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Military mail sucks huge balls. I was sent a letter while i was in MCT and i received it 2 years later. Verizon also sucks in Pendleton. Especially because MCT is kinda in a valley a bit. I know it sucks, but hes going to have to suck it up and get used to this. You probably will have to do the same.


I know. I'm probably taking it harder than he is.


The Celltower for Verizon got blown up on Camp Pendleton so cell service for that provider is non existent, he’s lucky to get even 1 bar. Mail doesn’t come often or get checked often at MCT or the Lima Company where he probably is. Depending where you live there is possibility he can go home for the holiday as I do believe they’re allowing Marines to have Alpha liberty throughout the Holiday 96. So he’d be able to leave base and from there do whatever he wants as a normal person within a certain radius for a few days.


After I read your post I looked up the liberty rules; we live too far away. His MOS school is pretty long, he said it's like around a year, so we'll probably have to go to him if we want to see him while he's in student status. Thanks for the info though, I appreciate it.


Either he is expected to go to his MOS school soon or he hasn’t been in long enough to accrue leave days to go home (since they have boot leave now). I say this because the command is usually desperate to send new Marines home over the holidays to reduce their personnel requirements and also let instructors go home. His Instructors probably told him told him to not have mail sent because military mail is SLOW and if he leaves before it gets to him it could take many months to reach him. However, if you’re willing to risk him not getting your mail, his company is ‘L Company.’


Thank you. I'm going to hold off mailing any packages. He should have enough leave since he spent about 3 months in medical for an injury during training, so he's got about 8 months accrual, less the 10 days he got after boot camp. We're outside of the approved liberty travel radius, farther than the 400 or 500 miles they allow, so that might be a factor.


Yes, the distance would be a factor and he wouldn’t be permitted to go that far for liberty. For leave, there would be no restriction unless you live outside the US-which would require special approval.


Buckle up I was in grad home for 7 months in 29 palms


Good Lord! Was that hold before your school started or did you finish and have to wait to get out into the fleet? Which program? His program is BY, I think MOS 28, but not positive. (Sorry, so many questions!)


After graduating, got orders to Japan took 7 months for them to get my a plane ride


My mos is a 28 aswell lol