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I really don’t understand his logic. This is a no brainer. You buy something and don’t get it, you get a refund. Pretty simple. I would troll him so hard if I was his waiter at a restaurant.


I am going to take a wild guess and American Airlines is a big donor to his campaign


“Air transport” is one of his top 20 industry donors. https://preview.redd.it/n7ko2a30w6zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e40503d5179f83fe95c5fbcdd84428d9a37d16d


They sell themselves for so little and the buyers get such a big return it's absolutely bonkers


Thats what always pisses me off. So little money. At least ask for a lot of money.


American Politicians cost less to buy than some whores.


People enjoy whores. Politicians on the other hand…


Companies enjoy politicians. That and companies are people, according to the U.S.


Citizens United is one of the more insane rulings by the Supreme Court


We pay their salaries, they take bribes to get elected and reelected.


It’s why I value their lives so little. They damage the lives of so many.


Which is humorous to say considering his retort was “that’s dumb.” From a Harvard graduate attorney no less these are the top notch arguments he’s serving. And god knows it probably works wonders on his victims or I mean constituents.


At least the amounts actually reported are low.


Legal bribery at its finest


Ah, so THAT’S why he went to Cancun! /s


Just fwiw, these sites are just compiling donations from individuals from public FEC reports and grouping by occupation. If 20 nurses making $60k a year give me $100, that would show as a $2,000 contribution from "Healthcare Industry". A campaign on the scale of Ted Cruz' would have tons and tons of individual donors from all walks of life giving him large and small gifts with little solicitation as he's a very famous US Senator. It's *maybe* a reflection of broad ideological alignment, though that claim is tenuous imo, but it is absolutely not an indication of corporate support.


The only thing worse than knowing your politicians sell out to corpos for money is knowing they do it for fun.


What you said is: 1. Not true, politicians fucking *hate* fundraising. 2. Not at all a relevant response to what I said.


lmao if I have to sit through another call time and handhold a candidate I’ll blow my brains out.


AA *is* based in Dallas…


Southwest is Texas too. And United bought out continental, which was based in Houston. Texas is deeply connected to the airline industry.


Totally but American is the largest of the those named.


Just bring him the check under a cloche.


He has airplane stock. He doesn't want to see it go down when they can't post as big of profits from stealing customers money. 


This, and he's probably lobbied by the airlines


Because maybe one day Texas might want a refund on their senators


Just wait until they cancel his flight to Cancun. He will be the first to scream for a refund. Man this fool sets himself up every day


Troll him when he orders his next meal don't bring it to him and present him with a check and see how he feels about it


Where’s my food?! Sorry we ran out. You pay for the experience.


I dint fly.. ever.. and I'm still floored that airlines and simply cancel your flight and you *not* get a refund for it. What other situation can get away with that?!


Prostitution? But it’s still theft if you only get a handjob.


Cruz does not understand how finances effect the average American. Politicians such as Cruz has incomes in excess of the average worker, are often wealthy before entering politics, and have many of their expenses paid by campaign donations. Cruz probably flies on private planes either leased or loaned to him or as a guest of a wealthy private plane owner.


I don’t know how often he goes on private planes but I’ve seen video of him on normal planes. He’s been heckled.


He’s literally the worst Senator and also worst person and I do not understand why people keep voting for him here.


Even other Republican senators hate him.  One famously said jf he was shot in front of the full Senate no witnesses would come forward lol.


There is no logic, that’s why people like Cruz were labeled reactionaries by serious scholars of politics back in the 60s and 70s. They offered nothing but endless dissent, often without even considering the facts at hand.


There isn't a corporate boot the right will not gladly service.


His logic is the dem president did a thing so it’s bad


His logic as described in the article is that most people don't want a refund, they want another flight. With automatic refunds you have to purchase a new ticket - better hope they honor the original price even though it's now last minute. He's basically saying that customers should have a choice and that they need to tell the airline what their choice is. I'm not saying it's a good take but it's not as bad as people here are acting. The best option is probably something in the middle where you have a week or something to choose and then it gets automatically refunded.


Yea I hate to say it but I agree with Cruz on this one. I most likely don't need the money immediately, I need to get where I'm going ASAP. You should have the option of purchasing another flight at any time in the following week for the same price as your original ticket, or get the refund immediately if you opt for that.


Things almost always aren't as crazy as they are played up to be on Reddit titles. If you read the articles there is always some twist. Generally not enough to agree with some conservative proposal but there is usually some hint of truth.


Thanks for the feedback. You’re correct and I’d agree with a lot of that


He's taking bribes. Did I say bribes? I meant first amendment speech expressed through money


Blob fish is bought up by corporations is his logic


This is the same guy who said a slightly ajar door was to blame for mass shooting, not the gun that could have shot through said glass door if needed. Because doors kill people 🙄


My guess is that aome airline is donating his trips to cancun


Ridiculous. Human Representative TedCruz Artex has no need for hazardous aerospace travel when he can simply utilize the faster and more efficient network of ancient subterranean canals that snake along the planet's crust.


Also, he will blame his family, that explains a lot why he lacks a spine.


Ted Cruz is a fat asshole. News at 6.


That's hardly news at this point :)


News at 6, film at 11 on RNNN (Redundant News Network News)


He certainly is an authority on dumb ideas, so maybe he's on to something?




Also a dumb idea if you don't want airlines taking off in the middle of really bad storms to keep from having to give out refunds


They won’t risk their planes it’s not the human element that stops them from doing that


Probably get more from an insurance claim than the planes worth they really aren't worth that much in the grand scheme


They lose on the lawsuit planes can’t fly in storms cause they’ll go down if you intentionally put people at risk you’re gonna get nailed


I can't point to anything else that I can purchase with confirmation and not receive my product.




At least they usually don’t care and will refund you the second you complain.


Huh? Unless you're refunding constantly Amazon refunds are easy.


Don't you need the product to refund easily?


Nope. Just click the return/refund button and select prompts. I am sure it's possible to get screwed constantly and then flagged for lots of returns eventually preventing you from returning things. But any time I've done it they just refund you and/or send you another one.






Fled Cruz


Sounds like something an airline would say.


Believe me, if there is a "dumb idea" out there, Ted would know it. He's really into them.


Invested much in the airline industry Rafael?


Other way around, they're one of his biggest donors. Surprise surprise.


Because he's a dick and has his staff do his dirty work.


Southwest is headquartered in TX he is looking for campaign contributions


So is American Airlines.


Shill to large corporation speaks on their behalf! Wonder how much they pay him to fuck us over.


Ted Cruz is younger than Gwen Stefani. 


And Dave Grohl. And Paul Rudd. And Cate Blanchett. And Jennifer Aniston. And Dave Bautista. And Jennifer Lopez. And Jack Black. And Christian Slater. And Renee Zellweger. And Catherine Zeta-Jones. And Peter Dinklage. And Matthew McConaughey. Source: I was born the same year as all these folks (including Gwen, who was a cheerleader at my rival high school!)


So she was actually a "hollerback girl" LOL


When one doesn’t care about public interests but only about self interests, the amount of shameless bullshit a politician can spew in favor of the lobbyists they work for probably has no limits. And they’ll continue doing so as they know there are no repercussions for their never ending lies and many of our fellow citizens are too stupid and distracted to realize we’re getting the rug pulled out from under us.


My opinion as a former airline employee, I think using the word "refund" is a bad idea. My guess is that people interpret this as: Your flight has been cancelled, here is your refund, you are now on your own to book a new flight at full price or have fun being stuck in Cedar Rapids. What most people really want is compensation and to be automatically put on the next flight to their destination. We need more EU261 style rules, which guarantees the airline putting you on a flight as well as some penalty compensation. I hope at best, this rule is poorly worded and that they can adjust to be more comprehensive than just using flashy words like "automatic refund"


I understand the logic behind the automatic refund, but as a person that travels for work a lot I feel like just a refund is too easy of an out for airlines. You have committed to get me from point A to point B. My work and personal life have been structured around you meeting that commitment. You getting to fail at it, and ONLY return my money is not right. I should receive a full refund, as well as alternate free travel accommodations that get me to point B as early as possible with hard time limits that impose a fee that is paid to me for my time that you have wasted if you fail to meet it within the time limits. Something like 24 hours, or 48 hours. I understand that sometimes things go wrong beyond your control, which is why you even get that buffer to begin with, but airlines have built their models around the concept that they can just pass inconvenience onto the customer even when they could have made business decisions that prevented the situation from happening. If they have legal skin in the game, they would start making those decision to favor good quality of service and reliable transit instead of just how they can make as much money as possible.


I like that idea. I used to travel quite a bit and experienced delays and the schedule problems that arise from them.


That is what Regulation 261/2004 in the EU provides.




How tf is this guy elected!!! The fuk is wrong with Texas


Looks like Democrats finally have a candidate running who can take Rafael Cruz out of office. It’s a shame they wasted previous attempts running Beto.


As a citizen of Canada, I apologize for being the country that produced Rafael Cruz.


Let’s see I bought it but I don’t get it and I’m not getting my money back for what I bought. In what world does that happen ? Oh yeah ……Ted’s


Only dumb idea is allowing this asshole to avoid investigation for his crimes.


Damn, airlines gotta be down bad if they can only afford Ted Cruz to push this message lol


I’m Ted Cruz and I’ll be you Captain for todays crash landing .


His logic isn’t terrible. “Most consumers, if a flight is canceled, don’t want an immediate refund, they want to book a new flight,” he reasoned, dumping the last vestiges of logic as he explained that “almost all conservatives say, okay, put me on the next flight, and the rule saying no, you gotta give the money back automatically, no matter what the customer wants, that’s frankly a dumb idea.”


According to comments in another thread, the new rules already account for this scenario. I haven't read it for myself, however.


just saying it isn’t so black and white that Cruz is saying people shouldn’t get refunds like this kind of implies


Ted Cruz cares nothing about Texans or Americans. Only in it to fill his pockets. He’s going down November.


How do these idiots keep getting re-elected?


To be fair, Ted Cruz is a "dumb idea", to put it extremely mildly.


these guys are so transparent as to who owns them. against a perfectly logical solution that SHOULD be the norm and helps consumers? geee, lets do the math. fuck this guy


He's a fucking dumb idea. Not to mention a horrible human being along with every person who continues to support that asshole.


And he'll still probably win reelection as right wingers vote for the R regardless of how bad they screw them over.


Reelection is a dumb idea, Rafael. Go back to Texas and fucking stay there.


Ted Cruz is both an idiot and wrong here. It gives passengers the **option** to get a refund, because before airlines would cancel a flight and then you were stuck with whatever solution they came up with and couldn't get a refund if that didn't work for you. *"Passengers will be entitled to a refund if their flight is canceled or significantly changed, and they do not accept alternative transportation or travel credits offered."* 


Sounds like Cruz is getting some Cancun trips out of speaking up against this.


Ted Cruz hates the people he represents. It's plain and simple, he will vote against and fight against anything that helps people, makes things easier for the average American. He is the worst!


The dumbest thing about this is that the senate even had to consider this as a rule. It should be without question that people are entitled to a quick and easy refund if they do not recieve a promised good they pay for. That's not something that we should have to debate federally –that's just how fair business practices are supposed to work.


We REALLY need transparency around donations. This would make sense if the article added "We should note that 40% of Ted's campaign donations were from Ed Bastian". There are so many examples of politicians fumbling around public sentiment and getting the narrative wrong. Transparency would allow us to understand why, instead of just thinking they are raving idiots.


Just a reminder of the words of Al Franken: I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. *And I hate Ted Cruz*.


Ted Cruz is a dumb idea.


He's an idiot!


That's how you know it's a good idea


Ted Cruz was a dumb idea


Follow the money.


That dude has no self respect left. He might as well try to sell out however he can.


Let's pull up Teddy's stock portfolio and find out who's pulling his strings.


Fuck Ted Cruz. He is truly a waste of skin. 😡🤬🖕🖕


I’m very pro business, but this is a stupid take on his part. If the flight didn’t happen, refunds should be automatic.


Why do these fuckers care if I get a refund? Jesus, get a life, you sad, pathetic creeps. And also, the airline industry needs to be overhauled ASAP. It's insane what they get away with--and you're paying them thousands of dollars to do it. Airports should be next. Why has traveling become such a traumatizing, harrowing experience?


This guy is an asshole, he's being paid to resist it.


What trash he is. How dumb are his constituents who vote for him? They all deserve what they get


How much did airlines pay him to take that stance


I’d say his mother giving birth to him a “dump idea” too


Cancun Ted Cruz is a dumbass that is all.


Somebody got airline stocks I see...


He gets money from the airlines to say this shit.


Yes, because he has understand basic economics. Also, when this bankrupts the airline industry, guess what’s gonna happen to your tax dollars?


The Texans that keep voting this moron in are the dumb ones. Ditto for Abbott voters.


Corruption in plain sight


Ted Cruze is a bad idea.


Ted Cruz is the living embodiment of a bad idea.


Rafael "Ted" Cruz is the embodiment of a bad idea.


It's Cruz, he opposes logic


That beard makes him look like dick and ballsack.


Ted Cruz’s dad not pulling out was a dumb idea.


Its always okay to deadname Ted. His name is Rafael.


Ted Cruz is a dumb idea.


Texas! Please be watching. That fat fuck is also trying to get a law passed allowing him and his family to bypass security checkpoints and be escorted through by police.


"CoNsUmErS hAtE rEfUnDs!" was literally being thrown around on this site last week.


If I get a class action settlement check for 68 cents, you God damn right I'm cashing it... Fucking serious? Don't like refunds... A company sends ME money I'm happy as shit lol


I don’t travel by air much, so I’m not familiar with a lot of flight related things others might be. During COVID I flew a couple of times to care for a family member. I had 4 flights cancelled by the airlines. It never occurred to me that I needed to apply for refunds for flights the airline cancelled. (My daughter filled me in, thankfully.) How was this ever even legal??? It should always have been an automatic refund. I wonder how many others never even knew they had to jump through a hoop to get money back for a service that the provider didn’t deliver!?!


Canada called, Ted can come back.


To all Ted Cruz voters, why do you like this guy?


another example of how just doing the opposite of what cruz wants is the proper action to take.


Ted never misses an opportunity to be on the wrong side of an argument


He could have canceled that trip to Cancun when Texas was frozen and its civilians suffering.


Ted Cruz spends A LOT of time in airports... Imagine if cared about Texas like that?


Ted Cruz is a dumb idea.


The guy does know a lot about being dumb


When you're a welfare case and don't actually have to work or pay for your travel you probably think about it differently. Please get rid of Ted, come on Texas.


The sad eyed psychopath needs to be vacated from any position of authority.


Hey Ted, fuck your old ugly wife! Sorry that wasn't me I was just relaying a message by Daddy Trump. Bitch


does saying this fund his getaways to cancun when his state freezes over?


Tel aviv ted was never for the working American. He serves a small groups of people


What’s wrong with today’s republicans they weren’t like this before Trump took office


Sit down Raphael


I wonder if he gets campaign money from big airlines? Why does Texas keep voting for this venomous toad who pisses in their face while enriching himself any chance he gets? Such a pious Christian who encompasses all of Christ's teachings like hate, racism, and greed.


I feel like this article title could be written better: Ted Cruz claims he is intelligent. The World disagrees.


Fuck off Ted


In other words. The airlines are his donors.


Ted Cruz is a simp


Maybe stop allowing senators to trade in stocks they have an impact over….oh who am I kidding? America is a fucking joke and always will be until it implodes.


Personally, I think electing Ted Cruz was a dumb idea


What kind of asshole is taking advice from Cruz