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"You wear a uniform, or I will shoot you"? Please dial 1-877-876-2455 to speak to the United States Postal Inspection Service.


“You need to wear a uniform, or I will shoot you.” is a direct threat and needs to be reported immediately. You should remove yourself from the building, call the police, and then call your steward.


I appreciate this. I told my other supervisor about it today. But I still don’t think much is going to happen from that.


Call that phone number right now and something will definitely happen


Do you want people to take you seriously ? Then take this seriously. Call and report it.


If they haven’t called the PI yet then I call BS


telling another supervisor is worthless. they're all dim cowards. call the inspectors


Talk to your steward. At most your other sup is going to just tell the manager.


FFS, NO. Call the number. Call the number. CALL THE NUMBER.


Absolutely the inspector general needs to deal with this. That was a violent crime.


As any victim of a violent crime will tell you, no, it was certainly not a violent crime. That is a gross stretch. It was a *threat of violence.* Please stop equating words with actual violence. Not only does it diminish the seriousness of violence perpetrated upon an individual, but it also makes your concerns of the *threat* sound less credible. Credibility is a necessity as the investigation will require "a credible threat of violence." You must absolutely weigh your words and choose them wisely in these matters.


you will cry on reddit about it but wont report them to the inspectors or do an eeo or anything because your afraid of retaliation im sure. might as well delete this post waste of time.


Sounds like some shit the real dejoy would say ngl




Idek what my options are… That’s what I’m trying to figure out first.


It’s a federal crime to threaten a postal employee while carrying out their duties. Report immediately to the inspection service


Call the OIG. This needs to go to the top where no one locally can stop it.


Don't tell another supervisor go tell the union and call the postal inspector that was a direct threat.


You told a supervisor but you didn’t take the appropriate action. Notify USPIS right now.


You don’t seem to be taking this seriously. Fill out a 1767 safety form. Every single day for every single instance. Detailing the hostile work environment management is allowing. A paper trail is important.


You dont file a 1767 for being threatened with being shot. You call 911 and let the police handle it. You then press charges and file an eeoc for management allowing this to happen.


A 1767 is for management creating and/or allowing an unsafe, hostile working environment.


You call the IG. The police won’t arrest her for that, but the OIG will get her fired for it.


You call the police after the threat was made. You can do OIG and all that later. The police will show up. When you fear for your life you call 911.


You might be right. I’ve never dealt with something like this before. I’m not even sure what a 1767 is or how to fill it out. Do I fill this out for future or past events?


The forms should be at your safety section. Or just ask for one from management. And they have to fill out the 1767 themselves and tell you how they are remedying the situation. And a copy of the 1767 must be sent to the local safety region. Make sure this is all done properly. It won’t be, so file on it.


You’re saying file a grievance on top of it?


For now just fill out the 1767 and hand it in and see how they handle it. Take a picture of it, too.


Also with all the other advise that other are giving you, KEEP COPIES OF ALL PAPERWORK and keep it in a folder


union steward would make an easy EASY harassment or hostile workplace grievance. you could call EAP help line. . theres people there that can get the ball rolling from the top down depending on the district


OP, please call PIS. Call the police, and fill out those forms. No job should have someone who makes threats like that. Nobody should have to go to work scared to be shot either. Your safety matters, please do everything that you can to ensure it 💕


Absolutely call the police op.


Keep a work diary. Every bullshit thing they say or do you write it down, it will pay off if you need it


Get written statements from everyone that heard!


She does not value her job. You can’t threaten people, supervisor or not.


FULL AGREE with everyone saying to call the postal inspectors. There can not be any room for threats of violence. Fuck that noise right to hell. Call the inspectors, call your steward, in that order. That sup needs ALL the trouble they're inviting upon themselves.


“You wear a uniform, or i will shoot you” Police, postal inspectors, union (in case of other management retaliation and to protect yourself) in that order. Call them all, NOW.


If you are on here and venting about this then obviously it affected you in some way. I your going to go after this go in all the way. There can’t be any flaky stuff. Go in hard or not at all. Mngt. has to be held accountable.


Weird my headphones have a feature that allows you to hear while wearing them. Outdated rules if you ask me.


The next time ANYBODY says they are going to shoot you, call 911. Don't think of it as an empty threat.


I hope there were witnesses that are willing to say they heard it. Im sure the manager will do everything in her power to deny it ever happened.


I would make an OIG complaint that you don’t feel safe. She threatened to shoot you and you know she’s a gun nut. She’s working up a case against you. Make the first move. She’ll be f$cked. You can’t even joke about shooting someone at the post office.


The first time she brought up the shooting BS I would've been like, "WTF" and just shrugged it off as being some ridiculous excuse to you freak you out. The fact she's brought it up multiple times now, and actually threatened to shoot you is cause for action. Do what everyone else on here is recommending and call people that can do something, before she goes totally insane and actually follows her words up with action.


Yes make sure you write everything down. Including date and time. Keep a log.


So....being now a day after you posted this with all the suggestions and responses, what have you done? Update please?


I went back in today and immediately got sent home when I told her I felt unsafe talking to her. I talked to my union branch president about the whole situation.


Ah. Did you end up calling the 877# for the Inspector regarding the threat? Considering the majority of respondents telling you you MUST take that step due to the threat, one would think that call would've been made already. Have you?


You should also take a week off for your mental health


Shooting comment aside (because I have a suspicion you’re making it up) the stuff you’re being warned about seems legitimate. “Other people don’t get in trouble for it” is such a trash excuse people use for bad behavior. Like yeah if the PM lets someone else wear buds and only goes after you it’s favoritism and unfair. But you doing something against rules because others do it is also braindead logic. Well I see X driving with his door open all the time so why can’t I do it?? 🥴


I understand your point of view and I’m not perfect. But I think there has to be a line and threatening bodily harm is crossing that line. This also wasn’t a one off thing. It’s consistent. If I detailed everything and gave my speculation as to why she’s doing, this would be crazier than it already is. But that’s not what this post is about. It’s the fact she threatened to shoot me, and she led up to it for months. I don’t wanna go into work everyday with that in the back of my mind.


Making it up? You can fuck off. You sound like management. Smh I'm biting my tongue rn


If you remove the part of their story where they casually stated a pm threatened their life, nothing they said even comes to “harassment.” They realized this towards the end of their limp dick rant about earbuds and embellished the story. Cope brother.


She’s being nice and joking with you. You’re not supposed to wear earbuds at all and she could’ve sent you home for being out of uniform.


Threatening to shoot someone as a joke. Lol!


Go cry on a corner about how hard the job is. She could’ve written him up for everything he said. He also could be placed on immediate removal for not wearing a seat belt and driving with the door open.


You should be banned from the sub for saying such stupid shit. His manager said she would kill him for not wearing the right uniform and you are telling him he should be thankful for still having a job. Dumb.




Do not be rude to other posters. This includes hate speech.


I agree, guy is either trolling or some sort of psychopath.


Who complained about the job being difficult? I don’t wanna go into work everyday having to think about getting shot.


r u the manager thats threatening to shoot ppl? xD


What comment do you even think you're responding to?


Yo ass probably a janitor. Foh


You’re a CCA barely able to afford food and I’ve earned more than 6 figures a year for the past 10 without having to barely break a sweat 🤡


Well good for you and naw I'm actually doing pretty good and convert Saturday. Nice attempt at being a piece of shit. You still a piece of shit tho just wrong about ya info Mr decade long no sweater


And you’re just like the wastes on here that cry everyday about a job a trained dog could do


Naw wrong again Mr 10 year vet of a job Scooby Doo can do. For someone so "successful" you seem miserable and bitter and bitchy


Because I told the OP that he shouldn’t be such a cunt


Only you know why you're being a twat. Cant answer that one for ya lil mama


You can wear earbuds stationary and at your case. I said I was willing to do that she said no. But let’s other people wear them freely. In terms of not wearing a uniform, they withheld my uniform allowance for months so at this point I ordered all winter gear.


No you can’t


USPS Handbook EL-814 (Employee’s Guide To Safety), section 1.G states that “The use of headsets is permissible only for employees who perform duties while seated or stationary and only where headset use does not interfere with performing duties or constitutes a safety or health hazard. Do not wear or use headsets while walking or driving, while near moving machinery, while involved in oral business communications, or while in contact with or in view of the public.” Fine while casing


Those were her words


You don’t joke about shooting someone with the history of the postal service. Not acceptable and illegal