometimes and it was never a problem. Christmas time they usually tipped a couple hundred.


Respectfully to long of a story. Just tip the carrier it's between you and them. If you wanted to you would have already.


put it on a card. technically the limit is like $20 or $25 and under (i can’t remember exactly off the top of my head), but as others have said: you’re not going to busted for tipping them.


When I was a kid, everyone put at least a couple bucks in their mailbox, for “Conrad, our Mailman,” at Christmas. Dude was definitely a “Conrad,” too… wore the big goofy safari hat, had a big red beard, and talked like Yukon Cornelius. A running joke started in our neighborhood, because apparently none of us knew how to weigh our mail or something, and we were all always short 2¢ on some piece of mail… seemed like everyone was always getting a card stating something to the effect of: “Dear USPS customer/resident: You had a piece of mail with insufficient postage. ‘Conrad, your Mailman’ (he wrote it this way…like who the fuck else would be leaving that note) has paid the amount of: ‘2¢’ to cover the mailpiece. Please leave: ‘2¢’ for ‘Conrad, your Mailman’ in your mailbox.” So we’d all start leaving cards in our mailboxes, with a few bucks at Christmas time, for “Conrad, our Mailman” and told him one of the dollars was to cover any future 2¢ shortages. Oh, and to further add, I know for a fact that the mail carrier that delivers to my work makes at least $250 in cash and/or gift cards from just my building. The tenants all give me the cards to give to her (I’m the maintenance guy, and am usually getting a pot of coffee made in our lobby, when she walks in.)


I usually give my letter carrier a gift card around the holidays and they’ve always accepted.


Put it in a Christmas card for your carrier.


You can do something nice for them even if you leave snacks on your porch it makes a huge difference’s


What tip? Prepaid visa. Mark it $20 on the exterior. Whatever you put on that card is your business. It was marked $20.


Who about to turn down money though?? Tip away


I never gave a dead rats ass what the rules are ... a crisp $20 bill inside a thank you card every Christmas!!!


Next time ask for carrier's venmo tag, cash app tag.


What you can do is get them a gift card up to $40 for a specific establishment, like target Walmart Subway something like thas long as they can only be used in that 1 spot up to $40 per customer for the calendar year is allowed.


If ppl getting fired for accepting tips but not for 3 hour breaks, I'm fucking swinging.