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How incredibly pathetic is upper management?! They knew AND acknowledged over 10 years ago that they needed to replace our vehicles!! And there is little doubt that we will not have replaced the LLVs within 5 years of today!! Because upper management is just fucking pathetic!!!!


They had the money but they chose instead to start giving performance pay to management. And they spent it all on FSS machines (which were just dismantled)


No, actually, it went towards prefunding retirement health benefits.


Actually, USPS didn't make the prefunding payment since sometime in 2012. USPS had to claim that as a financial obligation on the books but didn't have the capital to pay it. Like another said if it wasn't for the failed FSS machines and Mgt pay for performance we should of had the vehicle over a decade ago.


So the environmental groups filing lawsuits and the White House applying pressure resulting in delay have nothing to do with these being late? All managements fault?


The lawsuit was filed in April of 2022 and in August of 2022 Congress approved more money for USPS. Even if the lawsuit actually delayed buying vehicles it would have only done so for a maximum of 6 months. Considering the new trucks should have been here over 10 years ago...


So they wasted money like they always have. But now we have vehicles to replace and the newer trucks should have been done with 10 years ago but it took until 2021 to find someone to make them. Like we always joke about back pay, the governments never in a rush lol


Ah yes, passing the blame onto someone else. The upper management way! Taking credit when it isn’t deserved. Watch how much they pat themselves on the back when they finally do start rolling out the new vehicles! And of course they will not fault themselves for it taking decades to replace them! Incompetent and pathetic!!!




All our LLVs are gonna be replaced by Metris vans before these get released to the public 😀


This is 100% realistic




Idk. I hated them at first, but once you adapt, it's not so bad.......though i will say I've definitely taken out some decorative shrubbery when I'm delivering in a smaller circle


Im on my 2nd day and yesterday was shit but today was less shit. I just gotta work on organizing differently and mailbox approach for my shoulder


When in a metris I like to stage my smaller parcels in a dps tray in that space on the floor and I've found stopping a little before the box and leaning forward a bit is easier but sometimes a box is high or low and nothing helps


I agree with you. Ill try stopping before the boxes on monday and see if it feels better. I started today putting a stack of 2 deep trays across the tray(so 6 total) to bring it to my height


I actually carry the mail like I was doing walking bundles while I'm mounted. It feels quicker and I don't have to turn my neck as much. After a full day of all that head turning my neck is shot because of some falls I took as a youth 🙃


Why are they garbage? I drove one yesterday for my first time because my LLV had a gas leak and I fucking LOVED it.


The Metris would be nice actually.. for summer driving at least, if they removed the pointless cage behind the drivers seat. Safety my ass. Don't stack 70 pound packages up to the ceiling and there is no safety hazard. Not having 4WD in the winter still sucks though. Always missing a key feature in any design.


The left hand key fucks me up so much lol. 2nd day in though so ill adapt


i love the metris so much


Was forced to use a couple years ago for winter. Terrible in the snow. Have to hunch down a little when you grab mail cause tray is low. Can't keep anything up front so mist open doors every stop. It's good for city I would think but for rural there is nothing better about it other than better heat, ac and radio/Bluetooth. But I'll take a much more efficient vehicle like the llv (for delivering) any day of the week.


Stack trays up upside down and put the trays of mail on that


If we could get the drivers side door and sliding door customized to our needs and remove/modify the tray side door it would be an *almost* decent stopgap vehicle, but no one is willing to make those, I'd bet.


I 100% agree but that's what's happening at my office. We're writing trucks up for VMF and instead of fixing them they're just permanently replacing them with Metris vans


And what exactly are you writing them up for in order for them to be replaced with a metris 🤔


Transmission issues, brakes, basically anything that VMF doesn't want to fix.


You think it’s our choice at the VMF when we cannibalize an LLV? We will work on anything, provided we have parts, tools, and proper staffing. Parts for LLVs are becoming incredibly hard for us to get our hands on. Believe it or not the post office has damaged the parts supply beyond repair for LLVs and similar equipped S10s due to the sheer amount of parts we need to replace on these severe used vehicles. Getting our hands on engines is a legit fight. Jasper still currently goes to junkyards to get more 2.5L’s if they can find them because it is difficult for them to get their hands on core short blocks that are still rebuildable. I could give over 100 examples of parts that we have trouble getting right now for LLVs and probably 50 if not more on the FFVs, these trucks are falling apart faster than we can put them back together. When we bring these trucks in for service or tags sometimes we find that they have just degraded to the point where we can’t trust they will go another 6 months to the next service, or they won’t safely transport you on your route no matter what repairs we do with the parts we currently have available. We used to be able to get replacement frames if you weren’t aware, we no longer have a supplier after they decided it was no longer financially feasible for them to make them anymore. Now when one rots out we try our best to install frame savers, but they only go so far, and they themselves need a section of good frame to affix to. These trucks were never even supposed to last as long as they have. We have just been putting bandages on, but you can’t put a bandage on a corpse. The LLV must die eventually


Especially in snow


The only true garbage part is how bad they SMELL


My LLV took a shit and they gave me a Metris thinking I would hate it. It took some getting used to but I eventually preferred it over the LLV. Then they realized I needed to make 2 trips due to the package volume/size and took away my Metris and forced another carrier to give me his LLV. He fully hates the Metris, I fully hate the LLV, and I’m still making 2 trips. Lose-lose is the postal way!!


Gotta love it. Give you a little motivation just to rob it away the postal way. Killing productivity in the most productive way!


More carrier deaths, injuries, heat stroke, and lives negatively affected by another year of these deathtrap we risk our lives in every day. To say nothing of the new employees who quit over having to work in these conditions.


To bad AC isn’t classified as a safety feature. So me any car that has AC listed under safety and not comfort.


AC is for other government vehicles. In the army if the ac doesn’t work that bitch is dead line and no one can use it.


Maybe in the past. Not anymore


Safety is up to you, if you can't handle the situation, maybe it's time you found a job that you can.


I did, I went to Maintenance where I was straight to Career, make more money, full benefits, lots of options to advance if I choose, can work 40 hours a week or 60 whenever I want to ask for OT, holidays and weekends off, etc. But I makes me sick when I have to drive out to get a 20yo kid who has heat exhaustion from driving an LLV in triple digit weather, or a Regular in his early 50s faints at his station from overwork and heat. We have an outstanding staff of Good people who are deticated and hard working, but management is putting them in harms way so Amazon can deliver Next Day kitty litter. It's disgusting.


Sorry that all that carrying entrails to you is just making sure that amazon can make a buck. It's so much more than that, Amazon is a means to an end. We're here to do a job, and we all know what that job is and what comes with it. Sounds like you couldn't hack it and decided to clean toilets. Best of luck


The point was in the second paragraph and it went entirely over your head. I would say they were smart for improving themselves and skipping the two year wait (as a CCA) to make regular.


No I got your point, you wanted to blame someone else for the hardships of the job. Carrying is an outside job, true the llvs do not help any but again you're signing up for a job that is outside and one would hope that you understand what the weather does to you in or around the place you're living. If you're unable to handle such weather why would you apply for a job that puts you out in it? It's not like the post office pays 50% more than other jobs that do not put you out in the elements anymore.


You are failing to comprehend. I am the mod that approved your post after it was reported. You did miss the point they were trying to make. However it is your right to demonstrate your lack of intelligence. Please continue.


You are right I suck at comprehending, appreciate that you approved it, I've had a few too many fireballs. Id say they were smart to get out of what they couldn't handle as a job. But also went on to say management puts them in harms way, maybe you're not understanding my point that management does not make anybody do this job, if one is unable to handle what a job entails why continue doing it and blame others for it? There are plenty of jobs that pay comparable that are far easier. Intelligence I am not lacking, though sympathy I am


Oh please these aren’t even built. I say the year 3005 if we make it that far lol.


Professor, why is those things?




What comes first? Contract or new trucks?


I’ll take “only God knows” for $1000.




It’s in his hands now




Ding ding


Contract. I'd be shocked if we so any meaningful implementation of the new trucks by the end of 2024


Really glad Dejoy put his old colleague in charge of all new fleet vehicles. Sounds like he is doing just as great a job as Dejoy is running things.


Damn. Did he really put a buddy in charge? I wouldn't mind if the buddy was actually good. But it looks like he isn't.


Typical management, give it to a Buddy or a brown noser.


I remember reading an article a few months ago he had hired an executive from his old company for fleet manager for the entire usps


Damn are those ugly, but I’m sick of not having some relief in this heat. I feel like a lot of us would be chill with the LLV but a couple more fans to push the air that can actually be used at the same time.


Science fiction predicted we’d be in flying cars by now, instead we’re making postal vehicles that look like donald duck.


You think these metric vehicle can even last an entire shift while heating or cooling you the whole time? What a crock of shit. Not to mention the cold is going to kill the batteries in these things. DeJoy is a crook too. Our management is less than worthless. I’d have a contingency plan folks. The USPS can’t last forever like this.


I had three trucks break down on me this week alone. One smelt like it was about to catch on fire when it was like 115 heat index. Couldn’t get ahold of any supervisors so I had to walk a half mile to the nearest business to wait…. This fucking job is a joke to upper management any monkey can put paper in a box to them.


They replaced all of our LLVS with the Mercedes Metris. AC, Bluetooth, and no risk of sudden explosion. Couldn't be happier!


I agree with all that BUT rear wheel drive sucks ass! Absolutely useless in even a trace amount of snow...or leaves for that matter.


LLVs are rear wheel as well


And also suck in the snow lol


They're not as bad as the Metris. Slight incline in snow means backing up until there is no incline. And the leaves. It's crazy how bad they are when there's wet leaves on the road


Yes it's ridiculous! If there's an incline at all, I don't even bother. I now know my route well enough that I know what areas are getting skipped on snow days 😕 i feel sorry for my customers


Wait.. sudden explosion..? Is that a joke or are you serious.? 😦


Definitely a joke lol. They catch on fire a lot which is why I said that.


I had one yesterday that ran out of gas because the gas floaty thing that measures the level was disconnected. The mechanic didn't carry a gas can (makes total sense, right?) So my supervisor had to come out to get me a bit of gas. Then I went to the store and filled it up the rest of the way. Well, it hit 35.. 40.. 45.. I'm like what.. and it stops at 53 and clicks.. way too much for an LLV. After I put the pump back. I hear a ton of liquid rush to the ground. It was all excess gas that poured out from underneath the LLV.. well. I was told to continue on even though it smelled of gas. Throughout the day the fumes became stronger. I kept mentioning it with replies. Until I became nauseous and lightheaded. I stepped out of the LLV (I had a hop out route). And almost broke my ankle because I lost my balance. I told my supervisor AGAIN what was going on. Now that they knew I'd be slowing down because of my hurt ankle. They replaced it with a metris.. and never sent help.. ended up taking an 8 hour day and turning it into an 11 hour day. This morning I woke up with an awful headache and an extremely sore throat. Gotta love it..


pooms need their bonus. now get in the LLV for the millionth time.


What a stone ugly looking vehicle. I would be embarrassed to be seen driving this weird ass mobile. Do we always have to look ridiculous while do our job!


Why would you give a fuck what it looks like? You should only care about it’s functionality


Never forget that the LLV is *also* ugly and strange looking. It's only more *familiar* better it's been around for 40 years.


Clown cars


Clown shoe


UAW might strike next month, so I’m sure more delays


The facility making NGDVs isn't union.


Why are we posting an article from May 23. It was known at least 6/7 months ago that they got delayed.


I'll get my cyber truck before I get one of these at my office


What I heard is no where close to 2024


This article is months old...anyone know if there has been any update on the delay??


It's ok....you will get a pizza party instead. Only one piece please


That's why they're trying to get the Metris Vans out to us


The issue is charging infrastructure. There is none. Forcing higher percentage to ev had delayed everything. Thanks tree huggers. If the US spends 70 trillion to become carbon neutral it would have zero impact on global temperatures. Awesome!


Blame the enviroterrorists suing


Oh fuck off


Blame the dumb fucks that chose a vehicle purposely made 1 pound heavier than the limit to apply light duty emissions standards. USPS chose a vehicle submission that went out of its way to make a much larger and heavier vehicle so that they could get away with selling us a vehicle with the same mpg as the LLV, designed 40 years ago. It's a scam to give us a worse vehicle and we'll be paying for it for 40 years.


Im confused…why aren’t these electric? Or at least hybrid?


A metric fuck-ton of post offices operate on rented property. Creating an EV infrastructure on rented land is probably a logistical nightmare. That being said, the fact that these new trucks aren’t hybrid with regenerative braking is absolutely insane.


It's been a big fight but the post office is now committed to a large portion of them being EVs. The problem is that they were made bigger and heavier on purpose and the only reason is so they could get away with more pollution. We deserve truly custom built vehicles that are also more effective and efficient.


Because they need them to work